package io.ebeaninternal.server.query; import io.ebeaninternal.api.ManyWhereJoins; import io.ebeaninternal.api.PropertyJoin; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery; import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Type; import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.OrmQueryRequest; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssoc; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocOne; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.InheritInfo; import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin; import io.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue; import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail; import io.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryProperties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Factory for SqlTree. */ public final class SqlTreeBuilder { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlTreeBuilder.class); private final SpiQuery<?> query; private final BeanDescriptor<?> desc; private final OrmQueryDetail queryDetail; private final StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder(); private final CQueryPredicates predicates; private final boolean subQuery; private final boolean distinctOnPlatform; /** * Property if resultSet contains master and detail rows. */ private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProperty; private final SqlTreeAlias alias; private final DefaultDbSqlContext ctx; private final HashSet<String> selectIncludes = new HashSet<>(); private final ManyWhereJoins manyWhereJoins; private final TableJoin includeJoin; private final boolean rawSql; /** * rawNoId true if the RawSql does not include the @Id property */ private final boolean rawNoId; private final boolean disableLazyLoad; private final SpiQuery.TemporalMode temporalMode; private SqlTreeNode rootNode; /** * Construct for RawSql query. */ public SqlTreeBuilder(OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates, OrmQueryDetail queryDetail, boolean rawNoId) { this.rawSql = true; this.desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); this.rawNoId = rawNoId; this.disableLazyLoad = request.getQuery().isDisableLazyLoading(); this.query = null; this.subQuery = false; this.distinctOnPlatform = false; this.queryDetail = queryDetail; this.predicates = predicates; this.temporalMode = SpiQuery.TemporalMode.CURRENT; this.includeJoin = null; this.manyWhereJoins = null; this.alias = null; this.ctx = null; } /** * The predicates are used to determine if 'extra' joins are required to * support the where and/or order by clause. If so these extra joins are added * to the root node. */ public SqlTreeBuilder(CQueryBuilder builder, OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates) { this.rawSql = false; this.rawNoId = false; this.desc = request.getBeanDescriptor(); this.query = request.getQuery(); this.temporalMode = SpiQuery.TemporalMode.of(query); this.disableLazyLoad = query.isDisableLazyLoading(); this.subQuery = Type.SUBQUERY.equals(query.getType()) || Type.ID_LIST.equals(query.getType()); this.includeJoin = query.getM2mIncludeJoin(); this.manyWhereJoins = query.getManyWhereJoins(); this.queryDetail = query.getDetail(); this.predicates = predicates; this.alias = new SqlTreeAlias(request.getBaseTableAlias()); this.distinctOnPlatform = builder.isPlatformDistinctOn(); CQueryHistorySupport historySupport = builder.getHistorySupport(query); CQueryDraftSupport draftSupport = builder.getDraftSupport(query); this.ctx = new DefaultDbSqlContext(alias, builder, !subQuery, historySupport, draftSupport); } /** * Build based on the includes and using the BeanJoinTree. */ public SqlTree build() { summary.append(desc.getName()); // build the appropriate chain of SelectAdapter's buildRoot(desc); // build the actual String String distinctOn = null; String selectSql = null; String fromSql = null; String inheritanceWhereSql = null; String groupBy = null; BeanProperty[] encryptedProps = null; if (!rawSql) { selectSql = buildSelectClause(); fromSql = buildFromClause(); inheritanceWhereSql = buildWhereClause(); groupBy = buildGroupByClause(); distinctOn = buildDistinctOn(); encryptedProps = ctx.getEncryptedProps(); } boolean includeJoins = alias != null && alias.isIncludeJoins(); return new SqlTree(summary.toString(), rootNode, distinctOn, selectSql, fromSql, groupBy, inheritanceWhereSql, encryptedProps, manyProperty, queryDetail.getFetchPaths(), includeJoins); } private String buildSelectClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendSelect(ctx, subQuery); return trimComma(ctx.getContent()); } private String buildGroupByClause() { if (rawSql || !rootNode.isAggregation()) { return null; } ctx.startGroupBy(); rootNode.appendGroupBy(ctx, subQuery); return trimComma(ctx.getContent()); } private String buildDistinctOn() { if (rawSql || !distinctOnPlatform || !query.isSqlDistinct() || Type.COUNT == query.getType()) { return null; } ctx.startGroupBy(); rootNode.appendDistinctOn(ctx, subQuery); String idCols = trimComma(ctx.getContent()); return idCols == null ? null : mergeOnDistinct(idCols, predicates.getDbOrderBy()); } static String mergeOnDistinct(String idCols, String dbOrderBy) { if (dbOrderBy == null) { return idCols; } dbOrderBy = DbOrderByTrim.trim(dbOrderBy); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dbOrderBy.length() + idCols.length() + 2); sb.append(dbOrderBy); String[] split = idCols.split(","); for (String col : split) { col = col.trim(); if (!dbOrderBy.contains(col)) { sb.append(", ").append(col); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Trim the first comma. */ private String trimComma(String groupBy) { if (groupBy.length() < SqlTreeNode.COMMA.length()) { return null; } else { return groupBy.substring(SqlTreeNode.COMMA.length()); } } private String buildWhereClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendWhere(ctx); return ctx.getContent(); } private String buildFromClause() { if (rawSql) { return "Not Used"; } rootNode.appendFrom(ctx, SqlJoinType.AUTO); return ctx.getContent(); } private void buildRoot(BeanDescriptor<?