package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy; import io.ebean.EbeanServer; import io.ebean.Query; import io.ebean.SqlUpdate; import io.ebean.Transaction; import io.ebean.ValuePair; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean; import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext; import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CacheChangeSet; import io.ebeaninternal.server.cache.CachedBeanData; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.DefaultSqlUpdate; import; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne; import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyChainBuilder; import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SplitName; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlBeanLoad; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType; import io.ebeaninternal.server.text.json.ReadJson; import io.ebeaninternal.server.text.json.WriteJson; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Property mapped to a joined bean. */ public class BeanPropertyAssocOne<T> extends BeanPropertyAssoc<T> { private final boolean oneToOne; private final boolean oneToOneExported; private final boolean importedPrimaryKey; private AssocOneHelp localHelp; protected final BeanProperty[] embeddedProps; private final HashMap<String, BeanProperty> embeddedPropsMap; /** * The information for Imported foreign Keys. */ protected ImportedId importedId; private String deleteByParentIdSql; private String deleteByParentIdInSql; private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> relationshipProperty; /** * Create based on deploy information of an EmbeddedId. */ public BeanPropertyAssocOne(BeanDescriptorMap owner, DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<T> deploy) { this(owner, null, deploy); } /** * Create the property. */ public BeanPropertyAssocOne(BeanDescriptorMap owner, BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor, DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<T> deploy) { super(descriptor, deploy); importedPrimaryKey = deploy.isImportedPrimaryKey(); oneToOne = deploy.isOneToOne(); oneToOneExported = deploy.isOneToOneExported(); if (embedded) { // Overriding of the columns and use table alias of owning BeanDescriptor BeanEmbeddedMeta overrideMeta = BeanEmbeddedMetaFactory.create(owner, deploy); embeddedProps = overrideMeta.getProperties(); embeddedPropsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (BeanProperty embeddedProp : embeddedProps) { embeddedPropsMap.put(embeddedProp.getName(), embeddedProp); } } else { embeddedProps = null; embeddedPropsMap = null; } } @Override public void initialise() { super.initialise(); localHelp = createHelp(embedded, oneToOneExported); if (!isTransient) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (embedded) { // no imported or exported information } else if (!oneToOneExported) { importedId = createImportedId(this, targetDescriptor, tableJoin); if (importedId.isScalar()) { // limit JoinColumn mapping to the @Id / primary key TableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns(); String foreignJoinColumn = columns[0].getForeignDbColumn(); String foreignIdColumn = targetDescriptor.getIdProperty().getDbColumn(); if (!foreignJoinColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(foreignIdColumn)) { throw new PersistenceException("Mapping limitation - @JoinColumn on " + getFullBeanName() + " needs to map to a primary key as per Issue #529 " + " - joining to " + foreignJoinColumn + " and not " + foreignIdColumn); } } } else { exportedProperties = createExported(); String delStmt = "delete from " + targetDescriptor.getBaseTable() + " where "; deleteByParentIdSql = delStmt + deriveWhereParentIdSql(false); deleteByParentIdInSql = delStmt + deriveWhereParentIdSql(true); } } } /** * Return the property value as an entity bean. */ public EntityBean getValueAsEntityBean(EntityBean owner) { return (EntityBean) getValue(owner); } void setRelationshipProperty(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> relationshipProperty) { this.relationshipProperty = relationshipProperty; } /** * Return true if this relationship needs to maintain/update L2 cache. */ boolean isCacheNotify() { return targetDescriptor.isBeanCaching() && relationshipProperty != null; } /** * Clear the L2 relationship cache for this property. */ void cacheClear() { if (isCacheNotify()) { targetDescriptor.cacheManyPropClear(relationshipProperty.getName()); } } /** * Clear part of the L2 relationship cache for this property. */ void cacheDelete(boolean clear, EntityBean bean, CacheChangeSet changeSet) { if (isCacheNotify()) { if (clear) { changeSet.addManyClear(targetDescriptor, relationshipProperty.getName()); } else { Object assocBean = getValue(bean); if (assocBean != null) { Object parentId = targetDescriptor.getId((EntityBean) assocBean); if (parentId != null) { changeSet.addManyRemove(targetDescriptor, relationshipProperty.getName(), parentId); } } } } } @Override public ElPropertyValue buildElPropertyValue(String propName, String remainder, ElPropertyChainBuilder chain, boolean propertyDeploy) { if (embedded) { BeanProperty embProp = embeddedPropsMap.get(remainder); if (embProp == null) { String msg = "Embedded Property " + remainder + " not found in " + getFullBeanName(); throw new PersistenceException(msg); } if (chain == null) { chain = new ElPropertyChainBuilder(true, propName); } chain.add(this); chain.setEmbedded(true); return chain.add(embProp).build(); } return createElPropertyValue(propName, remainder, chain, propertyDeploy); } @Override public String getElPlaceholder(boolean encrypted) { return encrypted ? elPlaceHolderEncrypted : elPlaceHolder; } public SqlUpdate deleteByParentId(Object parentId, List<Object> parentIdist) { if (parentId != null) { return deleteByParentId(parentId); } else { return deleteByParentIdList(parentIdist); } } private SqlUpdate deleteByParentIdList(List<Object> parentIdist) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append(deleteByParentIdInSql); String inClause = targetIdBinder.getIdInValueExpr(parentIdist.size()); sb.append(inClause); DefaultSqlUpdate delete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(sb.toString()); for (Object aParentIdist : parentIdist) { targetIdBinder.bindId(delete, aParentIdist); } return delete; } private SqlUpdate deleteByParentId(Object parentId) { DefaultSqlUpdate delete = new DefaultSqlUpdate(deleteByParentIdSql); if (exportedProperties.length == 1) { delete.addParameter(parentId); } else { targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().bindId(delete, parentId); } return delete; } public List<Object> findIdsByParentId(Object parentId, List<Object> parentIdist, Transaction t) { if (parentId != null) { return findIdsByParentId(parentId, t); } else { return findIdsByParentIdList(parentIdist, t); } } private List<Object> findIdsByParentId(Object parentId, Transaction t) { String rawWhere = deriveWhereParentIdSql(false); List<Object> bindValues = new ArrayList<>(); bindWhereParentId(bindValues, parentId); EbeanServer server = getBeanDescriptor().getEbeanServer(); Query<?> q = server.find(getPropertyType()) .where() .raw(rawWhere, bindValues.toArray()) .query(); return server.findIds(q, t); } private List<Object> findIdsByParentIdList(List<Object> parentIdList, Transaction t) { String rawWhere = deriveWhereParentIdSql(true); String inClause = targetIdBinder.getIdInValueExpr(parentIdList.size()); String expr = rawWhere + inClause; List<Object> bindValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object aParentIdList : parentIdList) { bindWhereParentId(bindValues, aParentIdList); } EbeanServer server = getBeanDescriptor().getEbeanServer(); Query<?> q = server.find(getPropertyType()) .where().raw(expr, bindValues.toArray()).query(); return server.findIds(q, t); } void addFkey() { if (importedId != null) { importedId.addFkeys(name); } } @Override public void registerColumn(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, String prefix) { if (embedded) { for (BeanProperty prop : embeddedProps) { prop.registerColumn(desc, SplitName.add(prefix, name)); } } else { if (targetIdProperty != null) { BeanDescriptor<T> target = getTargetDescriptor(); String basePath = SplitName.add(prefix, name); if (dbColumn != null) { BeanProperty idProperty = target.getIdProperty(); desc.registerColumn(dbColumn, SplitName.add(basePath, idProperty.getName())); } desc.registerTable(target.getBaseTable(), this); } } } /** * Return meta data for the deployment of the embedded bean specific to this * property. */ public BeanProperty[] getProperties() { return embeddedProps; } @Override public void buildRawSqlSelectChain(String prefix, List<String> selectChain) { prefix = SplitName.add(prefix, name); if (!embedded) { InheritInfo inheritInfo = targetDescriptor.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { // expect the discriminator column to be included in order // to determine the inheritance type so we add it to the // selectChain (so that it takes a position in the resultSet) String discriminatorColumn = inheritInfo.getDiscriminatorColumn(); String discProperty = prefix + "." + discriminatorColumn; selectChain.add(discProperty); } targetIdBinder.buildRawSqlSelectChain(prefix, selectChain); } else { for (BeanProperty embeddedProp : embeddedProps) { embeddedProp.buildRawSqlSelectChain(prefix, selectChain); } } } /** * Return true if this a OneToOne property. Otherwise assumed ManyToOne. */ public boolean isOneToOne() { return oneToOne; } /** * Return true if this is the exported side of a OneToOne. */ public boolean isOneToOneExported() { return oneToOneExported; } /** * If true this bean maps to the primary key. */ public boolean isImportedPrimaryKey() { return importedPrimaryKey; } @Override public void diffForInsert(String prefix, Map<String, ValuePair> map, EntityBean