package org.tests.query; import io.ebean.BaseTestCase; import io.ebean.Ebean; import io.ebean.Query; import org.tests.model.basic.CKeyParent; import org.tests.model.basic.ResetBasicData; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class TestQueryAlias extends BaseTestCase { @Test public void testExists() { ResetBasicData.reset(); Query<CKeyParent> sq = Ebean.createQuery(CKeyParent.class) .select("id.oneKey").alias("st0") .setAutoTune(false).where().query(); Query<CKeyParent> pq = Ebean.find(CKeyParent.class).alias("myt0").where().in("id.oneKey", sq).query(); pq.findList(); String sql = pq.getGeneratedSql(); // Without alias command is should be: // select t0.one_key c0, t0.two_key c1, c2, t0.version c3, t0.assoc_id c4 from ckey_parent t0 where (t0 // .one_key) in (select t0.one_key from ckey_parent t0) // but with alias command SQL should look like this: // select myt0.one_key c0, myt0.two_key c1, c2, myt0.version c3, myt0.assoc_id c4 from ckey_parent myt0 // where (myt0.one_key) in (select st0.one_key from ckey_parent st0) Assert.assertTrue(sql.contains("ckey_parent myt0")); Assert.assertTrue(sql.contains("(myt0.one_key) in (select st0.one_key from ckey_parent st0)")); } @Test public void testNotExists() { ResetBasicData.reset(); Query<CKeyParent> sq = Ebean.createQuery(CKeyParent.class) .select("id.oneKey").alias("st0") .setAutoTune(false).where().query(); Query<CKeyParent> pq = Ebean.find(CKeyParent.class).alias("myt0").where().notIn("id.oneKey", sq).query(); pq.findList(); String sql = pq.getGeneratedSql(); // Without alias command is should be: // select t0.one_key c0, t0.two_key c1, c2, t0.version c3, t0.assoc_id c4 from ckey_parent t0 where (t0 // .one_key) in (select t0.one_key from ckey_parent t0) // but with alias command SQL should look like this: // select myt0.one_key c0, myt0.two_key c1, c2, myt0.version c3, myt0.assoc_id c4 from ckey_parent myt0 // where (myt0.one_key) in (select st0.one_key from ckey_parent st0) Assert.assertTrue(sql.contains("ckey_parent myt0")); Assert.assertTrue(sql.contains("(myt0.one_key) not in (select st0.one_key from ckey_parent st0)")); } }