package; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform.util.IndexSet; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MColumn; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MCompoundForeignKey; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MTable; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.visitor.BaseTablePropertyVisitor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocOne; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.IndexDefinition; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoinColumn; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Used as part of ModelBuildBeanVisitor and generally adds the MColumn to the associated * MTable model objects. */ public class ModelBuildPropertyVisitor extends BaseTablePropertyVisitor { protected final ModelBuildContext ctx; private final MTable table; private final BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor; private final IndexSet indexSet = new IndexSet(); private MColumn lastColumn; private int countForeignKey; private int countIndex; private int countUnique; private int countCheck; public ModelBuildPropertyVisitor(ModelBuildContext ctx, MTable table, BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor) { this.ctx = ctx; this.table = table; this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor; addIndexes(beanDescriptor.getIndexDefinitions()); } /** * Add unique constraints defined via JPA UniqueConstraint annotations. */ private void addIndexes(IndexDefinition[] indexes) { if (indexes != null) { for (IndexDefinition index : indexes) { String[] columns = index.getColumns(); indexSet.add(columns); if (index.isUnique()) { String uqName = index.getName(); if (uqName == null || uqName.trim().isEmpty()) { uqName = determineUniqueConstraintName(columns); } table.addUniqueConstraint(columns, false, uqName); } else { // 'just' an index (not a unique constraint) String idxName = index.getName(); if (idxName == null || idxName.trim().isEmpty()) { idxName = determineIndexName(columns); } ctx.addIndex(idxName, table.getName(), columns); } } } } @Override public void visitEnd() { // set the primary key name table.setPkName(determinePrimaryKeyName()); // check if indexes on foreign keys should be suppressed for (MColumn column : table.allColumns()) { if (hasValue(column.getForeignKeyIndex())) { if (indexSet.contains(column.getName())) { // suppress index on foreign key as there is already // effectively an index (probably via unique constraint) column.setForeignKeyIndex(null); } } } for (MCompoundForeignKey compoundKey : table.getCompoundKeys()) { if (indexSet.contains(compoundKey.getColumns())) { // suppress index on foreign key as there is already // effectively an index (probably via unique constraint) compoundKey.setIndexName(null); } } addDraftTable(); } /** * Create a 'draft' table that is mostly the same as the base table. * It has @DraftOnly columns and adjusted primary and foreign keys. */ private void addDraftTable() { if (beanDescriptor.isDraftable() || beanDescriptor.isDraftableElement()) { // create a 'Draft' table which looks very similar (change PK, FK etc) ctx.createDraft(table, !beanDescriptor.isDraftableElement()); } } @Override public void visitMany(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> p) { if (p.isManyToMany()) { if (p.getMappedBy() == null) { // only create on other 'owning' side //TableJoin intersectionTableJoin = p.getIntersectionTableJoin(); // check if the intersection table has already been created // build the create table and fkey constraints // putting the DDL into ctx for later output as we are // in the middle of rendering the create table DDL new ModelBuildIntersectionTable(ctx, p).build(); } } } @Override public void visitEmbeddedScalar(BeanProperty p, BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> embedded) { visitScalar(p); if (embedded.isId()) { // compound primary key lastColumn.setPrimaryKey(true); } } @Override public void visitOneImported(BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> p) { TableJoinColumn[] columns = p.getTableJoin().columns(); if (columns.length == 0) { String msg = "No join columns for " + p.getFullBeanName(); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } ImportedId importedId = p.getImportedId(); List<MColumn> modelColumns = new ArrayList<>(columns.length); MCompoundForeignKey compoundKey = null; if (columns.length > 1) { // compound foreign key String refTable = p.getTargetDescriptor().getBaseTable(); String fkName = determineForeignKeyConstraintName(p.getName()); String fkIndex = determineForeignKeyIndexName(p.getName()); compoundKey = new MCompoundForeignKey(fkName, refTable, fkIndex); table.addForeignKey(compoundKey); } for (TableJoinColumn column : columns) { String dbCol = column.getLocalDbColumn(); BeanProperty importedProperty = importedId.findMatchImport(dbCol); if (importedProperty == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Imported BeanProperty not found?"); } String columnDefn = ctx.getColumnDefn(importedProperty, true); String refColumn = importedProperty.getDbColumn(); MColumn col = table.addColumn(dbCol, columnDefn, !p.isNullable()); if (columns.length == 1) { // single references column (put it on the column) String refTable = importedProperty.getBeanDescriptor().getBaseTable(); if (refTable == null) { // odd case where an EmbeddedId only has 1 property refTable = p.getTargetDescriptor().getBaseTable(); } col.setReferences(refTable + "." + refColumn); col.setForeignKeyName(determineForeignKeyConstraintName(col.getName())); col.setForeignKeyIndex(determineForeignKeyIndexName(col.getName())); } else { compoundKey.addColumnPair(dbCol, refColumn); } modelColumns.add(col); } if (p.isOneToOne()) { // adding the unique constraint restricts the cardinality from OneToMany down to OneToOne // for MsSqlServer we need different DDL to handle NULL values on this constraint if (modelColumns.size() == 1) { MColumn col = modelColumns.get(0); col.setUniqueOneToOne(determineUniqueConstraintName(col.getName())); indexSetAdd(col.getName()); } else { String uqName = determineUniqueConstraintName(p.getName()); table.addUniqueConstraint(modelColumns, true, uqName); indexSetAdd(modelColumns); } } } @Override public void visitScalar(BeanProperty p) { if (p.isSecondaryTable()) { lastColumn = null; return; } // using non-strict mode to render the DB type such that we have a // "logical" type like jsonb(200) that can map to JSONB or VARCHAR(200) MColumn col = new MColumn(p.getDbColumn(), ctx.getColumnDefn(p, false)); col.setComment(p.getDbComment()); col.setDraftOnly(p.isDraftOnly()); col.setHistoryExclude(p.isExcludedFromHistory()); if (p.isId()) { col.setPrimaryKey(true); if (p.getBeanDescriptor().isUseIdGenerator()) { col.setIdentity(true); } } else { col.setDefaultValue(p.getDbColumnDefault()); if (!p.isNullable() || p.isDDLNotNull()) { col.setNotnull(true); } } if (p.isUnique() && !p.isId()) { col.setUnique(determineUniqueConstraintName(col.getName())); indexSetAdd(col.getName()); } Set<String> checkConstraintValues = p.getDbCheckConstraintValues(); if (checkConstraintValues != null) { if (beanDescriptor.hasInheritance()) { InheritInfo inheritInfo = beanDescriptor.getInheritInfo(); inheritInfo.appendCheckConstraintValues(p.getName(), checkConstraintValues); } col.setCheckConstraint(buildCheckConstraint(p.getDbColumn(), checkConstraintValues)); col.setCheckConstraintName(determineCheckConstraintName(col.getName())); } lastColumn = col; table.addColumn(col); } /** * Build the check constraint clause given the db column and values. */ private String buildCheckConstraint(String dbColumn, Set<String> checkConstraintValues) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("check ( ").append(dbColumn).append(" in ("); int count = 0; for (String value : checkConstraintValues) { if (count++ > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(value); } sb.append("))"); return sb.toString(); } private void indexSetAdd(String column) { indexSet.add(column); } private void indexSetAdd(List<MColumn> modelColumns) { String[] cols = new String[modelColumns.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < modelColumns.size(); i++) { cols[i] = modelColumns.get(i).getName(); } indexSet.add(cols); } /** * Return the primary key constraint name. */ protected String determinePrimaryKeyName() { return ctx.primaryKeyName(table.getName()); } /** * Return the foreign key constraint name given a single column foreign key. */ protected String determineForeignKeyConstraintName(String columnName) { return ctx.foreignKeyConstraintName(table.getName(), columnName, ++countForeignKey); } protected String determineForeignKeyIndexName(String column) { String[] cols = {column}; return determineForeignKeyIndexName(cols); } /** * Return the foreign key constraint name given a single column foreign key. */ protected String determineForeignKeyIndexName(String[] columns) { return ctx.foreignKeyIndexName(table.getName(), columns, ++countIndex); } /** * Return the index name given a single column foreign key. */ protected String determineIndexName(String column) { return ctx.indexName(table.getName(), column, ++countIndex); } /** * Return the index name given multiple columns. */ protected String determineIndexName(String[] columns) { return ctx.indexName(table.getName(), columns, ++countIndex); } /** * Return the unique constraint name. */ protected String determineUniqueConstraintName(String columnName) { return ctx.uniqueConstraintName(table.getName(), columnName, ++countUnique); } /** * Return the unique constraint name. */ protected String determineUniqueConstraintName(String[] columnNames) { return ctx.uniqueConstraintName(table.getName(), columnNames, ++countUnique); } /** * Return the constraint name. */ protected String determineCheckConstraintName(String columnName) { return ctx.checkConstraintName(table.getName(), columnName, ++countCheck); } private boolean hasValue(String val) { return val != null && !val.isEmpty(); } }