package io.ebeaninternal.api; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean; import io.ebean.bean.EntityBeanIntercept; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.OrmQueryRequest; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Request for loading ManyToOne and OneToOne relationships. */ public class LoadBeanRequest extends LoadRequest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoadBeanRequest.class); private final List<EntityBeanIntercept> batch; private final LoadBeanBuffer loadBuffer; private final String lazyLoadProperty; private final boolean loadCache; /** * Construct for lazy load request. */ public LoadBeanRequest(LoadBeanBuffer LoadBuffer, String lazyLoadProperty, boolean loadCache) { this(LoadBuffer, null, true, lazyLoadProperty, loadCache); } /** * Construct for secondary query. */ public LoadBeanRequest(LoadBeanBuffer LoadBuffer, OrmQueryRequest<?> parentRequest) { this(LoadBuffer, parentRequest, false, null, false); } private LoadBeanRequest(LoadBeanBuffer loadBuffer, OrmQueryRequest<?> parentRequest, boolean lazy, String lazyLoadProperty, boolean loadCache) { super(parentRequest, lazy); this.loadBuffer = loadBuffer; this.batch = loadBuffer.getBatch(); this.lazyLoadProperty = lazyLoadProperty; this.loadCache = loadCache; } @Override public Class<?> getBeanType() { return loadBuffer.getBeanDescriptor().getBeanType(); } public boolean isLoadCache() { return loadCache; } public String getDescription() { return "path:" + loadBuffer.getFullPath() + " batch:" + batch.size(); } /** * Return the batch of beans to actually load. */ public List<EntityBeanIntercept> getBatch() { return batch; } /** * Return the load context. */ public LoadBeanBuffer getLoadContext() { return loadBuffer; } /** * Return the property that invoked the lazy loading. */ public String getLazyLoadProperty() { return lazyLoadProperty; } public int getBatchSize() { return getLoadContext().getBatchSize(); } /** * Return the list of Id values for the beans in the lazy load buffer. */ public List<Object> getIdList(int batchSize) { List<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>(batchSize); BeanDescriptor<?> desc = loadBuffer.getBeanDescriptor(); for (EntityBeanIntercept ebi : batch) { EntityBean bean = ebi.getOwner(); idList.add(desc.getId(bean)); } if (!idList.isEmpty()) { int extraIds = batchSize - batch.size(); if (extraIds > 0) { // for performance make up the Id's to the batch size // so we get the same query (for Ebean and the db) Object firstId = idList.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < extraIds; i++) { // just add the first Id again idList.add(firstId); } } } return idList; } /** * Configure the query for lazy loading execution. */ public void configureQuery(SpiQuery<?> query, List<Object> idList) { query.setMode(SpiQuery.Mode.LAZYLOAD_BEAN); query.setPersistenceContext(loadBuffer.getPersistenceContext()); String mode = isLazy() ? "+lazy" : "+query"; query.setLoadDescription(mode, getDescription()); if (isLazy()) { // cascade the batch size (if set) for further lazy loading query.setLazyLoadBatchSize(getBatchSize()); } loadBuffer.configureQuery(query, lazyLoadProperty); if (idList.size() == 1) { query.where().idEq(idList.get(0)); } else { query.where().idIn(idList); } } /** * Load the beans into the L2 cache if that is requested and check for load failures due to deletes. */ public void postLoad(List<?> list) { Set<Object> loadedIds = new HashSet<>(); BeanDescriptor<?> desc = loadBuffer.getBeanDescriptor(); // collect Ids and maybe load bean cache for (Object aList : list) { EntityBean loadedBean = (EntityBean) aList; loadedIds.add(desc.getId(loadedBean)); if (isLoadCache()) { desc.cacheBeanPut(loadedBean); } } if (lazyLoadProperty != null) { for (EntityBeanIntercept ebi : batch) { // check if the underlying row in DB was deleted. Mark the bean as 'failed' if // necessary but allow processing to continue until it is accessed by client code Object id = desc.getId(ebi.getOwner()); if (!loadedIds.contains(id)) { if (desc.isSoftDelete()) { // assume this is logically deleted (hence not found) desc.setSoftDeleteValue(ebi.getOwner()); } else {"Lazy loading unsuccessful for type:" + desc.getName() + " id:" + id + " - expecting when bean has been deleted"); ebi.setLazyLoadFailure(id); } } } } } }