/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util; import com.intellij.notification.NotificationListener; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsNotifier; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubOperationCanceledException; import java.awt.*; import static org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubUtil.getErrorTextFromException; public class GithubNotifications { private static final Logger LOG = GithubUtil.LOG; private static boolean isOperationCanceled(@NotNull Exception e) { return e instanceof GithubOperationCanceledException || e instanceof ProcessCanceledException; } public static void showInfo(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyImportantInfo(title, message); } public static void showWarning(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyImportantWarning(title, message); } public static void showWarning(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull Exception e) { LOG.info(title + "; ", e); if (isOperationCanceled(e)) return; VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyImportantWarning(title, getErrorTextFromException(e)); } public static void showError(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyError(title, message); } public static void showError(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message, @NotNull String logDetails) { LOG.warn(title + "; " + message + "; " + logDetails); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyError(title, message); } public static void showError(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull Exception e) { LOG.warn(title + "; ", e); if (isOperationCanceled(e)) return; VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyError(title, getErrorTextFromException(e)); } public static void showInfoURL(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message, @NotNull String url) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message + "; " + url); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project) .notifyImportantInfo(title, "<a href='" + url + "'>" + message + "</a>", NotificationListener.URL_OPENING_LISTENER); } public static void showWarningURL(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String prefix, @NotNull String highlight, @NotNull String postfix, @NotNull String url) { LOG.info(title + "; " + prefix + highlight + postfix + "; " + url); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyImportantWarning(title, prefix + "<a href='" + url + "'>" + highlight + "</a>" + postfix, NotificationListener.URL_OPENING_LISTENER); } public static void showErrorURL(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String prefix, @NotNull String highlight, @NotNull String postfix, @NotNull String url) { LOG.info(title + "; " + prefix + highlight + postfix + "; " + url); VcsNotifier.getInstance(project).notifyError(title, prefix + "<a href='" + url + "'>" + highlight + "</a>" + postfix, NotificationListener.URL_OPENING_LISTENER); } public static void showInfoDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); Messages.showInfoMessage(project, message, title); } public static void showInfoDialog(@NotNull Component component, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); Messages.showInfoMessage(component, message, title); } public static void showWarningDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); Messages.showWarningDialog(project, message, title); } public static void showWarningDialog(@NotNull Component component, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); Messages.showWarningDialog(component, message, title); } public static void showErrorDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { LOG.info(title + "; " + message); Messages.showErrorDialog(project, message, title); } public static void showErrorDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull Exception e) { LOG.warn(title, e); if (isOperationCanceled(e)) return; Messages.showErrorDialog(project, getErrorTextFromException(e), title); } public static void showErrorDialog(@NotNull Component component, @NotNull String title, @NotNull Exception e) { LOG.info(title, e); if (isOperationCanceled(e)) return; Messages.showErrorDialog(component, getErrorTextFromException(e), title); } public static void showErrorDialog(@NotNull Component component, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String prefix, @NotNull Exception e) { LOG.info(title, e); if (isOperationCanceled(e)) return; Messages.showErrorDialog(component, prefix + getErrorTextFromException(e), title); } @Messages.YesNoResult public static boolean showYesNoDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message) { return Messages.YES == Messages.showYesNoDialog(project, message, title, Messages.getQuestionIcon()); } @Messages.YesNoResult public static boolean showYesNoDialog(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String message, @NotNull DialogWrapper.DoNotAskOption doNotAskOption) { return Messages.YES == Messages.showYesNoDialog(project, message, title, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), doNotAskOption); } }