package io.ebeaninternal.server.text.json; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept; import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext; import io.ebean.text.json.JsonReadBeanVisitor; import io.ebean.text.json.JsonReadOptions; import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadContext; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.loadcontext.DLoadContext; import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.DefaultPersistenceContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import java.util.Map; /** * Context for JSON read processing. */ public class ReadJson { private final BeanDescriptor<?> rootDesc; /** * Jackson parser. */ private final JsonParser parser; /** * Stack of the path - used to find the appropriate JsonReadBeanVisitor. */ private final PathStack pathStack; /** * Map of the JsonReadBeanVisitor keyed by path. */ private final Map<String, JsonReadBeanVisitor<?>> visitorMap; private final Object objectMapper; private final PersistenceContext persistenceContext; private final LoadContext loadContext; /** * Construct with parser and readOptions. */ public ReadJson(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, JsonParser parser, JsonReadOptions readOptions, Object objectMapper) { this.rootDesc = desc; this.parser = parser; this.objectMapper = objectMapper; this.persistenceContext = initPersistenceContext(readOptions); this.loadContext = initLoadContext(desc, readOptions); // only create visitorMap, pathStack if needed ... this.visitorMap = (readOptions == null) ? null : readOptions.getVisitorMap(); this.pathStack = (visitorMap == null && loadContext == null) ? null : new PathStack(); } /** * Construct when transferring load context, persistence context, object mapper etc to a new ReadJson instance. */ private ReadJson(JsonParser moreJson, ReadJson source, boolean resetContext) { this.parser = moreJson; this.rootDesc = source.rootDesc; this.pathStack = source.pathStack; this.visitorMap = source.visitorMap; this.objectMapper = source.objectMapper; if (resetContext) { this.persistenceContext = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); this.loadContext = source.loadContext; if (loadContext != null) { loadContext.resetPersistenceContext(persistenceContext); } } else { this.persistenceContext = source.persistenceContext; this.loadContext = source.loadContext; } } private LoadContext initLoadContext(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, JsonReadOptions readOptions) { if (readOptions == null) return null; if (readOptions.isEnableLazyLoading() && readOptions.getLoadContext() == null) { return new DLoadContext(desc, persistenceContext); } else { return (LoadContext) readOptions.getLoadContext(); } } private PersistenceContext initPersistenceContext(JsonReadOptions readOptions) { if (readOptions != null && readOptions.getPersistenceContext() != null) { return readOptions.getPersistenceContext(); } return new DefaultPersistenceContext(); } /** * Return the persistence context being used if any. */ public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext() { return persistenceContext; } /** * Return a new instance of ReadJson using the existing context but with a new JsonParser. */ public ReadJson forJson(JsonParser moreJson, boolean resetContext) { return new ReadJson(moreJson, this, resetContext); } /** * Add the bean to the persistence context. */ public <T> void persistenceContextPut(Object beanId, T currentBean) { persistenceContextPutIfAbsent(beanId, (EntityBean) currentBean, rootDesc); } /** * Put the bean into the persistence context. If there is already a matching bean in the * persistence context then return that instance else return null. */ public Object persistenceContextPutIfAbsent(Object id, EntityBean bean, BeanDescriptor<?> beanDesc) { if (persistenceContext == null) { // no persistenceContext means no lazy loading either return null; } Object existing = beanDesc.contextPutIfAbsent(persistenceContext, id, bean); if (existing != null) { beanDesc.merge(bean, (EntityBean) existing); } else { if (loadContext != null) { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept(); if (ebi.isPartial()) { // register for further lazy loading String path = pathStack.peekWithNull(); loadContext.register(path, ebi); beanDesc.lazyLoadRegister(path, ebi, bean, loadContext); } ebi.setLoaded(); } return null; } return existing; } /** * Return the objectMapper used for this request. */ public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { if (objectMapper == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Jackson ObjectMapper required but has not set. The ObjectMapper can be set on" + " either the ServerConfig or on JsonReadOptions."); } return (ObjectMapper) objectMapper; } /** * Return the JsonParser. */ public JsonParser getParser() { return parser; } /** * Return the next JsonToken from the underlying parser. */ public JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException { return parser.nextToken(); } /** * Push the path onto the stack (traversing a 1-M or M-1 etc) */ public void pushPath(String path) { if (pathStack != null) { pathStack.pushPathKey(path); } } /** * Pop the path stack. */ public void popPath() { if (pathStack != null) { pathStack.pop(); } } /** * If there is a JsonReadBeanVisitor registered to the current path then * call it's visit method with the bean and unmappedProperties. */ @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") public void beanVisitor(Object bean, Map<String, Object> unmappedProperties) { if (visitorMap != null) { JsonReadBeanVisitor visitor = visitorMap.get(pathStack.peekWithNull()); if (visitor != null) { visitor.visit(bean, unmappedProperties); } } } /** * Read the property value using Jackson ObjectMapper. * <p/> * Typically this is used to read Transient properties where the type is unknown to Ebean. */ public Object readValueUsingObjectMapper(Class<?> propertyType) throws IOException { return getObjectMapper().readValue(parser, propertyType); } }