package io.ebean; import io.ebean.util.CamelCaseHelper; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Used to build object graphs based on a raw SQL statement (rather than * generated by Ebean). * <p> * If you don't want to build object graphs you can use {@link SqlQuery} instead * which returns {@link SqlRow} objects rather than entity beans. * </p> * <p> * <b>Unparsed RawSql:</b> * </p> * <p> * When RawSql is created via {@link RawSqlBuilder#unparsed(String)} then Ebean can not * modify the SQL at all. It can't add any extra expressions into the SQL. * </p> * <p> * <b>Parsed RawSql:</b> * </p> * <p> * When RawSql is created via {@link RawSqlBuilder#parse(String)} then Ebean will parse the * SQL and find places in the SQL where it can add extra where expressions, add * extra having expressions or replace the order by clause. If you want to * explicitly tell Ebean where these insertion points are you can place special * strings into your SQL ({@code ${where}} or {@code ${andWhere}} and {@code ${having}} or * {@code ${andHaving})}. * </p> * <p> * If the SQL already includes a WHERE clause put in {@code ${andWhere}} in the location * you want Ebean to add any extra where expressions. If the SQL doesn't have a * WHERE clause put {@code ${where}} in instead. Similarly you can put in {@code ${having}} or * {@code ${andHaving}} where you want Ebean put add extra having expressions. * </p> * <p> * <b>Aggregates:</b> * </p> * <p> * Often RawSql will be used with Aggregate functions (sum, avg, max etc). The * follow example shows an example based on Total Order Amount - * sum(d.order_qty*d.unit_price). * </p> * <p> * We can use a OrderAggregate bean that has a @Sql to indicate it is based * on RawSql and not based on a real DB Table or DB View. It has some properties * to hold the values for the aggregate functions (sum etc) and a @OneToOne * to Order. * </p> * <p> * <h3>Example OrderAggregate</h3> * <pre>{@code * ... * // @Sql indicates to that this bean * // is based on RawSql rather than a table * * @Entity * @Sql * public class OrderAggregate { * * @OneToOne * Order order; * * Double totalAmount; * * Double totalItems; * * // getters and setters * ... * * }</pre> * <p> * <h3>Example 1:</h3> * <p> * <pre>{@code * * String sql = " select order_id, o.status,,, sum(d.order_qty*d.unit_price) as totalAmount" * + " from o_order o" * + " join o_customer c on = o.kcustomer_id " * + " join o_order_detail d on d.order_id = " + " group by order_id, o.status "; * * RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql) * // map the sql result columns to bean properties * .columnMapping("order_id", "") * .columnMapping("o.status", "order.status") * .columnMapping("", "") * .columnMapping("", "") * // we don't need to map this one due to the sql column alias * // .columnMapping("sum(d.order_qty*d.unit_price)", "totalAmount") * .create(); * * List<OrderAggregate> list = Ebean.find(OrderAggregate.class) * .setRawSql(rawSql) * .where().gt("", 0) * .having().gt("totalAmount", 20) * .findList(); * * * }</pre> * <p> * <h3>Example 2:</h3> * <p> * The following example uses a FetchConfig().query() so that after the initial * RawSql query is executed Ebean executes a secondary query to fetch the * associated order status, orderDate along with the customer name. * </p> * <p> * <pre>{@code * * String sql = " select order_id, 'ignoreMe', sum(d.order_qty*d.unit_price) as totalAmount " * + " from o_order_detail d" * + " group by order_id "; * * RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql) * .columnMapping("order_id", "") * .columnMappingIgnore("'ignoreMe'") * .create(); * * List<OrderAggregate> orders = Ebean.find(OrderAggregate.class) * .setRawSql(rawSql) * .fetch("order", "status,orderDate", new FetchConfig().query()) * .fetch("order.customer", "name") * .where().gt("", 0) * .having().gt("totalAmount", 20) * .order().desc("totalAmount") * .setMaxRows(10) * .findList(); * * }</pre> * <p> * <h3>Example 3: tableAliasMapping</h3> * <p> * Instead of mapping each column you can map each table alias to a path using tableAliasMapping(). * </p> * <pre>{@code * * String rs = "select, o.status,,, "+ * ", d.order_qty,, " + * "from o_order o join o_customer c on = o.kcustomer_id " + * "join o_order_detail d on d.order_id = " + * "join o_product p on = d.product_id " + * "where <= :maxOrderId and = :productId "+ * "order by, asc"; * * RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(rs) * .tableAliasMapping("c", "customer") * .tableAliasMapping("d", "details") * .tableAliasMapping("p", "details.product") * .create(); * * List<Order> ordersFromRaw = Ebean.find(Order.class) * .setRawSql(rawSql) * .setParameter("maxOrderId", 2) * .setParameter("productId", 1) * .findList(); * * }</pre> * <p> * <p> * Note that lazy loading also works with object graphs built with RawSql. * </p> */ public final class RawSql implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final ResultSet resultSet; private final Sql sql; private final ColumnMapping columnMapping; /** * Construct with a ResultSet and properties that the columns map to. * <p> * The properties listed in the propertyNames must be in the same order as the columns in the * resultSet. * <p> * When a query executes this RawSql object then it will close the resultSet. */ public RawSql(ResultSet resultSet, String... propertyNames) { this.resultSet = resultSet; this.sql = null; this.columnMapping = new ColumnMapping(propertyNames); } protected RawSql(ResultSet resultSet, Sql sql, ColumnMapping columnMapping) { this.resultSet = resultSet; this.sql = sql; this.columnMapping = columnMapping; } /** * Return the Sql either unparsed or in parsed (broken up) form. */ public Sql getSql() { return sql; } /** * Return the key; */ public Key getKey() { boolean parsed = sql != null && sql.parsed; String unParsedSql = (sql == null) ? "" : sql.unparsedSql; return new Key(parsed, unParsedSql, columnMapping); } /** * Return the resultSet if this is a ResultSet based RawSql. */ public ResultSet getResultSet() { return resultSet; } /** * Return the column mapping for the SQL columns to bean properties. */ public ColumnMapping getColumnMapping() { return columnMapping; } /** * Represents the sql part of the query. For parsed RawSql the sql is broken * up so that Ebean can insert extra WHERE and HAVING expressions into the * SQL. */ public static final class Sql implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final boolean parsed; private final String unparsedSql; private final String preFrom; private final String preWhere; private final boolean andWhereExpr; private final String preHaving; private final boolean andHavingExpr; private final String orderByPrefix; private final String orderBy; private final boolean distinct; /** * Construct for unparsed SQL. */ protected Sql(String unparsedSql) { this.parsed = false; this.unparsedSql = unparsedSql; this.preFrom = null; this.preHaving = null; this.preWhere = null; this.andHavingExpr = false; this.andWhereExpr = false; this.orderByPrefix = null; this.orderBy = null; this.distinct = false; } /** * Construct for parsed SQL. */ protected Sql(String unparsedSql, String preFrom, String preWhere, boolean andWhereExpr, String preHaving, boolean andHavingExpr, String orderByPrefix, String orderBy, boolean distinct) { this.unparsedSql = unparsedSql; this.parsed = true; this.preFrom = preFrom; this.preHaving = preHaving; this.preWhere = preWhere; this.andHavingExpr = andHavingExpr; this.andWhereExpr = andWhereExpr; this.orderByPrefix = orderByPrefix; this.orderBy = orderBy; this.distinct = distinct; } @Override public String toString() { if (!parsed) { return "unparsed[" + unparsedSql + "]"; } return "select[" + preFrom + "] preWhere[" + preWhere + "] preHaving[" + preHaving + "] orderBy[" + orderBy + "]"; } public boolean isDistinct() { return distinct; } /** * Return true if the SQL is left completely unmodified. * <p> * This means Ebean can't add WHERE or HAVING expressions into the query - * it will be left completely unmodified. * </p> */ public boolean isParsed() { return parsed; } /** * Return the SQL when it is unparsed. */ public String getUnparsedSql() { return unparsedSql; } /** * Return the SQL prior to FROM clause. */ public String getPreFrom() { return preFrom; } /** * Return the SQL prior to WHERE clause. */ public String getPreWhere() { return preWhere; } /** * Return true if there is already a WHERE clause and any extra where * expressions start with AND. */ public boolean isAndWhereExpr() { return andWhereExpr; } /** * Return the SQL prior to HAVING clause. */ public String getPreHaving() { return preHaving; } /** * Return true if there is already a HAVING clause and any extra