class IntStream { private void foo(IntStream s) { s.<error descr="Ambiguous method call: both '' and '<Object>)' match">map</error>(i -> 1 << i); s.<error descr="Ambiguous method call: both '' and '<Object>)' match">map</error>(i -> 1); s.<error descr="Ambiguous method call: both '' and '<Object>)' match">map</error>(i -> i); } public static void main(String[] args) { new IntStream().foo(null); } private IntStream <warning descr="Private method 'map(IntUnaryOperator)' is never used">map</warning>(IntUnaryOperator mapper) { System.out.println(mapper); return null; } private <T> IntStream <warning descr="Private method 'map(ObjIntFunction<T>)' is never used">map</warning>(ObjIntFunction<T> mapper) { System.out.println(mapper); return null; } } interface IntUnaryOperator { public int applyAsInt(int operand); } interface ObjIntFunction<T> { public T apply(int i); }