package io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn; import io.ebean.ExpressionFactory; import io.ebean.FetchConfig; import io.ebean.OrderBy; import io.ebean.Query; import io.ebeaninternal.api.HashQueryPlanBuilder; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpression; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionFactory; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionList; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery; import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.FilterExprPath; import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.FilterExpressionList; import io.ebeaninternal.server.expression.Same; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SplitName; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Represents the Properties of an Object Relational query. */ public class OrmQueryProperties implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8785582703966455658L; static final FetchConfig DEFAULT_FETCH = new FetchConfig(); private final String parentPath; private final String path; private final String rawProperties; private final String trimmedProperties; private final LinkedHashSet<String> included; private final FetchConfig fetchConfig; /** * Flag set when this fetch path needs to be a query join. */ private boolean markForQueryJoin; private boolean cache; private boolean readOnly; /** * Included bean joins. */ private Set<String> includedBeanJoin; /** * Add these properties to the select so that the foreign key columns are included in the query. */ private Set<String> secondaryQueryJoins; private List<OrmQueryProperties> secondaryChildren; /** * OrderBy properties that where on the main query but moved here as they relate to this (query join). */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private OrderBy orderBy; /** * A filter that can be applied to the fetch of this path in the object graph. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private SpiExpressionList filterMany; /** * Construct for root so path (and parentPath) are null. */ public OrmQueryProperties() { this((String) null); } /** * Construct with a given path. */ public OrmQueryProperties(String path) { this.path = path; this.parentPath = SplitName.parent(path); this.rawProperties = null; this.trimmedProperties = null; this.included = null; this.fetchConfig = DEFAULT_FETCH; } public OrmQueryProperties(String path, String rawProperties) { this(path, rawProperties, null); } public OrmQueryProperties(String path, String rawProperties, FetchConfig fetchConfig) { OrmQueryPropertiesParser.Response response = OrmQueryPropertiesParser.parse(rawProperties); this.path = path; this.parentPath = SplitName.parent(path); this.rawProperties = rawProperties; this.trimmedProperties =; this.included = response.included; this.cache = response.cache; this.readOnly = response.readOnly; if (fetchConfig != null) { this.fetchConfig = fetchConfig; } else { this.fetchConfig = response.fetchConfig; } } public OrmQueryProperties(String path, LinkedHashSet<String> parsedProperties) { if (parsedProperties == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parsedProperties is null"); } this.path = path; this.parentPath = SplitName.parent(path); // for rawSql parsedProperties can be empty (when only fetching Id property) this.included = parsedProperties; this.rawProperties = join(parsedProperties); this.trimmedProperties = rawProperties; this.cache = false; this.readOnly = false; this.fetchConfig = DEFAULT_FETCH; } /** * Join the set of properties into a comma delimited string. */ private String join(LinkedHashSet<String> parsedProperties) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); boolean first = true; for (String property : parsedProperties) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(","); } sb.append(property); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Copy constructor. */ private OrmQueryProperties(OrmQueryProperties source) { this.parentPath = source.parentPath; this.path = source.path; this.rawProperties = source.rawProperties; this.trimmedProperties = source.trimmedProperties; this.cache = source.cache; this.readOnly = source.readOnly; this.fetchConfig = source.fetchConfig; this.filterMany = source.filterMany; this.included = (source.included == null) ? null : new LinkedHashSet<>(source.included); if (includedBeanJoin != null) { this.includedBeanJoin = new HashSet<>(source.includedBeanJoin); } } /** * Creates a copy of the OrmQueryProperties. */ public OrmQueryProperties copy() { return new OrmQueryProperties(this); } /** * Move a OrderBy.Property from the main query to this query join. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") void addSecJoinOrderProperty(OrderBy.Property orderProp) { if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = new OrderBy(); } orderBy.add(orderProp); } public FetchConfig getFetchConfig() { return fetchConfig; } /** * Return the expressions used to filter on this path. This should be a many path to use this * method. */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public <T> SpiExpressionList<T> filterMany(Query<T> rootQuery) { if (filterMany == null) { FilterExprPath exprPath = new FilterExprPath(path); SpiExpressionFactory queryEf = (SpiExpressionFactory) rootQuery.getExpressionFactory(); ExpressionFactory filterEf = queryEf.createExpressionFactory();// exprPath); filterMany = new FilterExpressionList(exprPath, filterEf, rootQuery); // by default we need to make this a 'query join' now markForQueryJoin = true; } return filterMany; } /** * Return the filterMany expression list (can be null). */ private SpiExpressionList<?> getFilterManyTrimPath(int trimPath) { if (filterMany == null) { return null; } return filterMany.trimPath(trimPath); } /** * Return the filterMany expression list (can be null). */ public SpiExpressionList<?> getFilterMany() { return filterMany; } /** * Set the filterMany expression list. */ public void setFilterMany(SpiExpressionList<?