newBean) { Object newEmb = (newBean == null) ? null : getValue(newBean); if (newEmb != null) { prefix = (prefix == null) ? name : prefix + "." + name; if (embedded) { getTargetDescriptor().diffForInsert(prefix, map, (EntityBean) newEmb); } else { // we are only interested in the Id value BeanDescriptor<T> targetDescriptor = getTargetDescriptor(); BeanProperty idProperty = targetDescriptor.getIdProperty(); idProperty.diffForInsert(prefix, map, (EntityBean) newEmb); } } } @Override public void diff(String prefix, Map<String, ValuePair> map, EntityBean newBean, EntityBean oldBean) { Object newEmb = (newBean == null) ? null : getValue(newBean); Object oldEmb = (oldBean == null) ? null : getValue(oldBean); if (newEmb == null && oldEmb == null) { return; } if (embedded) { prefix = (prefix == null) ? name : prefix + "." + name; BeanDescriptor<T> targetDescriptor = getTargetDescriptor(); targetDescriptor.diff(prefix, map, (EntityBean) newEmb, (EntityBean) oldEmb); } else { // we are only interested in the Id value newBean = (EntityBean) newEmb; oldBean = (EntityBean) oldEmb; BeanDescriptor<T> targetDescriptor = getTargetDescriptor(); BeanProperty idProperty = targetDescriptor.getIdProperty(); Object newId = (newBean == null) ? null : idProperty.getValue(newBean); Object oldId = (oldBean == null) ? null : idProperty.getValue(oldBean); if (newId != null || oldId != null) { prefix = (prefix == null) ? name : prefix + "." + name; idProperty.diffVal(prefix, map, newId, oldId); } } } /** * Same as getPropertyType(). Return the type of the bean this property * represents. */ @Override public Class<?> getTargetType() { return getPropertyType(); } @Override public Object getCacheDataValue(EntityBean bean) { Object ap = getValue(bean); if (ap == null) { return null; } if (embedded) { return targetDescriptor.cacheEmbeddedBeanExtract((EntityBean) ap); } else { return targetDescriptor.getIdProperty().getCacheDataValue((EntityBean) ap); } } @Override public void setCacheDataValue(EntityBean bean, Object cacheData, PersistenceContext context) { if (cacheData == null) { setValue(bean, null); } else { if (embedded) { setValue(bean, targetDescriptor.cacheEmbeddedBeanLoad((CachedBeanData) cacheData, context)); } else { if (cacheData instanceof String) { cacheData = targetDescriptor.getIdProperty().scalarType.parse((String) cacheData); } // cacheData is the id value, maybe already in persistence context Object assocBean = targetDescriptor.contextGet(context, cacheData); if (assocBean == null) { assocBean = targetDescriptor.createReference(Boolean.FALSE, false, cacheData, context); } setValue(bean, assocBean); } } } /** * Return the Id values from the given bean. */ @Override public Object[] getAssocIdValues(EntityBean bean) { return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getIdValues(bean); } /** * Return the Id expression to add to where clause etc. */ @Override public String getAssocIdExpression(String prefix, String operator) { return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getAssocOneIdExpr(prefix, operator); } /** * Return the logical id value expression taking into account embedded id's. */ @Override public String getAssocIdInValueExpr(int size) { return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getIdInValueExpr(size); } /** * Return the logical id in expression taking into account embedded id's. */ @Override public String getAssocIdInExpr(String prefix) { return targetDescriptor.getIdBinder().getAssocIdInExpr(prefix); } @Override public boolean isAssocId() { return !embedded; } @Override public boolean isAssocProperty() { return !embedded; } /** * Create a bean of the target type to be used as an embeddedId * value. */ public Object createEmbeddedId() { return getTargetDescriptor().createEntityBean(); } @Override public Object pathGetNested(Object bean) { Object value = getValueIntercept((EntityBean) bean); if (value == null) { value = targetDescriptor.createEntityBean(); setValueIntercept((EntityBean) bean, value); } return value; } public ImportedId getImportedId() { return importedId; } private String deriveWhereParentIdSql(boolean inClause) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < exportedProperties.length; i++) { String fkColumn = exportedProperties[i].getForeignDbColumn(); if (i > 0) { String s = inClause ? "," : " and "; sb.append(s); } sb.append(fkColumn); if (!inClause) { sb.append("=? "); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Create the array of ExportedProperty used to build reference objects. */ private ExportedProperty[] createExported() { BeanProperty idProp = descriptor.getIdProperty(); ArrayList<ExportedProperty> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (idProp != null && idProp.isEmbedded()) { BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> one = (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) idProp; BeanDescriptor<?