package io.ebeaninternal.server.grammer; import io.ebean.Expression; import io.ebean.ExpressionList; import io.ebean.FetchConfig; import io.ebean.LikeType; import io.ebean.OrderBy; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery; import io.ebeaninternal.server.grammer.antlr.EQLBaseListener; import io.ebeaninternal.server.grammer.antlr.EQLLexer; import io.ebeaninternal.server.grammer.antlr.EQLParser; import io.ebeaninternal.server.util.ArrayStack; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class EqlAdapter<T> extends EQLBaseListener { private static final OperatorMapping operatorMapping = new OperatorMapping(); private static final String DISTINCT = "distinct"; private static final String NULLS = "nulls"; private static final String ASC = "asc"; private final SpiQuery<T> query; private final EqlAdapterHelper helper; private ArrayStack<ExpressionList<T>> textStack; private ArrayStack<ExpressionList<T>> whereStack; private boolean textMode; private List<Object> inValues; private String inPropertyName; public EqlAdapter(SpiQuery<T> query) { this.query = query; this.helper = new EqlAdapterHelper(this); } /** * Return the current expression list that expressions should be added to. */ protected ExpressionList<T> peekExprList() { if (textMode) { // return the current text expression list return _peekText(); } if (whereStack == null) { whereStack = new ArrayStack<>(); whereStack.push(query.where()); } // return the current expression list return whereStack.peek(); } private ExpressionList<T> _peekText() { if (textStack == null) { textStack = new ArrayStack<>(); // empty so push on the queries base expression list textStack.push(query.text()); } // return the current expression list return textStack.peek(); } /** * Push the expression list onto the appropriate stack. */ private void pushExprList(ExpressionList<T> list) { if (textMode) { textStack.push(list); } else { whereStack.push(list); } } /** * End a list of expressions added by 'OR'. */ private void popJunction() { if (textMode) { textStack.pop(); } else { whereStack.pop(); } } @Override public void enterSelect_clause(EQLParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { checkChildren(ctx, 4); if (DISTINCT.equals(child(ctx, 1))) { query.setDistinct(true);, 3)); } else {, 2)); } } @Override public void enterFetch_path(EQLParser.Fetch_pathContext ctx) { int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); checkChildren(ctx, 2); String path = child(ctx, 1); int noPropertiesLength = 2; FetchConfig fetchConfig = ParseFetchConfig.parse(path); if (fetchConfig != null) { noPropertiesLength = 3; path = child(ctx, 2); } if (childCount == noPropertiesLength) { query.fetch(path, fetchConfig); } else { String fetchProperties = trimParenthesis(ctx.getChild(noPropertiesLength).getText()); query.fetch(path, fetchProperties, fetchConfig); } } @Override public void enterOrderby_property(EQLParser.Orderby_propertyContext ctx) { int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); String path = child(ctx, 0); boolean asc = true; String nulls = null; String nullsFirstLast = null; if (childCount == 3) { asc = child(ctx, 1).startsWith(ASC); nullsFirstLast = ctx.getChild(2).getChild(1).getText(); nulls = NULLS; } else if (childCount == 2) { String firstChild = child(ctx, 1); if (firstChild.startsWith(NULLS)) { nullsFirstLast = ctx.getChild(1).getChild(1).getText(); nulls = NULLS; } else { asc = firstChild.startsWith(ASC); } } query.orderBy().add(new OrderBy.Property(path, asc, nulls, nullsFirstLast)); } @Override public void enterLimit_clause(EQLParser.Limit_clauseContext ctx) { try { String limitValue = child(ctx, 1); query.setMaxRows(Integer.parseInt(limitValue)); int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); if (childCount == 3) { ParseTree offsetTree = ctx.getChild(2); String offsetValue = offsetTree.getChild(1).getText(); query.setFirstRow(Integer.parseInt(offsetValue)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing limit or offset parameter - not an integer", e); } } /** * Trim leading '(' and trailing ')' */ private String trimParenthesis(String text) { text = text.substring(1); text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); return text; } private String getLeftHandSidePath(ParserRuleContext ctx) { TerminalNode pathToken = ctx.getToken(EQLLexer.PATH_VARIABLE, 0); return pathToken.getText(); } @Override public void enterBetween_expression(EQLParser.Between_expressionContext ctx) { checkChildren(ctx, 5); String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); EqlOperator op = getOperator(ctx); if (op != EqlOperator.BETWEEN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting BETWEEN operator but got " + op); } helper.addBetween(path, child(ctx, 2), child(ctx, 4)); } @Override public void enterPropertyBetween_expression(EQLParser.PropertyBetween_expressionContext ctx) { checkChildren(ctx, 5); String rawValue = child(ctx, 0); EqlOperator op = getOperator(ctx); if (op != EqlOperator.BETWEEN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting BETWEEN operator but got " + op); } helper.addBetweenProperty(rawValue, child(ctx, 2), child(ctx, 4)); } @Override public void enterIn_expression(EQLParser.In_expressionContext ctx) { this.inValues = new ArrayList<>(); this.inPropertyName = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); } @Override public void enterIn_value(EQLParser.In_valueContext ctx) { int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { String text = child(ctx, i); if (isValue(text)) { inValues.add(helper.bind(text)); } } } private String child(ParserRuleContext ctx, int position) { ParseTree child = ctx.getChild(position); return child.getText(); } private boolean isValue(String text) { if (text.length() == 1 && (text.equals("(") || text.equals(")") || text.equals(","))) { return false; } return true; } @Override public void exitIn_expression(EQLParser.In_expressionContext ctx) { helper.addIn(inPropertyName, inValues); } @Override public void enterIsNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNull_expressionContext ctx) { String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); peekExprList().isNull(path); } @Override public void enterIsNotNull_expression(EQLParser.IsNotNull_expressionContext ctx) { String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); peekExprList().isNotNull(path); } @Override public void enterIsEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); peekExprList().isEmpty(path); } @Override public void enterIsNotEmpty_expression(EQLParser.IsNotEmpty_expressionContext ctx) { String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); peekExprList().isNotEmpty(path); } @Override public void enterLike_expression(EQLParser.Like_expressionContext ctx) { addExpression(ctx); } @Override public void enterComparison_expression(EQLParser.Comparison_expressionContext ctx) { addExpression(ctx); } private void addExpression(ParserRuleContext ctx) { int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); if (childCount < 3) { throw new IllegalStateException("expecting 3 children for comparison? " + ctx); } String operator = child(ctx, 1); EqlOperator op = operatorMapping.get(operator); if (op == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No operator found for " + operator); } String path = getLeftHandSidePath(ctx); String rhs = child(ctx, 2); if (path.equals(rhs)) { // the 'value operator path' form // invert the operator and use LHS as RHS op = invert(op); rhs = child(ctx, 0); } // RHS is Path, Literal or Named input parameter helper.addExpression(path, op, rhs); } private EqlOperator invert(EqlOperator op) { switch (op) { // no change case EQ: return EqlOperator.EQ; case IEQ: return EqlOperator.IEQ; case NE: return EqlOperator.NE; // invert case LT: return EqlOperator.GT; case LTE: return EqlOperator.GTE; case GT: return EqlOperator.LT; case GTE: return EqlOperator.LTE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Can not invert operator " + op); } } @Override public void enterConditional_term(EQLParser.Conditional_termContext ctx) { int childCount = ctx.getChildCount(); if (childCount > 1) { pushExprList(peekExprList().and()); } } @Override public void exitConditional_term(EQLParser.Conditional_termContext ctx) { if (ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { popJunction(); } } @Override public void enterConditional_expression(EQLParser.Conditional_expressionContext ctx) { if (ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { pushExprList(peekExprList().or()); } } @Override public void exitConditional_expression(EQLParser.Conditional_expressionContext ctx) { if (ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { popJunction(); } } @Override public void enterConditional_factor(EQLParser.Conditional_factorContext ctx) { if (ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { pushExprList(peekExprList().not()); } } @Override public void exitConditional_factor(EQLParser.Conditional_factorContext ctx) { if (ctx.getChildCount() > 1) { popJunction(); } } private EqlOperator getOperator(ParserRuleContext ctx) { String operator = child(ctx, 1); EqlOperator op = operatorMapping.get(operator); if (op == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No operator found for " + operator); } return op; } /** * Check for the minimum number of children. */ private void checkChildren(ParserRuleContext ctx, int min) { if (ctx.getChildCount() < min) { throw new IllegalStateException("expecting " + min + " children for comparison? " + ctx); } } public Object namedParam(String parameterName) { return query.createNamedParameter(parameterName); } public Expression like(boolean caseInsensitive, LikeType likeType, String property, Object bindValue) { return query.getExpressionFactory().like(property, bindValue, caseInsensitive, likeType); } public Expression ieq(String property, Object bindValue) { return query.getExpressionFactory().ieqObject(property, bindValue); } }