package jadex.xml.bean; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.commons.collection.LRU; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /** * Introspector for Java beans. It uses the reflection * to build up a map with property infos (name, read/write method, etc.) */ public class BeanReflectionIntrospector implements IBeanIntrospector { //-------- attributes -------- /** The cache for saving time for multiple lookups. */ protected LRU beaninfos; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new introspector. */ public BeanReflectionIntrospector() { this(200); } /** * Create a new introspector. */ public BeanReflectionIntrospector(int lrusize) { this.beaninfos = new LRU(lrusize); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the bean properties for a specific clazz. */ public Map getBeanProperties(Class clazz, boolean includefields) { // Map ret = (Map)(beaninfos!=null? beaninfos.get(clazz): null); Map ret = (Map)beaninfos.get(clazz); if(ret==null) { Method[] ms = clazz.getMethods(); HashMap getters = new HashMap(); ArrayList setters = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<ms.length; i++) { String method_name=ms[i].getName(); if((method_name.startsWith("is") || method_name.startsWith("get")) && ms[i].getParameterTypes().length==0) { getters.put(method_name, ms[i]); } else if(method_name.startsWith("set") && ms[i].getParameterTypes().length==1) { setters.add(ms[i]); } } ret = new HashMap(); Iterator it=setters.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Method setter = (Method); String setter_name= setter.getName(); String property_name = setter_name.substring(3); Method getter = (Method)getters.get("get" + property_name); if(getter==null) getter = (Method)getters.get("is" + property_name); if(getter!=null) { Class[] setter_param_type = setter.getParameterTypes(); String property_java_name = Character.toLowerCase(property_name.charAt(0))+property_name.substring(1); ret.put(property_java_name, new BeanProperty(property_java_name, getter.getReturnType(), getter, setter, setter_param_type[0])); } } // Get all public fields. if(includefields) { Field[] fields = clazz.getFields(); for(int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { String property_java_name = fields[i].getName(); if(!ret.containsKey(property_java_name)) { ret.put(property_java_name, new BeanProperty(property_java_name, fields[i])); } } } // Get final values (val$xyz fields) for anonymous classes. if(SReflect.isAnonymousInnerClass(clazz)) { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { String property_java_name = fields[i].getName(); if(property_java_name.startsWith("val$")) { property_java_name = property_java_name.substring(4); if(!ret.containsKey(property_java_name)) { ret.put(property_java_name, new BeanProperty(property_java_name, fields[i])); } } } } // if(beaninfos==null) // beaninfos = new LRU(200); beaninfos.put(clazz, ret); } return ret; } }