> desc) { rootNode = buildSelectChain(null, null, desc, null); if (!rawSql) { alias.addJoin(queryDetail.getFetchPaths(), desc); alias.addJoin(predicates.getPredicateIncludes(), desc); alias.addManyWhereJoins(manyWhereJoins.getPropertyNames()); // build set of table alias alias.buildAlias(); predicates.parseTableAlias(alias); } } /** * Recursively build the query tree depending on what leaves in the tree * should be included. */ private SqlTreeNode buildSelectChain(String prefix, BeanPropertyAssoc<?> prop, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, List<SqlTreeNode> joinList) { List<SqlTreeNode> myJoinList = new ArrayList<>(); BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] ones = desc.propertiesOne(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> one : ones) { String propPrefix = SplitName.add(prefix, one.getName()); if (isIncludeBean(propPrefix)) { selectIncludes.add(propPrefix); buildSelectChain(propPrefix, one, one.getTargetDescriptor(), myJoinList); } } BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>[] manys = desc.propertiesMany(); for (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many : manys) { String propPrefix = SplitName.add(prefix, many.getName()); if (isIncludeMany(propPrefix, many)) { selectIncludes.add(propPrefix); buildSelectChain(propPrefix, many, many.getTargetDescriptor(), myJoinList); } } OrmQueryProperties queryProps = queryDetail.getChunk(prefix, false); SqlTreeProperties props = getBaseSelect(desc, queryProps); if (prefix == null && !rawSql) { if (props.requireSqlDistinct(manyWhereJoins)) { query.setSqlDistinct(true); } addManyWhereJoins(myJoinList); } SqlTreeNode selectNode = buildNode(prefix, prop, desc, myJoinList, props); if (joinList != null) { joinList.add(selectNode); } return selectNode; } /** * Add joins used to support where clause predicates on 'many' properties. * <p> * These joins are effectively independent of any fetch joins on 'many' * properties. * </p> */ private void addManyWhereJoins(List<SqlTreeNode> myJoinList) { Collection<PropertyJoin> includes = manyWhereJoins.getPropertyJoins(); for (PropertyJoin joinProp : includes) { BeanPropertyAssoc<?> beanProperty = (BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) desc.getBeanPropertyFromPath(joinProp.getProperty()); SqlTreeNodeManyWhereJoin nodeJoin = new SqlTreeNodeManyWhereJoin(joinProp.getProperty(), beanProperty, joinProp.getSqlJoinType()); myJoinList.add(nodeJoin); } } private SqlTreeNode buildNode(String prefix, BeanPropertyAssoc<?> prop, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, List<SqlTreeNode> myList, SqlTreeProperties props) { if (prefix == null) { buildExtraJoins(desc, myList); // Optional many property for lazy loading query BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> lazyLoadMany = (query == null) ? null : query.getLazyLoadMany(); boolean withId = !rawNoId && !subQuery && (query == null || query.isWithId()); return new SqlTreeNodeRoot(desc, props, myList, withId, includeJoin, lazyLoadMany, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad); } else if (prop instanceof BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) { return new SqlTreeNodeManyRoot(prefix, (BeanPropertyAssocMany<?>) prop, props, myList, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad); } else { // do not read Id on child beans (e.g. when used with fetch()) boolean withId = isNotSingleAttribute(); return new SqlTreeNodeBean(prefix, prop, props, myList, withId, temporalMode, disableLazyLoad); } } /** * Build extra joins to support properties used in where clause but not * already in select clause. */ private void buildExtraJoins(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, List<SqlTreeNode> myList) { if (rawSql) { return; } Set<String> predicateIncludes = predicates.getPredicateIncludes(); if (predicateIncludes == null) { return; } // Note includes - basically means joins. // The selectIncludes is the set of joins that are required to support // the 'select' part of the query. We may need to add other joins to // support the predicates or order by clauses. // remove ManyWhereJoins from the predicateIncludes predicateIncludes.removeAll(manyWhereJoins.getPropertyNames()); predicateIncludes.addAll(predicates.getOrderByIncludes()); // look for predicateIncludes that are not in selectIncludes and add // them as extra joins to the query IncludesDistiller extraJoinDistill = new IncludesDistiller(desc, selectIncludes, predicateIncludes); Collection<SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> extraJoins = extraJoinDistill.getExtraJoinRootNodes(); if (!extraJoins.isEmpty()) { // add extra joins required to support predicates // and/or order by clause for (SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin : extraJoins) { myList.add(extraJoin); if (extraJoin.isManyJoin()) { // as we are now going to join to the many then we need // to add the distinct to the sql query to stop duplicate // rows... query.setSqlDistinct(true); } } } } /** * A subQuery has slightly different rules in that it just generates SQL (into * the where clause) and its properties are not required to read the resultSet * etc. * <p> * This means it can included individual properties of an embedded bean. * </p> */ private void addPropertyToSubQuery(SqlTreeProperties selectProps, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, String propName) { BeanProperty p = desc.findBeanProperty(propName); if (p == null) { logger.error("property [" + propName + "]not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); } else if (p instanceof BeanPropertyAssoc<?> && p.isEmbedded()) { // if the property is embedded we need to lookup the real column name int pos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (pos > -1) { String name = propName.substring(pos + 1); p = ((BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) p).getTargetDescriptor().findBeanProperty(name); } } selectProps.add(p); } private void addProperty(SqlTreeProperties selectProps, BeanDescriptor<?> desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps, String propName) { if (subQuery) { addPropertyToSubQuery(selectProps, desc, propName); return; } int basePos = propName.indexOf('.'); if (basePos > -1) { // property on an embedded bean. Embedded beans do not yet // support being partially populated so we include the // 'base' property and make sure we only do that once String baseName = propName.substring(0, basePos); // make sure we only included the base/embedded bean once if (!selectProps.containsProperty(baseName)) { BeanProperty p = desc.findBeanProperty(baseName); if (p == null) { logger.error("property [" + propName + "] not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); } else if (p.isEmbedded()) { // add the embedded bean (and effectively // all its properties) selectProps.add(p); } else { String m = "property [" + p.getFullBeanName() + "] expected to be an embedded bean for query - excluding it."; logger.error(m); } } } else { // find the property including searching the // sub class hierarchy if required BeanProperty p = desc.findBeanProperty(propName); if (p == null) { logger.error("property [" + propName + "] not found on " + desc + " for query - excluding it."); p = desc.findBeanProperty("id"); selectProps.add(p); } else if (p.isId() && isNotSingleAttribute()) { // do not bother to include id for normal queries as the // id is always added (except for subQueries) } else if (p instanceof BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) { // need to check if this property should be // excluded. This occurs when this property is // included as a bean join. With a bean join // the property should be excluded as the bean // join has its own node in the SqlTree. if (!queryProps.isIncludedBeanJoin(p.getName())) { // include the property... which basically // means include the foreign key column(s) selectProps.add(p); } } else { selectProps.add(p); } } } private SqlTreeProperties getBaseSelectPartial(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps) { SqlTreeProperties selectProps = new SqlTreeProperties(); selectProps.setReadOnly(queryProps.isReadOnly()); // add properties in the order in which they appear // in the query. Gives predictable sql/properties for // use with SqlSelect type queries. // Also note that this can include transient properties. // This makes sense for transient properties used to // hold sum() count() type values (with SqlSelect) for (String propName : queryProps.getSelectProperties()) { if (!propName.isEmpty()) { addProperty(selectProps, desc, queryProps, propName); } } return selectProps; } private SqlTreeProperties getBaseSelect(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, OrmQueryProperties queryProps) { boolean partial = queryProps != null && !queryProps.allProperties(); if (partial) { return getBaseSelectPartial(desc, queryProps); } SqlTreeProperties selectProps = new SqlTreeProperties(); selectProps.setAllProperties(); // normal simple properties of the bean selectProps.add(desc.propertiesBaseScalar()); selectProps.add(desc.propertiesEmbedded()); BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>[] propertiesOne = desc.propertiesOne(); for (BeanPropertyAssocOne<?> aPropertiesOne : propertiesOne) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (queryProps != null && queryProps.isIncludedBeanJoin(aPropertiesOne.getName())) { // if it is a joined bean... then don't add the property // as it will have its own entire Node in the SqlTree } else { selectProps.add(aPropertiesOne); } } InheritInfo inheritInfo = desc.getInheritInfo(); if (inheritInfo != null) { // add sub type properties inheritInfo.addChildrenProperties(selectProps); } return selectProps; } /** * Return true if this many node should be included in the query. */ private boolean isIncludeMany(String propName, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProp) { if (queryDetail.isJoinsEmpty()) { return false; } if (queryDetail.includesPath(propName)) { if (manyProperty != null) { // only one many associated allowed to be included in fetch if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Not joining [" + propName + "] as already joined to a Many[" + manyProperty + "]."); } return