package; import cms.AmountMoreThanBalanceException; import cms.db.*; import cms.db.payments.px.PayConRequest; import cms.db.payments.px.PayConResponse; import cms.db.payments.px.PayConStatus; import cms.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactory; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.*; /** * @author alf * @author Alexey Malkovskiy */ public class PaymentManager { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PaymentManager.class); public static final int TRANSACTION_PENDING = 1; public static final int TRANSACTION_PROCESSED = 2; public static final int TRANSACTION_DECLINED = 3; public BillingInfo billCreditCard(Player player, Long transactionID, CreditCard card, double amount, String ipAddress, String customerRef) throws WrongAmountException, PaymentException { player.setUpdateDate(new Date()); PayConPaymentSystem px = PayConPaymentSystem.getInstance(); String strTransactionID = px.getTrackID(transactionID); // here comes authorization code PayConRequest request = px.createAuthRequest(player.getCurrency().getId(), strTransactionID, card, amount, ipAddress, player.getUsername()); PayConResponse response = px.sendRequest(request); if (response.getReturnCode() != ReturnCode.RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS || response.getStatus().getAuthCode() != AuthorizationFailureObject.SUCCESS) throw new PaymentException(); double paid = response.getStatus().getAmountPaid(); if (amount != paid) throw new WrongAmountException(amount, paid); player.incrementBalance(paid);"billCreditCard player " + player.getId() + " TrackID " + strTransactionID + " added " + amount + " to balance because the credit card was charged for this amount"); return new BillingInfo(response.getStatus().getAmountPaid(), response.getStatus().getAmountReq(), response.getStatus().getTransactionId()); } public void performDeposit(double amount, Player player, CreditCardInfo info, HttpServletRequest request, String remoteHost) throws PaymentException, WrongAmountException { org.hibernate.Transaction tx = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession().beginTransaction(); Transaction t = new Transaction(); t.setAmount(amount); t.setType(TransactionType.DEPOSIT); t.setStatus(TransactionStatus.PENDING); t.setCreateDate(new Date()); t.setPlayer(player); saveNow(t); try { BillingInfo billingInfo = billCreditCard(player, t.getId(), info, amount, remoteHost, player.getUsername()); t.setStatus(TransactionStatus.COMPLETED); t.setExternalId(billingInfo.getTransactionId()); t.setProcessDate(new Date()); } catch (PaymentException e) { log.error("Payment problem", e); // TODO } catch (WrongAmountException e) { log.error("Wrong amount", e); // TODO } tx.commit (); } private void saveNow(Transaction t) { Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); session. save(t); session. flush(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public UserCashOut performCashOut(double amount, Player player) throws AmountMoreThanBalanceException { Session ses = HibernateSessionFactory. currentSession(); if (player.getBalanceAmt() < amount) { throw new AmountMoreThanBalanceException(); } org. hibernate. Transaction tx = ses. beginTransaction(); UserCashOut userCashOut = new UserCashOut( ); userCashOut.setAmount(amount); userCashOut.setCreateDate(new Date()); userCashOut.setPlayer(player); player.getCashOuts().add(userCashOut);; double checkAmount = 0; double amountForPay = amount; boolean freeDebitsExist = true; // while (amountForPay > 0 && freeDebitsExist) { List<CashOutDebitInfo> freeDebits = findFreeDebits(player, ses); if (freeDebits.isEmpty()) { freeDebitsExist = false; checkAmount += amountForPay; } else { double oldAmount = amountForPay; amountForPay = createCredits(amountForPay, player, freeDebits, userCashOut, ses); amountForPay += payCredits(freeDebits, userCashOut, ses); if (amountForPay == oldAmount) { //This is strange and hypothetical situation. It can mean //that PaymentConnexions doesn't work properly. Pay by check. freeDebitsExist = false; checkAmount += amountForPay; } } ses.flush(); } // if (checkAmount > 0) { payCheck(player, ses, userCashOut, checkAmount); } player.setBalanceAmt(player.getBalanceAmt() - amount); tx.commit(); return