package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse; import io.ebean.annotation.HistoryExclude; import io.ebean.annotation.PrivateOwned; import io.ebean.annotation.Where; import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection.ModifyListenMode; import io.ebean.config.NamingConvention; import io.ebean.config.TableName; import io.ebean.util.StringHelper; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptorManager; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanTable; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoin; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployTableJoinColumn; import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.SqlJoinType; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.JoinTable; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.MapKey; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OrderBy; import java.util.Set; /** * Read the deployment annotation for Assoc Many beans. */ class AnnotationAssocManys extends AnnotationParser { private final BeanDescriptorManager factory; /** * Create with the DeployInfo. */ AnnotationAssocManys(DeployBeanInfo<?> info, boolean javaxValidationAnnotations, BeanDescriptorManager factory) { super(info, javaxValidationAnnotations); this.factory = factory; } /** * Parse the annotations. */ @Override public void parse() { for (DeployBeanProperty prop : descriptor.propertiesAll()) { if (prop instanceof DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) { read((DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) prop); } } } private void read(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { OneToMany oneToMany = get(prop, OneToMany.class); if (oneToMany != null) { readToOne(oneToMany, prop); if (oneToMany.orphanRemoval()) { prop.setModifyListenMode(ModifyListenMode.REMOVALS); prop.getCascadeInfo().setDelete(true); } PrivateOwned privateOwned = get(prop, PrivateOwned.class); if (privateOwned != null) { prop.setModifyListenMode(ModifyListenMode.REMOVALS); prop.getCascadeInfo().setDelete(privateOwned.cascadeRemove()); } } ManyToMany manyToMany = get(prop, ManyToMany.class); if (manyToMany != null) { readToMany(manyToMany, prop); } if (get(prop, HistoryExclude.class) != null) { prop.setExcludedFromHistory(); } OrderBy orderBy = get(prop, OrderBy.class); if (orderBy != null) { prop.setFetchOrderBy(orderBy.value()); } MapKey mapKey = get(prop, MapKey.class); if (mapKey != null) { prop.setMapKey(; } Where where = get(prop, Where.class); if (where != null) { prop.setExtraWhere(where.clause()); } // check for manually defined joins BeanTable beanTable = prop.getBeanTable(); Set<JoinColumn> joinColumns = getAll(prop, JoinColumn.class); if (joinColumns != null) { prop.getTableJoin().addJoinColumn(true, joinColumns, beanTable); } JoinTable joinTable = get(prop, JoinTable.class); if (joinTable != null) { if (prop.isManyToMany()) { // expected this readJoinTable(joinTable, prop); } else { // OneToMany in theory prop.getTableJoin().addJoinColumn(true, joinTable.joinColumns(), beanTable); } } if (prop.getMappedBy() != null) { // the join is derived by reversing the join information // from the mapped by property. // Refer BeanDescriptorManager.readEntityRelationships() return; } if (prop.isManyToMany()) { manyToManyDefaultJoins(prop); return; } if (!prop.getTableJoin().hasJoinColumns() && beanTable != null) { // use naming convention to define join (based on the bean name for this side of relationship) // A unidirectional OneToMany or OneToMany with no mappedBy property NamingConvention nc = factory.getNamingConvention(); String fkeyPrefix = null; if (nc.isUseForeignKeyPrefix()) { fkeyPrefix = nc.getColumnFromProperty(descriptor.getBeanType(), descriptor.getName()); } // Use the owning bean table to define the join BeanTable owningBeanTable = factory.getBeanTable(descriptor.getBeanType()); owningBeanTable.createJoinColumn(fkeyPrefix, prop.getTableJoin(), false, prop.getSqlFormulaSelect()); } } /** * Define the joins for a ManyToMany relationship. * <p> * This includes joins to the intersection table and from the intersection table * to the other side of the ManyToMany. * </p> */ private void readJoinTable(JoinTable joinTable, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { String intTableName = getFullTableName(joinTable); // set the intersection table DeployTableJoin intJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); intJoin.setTable(intTableName); // add the source to intersection join columns intJoin.addJoinColumn(true, joinTable.joinColumns(), prop.getBeanTable()); // set the intersection to dest table join columns DeployTableJoin destJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); destJoin.addJoinColumn(false, joinTable.inverseJoinColumns(), prop.getBeanTable()); intJoin.setType(SqlJoinType.OUTER); // reverse