/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.formatting.engine; import com.intellij.formatting.*; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings; import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class WrapBlocksState extends State { private final InitialInfoBuilder myWrapper; private final BlockIndentOptions myBlockIndentOptions; private WhiteSpace myLastWhiteSpace; private BlockRangesMap myBlockRangesMap; private DependentSpacingEngine myDependentSpacingEngine; private AlignmentHelper myAlignmentHelper; private IndentAdjuster myIndentAdjuster; private WrapProcessor myWrapProcessor; public WrapBlocksState(@NotNull InitialInfoBuilder initialInfoBuilder, BlockIndentOptions blockIndentOptions) { myWrapper = initialInfoBuilder; myBlockIndentOptions = blockIndentOptions; } @Override public void doIteration() { if (isDone()) { return; } setDone(myWrapper.iteration()); } public Map<AbstractBlockWrapper, Block> getBlockToInfoMap() { return myWrapper.getBlockToInfoMap(); } public LeafBlockWrapper getFirstBlock() { assertDone(); return myWrapper.getFirstTokenBlock(); } public LeafBlockWrapper getLastBlock() { assertDone(); return myWrapper.getLastTokenBlock(); } public WhiteSpace getLastWhiteSpace() { assertDone(); if (myLastWhiteSpace == null) { int lastBlockOffset = getLastBlock().getEndOffset(); myLastWhiteSpace = new WhiteSpace(lastBlockOffset, false); FormattingDocumentModel model = myWrapper.getFormattingDocumentModel(); CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions options = myBlockIndentOptions.getIndentOptions(); myLastWhiteSpace.changeEndOffset(Math.max(lastBlockOffset, myWrapper.getEndOffset()), model, options); } return myLastWhiteSpace; } public BlockRangesMap getBlockRangesMap() { assertDone(); if (myBlockRangesMap == null) { myBlockRangesMap = new BlockRangesMap(getFirstBlock(), getLastBlock()); } return myBlockRangesMap; } public DependentSpacingEngine getDependentSpacingEngine() { assertDone(); if (myDependentSpacingEngine == null) { myDependentSpacingEngine = new DependentSpacingEngine(getBlockRangesMap()); } return myDependentSpacingEngine; } public Set<Alignment> getAlignmentsInsideRangesToModify() { assertDone(); return myWrapper.getAlignmentsInsideRangeToModify(); } public AlignmentHelper getAlignmentHelper() { assertDone(); if (myAlignmentHelper == null) { Document document = myWrapper.getFormattingDocumentModel().getDocument(); myAlignmentHelper = new AlignmentHelper(document, myWrapper.getBlocksToAlign(), myBlockIndentOptions); } return myAlignmentHelper; } public IndentAdjuster getIndentAdjuster() { assertDone(); if (myIndentAdjuster == null) { myIndentAdjuster = new IndentAdjuster(myBlockIndentOptions, getAlignmentHelper()); } return myIndentAdjuster; } public MultiMap<ExpandableIndent, AbstractBlockWrapper> getExpandableIndent() { assertDone(); return myWrapper.getExpandableIndentsBlocks(); } public WrapProcessor getWrapProcessor() { assertDone(); if (myWrapProcessor == null) { int rightMargin = myBlockIndentOptions.getRightMargin(); myWrapProcessor = new WrapProcessor(myBlockRangesMap, getIndentAdjuster(), rightMargin); } return myWrapProcessor; } public BlockIndentOptions getBlockIndentOptions() { return myBlockIndentOptions; } private void assertDone() { if (!isDone()) throw new IllegalStateException(); } }