userCashOut; } private void payCheck(Player player, Session ses, UserCashOut userCashOut, double checkAmount) { Check check = new Check(); check.setAmount(checkAmount); check.setCreateDate(new Date()); check.setPlayer(player); player.getChecks().add(check); check.setUserCashOut(userCashOut); userCashOut.setCheck(check); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.setAmount(-checkAmount); transaction.setCreateDate(new Date()); transaction.setProcessDate(new Date()); transaction.setType(TransactionType.CASHOUT); transaction.setStatus(TransactionStatus.PENDING); transaction.setPlayer(player); check.setTransaction(transaction); transaction.setCheck(check);;; } private double payCredits(List<CashOutDebitInfo> freeDebits, UserCashOut userCashOut, Session ses) { double unpaidAmount = 0; for (CashOutDebitInfo info : freeDebits) { try { String trackId = "Tr" +; PayConRequest creditRequest = PayConPaymentSystem.getInstance().createReversalRequest(userCashOut.getPlayer().getCurrency().getId(), trackId,, new Long(info.debit.getExternalId())); PayConResponse response = PayConPaymentSystem.getInstance().sendRequest(creditRequest); final PayConStatus status = response.getStatus(); if (response.getReturnCode() == ReturnCode.RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS && status.getAuthCode() == AuthorizationFailureObject.SUCCESS) {;;; Date()); } else { switch (status.getAuthCode()) { case TRANSACTION_PENDING:; break; case TRANSACTION_PROCESSED: //This is hypothetical situation. We have to delete this credit //transaction. Original debit transaction still free for //future credits. ses.delete(; = null; break; case TRANSACTION_DECLINED: default: info.debit.getCreditTransactions().remove(;; info.debit.setCreditStatus("ERROR - " + status.getAuthCode()); userCashOut.getCredits().remove(;; unpaidAmount +=; ses.delete(; break; } } } catch (PaymentException e) { // ignore //log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return unpaidAmount; } private double createCredits(double amount, Player player, List<CashOutDebitInfo> freeDebits, UserCashOut userCashOut, Session ses) { double checkAmount = amount; int i = 0; for (CashOutDebitInfo debitInfo : freeDebits) { Transaction credit = new Transaction(); if (checkAmount > debitInfo.remainder) { credit.setAmount(-debitInfo.remainder); checkAmount -= debitInfo.remainder; } else { credit.setAmount(-checkAmount); checkAmount = 0; } credit.setCreateDate(new Date()); credit.setOriginalDebitTransaction(debitInfo.debit); debitInfo.debit.getCreditTransactions().add(credit); credit.setPlayer(player); credit.setType(TransactionType.CASHOUT); credit.setStatus(TransactionStatus.PENDING); credit.setUserCashOut(userCashOut); userCashOut.getCredits().add(credit); = credit;; i++; if (checkAmount <= 0) { break; } } int size = freeDebits.size(); for (int j = i; j < size; j++) { freeDebits.remove(i); } return checkAmount; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<CashOutDebitInfo> findFreeDebits(Player player, Session ses) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6); Query query = ses.createQuery("from Transaction as t where " + "t.player = :player and t.createDate > :date " + "and t.creditStatus is null and t.type = :type and " + "(t.amount > (select sum(-t2.amount) from t.creditTransactions as t2) " + "or t.creditTransactions is empty) " //+ "where t2.status = :status) or t.creditTransactions is empty) " + "and t.status = :status " + "and t.externalId is not null " + "order by t.createDate"); query.setEntity("player", player); query.setDate("date", calendar.getTime()); query.setInteger("type", TransactionType.DEPOSIT.getId()); query.setInteger("status", TransactionStatus.COMPLETED.getId()); //query.setInteger("status", TransactionStatus.COMPLETED.getId()); List<Transaction> transactions = query.list(); List<CashOutDebitInfo> freeDebits = new ArrayList<CashOutDebitInfo>(); for (Transaction transaction : transactions) { Set<Transaction> credits = transaction.getCreditTransactions(); double sum = 0; for (Transaction credit : credits) { sum += credit.getAmount(); } CashOutDebitInfo info = new CashOutDebitInfo(); info.debit = transaction; info.remainder = transaction.getAmount() - sum; freeDebits.add(info); } return freeDebits; } }