package io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.service; import io.ebean.bean.NodeUsageCollector; import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphNode; import io.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphOrigin; import io.ebean.text.PathProperties; import io.ebean.text.PathProperties.Props; import io.ebeaninternal.server.autotune.AutoTuneCollection; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; public class ProfileOrigin { private static final long RESET_COUNT = -1000000000L; private final ObjectGraphOrigin origin; private final boolean queryTuningAddVersion; private final int profilingBase; private final double profilingRate; private final Map<String, ProfileOriginQuery> queryStatsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, ProfileOriginNodeUsage> nodeUsageMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Object monitor = new Object(); private final AtomicLong requestCount = new AtomicLong(); private final AtomicLong profileCount = new AtomicLong(); private String originalQuery; public ProfileOrigin(ObjectGraphOrigin origin, boolean queryTuningAddVersion, int profilingBase, double profilingRate) { this.origin = origin; this.queryTuningAddVersion = queryTuningAddVersion; this.profilingBase = profilingBase; this.profilingRate = profilingRate; } public String getOriginalQuery() { return originalQuery; } public void setOriginalQuery(String originalQuery) { this.originalQuery = originalQuery; } /** * Return true if this query should be profiled based on a percentage rate. */ public boolean isProfile() { long count = requestCount.incrementAndGet(); if (count < profilingBase) { return true; } long hits = profileCount.get(); if (profilingRate > (double) hits / count) { profileCount.incrementAndGet(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Collect profiling information with the option to reset the underlying profiling detail. */ public void profilingCollection(BeanDescriptor<?> rootDesc, AutoTuneCollection req, boolean reset) { synchronized (monitor) { if (nodeUsageMap.isEmpty()) { return; } OrmQueryDetail detail = buildDetail(rootDesc); AutoTuneCollection.Entry entry = req.add(origin, detail, originalQuery); Collection<ProfileOriginQuery> values = queryStatsMap.values(); for (ProfileOriginQuery queryEntry : values) { entry.addQuery(queryEntry.createEntryQuery(reset)); } if (reset) { nodeUsageMap.clear(); if (requestCount.get() > RESET_COUNT) { requestCount.set(profilingBase); profileCount.set(0); } } } } private OrmQueryDetail buildDetail(BeanDescriptor<?> rootDesc) { PathProperties pathProps = new PathProperties(); for (ProfileOriginNodeUsage statsNode : nodeUsageMap.values()) { statsNode.buildTunedFetch(pathProps, rootDesc, queryTuningAddVersion); } OrmQueryDetail detail = new OrmQueryDetail(); Collection<Props> pathProperties = pathProps.getPathProps(); for (Props props : pathProperties) { if (!props.isEmpty()) { detail.fetch(props.getPath(), props.getPropertiesAsString(), null); } } detail.sortFetchPaths(rootDesc); return detail; } /** * Return the origin. */ public ObjectGraphOrigin getOrigin() { return origin; } /** * Collect query execution summary statistics. * <p> * This can give us a quick overview into bad lazy loading areas etc. * </p> */ public void collectQueryInfo(ObjectGraphNode node, long beansLoaded, long micros) { String key = node.getPath(); if (key == null) { key = ""; } ProfileOriginQuery stats = queryStatsMap.get(key); if (stats == null) { // a race condition but we don't care stats = new ProfileOriginQuery(key); queryStatsMap.put(key, stats); } stats.add(beansLoaded, micros); } /** * Collect the usage information for from a instance for this node. */ public void collectUsageInfo(NodeUsageCollector profile) { //"COLLECT USAGE {}", profile.toString()); if (!profile.isEmpty()) { ProfileOriginNodeUsage nodeStats = getNodeStats(profile.getNode().getPath()); nodeStats.collectUsageInfo(profile); } } private ProfileOriginNodeUsage getNodeStats(String path) { synchronized (monitor) { // handle null paths as using ConcurrentHashMap path = (path == null) ? "" : path; ProfileOriginNodeUsage nodeStats = nodeUsageMap.get(path); if (nodeStats == null) { nodeStats = new ProfileOriginNodeUsage(path); nodeUsageMap.put(path, nodeStats); } return nodeStats; } } }