> filterMany) { this.filterMany = filterMany; this.markForQueryJoin = true; } /** * Define the select and joins for this query. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void configureBeanQuery(SpiQuery<?> query) { if (trimmedProperties != null && !trimmedProperties.isEmpty()) {; } if (filterMany != null) { SpiExpressionList<?> trimPath = filterMany.trimPath(path.length() + 1); List<SpiExpression> underlyingList = trimPath.getUnderlyingList(); for (SpiExpression spiExpression : underlyingList) { query.where().add(spiExpression); } } if (secondaryChildren != null) { int trimPath = path.length() + 1; for (OrmQueryProperties p : secondaryChildren) { String path = p.getPath(); path = path.substring(trimPath); query.fetch(path, p.getProperties(), p.getFetchConfig()); query.setFilterMany(path, p.getFilterManyTrimPath(trimPath)); } } if (orderBy != null) { query.setOrder(orderBy.copyWithTrim(path)); } } public boolean hasSelectClause() { if ("*".equals(trimmedProperties)) { // explicitly selected all properties return true; } // explicitly selected some properties return included != null || filterMany != null; } /** * Return true if the properties and configuration are empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return rawProperties == null || rawProperties.isEmpty(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); append("", sb); return sb.toString(); } public String append(String prefix, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(prefix); if (path != null) { sb.append(path).append(" "); } if (!isEmpty()) { sb.append("(").append(rawProperties).append(") "); } return sb.toString(); } boolean isChild(OrmQueryProperties possibleChild) { return possibleChild.getPath().startsWith(path + "."); } /** * For secondary queries add a child element. */ public void add(OrmQueryProperties child) { if (secondaryChildren == null) { secondaryChildren = new ArrayList<>(); } secondaryChildren.add(child); } /** * Return the raw properties. */ public String getProperties() { return rawProperties; } /** * Return true if this includes all properties on the path. */ public boolean allProperties() { return included == null; } /** * Return true if this property is included as a bean join. * <p> * If a property is included as a bean join then it should not be included as a reference/proxy to * avoid duplication. * </p> */ public boolean isIncludedBeanJoin(String propertyName) { return includedBeanJoin != null && includedBeanJoin.contains(propertyName); } /** * Add a bean join property. */ void includeBeanJoin(String propertyName) { if (includedBeanJoin == null) { includedBeanJoin = new HashSet<>(); } includedBeanJoin.add(propertyName); } /** * This excludes the bean joined properties. * <p> * This is because bean joins will have there own node in the SqlTree. * </p> */ public Set<String> getSelectProperties() { if (secondaryQueryJoins == null) { return included; } LinkedHashSet<String> temp = new LinkedHashSet<>(2 * (secondaryQueryJoins.size() + included.size())); temp.addAll(included); temp.addAll(secondaryQueryJoins); return temp; } void addSecondaryQueryJoin(String property) { if (secondaryQueryJoins == null) { secondaryQueryJoins = new HashSet<>(4); } secondaryQueryJoins.add(property); } /** * Return the property set. */ public Set<String> getIncluded() { return included; } boolean isIncluded(String propName) { if (includedBeanJoin != null && includedBeanJoin.contains(propName)) { return false; } // all properties included return included == null || included.contains(propName); } /** * Mark this path as needing to be a query join. */ void markForQueryJoin() { markForQueryJoin = true; } /** * Return true if this path is a 'query join'. */ public boolean isQueryFetch() { return markForQueryJoin || getQueryFetchBatch() > -1; } /** * Return true if this path is a 'fetch join'. */ boolean isFetchJoin() { return !isQueryFetch() && !isLazyFetch(); } /** * Return true if this path is a lazy fetch. */ boolean isLazyFetch() { return getLazyFetchBatch() > -1; } /** * Return the batch size to use for the query join. */ public int getQueryFetchBatch() { return fetchConfig.getQueryBatchSize(); } /** * Return true if a query join should eagerly fetch 'all' rather than the 'first'. */ public boolean isQueryFetchAll() { return fetchConfig.isQueryAll(); } /** * Return the batch size to use for lazy loading. */ public int getLazyFetchBatch() { return fetchConfig.getLazyBatchSize(); } /** * Return true if this path has the +readonly option. */ public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } /** * Return true if this path has the +cache option to hit the cache. */ public boolean isCache() { return cache; } /** * Return the parent path. */ String getParentPath() { return parentPath; } /** * Return the path relative to the root of the graph. */ public String getPath() { return path; } /** * Return true if the properties are the same for autoTune purposes. */ boolean isSameByAutoTune(OrmQueryProperties p2) { if (included == null) { return p2 == null || p2.included == null; } else if (p2 == null) { return false; } return included.equals(p2.included); } /** * Properties are the same for query plan purposes. */ public boolean isSameByPlan(OrmQueryProperties p2) { if (!Same.sameByValue(secondaryQueryJoins, p2.secondaryQueryJoins)) return false; if (!Same.sameByValue(included, p2.included)) return false; if (!Same.sameByNull(filterMany, p2.filterMany)) return false; if (filterMany != null && !filterMany.isSameByPlan(p2.filterMany)) return false; return fetchConfig.equals(p2.fetchConfig); } /** * Calculate the query plan hash. */ public void queryPlanHash(HashQueryPlanBuilder builder) { builder.add(path); builder.addOrdered(included); builder.add(secondaryQueryJoins); builder.add(filterMany != null); if (filterMany != null) { filterMany.queryPlanHash(builder); } builder.add(fetchConfig.hashCode()); } }