package io.ebean.dbmigration; import io.ebean.Ebean; import io.ebean.EbeanServer; import io.ebean.config.DbConstraintNaming; import io.ebean.config.DbMigrationConfig; import io.ebean.Platform; import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.db2.DB2Platform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.h2.H2Platform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlserver.SqlServerPlatform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.mysql.MySqlPlatform; import; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.postgres.PostgresPlatform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.sqlite.SQLitePlatform; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.Migration; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migrationreader.MigrationXmlWriter; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.CurrentModel; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MConfiguration; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MigrationModel; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MigrationVersion; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.ModelContainer; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.ModelDiff; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.PlatformDdlWriter; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer; import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.DdlScript; import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.ExtraDdl; import io.ebeaninternal.extraddl.model.ExtraDdlXmlReader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Generates DB Migration xml and sql scripts. * <p> * Reads the prior migrations and compares with the current model of the EbeanServer * and generates a migration 'diff' in the form of xml document with the logical schema * changes and a series of sql scripts to apply, rollback the applied changes if necessary * and drop objects (drop tables, drop columns). * </p> * <p> * This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them. * </p> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = new DbMigration(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * migration.setPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> */ public class DbMigration { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbMigration.class); private static final String initialVersion = "1.0"; private static final String GENERATED_COMMENT = "THIS IS A GENERATED FILE - DO NOT MODIFY"; /** * Set to true if DbMigration run with online EbeanServer instance. */ protected final boolean online; protected SpiEbeanServer server; protected DbMigrationConfig migrationConfig; protected String pathToResources = "src/main/resources"; protected DatabasePlatform databasePlatform; protected List<Pair> platforms = new ArrayList<>(); protected ServerConfig serverConfig; protected DbConstraintNaming constraintNaming; /** * Create for offline migration generation. */ public DbMigration() { = false; } /** * Create using online EbeanServer. */ public DbMigration(EbeanServer server) { = true; setServer(server); } /** * Set the path from the current working directory to the application resources. * <p> * This defaults to maven style 'src/main/resources'. */ public void setPathToResources(String pathToResources) { this.pathToResources = pathToResources; } /** * Set the server to use to determine the current model. * Typically this is not called explicitly. */ public void setServer(EbeanServer ebeanServer) { this.server = (SpiEbeanServer) ebeanServer; setServerConfig(server.getServerConfig()); } /** * Set the serverConfig to use. Typically this is not called explicitly. */ public void setServerConfig(ServerConfig config) { if (this.serverConfig == null) { this.serverConfig = config; } if (migrationConfig == null) { this.migrationConfig = serverConfig.getMigrationConfig(); } if (constraintNaming == null) { this.constraintNaming = serverConfig.getConstraintNaming(); } } /** * Set the specific platform to generate DDL for. * <p> * If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server. * </p> */ public void setPlatform(Platform platform) { setPlatform(getPlatform(platform)); } /** * Set the specific platform to generate DDL for. * <p> * If not set this defaults to the platform of the default server. * </p> */ public void setPlatform(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform) { this.databasePlatform = databasePlatform; if (!online) { DbOffline.setPlatform(databasePlatform.getPlatform()); } } /** * Add an additional platform to write the migration DDL. * <p> * Use this when you want to generate sql scripts for multiple database platforms * from the migration (e.g. generate migration sql for MySql, Postgres and Oracle). * </p> */ public void addPlatform(Platform platform, String prefix) { platforms.add(new Pair(getPlatform(platform), prefix)); } /** * Generate the next migration xml file and associated apply and rollback sql scripts. * <p> * This does not run the migration or ddl scripts but just generates them. * </p> * <h3>Example: Run for a single specific platform</h3> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = new