package io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform; import io.ebean.config.DbConstraintNaming; import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbDefaultValue; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbIdentity; import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.BaseDdlHandler; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlBuffer; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlHandler; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite; import io.ebean.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform.util.PlatformTypeConverter; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AddHistoryTable; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.AlterColumn; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.Column; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.DropHistoryTable; import io.ebean.dbmigration.migration.IdentityType; import io.ebean.dbmigration.model.MTable; import; import java.util.List; /** * Controls the DDL generation for a specific database platform. */ public class PlatformDdl { protected final DatabasePlatform platform; protected PlatformHistoryDdl historyDdl = new NoHistorySupportDdl(); /** * Converter for logical/standard types to platform specific types. (eg. clob -> text) */ private final PlatformTypeConverter typeConverter; /** * For handling support of sequences and autoincrement. */ private final DbIdentity dbIdentity; /** * Set to true if table and column comments are included inline with the create statements. */ protected boolean inlineComments; /** * Default assumes if exists is supported. */ protected String dropTableIfExists = "drop table if exists "; protected String dropTableCascade = ""; /** * Default assumes if exists is supported. */ protected String dropSequenceIfExists = "drop sequence if exists "; protected String foreignKeyRestrict = "on delete restrict on update restrict"; protected String identitySuffix = " auto_increment"; protected String alterTableIfExists = ""; protected String dropConstraintIfExists = "drop constraint if exists"; protected String dropIndexIfExists = "drop index if exists "; protected String alterColumn = "alter column"; protected String dropConstraint = "drop constraint"; protected String dropUniqueConstraint = "drop constraint"; protected String addConstraint = "add constraint"; protected String columnSetType = ""; protected String columnSetDefault = "set default"; protected String columnDropDefault = "drop default"; protected String columnSetNotnull = "set not null"; protected String columnSetNull = "set null"; /** * Set false for MsSqlServer to allow multiple nulls for OneToOne mapping. */ protected boolean inlineUniqueOneToOne = true; protected DbConstraintNaming naming; /** * Generally not desired as then they are not named (used with SQLite). */ protected boolean inlineForeignKeys; protected final DbDefaultValue dbDefaultValue; protected String fallbackArrayType = "varchar(1000)"; public PlatformDdl(DatabasePlatform platform) { this.platform = platform; this.dbIdentity = platform.getDbIdentity(); this.dbDefaultValue = platform.getDbDefaultValue(); this.typeConverter = new PlatformTypeConverter(platform.getDbTypeMap()); } /** * Set configuration options. */ public void configure(ServerConfig serverConfig) { historyDdl.configure(serverConfig, this); naming = serverConfig.getConstraintNaming(); } /** * Create a DdlHandler for the specific database platform. */ public DdlHandler createDdlHandler(ServerConfig serverConfig) { return new BaseDdlHandler(serverConfig, this); } /** * Return the identity type to use given the support in the underlying database * platform for sequences and identity/autoincrement. */ public IdType useIdentityType(IdentityType modelIdentityType) { return dbIdentity.useIdentityType(modelIdentityType); } /** * Modify and return the column definition for autoincrement or identity definition. */ public String asIdentityColumn(String columnDefn) { return columnDefn + identitySuffix; } /** * Return true if the table and column comments are included inline. */ public boolean isInlineComments() { return inlineComments; } /** * Return true if foreign key reference constraints need to inlined with create table. * Ideally we don't do this as then the constraints are not named. Do this for SQLite. */ public boolean isInlineForeignKeys() { return inlineForeignKeys; } /** * Write all the table columns converting to platform types as necessary. */ public void writeTableColumns(DdlBuffer apply, List<Column> columns, boolean useIdentity) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { apply.newLine(); writeColumnDefinition(apply, columns.get(i), useIdentity); if (i < columns.size() - 1) { apply.append(","); } } } /** * Write the column definition to the create table statement. */ protected void writeColumnDefinition(DdlBuffer buffer, Column column, boolean useIdentity) throws IOException { boolean identityColumn = useIdentity && isTrue(column.isPrimaryKey()); String