package jadex.base.contentcodecs; import jadex.bridge.IContentCodec; import java.beans.ExceptionListener; import java.beans.XMLDecoder; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; /** * The XML codec based on the standard Java 1.4 XMLCodec. */ public class JavaXMLContentCodec implements IContentCodec, Serializable { //-------- constants -------- /** The java xml language. */ public static final String JAVA_XML = "java-xml"; /** * Test if the codec can be used with the provided meta information. * @param props The meta information. * @return True, if it can be used. */ public boolean match(Properties props) { return JAVA_XML.equals(props.getProperty("language")); } /** * Encode data with the codec. * @param val The value. * @return The encoded object. */ public synchronized String encode(Object val, ClassLoader classloader) { ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLEncoder e = new XMLEncoder(bs); e.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() { public void exceptionThrown(Exception e) { System.out.println("XML encoding ERROR: "); e.printStackTrace(); } }); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classloader); // System.err.println("encoding with class loader: "+Thread.currentThread()+", "+Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); e.writeObject(val); e.close(); return bs.toString(); } /** * Decode data with the codec. * @param val The string value. * @return The encoded object. */ public synchronized Object decode(final String val, ClassLoader classloader) { assert val != null; ByteArrayInputStream bs = new ByteArrayInputStream(val.getBytes()); XMLDecoder d = new XMLDecoder(bs, null, new ExceptionListener() { public void exceptionThrown(Exception e) { System.err.println("XML decoding ERROR: "+val); e.printStackTrace(); } }); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classloader); // System.err.println("decoding with class loader: "+Thread.currentThread()+", "+Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); Object ob = d.readObject(); d.close(); return ob; } }