DbMigration(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * migration.setPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> * <p> * <h3>Example: Run migration generating DDL for multiple platforms</h3> * <pre>{@code * * DbMigration migration = new DbMigration(); * migration.setPathToResources("src/main/resources"); * * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.POSTGRES, "pg"); * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.MYSQL, "mysql"); * migration.addPlatform(DbPlatformName.ORACLE, "mysql"); * * migration.generateMigration(); * * }</pre> */ public void generateMigration() throws IOException { // use this flag to stop other plugins like full DDL generation if (!online) { DbOffline.setGenerateMigration(); if (databasePlatform == null && !platforms.isEmpty()) { // for multiple platform generation set the general platform // to H2 so that it runs offline without DB connection setPlatform(platforms.get(0).platform); } } setDefaults(); try { Request request = createRequest(); if (platforms.isEmpty()) { generateExtraDdl(request.migrationDir, databasePlatform); } String pendingVersion = generatePendingDrop(); if (pendingVersion != null) { generatePendingDrop(request, pendingVersion); } else { generateDiff(request); } } finally { if (!online) { DbOffline.reset(); } } } /** * Generate "repeatable" migration scripts. * <p> * These take scrips from extra-dll.xml (typically views) and outputs "repeatable" * migration scripts (starting with "R__") to be run by FlywayDb or Ebean's own * migration runner. * </p> */ private void generateExtraDdl(File migrationDir, DatabasePlatform dbPlatform) throws IOException { if (dbPlatform != null) { ExtraDdl extraDdl ="/extra-ddl.xml"); if (extraDdl != null) { List<DdlScript> ddlScript = extraDdl.getDdlScript(); for (DdlScript script : ddlScript) { if (ExtraDdlXmlReader.matchPlatform(dbPlatform.getName(), script.getPlatforms())) { writeExtraDdl(migrationDir, script); } } } } } /** * Write (or override) the "repeatable" migration script. */ private void writeExtraDdl(File migrationDir, DdlScript script) throws IOException { String fullName = repeatableMigrationName(script.getName());"writing repeatable script {}", fullName); File file = new File(migrationDir, fullName); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file)) { writer.write(script.getValue()); writer.flush(); } } private String repeatableMigrationName(String scriptName) { return "R__" + scriptName.replace(' ', '_') + migrationConfig.getApplySuffix(); } /** * Generate the diff migration. */ private void generateDiff(Request request) throws IOException { List<String> pendingDrops = request.getPendingDrops(); if (!pendingDrops.isEmpty()) {"Pending un-applied drops in versions {}", pendingDrops); } Migration migration = request.createDiffMigration(); if (migration == null) {"no changes detected - no migration written"); } else { // there were actually changes to write generateMigration(request, migration, null); } } /** * Generate the migration based on the pendingDrops from a prior version. */ private void generatePendingDrop(Request request, String pendingVersion) throws IOException { Migration migration = request.migrationForPendingDrop(pendingVersion); generateMigration(request, migration, pendingVersion); List<String> pendingDrops = request.getPendingDrops(); if (!pendingDrops.isEmpty()) {"... remaining pending un-applied drops in versions {}", pendingDrops); } } private Request createRequest() { return new Request(); } private class Request { final File migrationDir; final File modelDir; final MigrationModel migrationModel; final CurrentModel currentModel; final ModelContainer migrated; final ModelContainer current; private Request() { this.migrationDir = getMigrationDirectory(); this.modelDir = getModelDirectory(migrationDir); this.migrationModel = new MigrationModel(modelDir, migrationConfig.getModelSuffix()); this.migrated =; this.currentModel = new CurrentModel(server, constraintNaming); this.current =; } /** * Return the migration for the pending drops for a given version. */ public Migration migrationForPendingDrop(String pendingVersion) { Migration migration = migrated.migrationForPendingDrop(pendingVersion); // register any remaining pending drops migrated.registerPendingHistoryDropColumns(current); return migration; } /** * Return the list of versions that have pending un-applied drops. */ public List<String> getPendingDrops() { return migrated.getPendingDrops(); } /** * Create and return the diff of the current model to the migration model. */ public Migration createDiffMigration() { ModelDiff diff = new ModelDiff(migrated); diff.compareTo(current); return diff.isEmpty() ? null : diff.getMigration(); } } private void generateMigration(Request request, Migration dbMigration, String dropsFor) throws IOException { String fullVersion = getFullVersion(request.migrationModel, dropsFor);"generating migration:{}", fullVersion); if (!writeMigrationXml(dbMigration, request.modelDir, fullVersion)) { logger.warn("migration already exists, not generating DDL"); } else { if (!platforms.isEmpty()) { writeExtraPlatformDdl(fullVersion, request.currentModel, dbMigration, request.migrationDir); } else if (databasePlatform != null) { // writer needs the current