package io.ebeaninternal.server.core; import io.ebean.ExpressionList; import io.ebean.Transaction; import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept; import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext; import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadBeanRequest; import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadManyRequest; import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadRequest; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Mode; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor.EntityType; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany; import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.DefaultPersistenceContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException; import java.util.List; /** * Helper to handle lazy loading and refreshing of beans. */ public class DefaultBeanLoader { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBeanLoader.class); private final DefaultServer server; private final boolean onIterateUseExtraTxn; protected DefaultBeanLoader(DefaultServer server) { this.server = server; this.onIterateUseExtraTxn = server.getDatabasePlatform().useExtraTransactionOnIterateSecondaryQueries(); } /** * Return a batch size that might be less than the requestedBatchSize. * <p> * This means we can have large and variable requestedBatchSizes. * </p> * <p> * We want to restrict the number of different batch sizes as we want to * re-use the query plan cache and get DB statement re-use. * </p> */ private int getBatchSize(int batchSize) { if (batchSize == 1) { // there is only one bean/collection to load return 1; } if (batchSize <= 5) { // anything less than 5 becomes 5 return 5; } if (batchSize <= 10) { return 10; } if (batchSize <= 20) { return 20; } if (batchSize <= 50) { return 50; } if (batchSize <= 100) { return 100; } return batchSize; } public void refreshMany(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName) { refreshMany(parentBean, propertyName, null); } public void loadMany(LoadManyRequest loadRequest) { List<BeanCollection<?>> batch = loadRequest.getBatch(); int batchSize = getBatchSize(batch.size()); SpiQuery<?> query = loadRequest.createQuery(server, batchSize); executeQuery(loadRequest, query); loadRequest.postLoad(); // log the query (for testing secondary queries) loadRequest.logSecondaryQuery(query); } public void loadMany(BeanCollection<?> bc, boolean onlyIds) { EntityBean parentBean = bc.getOwnerBean(); String propertyName = bc.getPropertyName(); loadManyInternal(parentBean, propertyName, null, false, onlyIds); } public void refreshMany(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName, Transaction t) { loadManyInternal(parentBean, propertyName, t, true, false); } private void loadManyInternal(EntityBean parentBean, String propertyName, Transaction t, boolean refresh, boolean onlyIds) { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = parentBean._ebean_getIntercept(); PersistenceContext pc = ebi.getPersistenceContext(); BeanDescriptor<?> parentDesc = server.getBeanDescriptor(parentBean.getClass()); BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many = (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) parentDesc.getBeanProperty(propertyName); BeanCollection<?> beanCollection = null; ExpressionList<?> filterMany = null; Object currentValue = many.getValue(parentBean); if (currentValue instanceof BeanCollection<?>) { beanCollection = (BeanCollection<?>) currentValue; filterMany = beanCollection.getFilterMany(); } Object parentId = parentDesc.getId(parentBean); if (pc == null) { pc = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); parentDesc.contextPut(pc, parentId, parentBean); } boolean useManyIdCache = beanCollection != null && parentDesc.isManyPropCaching(); if (useManyIdCache) { Boolean readOnly = null; if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { readOnly = Boolean.TRUE; } if (parentDesc.cacheManyPropLoad(many, beanCollection, parentId, readOnly)) { return; } } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(parentDesc.getBeanType()); if (refresh) { // populate a new collection BeanCollection<?