package io.ebeanservice.docstore.none; import io.ebean.DocStoreQueueEntry; import io.ebean.DocumentStore; import io.ebean.PagedList; import io.ebean.Query; import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.DocQueryRequest; import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.RawDoc; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * DocumentStore that barfs it is used. */ public class NoneDocStore implements DocumentStore { public static IllegalStateException implementationNotInClassPath() { throw new IllegalStateException("DocStore implementation not included in the classPath. You need to add the maven dependency for avaje-ebeanorm-elastic"); } @Override public void indexSettings(String indexName, Map<String, Object> settings) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public void dropIndex(String newIndex) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public void createIndex(String indexName, String alias) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public void indexAll(Class<?> countryClass) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public long copyIndex(Class<?> beanType, String newIndex) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public long copyIndex(Class<?> beanType, String newIndex, long epochMillis) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public long copyIndex(Query<?> query, String newIndex, int bulkBatchSize) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> void indexByQuery(Query<T> query) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> void indexByQuery(Query<T> query, int bulkBatchSize) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> T find(DocQueryRequest<T> request) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> PagedList<T> findPagedList(DocQueryRequest<T> request) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> List<T> findList(DocQueryRequest<T> request) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> void findEach(DocQueryRequest<T> query, Consumer<T> consumer) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public <T> void findEachWhile(DocQueryRequest<T> query, Predicate<T> consumer) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public void findEach(String indexNameType, String rawQuery, Consumer<RawDoc> consumer) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public void findEachWhile(String indexNameType, String rawQuery, Predicate<RawDoc> consumer) { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } @Override public long process(List<DocStoreQueueEntry> queueEntries) throws IOException { throw implementationNotInClassPath(); } }