having * expressions start with AND. */ public boolean isAndHavingExpr() { return andHavingExpr; } /** * Return the 'order by' keywords. * This can contain additional keywords, for example 'order siblings by' as Oracle syntax. */ public String getOrderByPrefix() { return (orderByPrefix == null) ? "order by" : orderByPrefix; } /** * Return the SQL ORDER BY clause. */ public String getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } } /** * Defines the column mapping for raw sql DB columns to bean properties. */ public static final class ColumnMapping implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final LinkedHashMap<String, Column> dbColumnMap; private final Map<String, String> propertyMap; private final Map<String, Column> propertyColumnMap; private final boolean parsed; private final boolean immutable; /** * Construct from parsed sql where the columns have been identified. */ protected ColumnMapping(List<Column> columns) { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = true; this.propertyMap = null; this.propertyColumnMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Column c : columns) { dbColumnMap.put(c.getDbColumnKey(), c); } } /** * Construct for unparsed sql. */ protected ColumnMapping() { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = false; this.propertyMap = null; this.propertyColumnMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } /** * Construct for ResultSet use. */ protected ColumnMapping(String... propertyNames) { this.immutable = false; this.parsed = false; this.propertyMap = null; this.dbColumnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int pos = 0; for (String prop : propertyNames) { dbColumnMap.put(prop, new Column(pos++, prop, null, prop)); } propertyColumnMap = dbColumnMap; } /** * Construct an immutable ColumnMapping based on collected information. */ protected ColumnMapping(boolean parsed, LinkedHashMap<String, Column> dbColumnMap) { this.immutable = true; this.parsed = parsed; this.dbColumnMap = dbColumnMap; HashMap<String, Column> pcMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String> pMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Column c : dbColumnMap.values()) { pMap.put(c.getPropertyName(), c.getDbColumn()); pcMap.put(c.getPropertyName(), c); } this.propertyMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(pMap); this.propertyColumnMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(pcMap); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ColumnMapping that = (ColumnMapping) o; return dbColumnMap.equals(that.dbColumnMap); } @Override public int hashCode() { return dbColumnMap.hashCode(); } /** * Return true if the property is mapped. */ public boolean contains(String property) { return this.propertyColumnMap.containsKey(property); } /** * Creates an immutable copy of this ColumnMapping. * * @throws IllegalStateException when a propertyName has not been defined for a column. */ protected ColumnMapping createImmutableCopy() { for (Column c : dbColumnMap.values()) { c.checkMapping(); } return new ColumnMapping(parsed, dbColumnMap); } protected void columnMapping(String dbColumn, String propertyName) { if (immutable) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never happen"); } if (!parsed) { int pos = dbColumnMap.size(); dbColumnMap.put(dbColumn, new Column(pos, dbColumn, null, propertyName)); } else { Column column = dbColumnMap.get(dbColumn); if (column == null) { String msg = "DB Column [" + dbColumn + "] not found in mapping. Expecting one of [" + dbColumnMap.keySet() + "]"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } column.setPropertyName(propertyName); } } /** * Returns true if the Columns where supplied by parsing the sql select * clause. * <p> * In the case where the columns where parsed then we can do extra checks on * the column mapping such as, is the column a valid one in the sql and * whether all the columns in the sql have been mapped. * </p> */ public boolean isParsed() { return parsed; } /** * Return the number of columns in this column mapping. */ public int size() { return dbColumnMap.size(); } /** * Return the column mapping. */ protected Map<String, Column> mapping() { return dbColumnMap; } /** * Return the mapping by DB column. */ public Map<String, String> getMapping() { return propertyMap; } /** * Return the index position by bean property