package git4idea.test; import; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.Executor; import git4idea.repo.GitRepository; import; import; import java.util.Collection; /** * Create popular scenarios used in multiple tests, for example: * - create a branch and commit something there; * - make some unmerged files in the working tree; * - make the situation when local changes would be overwritten by merge. */ public class GitScenarios { private static final String BRANCH_FOR_UNMERGED_CONFLICTS = "unmerged_files_branch_" + Math.random(); public static final MergeContent LOCAL_CHANGES_OVERWRITTEN_BY = new MergeContent("common content\ncommon content\ncommon content\n", "line with branch changes\n", "line with master changes"); /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(GitRepository repository, String name, String file, String content, boolean returnToMaster) {; GitExecutor.git("checkout -b " + name); Executor.touch(file, content); GitExecutor.git("add " + file); GitExecutor.git("commit -m branch_content"); if (returnToMaster) { GitExecutor.git("checkout master"); } } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(GitRepository repository, String name, String file, String content) { GitScenarios.branchWithCommit(repository, name, file, content, true); } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(GitRepository repository, String name, String file) { GitScenarios.branchWithCommit(repository, name, file, "branch content", true); } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(GitRepository repository, String name) { GitScenarios.branchWithCommit(repository, name, "branch_file.txt", "branch content", true); } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(Collection<GitRepository> repositories, final String name, final String file, final String content) { for (GitRepository repository : repositories) { branchWithCommit(repository, name, file, content); } } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(Collection<GitRepository> repositories, String name, String file) { GitScenarios.branchWithCommit(repositories, name, file, "branch content"); } /** * Create a branch with a commit and return back to master. */ public static void branchWithCommit(Collection<GitRepository> repositories, String name) { GitScenarios.branchWithCommit(repositories, name, "branch_file.txt", "branch content"); } /** * Make an unmerged file in the repository. */ public static String unmergedFiles(GitRepository repository) { conflict(repository, BRANCH_FOR_UNMERGED_CONFLICTS, "unmerged.txt"); GitExecutor.git("merge " + BRANCH_FOR_UNMERGED_CONFLICTS, true); return GitExecutor.git("branch -D " + BRANCH_FOR_UNMERGED_CONFLICTS); } /** * Creates a branch with the given name, and produces conflicted content in a file between this branch and master. * Branch must not exist at this point. */ public static String conflict(GitRepository repository, String branch, String file) { assert !branchExists(repository, branch) : "Branch [" + branch + "] shouldn\'t exist for this scenario";; Executor.touch(file, "initial content"); GitExecutor.git("add " + file); GitExecutor.git("commit -m initial_content"); GitExecutor.git("checkout -b " + branch); Executor.echo(file, "branch content"); GitExecutor.git("commit -am branch_content"); GitExecutor.git("checkout master"); Executor.echo(file, "master content"); return GitExecutor.git("commit -am master_content"); } /** * Creates a branch with the given name, and produces conflicted content in a file between this branch and master. * Branch must not exist at this point. */ public static String conflict(GitRepository repository, String branch) { return GitScenarios.conflict(repository, branch, "conflict.txt"); } /** * Create an untracked file in master and a tracked file with the same name in the branch. * This produces the "some untracked files would be overwritten by..." error when trying to checkout or merge. * Branch with the given name shall exist. */ public static void untrackedFileOverwrittenBy(GitRepository repository, String branch, Collection<String> fileNames) {; GitExecutor.git("checkout " + branch); for (String it : fileNames) { Executor.touch(it, "branch content"); GitExecutor.git("add " + it); } GitExecutor.git("commit -m untracked_files"); GitExecutor.git("checkout master"); for (String it : fileNames) { Executor.touch(it, "master content"); } } /** * Creates a file in both master and branch so that the content differs, but can be merged without conflicts. * That way, git checkout/merge will fail with "local changes would be overwritten by checkout/merge", * but smart checkout/merge (stash-checkout/merge-unstash) would succeed without conflicts. * <p/> * NB: the branch should not exist before this is called! */ public static void localChangesOverwrittenByWithoutConflict(GitRepository repository, String branch, Collection<String> fileNames) {; for (String it : fileNames) { Executor.echo(it, LOCAL_CHANGES_OVERWRITTEN_BY.initial); GitExecutor.git("add " + it); } GitExecutor.git("commit -m initial_changes"); GitExecutor.git("checkout -b " + branch); for (String it : fileNames) { prepend(it, LOCAL_CHANGES_OVERWRITTEN_BY.branchLine); GitExecutor.git("add " + it); } GitExecutor.git("commit -m branch_changes"); GitExecutor.git("checkout master"); for (String it : fileNames) { append1(it, LOCAL_CHANGES_OVERWRITTEN_BY.masterLine); } } public static void append1(String fileName, String content) { Executor.echo(fileName, content); } public static void prepend(String fileName, final String content) { String previousContent =; try { FileUtil.writeToFile(new File(Executor.pwd(), fileName), content + previousContent); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static String commit(GitRepository repository, String file) {; Executor.touch(file); GitExecutor.git("add " + file); return GitExecutor.git("commit -m just_a_commit"); } public static String commit(GitRepository repository) { return GitScenarios.commit(repository, "just_a_file_" + String.valueOf(Math.random()) + ".txt"); } public static boolean branchExists(GitRepository repo, String branch) { return GitExecutor.git(repo, "branch").contains(branch); } public static boolean branchExists(String branch) { return GitScenarios.branchExists(null, branch); } public static void checkoutOrCreate(GitRepository repository, String branch) { if (branch.equals("master") || branchExists(repository, branch)) { GitExecutor.git("checkout " + branch); } else { GitExecutor.git("checkout -b " + branch); } } public static void checkoutOrCreate(String branch) { GitScenarios.checkoutOrCreate(null, branch); } public static void checkout(String branch) { GitExecutor.git("checkout " + branch); } public static class MergeContent { public final String initial; public final String branchLine; public final String masterLine; public MergeContent(String initialContent, String branchLine, String masterLine) { initial = initialContent; this.branchLine = branchLine; this.masterLine = masterLine; } } }