> targetDesc = one.getTargetDescriptor(); BeanProperty[] emIds = targetDesc.propertiesBaseScalar(); try { for (BeanProperty emId : emIds) { ExportedProperty expProp = findMatch(true, emId); list.add(expProp); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { // not found as individual scalar properties e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (idProp != null) { ExportedProperty expProp = findMatch(false, idProp); list.add(expProp); } } return list.toArray(new ExportedProperty[list.size()]); } /** * Find the matching foreignDbColumn for a given local property. */ private ExportedProperty findMatch(boolean embeddedProp, BeanProperty prop) { String matchColumn = prop.getDbColumn(); String searchTable = tableJoin.getTable(); TableJoinColumn[] columns = tableJoin.columns(); for (TableJoinColumn column : columns) { String matchTo = column.getLocalDbColumn(); if (matchColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(matchTo)) { String foreignCol = column.getForeignDbColumn(); return new ExportedProperty(embeddedProp, foreignCol, prop); } } String msg = "Error with the Join on [" + getFullBeanName() + "]. Could not find the matching foreign key for [" + matchColumn + "] in table[" + searchTable + "]?" + " Perhaps using a @JoinColumn with the name/referencedColumnName attributes swapped?"; throw new PersistenceException(msg); } @Override public void appendSelect(DbSqlContext ctx, boolean subQuery) { if (!isTransient) { localHelp.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery); } } @Override public void appendFrom(DbSqlContext ctx, SqlJoinType joinType) { if (!isTransient) { localHelp.appendFrom(ctx, joinType); if (sqlFormulaJoin != null) { ctx.appendFormulaJoin(sqlFormulaJoin, joinType); } } } @Override public Object readSet(DbReadContext ctx, EntityBean bean) throws SQLException { return localHelp.readSet(ctx, bean); } /** * Read the data from the resultSet effectively ignoring it and returning null. */ @Override public Object read(DbReadContext ctx) throws SQLException { // just read the resultSet incrementing the column index // pass in null for the bean so any data read is ignored return; } @Override public void setValue(EntityBean bean, Object value) { super.setValue(bean, value); if (embedded && value instanceof EntityBean) { setEmbeddedOwner(bean, value); } } /** * Set the owner on the embedded bean property. */ void setEmbeddedOwner(EntityBean owner) { Object emb = getValue(owner); if (emb != null) { setEmbeddedOwner(owner, emb); } } private void setEmbeddedOwner(EntityBean bean, Object value) { ((EntityBean) value)._ebean_getIntercept().setEmbeddedOwner(bean, propertyIndex); } @Override public void setValueIntercept(EntityBean bean, Object value) { super.setValueIntercept(bean, value); if (embedded && value instanceof EntityBean) { setEmbeddedOwner(bean, value); } } @Override public void loadIgnore(DbReadContext ctx) { localHelp.loadIgnore(ctx); } @Override public void load(SqlBeanLoad sqlBeanLoad) { Object dbVal = sqlBeanLoad.load(this); if (embedded && sqlBeanLoad.isLazyLoad()) { if (dbVal instanceof EntityBean) { ((EntityBean) dbVal)._ebean_getIntercept().setLoaded(); } } } private AssocOneHelp createHelp(boolean embedded, boolean oneToOneExported) { if (embedded) { return new AssocOneHelpEmbedded(this); } else if (oneToOneExported) { return new AssocOneHelpRefExported(this); } else { if (targetInheritInfo != null) { return new AssocOneHelpRefInherit(this); } else { return new AssocOneHelpRefSimple(this); } } } @Override public void jsonWrite(WriteJson writeJson, EntityBean bean) throws IOException { if (!jsonSerialize) { return; } Object value = getValueIntercept(bean); if (value == null) { writeJson.writeNullField(name); } else { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (writeJson.isParentBean(value)) { // bi-directional and already rendered parent } else { // Hmmm, not writing complex non-entity bean if (value instanceof EntityBean) { writeJson.beginAssocOne(name, bean); BeanDescriptor<?> refDesc = descriptor.getBeanDescriptor(value.getClass()); refDesc.jsonWrite(writeJson, (EntityBean) value, name); writeJson.endAssocOne(); } } } } @Override public void jsonRead(ReadJson readJson, EntityBean bean) throws IOException { if (jsonDeserialize && targetDescriptor != null) { T assocBean = targetDescriptor.jsonRead(readJson, name); setValue(bean, assocBean); } } public boolean isReference(Object detailBean) { EntityBean eb = (EntityBean) detailBean; return targetDescriptor.isReference(eb._ebean_getIntercept()); } /** * Set the parent bean to the child bean if it has not already been set. */ public void setParentBeanToChild(EntityBean parent, EntityBean child) { if (mappedBy != null) { BeanProperty beanProperty = targetDescriptor.getBeanProperty(mappedBy); if (beanProperty != null && beanProperty.getValue(child) == null) { // set the 'parent' bean to the 'child' bean beanProperty.setValue(child, parent); } } } }