name. */ public int getIndexPosition(String property) { Column c = propertyColumnMap.get(property); return c == null ? -1 : c.getIndexPos(); } /** * Return an iterator of the Columns. */ public Iterator<Column> getColumns() { return dbColumnMap.values().iterator(); } /** * Modify any column mappings with the given table alias to have the path prefix. * <p> * For example modify all mappings with table alias "c" to have the path prefix "customer". * </p> * <p> * For the "Root type" you don't need to specify a tableAliasMapping. * </p> */ public void tableAliasMapping(String tableAlias, String path) { String startMatch = tableAlias + "."; for (Map.Entry<String, Column> entry : dbColumnMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith(startMatch)) { entry.getValue().tableAliasMapping(path); } } } /** * A Column of the RawSql that is mapped to a bean property (or ignored). */ public static class Column implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final int indexPos; private final String dbColumn; private final String dbAlias; private String propertyName; /** * Construct a Column. */ public Column(int indexPos, String dbColumn, String dbAlias) { this(indexPos, dbColumn, dbAlias, derivePropertyName(dbAlias, dbColumn)); } private Column(int indexPos, String dbColumn, String dbAlias, String propertyName) { this.indexPos = indexPos; this.dbColumn = dbColumn; this.dbAlias = dbAlias; if (propertyName == null && dbAlias != null) { this.propertyName = dbAlias; } else { this.propertyName = propertyName; } } protected static String derivePropertyName(String dbAlias, String dbColumn) { if (dbAlias != null) { return CamelCaseHelper.toCamelFromUnderscore(dbAlias); } int dotPos = dbColumn.indexOf('.'); if (dotPos > -1) { dbColumn = dbColumn.substring(dotPos + 1); } return CamelCaseHelper.toCamelFromUnderscore(dbColumn); } private void checkMapping() { if (propertyName == null) { String msg = "No propertyName defined (Column mapping) for dbColumn [" + dbColumn + "]"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Column that = (Column) o; if (indexPos != that.indexPos) return false; if (!dbColumn.equals(that.dbColumn)) return false; if (dbAlias != null ? !dbAlias.equals(that.dbAlias) : that.dbAlias != null) return false; return propertyName != null ? propertyName.equals(that.propertyName) : that.propertyName == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = indexPos; result = 92821 * result + dbColumn.hashCode(); result = 92821 * result + (dbAlias != null ? dbAlias.hashCode() : 0); result = 92821 * result + (propertyName != null ? propertyName.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return dbColumn + "->" + propertyName; } /** * Return the index position of this column. */ public int getIndexPos() { return indexPos; } /** * Return the DB column alias if specified otherwise DB column. * This is used as the key for mapping a column to a logical property. */ public String getDbColumnKey() { return (dbAlias != null) ? dbAlias : dbColumn; } /** * Return the DB column name including table alias (if it has one). */ public String getDbColumn() { return dbColumn; } /** * Return the bean property this column is mapped to. */ public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } /** * Set the property name mapped to this db column. */ private void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } /** * Prepend the path to the property name. * <p/> * For example if path is "customer" then "name" becomes "". */ public void tableAliasMapping(String path) { if (path != null) { propertyName = path + "." + propertyName; } } } } /** * A key for the RawSql object using for the query plan. */ public static final class Key { private final boolean parsed; private final ColumnMapping columnMapping; private final String unParsedSql; Key(boolean parsed, String unParsedSql, ColumnMapping columnMapping) { this.parsed = parsed; this.unParsedSql = unParsedSql; this.columnMapping = columnMapping; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Key that = (Key) o; return parsed == that.parsed && columnMapping.equals(that.columnMapping) && unParsedSql.equals(that.unParsedSql); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (parsed ? 1 : 0); result = 92821 * result + columnMapping.hashCode(); result = 92821 * result + unParsedSql.hashCode(); return result; } } }