package git4idea.crlf; import; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.Executor; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import git4idea.test.GitSingleRepoTest; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static git4idea.test.GitExecutor.git; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; public class GitCrlfProblemsDetectorTest extends GitSingleRepoTest { private String myOldGlobalAutoCrlfValue; private String myOldSystemAutoCrlfValue; public void setUp() throws Exception { try { super.setUp(); } catch (Exception e) { super.tearDown(); throw e; }; try { myOldGlobalAutoCrlfValue = git("config --global core.autocrlf", true); git("config --global --unset core.autocrlf", true); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Couldn't operate with global config: " + e.getMessage()); } myOldSystemAutoCrlfValue = git("config --system core.autocrlf", true); git("config --system --unset core.autocrlf", true); } public void tearDown() throws Exception { try { if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(myOldGlobalAutoCrlfValue)) { git("config --global core.autocrlf " + myOldGlobalAutoCrlfValue); } if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(myOldSystemAutoCrlfValue)) { git("config --global core.autocrlf " + myOldSystemAutoCrlfValue); } } finally { super.tearDown(); } } public void test_no_warning_if_autocrlf_is_true() throws IOException { git("config core.autocrlf true"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if core.autocrlf is true", detect("temp").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_autocrlf_is_input() throws IOException { git("config core.autocrlf input"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if core.autocrlf is input", detect("temp").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_no_files_with_CRLF() throws IOException { createFile("temp", "Unix file\nNice separators\nOnly LF\n"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if all files are LFs", detect("temp").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_no_attrs_autocrlf_is_false() throws IOException { createCrlfFile("win"); assertFalse("Warning should be done for a CRLF file with core.autocrlf = false", detect("temp").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_but_text_is_set() throws IOException { gitattributes("* text=auto"); createCrlfFile("win"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if the file has a text attribute", detect("win").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_but_crlf_is_set() throws IOException { gitattributes("win crlf"); createCrlfFile("win"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if the file has a crlf attribute", detect("win").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_but_crlf_is_explicitly_unset() throws IOException { gitattributes("win -crlf"); createCrlfFile("win"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if the file has an explicitly unset crlf attribute", detect("win").shouldWarn()); } public void test_no_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_but_crlf_is_set_to_input() throws IOException { gitattributes("wi* crlf=input"); createCrlfFile("win"); assertFalse("No warning should be done if the file has a crlf attribute", detect("win").shouldWarn()); } public void test_warning_if_file_with_CRLF_nothing_is_set() throws IOException { createCrlfFile("win"); assertTrue("Warning should be done if the file has CRLFs inside, and no explicit attributes", detect("win").shouldWarn()); } public void test_warning_if_various_files_with_various_attributes_one_doesnt_match() throws IOException { gitattributes("\nwin1 text crlf diff\nwin2 -text\nwin3 text=auto\nwin4 crlf\nwin5 -crlf\nwin6 crlf=input\n"); createFile("unix", "Unix file\nNice separators\nOnly LF\n"); createCrlfFile("win1"); createCrlfFile("win2"); createCrlfFile("win3"); createCrlfFile("src/win4"); createCrlfFile("src/win5"); createCrlfFile("src/win6"); createCrlfFile("src/win7"); List<VirtualFile> files ="unix", "win1", "win2", "win3", "src/win4", "src/win5", "src/win6", "src/win7"), s -> VfsUtil.findFileByIoFile(new File(myProjectRoot.getPath(), s), true)); assertTrue("Warning should be done, since one of the files has CRLFs and no related attributes", GitCrlfProblemsDetector.detect(myProject, myGit, files).shouldWarn()); } private void gitattributes(String content) throws IOException { createFile(".gitattributes", content); } private GitCrlfProblemsDetector detect(String relPath) throws IOException { return detect(VfsUtil.findFileByIoFile(createFile(relPath), true)); } private GitCrlfProblemsDetector detect(VirtualFile file) { return GitCrlfProblemsDetector.detect(myProject, myGit, Collections.singleton(file)); } private void createCrlfFile(String relPath) throws IOException { createFile(relPath, "Windows file\r\nBad separators\r\nCRLF in action\r\n"); } private void createFile(String relPath, String content) throws IOException { File file = createFile(relPath); FileUtil.appendToFile(file, content); } private File createFile(String relPath) throws IOException { List<String> split = StringUtil.split(relPath, "/"); File parent = new File(myProjectRoot.getPath()); for (Iterator<String> it = split.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String item =; File file = new File(parent, item); if (it.hasNext()) { parent = file; parent.mkdir(); } else { file.createNewFile(); return file; } } return parent; } }