join from dest back to intersection DeployTableJoin inverseDest = destJoin.createInverse(intTableName); prop.setIntersectionJoin(intJoin); prop.setInverseJoin(inverseDest); } /** * Return the full table name */ private String getFullTableName(JoinTable joinTable) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!StringHelper.isNull(joinTable.catalog())) { sb.append(joinTable.catalog()).append("."); } if (!StringHelper.isNull(joinTable.schema())) { sb.append(joinTable.schema()).append("."); } sb.append(; return sb.toString(); } /** * Define intersection table and foreign key columns for ManyToMany. * <p> * Some of these (maybe all) have been already defined via @JoinTable * and @JoinColumns etc. * </p> */ private void manyToManyDefaultJoins(DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> prop) { String intTableName = null; DeployTableJoin intJoin = prop.getIntersectionJoin(); if (intJoin == null) { intJoin = new DeployTableJoin(); prop.setIntersectionJoin(intJoin); } else { // intersection table already defined (by @JoinTable) intTableName = intJoin.getTable(); } BeanTable localTable = factory.getBeanTable(descriptor.getBeanType()); BeanTable otherTable = factory.getBeanTable(prop.getTargetType()); final String localTableName = localTable.getUnqualifiedBaseTable(); final String otherTableName = otherTable.getUnqualifiedBaseTable(); if (intTableName == null) { // define intersection table name intTableName = getM2MJoinTableName(localTable, otherTable); intJoin.setTable(intTableName); intJoin.setType(SqlJoinType.OUTER); } DeployTableJoin destJoin = prop.getTableJoin(); if (intJoin.hasJoinColumns() && destJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // already defined the foreign key columns etc return; } if (!intJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define foreign key columns BeanProperty[] localIds = localTable.getIdProperties(); for (BeanProperty localId : localIds) { // add the source to intersection join columns String fkCol = localTableName + "_" + localId.getDbColumn(); intJoin.addJoinColumn(new DeployTableJoinColumn(localId.getDbColumn(), namingConvention.getColumnFromProperty(null, fkCol))); } } if (!destJoin.hasJoinColumns()) { // define inverse foreign key columns BeanProperty[] otherIds = otherTable.getIdProperties(); for (BeanProperty otherId : otherIds) { // set the intersection to dest table join columns final String fkCol = otherTableName + "_" + otherId.getDbColumn(); destJoin.addJoinColumn(new DeployTableJoinColumn(namingConvention.getColumnFromProperty(null, fkCol), otherId.getDbColumn())); } } // reverse join from dest back to intersection DeployTableJoin inverseDest = destJoin.createInverse(intTableName); prop.setInverseJoin(inverseDest); } private String errorMsgMissingBeanTable(Class<?> type, String from) { return "Error with association to [" + type + "] from [" + from + "]. Is " + type + " registered?"; } private void readToMany(ManyToMany propAnn, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp) { manyProp.setMappedBy(propAnn.mappedBy()); manyProp.setFetchType(propAnn.fetch()); setCascadeTypes(propAnn.cascade(), manyProp.getCascadeInfo()); Class<?> targetType = propAnn.targetEntity(); if (targetType.equals(void.class)) { // via reflection of generics type targetType = manyProp.getTargetType(); } else { manyProp.setTargetType(targetType); } // find the other many table (not intersection) BeanTable assoc = factory.getBeanTable(targetType); if (assoc == null) { String msg = errorMsgMissingBeanTable(targetType, manyProp.getFullBeanName()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } manyProp.setManyToMany(); manyProp.setModifyListenMode(ModifyListenMode.ALL); manyProp.setBeanTable(assoc); manyProp.getTableJoin().setType(SqlJoinType.OUTER); } private void readToOne(OneToMany propAnn, DeployBeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp) { manyProp.setMappedBy(propAnn.mappedBy()); manyProp.setFetchType(propAnn.fetch()); setCascadeTypes(propAnn.cascade(), manyProp.getCascadeInfo()); Class<?> targetType = propAnn.targetEntity(); if (targetType.equals(void.class)) { // via reflection of generics type targetType = manyProp.getTargetType(); } else { manyProp.setTargetType(targetType); } BeanTable assoc = factory.getBeanTable(targetType); if (assoc == null) { String msg = errorMsgMissingBeanTable(targetType, manyProp.getFullBeanName()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } manyProp.setBeanTable(assoc); manyProp.getTableJoin().setType(SqlJoinType.OUTER); } private String getM2MJoinTableName(BeanTable lhsTable, BeanTable rhsTable) { TableName lhs = new TableName(lhsTable.getBaseTable()); TableName rhs = new TableName(rhsTable.getBaseTable()); TableName joinTable = namingConvention.getM2MJoinTableName(lhs, rhs); return joinTable.getQualifiedName(); } }