/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.internal.validation; import com.intellij.CommonBundle; import com.intellij.ide.impl.ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAware; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import javax.swing.*; /** * @author Denis Fokin */ public class CheckMessagesButtonsOrderAction extends AnAction implements DumbAware { @Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { new Thread("check messages") { @Override public void run() { super.run(); //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { // Case 0 String message = 2 + " usage" + (2 > 1 ? "s were" : " was") + " found in comments and non-code files.\nWould you like to rename " + (2 > 1 ? "them" : "it") + "?"; String[] options = {"Show Usages", "Cancel", "Rename Only Code Usages", "Rename All Usages"}; int focusedOptionIndex = 2; Messages.showDialog(message, "Rename", options, 0, focusedOptionIndex, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), null); // Case 1 Messages.showDialog("unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Proceed], ____,Cancel, *Show ussages*", "Message 1", new String [] {"Show usages", "Cancel", "Proceed"}, 0, 0, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 2 Messages.showDialog("unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Proceed], ____,Cancel, *Show ussages*", "Message 2", new String [] {"Show usages", "Cancel", "Proceed"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 3 Messages.showDialog("unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Proceed], ____, *Cancel*, Show ussages", "Message 3", new String [] {"Show usages", "Cancel", "Proceed"}, 1, 0, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 4 Messages.showDialog("unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Proceed], ____, *Cancel*, Show ussages", "Message 4", new String [] {"Show usages", "Cancel", "Proceed"}, 1, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 5 Messages.showDialog("[Proceed], ____, Cancel, *Show ussages*", "Message 5", new String [] {"Show usages", "Cancel", "Proceed"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), null); // Case 6 Messages.showYesNoCancelDialog("unchecked unfocused checkbox, [New Window], ____, Cancel, *This Window*", "Message 6", "This window", "New Window", CommonBundle.getCancelButtonText(), Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 7 Messages.showDialog("[Variant 1], Variant 2, Variant 3, Cancel, *Ok*", "Message 7", new String[]{"Ok", "Cancel", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), null); // Case 8 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Variant 1], Variant 2, Variant 3, Cancel, *Ok*", "Message 8", new String [] {"Ok", "Cancel", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1"}, 0, 0, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 9 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Variant 1], Variant 2, Variant 3, *Cancel*, Ok", "Message 9", new String [] {"Ok", "Cancel", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1"}, 1, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 10 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Variant 1], Variant 2, Variant 3, Cancel, *Ok*", "Message 10", new String [] {"Ok", "Cancel", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 11 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Variant 1], Variant 2, Variant 3, Cancel, *Ok*", "Message 11", new String [] {"Ok", "Cancel", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 12 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Cancel], Variant 1, Variant 2, Variant 3, *Ok*", "Message 12", new String [] {"Ok", "Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Variant 1", "Cancel"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); // Case 13 Messages.showDialog( "unchecked unfocused checkbox, [Cancel], Variant 1, Ok, Variant 2, Variant 3, *Ok*", "Message 13", new String [] {"Variant 3", "Variant 2", "Ok", "Variant 1", "Cancel"}, 0, 1, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), new ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()); }); } }.start(); } }