package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse; import io.ebean.annotation.Where; import io.ebean.config.NamingConvention; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanTable; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Embedded; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; /** * Read the deployment annotations for Associated One beans. */ public class AnnotationAssocOnes extends AnnotationParser { private final BeanDescriptorManager factory; /** * Create with the deploy Info. */ public AnnotationAssocOnes(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, boolean javaxValidationAnnotations, BeanDescriptorManager factory) { super(info, javaxValidationAnnotations); this.factory = factory; } /** * Parse the annotation. */ @Override public void parse() { for (DeployBeanProperty prop : descriptor.propertiesAll()) { if (prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) { readAssocOne((DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) prop); } } } private void readAssocOne(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { ManyToOne manyToOne = get(prop, ManyToOne.class); if (manyToOne != null) { readManyToOne(manyToOne, prop); } OneToOne oneToOne = get(prop, OneToOne.class); if (oneToOne != null) { readOneToOne(oneToOne, prop); } Embedded embedded = get(prop, Embedded.class); if (embedded != null) { readEmbedded(prop, embedded); } EmbeddedId emId = get(prop, EmbeddedId.class); if (emId != null) { prop.setEmbedded(); prop.setId(); prop.setNullable(false); } Column column = get(prop, Column.class); if (column != null && !isEmpty( { // have this in for AssocOnes used on // Sql based beans... prop.setDbColumn(; } // May as well check for Id. Makes sense to me. Id id = get(prop, Id.class); if (id != null) { prop.setEmbedded(); prop.setId(); prop.setNullable(false); } Where where = get(prop, Where.class); if (where != null) { // not expecting this to be used on assoc one properties prop.setExtraWhere(where.clause()); } if (validationAnnotations) { NotNull notNull = get(prop, NotNull.class); if (notNull != null && isEbeanValidationGroups(notNull.groups())) { prop.setNullable(false); // overrides optional attribute of ManyToOne etc prop.getTableJoin().setType(SqlJoinType.INNER); } } // check for manually defined joins BeanTable beanTable = prop.getBeanTable(); for (JoinColumn joinColumn : getAll(prop, JoinColumn.class)) { prop.getTableJoin().addJoinColumn(false, joinColumn, beanTable); if (!joinColumn.updatable()) { prop.setDbUpdateable(false); } if (!joinColumn.nullable()) { prop.setNullable(false); } } JoinTable joinTable = get(prop, JoinTable.class); if (joinTable != null) { for (JoinColumn joinColumn : joinTable.joinColumns()) { prop.getTableJoin().addJoinColumn(false, joinColumn, beanTable); if (!joinColumn.updatable()) { prop.setDbUpdateable(false); } if (!joinColumn.nullable()) { prop.setNullable(false); } } } info.setBeanJoinType(prop, prop.isNullable()); if (!prop.getTableJoin().hasJoinColumns() && beanTable != null) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (prop.getMappedBy() != null) { // the join is derived by reversing the join information // from the mapped by property. // Refer BeanDescriptorManager.readEntityRelationships() } else { // use naming convention to define join. NamingConvention nc = factory.getNamingConvention(); String fkeyPrefix = null; if (nc.isUseForeignKeyPrefix()) { fkeyPrefix = nc.getColumnFromProperty(beanType, prop.getName()); } beanTable.createJoinColumn(fkeyPrefix, prop.getTableJoin(), true, prop.getSqlFormulaSelect()); } } } private String errorMsgMissingBeanTable(Class<?> type, String from) { return "Error with association to [" + type + "] from [" + from + "]. Is " + type + " registered?"; } private void readManyToOne(ManyToOne propAnn, DeployBeanProperty prop) { DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> beanProp = (DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) prop; setCascadeTypes(propAnn.cascade(), beanProp.getCascadeInfo()); BeanTable assoc = factory.getBeanTable(beanProp.getPropertyType()); if (assoc == null) { String msg = errorMsgMissingBeanTable(beanProp.getPropertyType(), prop.getFullBeanName()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } beanProp.setBeanTable(assoc); beanProp.setDbInsertable(true); beanProp.setDbUpdateable(true); beanProp.setNullable(propAnn.optional()); beanProp.setFetchType(propAnn.fetch()); } private void readOneToOne(OneToOne propAnn, DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop) { prop.setOneToOne(); prop.setDbInsertable(true); prop.setDbUpdateable(true); prop.setNullable(propAnn.optional()); prop.setFetchType(propAnn.fetch()); prop.setMappedBy(propAnn.mappedBy()); if (!"".equals(propAnn.mappedBy())) { prop.setOneToOneExported(); } setCascadeTypes(propAnn.cascade(), prop.getCascadeInfo()); BeanTable assoc = factory.getBeanTable(prop.getPropertyType()); if (assoc == null) { String msg = errorMsgMissingBeanTable(prop.getPropertyType(), prop.getFullBeanName()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } prop.setBeanTable(assoc); } private void readEmbedded(DeployBeanPropertyAssocOne<?> prop, Embedded embedded) { if (descriptor.isDocStoreOnly() && prop.getDocStoreDoc() == null) { prop.setDocStoreEmbedded(""); } prop.setEmbedded(); prop.setDbInsertable(true); prop.setDbUpdateable(true); prop.setColumnPrefix(embedded.prefix()); readEmbeddedAttributeOverrides(prop); } }