> emptyCollection = many.createEmpty(parentBean); many.setValue(parentBean, emptyCollection); query.setLoadDescription("+refresh", null); } else { query.setLoadDescription("+lazy", null); } String idProperty = parentDesc.getIdBinder().getIdProperty();; if (onlyIds) { query.fetch(many.getName(), many.getTargetIdProperty()); } else { query.fetch(many.getName()); } if (filterMany != null) { query.setFilterMany(many.getName(), filterMany); } query.where().idEq(parentId); query.setUseCache(false); query.setMode(Mode.LAZYLOAD_MANY); query.setLazyLoadManyPath(many.getName()); query.setPersistenceContext(pc); if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { query.setReadOnly(true); } server.findUnique(query, t); if (beanCollection != null) { if (beanCollection.checkEmptyLazyLoad()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("BeanCollection after load was empty. Owner:" + beanCollection.getOwnerBean()); } } else if (useManyIdCache) { parentDesc.cacheManyPropPut(many, beanCollection, parentId); } } } /** * Load a batch of beans for +query or +lazy loading. */ public void loadBean(LoadBeanRequest loadRequest) { List<EntityBeanIntercept> batch = loadRequest.getBatch(); if (batch.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Nothing in batch?"); } int batchSize = getBatchSize(batch.size()); List<Object> idList = loadRequest.getIdList(batchSize); if (idList.isEmpty()) { // everything was loaded from cache return; } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(loadRequest.getBeanType()); loadRequest.configureQuery(query, idList); List<?> list = executeQuery(loadRequest, query); loadRequest.postLoad(list); // log the query (for testing secondary queries) loadRequest.logSecondaryQuery(query); } /** * Execute the lazy load query taking into account MySql transaction oddness. */ private List<?> executeQuery(LoadRequest loadRequest, SpiQuery<?> query) { if (onIterateUseExtraTxn && loadRequest.isParentFindIterate()) { // MySql - we need a different transaction to execute the secondary query SpiTransaction extraTxn = server.createQueryTransaction(query.getTenantId()); try { return server.findList(query, extraTxn); } finally { extraTxn.end(); } } else { return server.findList(query, loadRequest.getTransaction()); } } public void refresh(EntityBean bean) { refreshBeanInternal(bean, SpiQuery.Mode.REFRESH_BEAN, -1); } public void loadBean(EntityBeanIntercept ebi) { refreshBeanInternal(ebi.getOwner(), SpiQuery.Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN, -1); } private void refreshBeanInternal(EntityBean bean, SpiQuery.Mode mode, int embeddedOwnerIndex) { EntityBeanIntercept ebi = bean._ebean_getIntercept(); PersistenceContext pc = ebi.getPersistenceContext(); if (Mode.REFRESH_BEAN == mode) { // need a new PersistenceContext for REFRESH pc = null; } BeanDescriptor<?> desc = server.getBeanDescriptor(bean.getClass()); if (EntityType.EMBEDDED == desc.getEntityType()) { // lazy loading on an embedded bean property EntityBean embeddedOwner = (EntityBean) ebi.getEmbeddedOwner(); int ownerIndex = ebi.getEmbeddedOwnerIndex(); refreshBeanInternal(embeddedOwner, mode, ownerIndex); } Object id = desc.getId(bean); if (pc == null) { // a reference with no existing persistenceContext pc = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); desc.contextPut(pc, id, bean); ebi.setPersistenceContext(pc); } boolean draft = desc.isDraftInstance(bean); if (embeddedOwnerIndex == -1) { if (desc.lazyLoadMany(ebi)) { return; } if (!draft && SpiQuery.Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN.equals(mode) && desc.isBeanCaching()) { // lazy loading and the bean cache is active if (desc.cacheBeanLoad(bean, ebi, id, pc)) { return; } } } SpiQuery<?> query = server.createQuery(desc.getBeanType()); query.setLazyLoadProperty(ebi.getLazyLoadProperty()); if (draft) { query.asDraft(); } if (embeddedOwnerIndex > -1) {; } // don't collect AutoTune usage profiling information // as we just copy the data out of these fetched beans // and put the data into the original bean query.setUsageProfiling(false); query.setPersistenceContext(pc); query.setMode(mode); query.setId(id); if (embeddedOwnerIndex > -1 || mode.equals(SpiQuery.Mode.REFRESH_BEAN)) { // make sure the query doesn't use the cache query.setUseCache(false); } if (ebi.isReadOnly()) { query.setReadOnly(true); } if (SpiQuery.Mode.REFRESH_BEAN.equals(mode)) { // explicitly state to load all properties on REFRESH. // Lobs default to fetch lazy so this forces lobs to be // included in a 'refresh' query"*"); } Object dbBean = query.findUnique(); if (dbBean == null) { String msg = "Bean not found during lazy load or refresh." + " id[" + id + "] type[" + desc.getBeanType() + "]"; throw new EntityNotFoundException(msg); } desc.resetManyProperties(dbBean); } }