platformType = convert(column.getType(), identityColumn); buffer.append(" "); buffer.append(lowerColumnName(column.getName()), 29); buffer.append(platformType); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isPrimaryKey()) && !typeContainsDefault(platformType)) { String defaultValue = convertDefaultValue(column.getDefaultValue()); if (defaultValue != null) { buffer.append(" default ").append(defaultValue); } } if (isTrue(column.isNotnull()) || isTrue(column.isPrimaryKey())) { buffer.append(" not null"); } // add check constraints later as we really want to give them a nice name // so that the database can potentially provide a nice SQL error } /** * Return true if the type definition already contains a default value. */ private boolean typeContainsDefault(String platformType) { return platformType.toLowerCase().contains(" default"); } /** * Convert the DB column default literal to platform specific. */ private String convertDefaultValue(String dbDefault) { return dbDefaultValue.convert(dbDefault); } /** * Return the drop foreign key clause. */ public String alterTableDropForeignKey(String tableName, String fkName) { return "alter table " + alterTableIfExists + tableName + " " + dropConstraintIfExists + " " + fkName; } /** * Convert the standard type to the platform specific type. */ public String convert(String type, boolean identity) { if (type.contains("[]")) { return convertArrayType(type); } String platformType = typeConverter.convert(type); return identity ? asIdentityColumn(platformType) : platformType; } /** * Convert the logical array type to a db platform specific type to support the array data. */ protected String convertArrayType(String logicalArrayType) { if (logicalArrayType.endsWith("]")) { return fallbackArrayType; } int colonPos = logicalArrayType.lastIndexOf(']'); return "varchar" + logicalArrayType.substring(colonPos + 1); } /** * Add history support to this table using the platform specific mechanism. */ public void createWithHistory(DdlWrite writer, MTable table) throws IOException { historyDdl.createWithHistory(writer, table); } /** * Drop history support for a given table. */ public void dropHistoryTable(DdlWrite writer, DropHistoryTable dropHistoryTable) throws IOException { historyDdl.dropHistoryTable(writer, dropHistoryTable); } /** * Add history support to an existing table. */ public void addHistoryTable(DdlWrite writer, AddHistoryTable addHistoryTable) throws IOException { historyDdl.addHistoryTable(writer, addHistoryTable); } /** * Regenerate the history triggers (or function) due to a column being added/dropped/excluded or included. */ public void regenerateHistoryTriggers(DdlWrite write, HistoryTableUpdate update) throws IOException { historyDdl.updateTriggers(write, update); } /** * Generate and return the create sequence DDL. */ public String createSequence(String sequenceName, int initialValue, int allocationSize) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("create sequence "); sb.append(sequenceName); if (initialValue > 1) { sb.append(" start with ").append(initialValue); } if (allocationSize > 0 && allocationSize != 50) { // at this stage ignoring allocationSize 50 as this is the 'default' and // not consistent with the way Ebean batch fetches sequence values sb.append(" increment by ").append(allocationSize); } sb.append(";"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Return the drop sequence statement (potentially with if exists clause). */ public String dropSequence(String sequenceName) { return dropSequenceIfExists + sequenceName; } /** * Return the drop table statement (potentially with if exists clause). */ public String dropTable(String tableName) { return dropTableIfExists + tableName + dropTableCascade; } /** * Return the drop index statement. */ public String dropIndex(String indexName, String tableName) { return dropIndexIfExists + indexName; } /** * Return the create index statement. */ public String createIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String[] columns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("create index ").append(indexName).append(" on ").append(tableName); appendColumns(columns, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Return the foreign key constraint when used inline with create table. */ public String tableInlineForeignKey(String[] columns, String refTable, String[] refColumns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer.append("foreign key"); appendColumns(columns, buffer); buffer.append(" references ").append(lowerTableName(refTable)); appendColumns(refColumns, buffer); appendWithSpace(foreignKeyRestrict, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Add foreign key. */ public String alterTableAddForeignKey(String tableName, String fkName, String[] columns, String refTable, String[] refColumns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer .append("alter table ").append(tableName) .append(" add constraint ").append(fkName) .append(" foreign key"); appendColumns(columns, buffer); buffer .append(" references ") .append(lowerTableName(refTable)); appendColumns(refColumns, buffer); appendWithSpace(foreignKeyRestrict, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Drop a unique constraint from the table (Sometimes this is an index). */ public String alterTableDropUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uniqueConstraintName) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + dropUniqueConstraint + " " + uniqueConstraintName; } /** * Drop a unique constraint from the table. */ public String alterTableDropConstraint(String tableName, String constraintName) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + dropConstraint + " " + constraintName; } /** * Add a unique constraint to the table. * <p> * Overridden by MsSqlServer for specific null handling on unique constraints. */ public String alterTableAddUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uqName, String[] columns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer.append("alter table ").append(tableName).append(" add constraint ").append(uqName).append(" unique "); appendColumns(columns, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Return true if unique constraints for OneToOne can be inlined as normal. * Returns false for MsSqlServer due to it's null handling for unique constraints. */ public boolean isInlineUniqueOneToOne() { return inlineUniqueOneToOne; } /** * Alter a column type. * <p> * Note that that MySql and SQL Server instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes() * </p> */ public String alterColumnType(String tableName, String columnName, String type) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + columnSetType + convert(type, false); } /** * Alter a column adding or removing the not null constraint. * <p> * Note that that MySql and SQL Server instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes() * </p> */ public String alterColumnNotnull(String tableName, String columnName, boolean notnull) { String suffix = notnull ? columnSetNotnull : columnSetNull; return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + suffix; } /** * Alter table adding the check constraint. */ public String alterTableAddCheckConstraint(String tableName, String checkConstraintName, String checkConstraint) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + addConstraint + " " + checkConstraintName + " " + checkConstraint; } /** * Return true if the default value is the special DROP DEFAULT value. */ public boolean isDropDefault(String defaultValue) { return "DROP DEFAULT".equals(defaultValue); } /** * Alter column setting the default value. */ public String alterColumnDefaultValue(String tableName, String columnName, String defaultValue) { String suffix = isDropDefault(defaultValue) ? columnDropDefault : columnSetDefault + " " + defaultValue; return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + suffix; } /** * Alter column setting both the type and not null constraint. * <p> * Used by MySql and SQL Server as these require both column attributes to be set together. * </p> */ public String alterColumnBaseAttributes(AlterColumn alter) { // by default do nothing, only used by mysql and sql server as they can only // modify the column with the full column definition return null; } protected void appendColumns(String[] columns, StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.append(","); } buffer.append(lowerColumnName(columns[i].trim())); } buffer.append(")"); } protected void appendWithSpace(String content, StringBuilder buffer) { if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) { buffer.append(" ").append(content); } } /** * Convert the table to lower case. * <p> * Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database * choice for column/table names. */ protected String lowerTableName(String name) { return naming.lowerTableName(name); } /** * Convert the column name to lower case. * <p> * Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database * choice for column/table names. */ protected String lowerColumnName(String name) { return naming.lowerColumnName(name); } /** * Null safe Boolean true test. */ protected boolean isTrue(Boolean value) { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(value); } /** * Add an inline table comment to the create table statement. */ public void inlineTableComment(DdlBuffer apply, String tableComment) throws IOException { // do nothing by default (MySql only) } /** * Add table comment as a separate statement (from the create table statement). */ public void addTableComment(DdlBuffer apply, String tableName, String tableComment) throws IOException { apply.append(String.format("comment on table %s is '%s'", tableName, tableComment)).endOfStatement(); } /** * Add column comment as a separate statement. */ public void addColumnComment(DdlBuffer apply, String table, String column, String comment) throws IOException { apply.append(String.format("comment on column %s.%s is '%s'", table, column, comment)).endOfStatement(); } }