false; } manyProperty = manyProp; summary.append(" +many:").append(propName); return true; } return false; } /** * Test to see if we are including this node into the query. * <p> * Return true if this node is FULLY included resulting in table join. If the * node is not included but its parent has been included then a "bean proxy" * is added and false is returned. * </p> */ private boolean isIncludeBean(String prefix) { if (queryDetail.includesPath(prefix)) { // explicitly included summary.append(", ").append(prefix); String[] splitNames = SplitName.split(prefix); queryDetail.includeBeanJoin(splitNames[0], splitNames[1]); return true; } return false; } /** * Takes the select includes and the predicates includes and determines the * extra joins required to support the predicates (that are not already * supported by the select includes). * <p> * This returns ONLY the leaves. The joins for the leaves * </p> */ private static class IncludesDistiller { private final Set<String> selectIncludes; private final Set<String> predicateIncludes; /** * Contains the 'root' extra joins. We only return the roots back. */ private final Map<String, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> joinRegister = new HashMap<>(); /** * Register of all the extra join nodes. */ private final Map<String, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> rootRegister = new HashMap<>(); private final BeanDescriptor<?> desc; private IncludesDistiller(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, Set<String> selectIncludes, Set<String> predicateIncludes) { this.desc = desc; this.selectIncludes = selectIncludes; this.predicateIncludes = predicateIncludes; } /** * Build the collection of extra joins returning just the roots. * <p> * each root returned here could contain a little tree of joins. This * follows the more natural pattern and allows for forcing outer joins from * a join to a 'many' down through the rest of its tree. * </p> */ private Collection<SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin> getExtraJoinRootNodes() { String[] extras = findExtras(); if (extras.length == 0) { return rootRegister.values(); } // sort so we process only getting the leaves // excluding nodes between root and the leaf Arrays.sort(extras); // reverse order so get the leaves first... for (String extra : extras) { createExtraJoin(extra); } return rootRegister.values(); } private void createExtraJoin(String includeProp) { SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin = createJoinLeaf(includeProp); if (extraJoin != null) { // add the extra join... // find root of this extra join... linking back to the // parents (creating the tree) as it goes. SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin root = findExtraJoinRoot(includeProp, extraJoin); // register the root because these are the only ones we // return back. rootRegister.put(root.getName(), root); } } /** * Create a SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin, register and return it. */ private SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin createJoinLeaf(String propertyName) { ElPropertyValue elGetValue = desc.getElGetValue(propertyName); if (elGetValue == null) { // this can occur for master detail queries // with concatenated keys (so not an error now) return null; } BeanProperty beanProperty = elGetValue.getBeanProperty(); if (beanProperty instanceof BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) { BeanPropertyAssoc<?> assocProp = (BeanPropertyAssoc<?>) beanProperty; if (assocProp.isEmbedded()) { // no extra join required for embedded beans return null; } SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin extraJoin = new SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin(propertyName, assocProp, elGetValue.containsMany()); joinRegister.put(propertyName, extraJoin); return extraJoin; } return null; } /** * Find the root the this extra join tree. * <p> * This may need to create a parent join implicitly if a predicate join * 'skips' a level. e.g. where = 1 (maybe join to details is * not specified and is implicitly created. * </p> */ private SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin findExtraJoinRoot(String includeProp, SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin childJoin) { while (true) { int dotPos = includeProp.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos == -1) { // no parent possible(parent is root) return childJoin; } else { // look in register ... String parentPropertyName = includeProp.substring(0, dotPos); if (selectIncludes.contains(parentPropertyName)) { // parent already handled by select return childJoin; } SqlTreeNodeExtraJoin parentJoin = joinRegister.get(parentPropertyName); if (parentJoin == null) { // we need to create this the parent implicitly... parentJoin = createJoinLeaf(parentPropertyName); } parentJoin.addChild(childJoin); childJoin = parentJoin; includeProp = parentPropertyName; } } } /** * Find the extra joins required by predicates and not already taken care of * by the select. */ private String[] findExtras() { List<String> extras = new ArrayList<>(); for (String predProp : predicateIncludes) { if (!selectIncludes.contains(predProp)) { extras.add(predProp); } } return extras.toArray(new String[extras.size()]); } } /** * Return true if the query is not a single attribute query. */ private boolean isNotSingleAttribute() { return query == null || !query.isSingleAttribute(); } }