model to provide table/column details for // history ddl generation (triggers, history tables etc) DdlWrite write = new DdlWrite(new MConfiguration(), request.current); PlatformDdlWriter writer = createDdlWriter(databasePlatform, ""); writer.processMigration(dbMigration, write, request.migrationDir, fullVersion); } } } /** * Return true if the next pending drop changeSet should be generated as the next migration. */ private String generatePendingDrop() { String nextDrop = System.getProperty("ddl.migration.pendingDropsFor"); if (nextDrop != null) { return nextDrop; } return migrationConfig.getGeneratePendingDrop(); } /** * Return the full version for the migration being generated. * <p> * The full version can contain a comment suffix after a "__" double underscore. */ private String getFullVersion(MigrationModel migrationModel, String dropsFor) { String version = migrationConfig.getVersion(); if (version == null) { version = migrationModel.getNextVersion(initialVersion); } String fullVersion = migrationConfig.getApplyPrefix() + version; if (migrationConfig.getName() != null) { fullVersion += "__" + toUnderScore(migrationConfig.getName()); } else if (dropsFor != null) { fullVersion += "__" + toUnderScore("dropsFor_" + MigrationVersion.trim(dropsFor)); } else if (version.equals(initialVersion)) { fullVersion += "__initial"; } return fullVersion; } /** * Replace spaces with underscores. */ private String toUnderScore(String name) { return name.replace(' ', '_'); } /** * Write any extra platform ddl. */ protected void writeExtraPlatformDdl(String fullVersion, CurrentModel currentModel, Migration dbMigration, File writePath) throws IOException { for (Pair pair : platforms) { DdlWrite platformBuffer = new DdlWrite(new MConfiguration(),; PlatformDdlWriter platformWriter = createDdlWriter(pair); File subPath = platformWriter.subPath(writePath, pair.prefix); platformWriter.processMigration(dbMigration, platformBuffer, subPath, fullVersion); generateExtraDdl(subPath, pair.platform); } } private PlatformDdlWriter createDdlWriter(Pair pair) { return createDdlWriter(pair.platform, pair.prefix); } private PlatformDdlWriter createDdlWriter(DatabasePlatform platform, String prefix) { return new PlatformDdlWriter(platform, serverConfig, prefix, migrationConfig); } /** * Write the migration xml. */ protected boolean writeMigrationXml(Migration dbMigration, File resourcePath, String fullVersion) { String modelFile = fullVersion + migrationConfig.getModelSuffix(); File file = new File(resourcePath, modelFile); if (file.exists()) { return false; } String comment = migrationConfig.isIncludeGeneratedFileComment() ? GENERATED_COMMENT : null; MigrationXmlWriter xmlWriter = new MigrationXmlWriter(comment); xmlWriter.write(dbMigration, file); return true; } /** * Set default server and platform if necessary. */ protected void setDefaults() { if (server == null) { setServer(Ebean.getDefaultServer()); } if (databasePlatform == null && platforms.isEmpty()) { // not explicitly set not set a list of platforms so // default to the platform of the default server databasePlatform = server.getDatabasePlatform(); logger.debug("set platform to {}", databasePlatform.getName()); } } /** * Return the file path to write the xml and sql to. */ protected File getMigrationDirectory() { // path to src/main/resources in typical maven project File resourceRootDir = new File(pathToResources); String resourcePath = migrationConfig.getMigrationPath(); // expect to be a path to something like - src/main/resources/dbmigration/model File path = new File(resourceRootDir, resourcePath); if (!path.exists()) { if (!path.mkdirs()) { logger.debug("Unable to ensure migration directory exists at {}", path.getAbsolutePath()); } } return path; } /** * Return the model directory (relative to the migration directory). */ protected File getModelDirectory(File migrationDirectory) { String modelPath = migrationConfig.getModelPath(); if (modelPath == null || modelPath.isEmpty()) { return migrationDirectory; } File modelDir = new File(migrationDirectory, migrationConfig.getModelPath()); if (!modelDir.exists() && !modelDir.mkdirs()) { logger.debug("Unable to ensure migration model directory exists at {}", modelDir.getAbsolutePath()); } return modelDir; } /** * Return the DatabasePlatform given the platform key. */ protected DatabasePlatform getPlatform(Platform platform) { switch (platform) { case H2: return new H2Platform(); case POSTGRES: return new PostgresPlatform(); case MYSQL: return new MySqlPlatform(); case ORACLE: return new OraclePlatform(); case SQLSERVER: return new SqlServerPlatform(); case DB2: return new DB2Platform(); case SQLITE: return new SQLitePlatform(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Platform missing? " + platform); } } /** * Holds a platform and prefix. Used to generate multiple platform specific DDL * for a single migration. */ public static class Pair { /** * The platform to generate the DDL for. */ public final DatabasePlatform platform; /** * A prefix included into the file/resource names indicating the platform. */ public final String prefix; public Pair(DatabasePlatform platform, String prefix) { this.platform = platform; this.prefix = prefix; } } }