package jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.environment; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Creature; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Food; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Hunter; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.IEnvironment; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Location; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Observer; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Obstacle; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Prey; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.RequestMove; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.TaskInfo; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.Vision; import jadex.bdi.examples.hunterprey_classic.WorldObject; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.commons.SimplePropertyChangeSupport; import jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection; import jadex.xml.bean.JavaReader; import jadex.xml.bean.JavaWriter; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** * The environment is the container all objects and creatures. */ public class Environment implements IEnvironment { //-------- constants -------- /** The default number of lease ticks. */ public static int DEFAULT_LEASE_TICKS = 50; //-------- attributes -------- /** The singleton instance. */ protected static Environment instance; /** The creatures. */ protected Map creatures; /** The obstacles. */ protected Set obstacles; /** The prey food. */ protected Set food; /** All world objects accessible per location. */ public MultiCollection world; /** The horizontal size. */ protected int sizex; /** The vertictal size. */ protected int sizey; /** The monitor. */ protected Object monitor; /** The list for move and eat requests. */ protected List tasklist; /** The helper object for bean events. */ protected SimplePropertyChangeSupport pcs; /** The radnom number generator. */ protected Random rand; /** The highscore location. */ protected List highscore; /** The last time the highscore was saved. */ protected long savetime; /** The interval between saves of highscore (-1 for autosave off). */ protected long saveinterval; /** The foodrate determines how often new food pops up. */ protected int foodrate; /** The world age. */ protected int age; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new environment. */ public Environment() { this.creatures = new HashMap(); this.obstacles = new HashSet(); = new HashSet(); = new MultiCollection(); this.monitor = new Object(); this.tasklist = new ArrayList(); this.pcs = new SimplePropertyChangeSupport(this); this.sizex = 30; this.sizey = 30; this.rand = new Random(12345678); this.saveinterval = 5000; this.foodrate = 5; // Hack! only for testing for(int i=0; i<125; i++) addObstacle(new Obstacle(getEmptyLocation())); for(int i=0; i<10; i++) addFood(new Food(getEmptyLocation())); // Read highscore list. InputStream is = null; try { // InputStream tmp = SUtil.getResource("highscore.dmp", Environment.class.getClassLoader()); // ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(tmp); // this.highscore = SUtil.arrayToList(is.readObject()); // is.close(); is = SUtil.getResource("highscore.dmp", Environment.class.getClassLoader()); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); byte[] b = new byte[4096]; for(int n; (n = != -1;) { out.append(new String(b, 0, n)); } highscore = SUtil.arrayToList(JavaReader.objectFromXML(out.toString(), Environment.class.getClassLoader())); } catch(Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println(e); highscore = new ArrayList(); } finally { if(is!=null) { try { is.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } } } } /** * Get the singleton. * @return The environment. */ public static Environment getInstance() { if(instance==null) instance = new Environment(); return instance; } //-------- interface methods -------- /** * Move one field upwards. The method will block * until the current simulation step has finished. * @return True, when the operation succeeded. */ public boolean moveUp(Creature me) { return move(me, RequestMove.DIRECTION_UP); } /** * Move one field downwards. The method will block * until the current simulation step has finished. * @return True, when the operation succeeded. */ public boolean moveDown(Creature me) { return move(me, RequestMove.DIRECTION_DOWN); } /** * Move one field to the left. The method will block * until the current simulation step has finished. * @return True, when the operation succeeded. */ public boolean moveLeft(Creature me) { return move(me, RequestMove.DIRECTION_LEFT); } /** * Move one field to the right. The method will block * until the current simulation step has finished. * @return True, when the operation succeeded. */ public boolean moveRight(Creature me) { return move(me, RequestMove.DIRECTION_RIGHT); } /** * Eat some object. The object has to be at the same location. * This method does not block, and can be called multiple * times during each simulation step. * @param food The object. * @return True, when the operation succeeded. */ public boolean eat(Creature me, WorldObject food) { boolean ret = false; int points = 0; me = getCreature(me); me.setLeaseticks(DEFAULT_LEASE_TICKS); if(food instanceof Food) { if(me.getLocation().equals(food.getLocation())) { ret = removeFood((Food)food); points = 1; } } else if(me instanceof Hunter && food instanceof Prey) { // Get actual creature from world model. Creature creat = getCreature((Creature)food); if(me.getLocation().equals(creat.getLocation())) { ret = removeCreature(creat); points = 5; } } if(ret) { me.setPoints(me.getPoints()+points); } { // This happens if the creature compute the next step on the old vision. // The "move" plan resumes execution on "notasks" condition trigger. The creature // agent will be informed and the next step is computed. The current vision is updated // via the SimTickerPlan AFTER the condition has triggered. In single core machines this // seems to happen not very often. But in multicore machines this is a very bad race condition // that happens very very very very often. // System.out.println("Creature tried to cheat: '"+me.getName()+"' Do we have a multicore problem?"); } //block(); todo: make blocking for local case return ret; } /** * Add a move or eat action to the queue. */ public TaskInfo addEatTask(Creature me, WorldObject obj) { TaskInfo ret = new TaskInfo(new Object[]{"eat", me, obj}); tasklist.add(ret); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("taskSize", tasklist.size()-1, tasklist.size()); return ret; } /** * Add a move or eat action to the queue. */ public TaskInfo addMoveTask(Creature me, String dir) { TaskInfo ret = new TaskInfo(new Object[]{"move", me, dir}); tasklist.add(ret); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("taskSize", tasklist.size()-1, tasklist.size()); return ret; } /** * Clear the TaskList * HACK! Should be done in executeStep method, but that leads to problems with * other Agents. They compute their next step with the old vision. :-( * This is a race condition too! Tasks can be lost. */ protected void clearTaskList() { int length = tasklist.size(); tasklist.clear(); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("taskSize", length, tasklist.size()); } /** * Get the current vision (without updating the creatures leaseticks). * @param me The creature. */ public Vision internalGetVision(Creature me) { Vision ret = new Vision(); me = getCreature(me); WorldObject[] wos; if(me instanceof Observer) { wos = getAllObjects(); } else { wos = getNearObjects(me.getLocation(), me.getVisionRange()); } ret.setObjects(wos); return ret; } /** * Get the current vision. This method does not block, * and can be called multiple times during each simulation step. * @param me The creature. */ public Vision getVision(Creature me) { me = getCreature(me); me.setLeaseticks(DEFAULT_LEASE_TICKS); return internalGetVision(me); } /** * Get the width of the world. */ public int getWidth() { return sizex; } /** * Get the height of the world. */ public int getHeight() { return sizey; } //-------- management methods -------- /** * Add a new prey food to the world. * @param nfood The new food. */ public void addFood(Food nfood) {;, nfood); } /** * remove a prey food to the world. * @param nfood Thefood. */ public boolean removeFood(Food nfood) {, nfood); return; } /** * Add a new obstacle to the world. * @param obstacle The new obstacle. */ public void addObstacle(Obstacle obstacle) { this.obstacles.add(obstacle);, obstacle); } /** * Remove a obstacle to the world. * @param obstacle The obstacle. */ public boolean removeObstacle(Obstacle obstacle) {, obstacle); return this.obstacles.remove(obstacle); } /** * Add a new creature to the world. * @param creature The creature. */ public Creature addCreature(Creature creature) { Creature copy; if(!creatures.containsKey(creature)) { copy = (Creature)creature.clone(); copy.setLeaseticks(DEFAULT_LEASE_TICKS); copy.setWorldWidth(getWidth()); copy.setWorldHeight(getHeight()); this.creatures.put(copy, copy); if(!(copy instanceof Observer)) { copy.setAge(0); copy.setPoints(0); copy.setLocation(getEmptyLocation()); // if(copy instanceof Hunter) // copy.setVisionRange(5); // else copy.setVisionRange(3);, copy); this.highscore.add(copy); } //System.out.println("Environment, creature added: "+copy.getName()+" "+copy.getLocation()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Creature already exists: "+creature); } return copy; } /** * Remove a creature to the world. * @param creature The creature. */ public boolean removeCreature(Creature creature) { // Remove tasks of this creature. int tasks = tasklist.size(); for(Iterator it=tasklist.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TaskInfo task = (TaskInfo); Object[] params = (Object[])task.getAction(); if(creature.equals(params[1])) { // System.out.println("Removed: "+task); it.remove(); } } this.pcs.firePropertyChange("taskSize", tasks, tasklist.size()); if(, creature); return this.creatures.remove(creature)!=null; } /** * Execute a step. */ public void executeStep() { // Creatures that already acted in this step. Set acted = new HashSet(); Creature[] creatures = getCreatures(); for(int i=0; i<creatures.length; i++) { creatures[i].setAge(creatures[i].getAge()+1); creatures[i].setLeaseticks(creatures[i].getLeaseticks()-1); if(creatures[i].getLeaseticks()<0) removeCreature(creatures[i]); } // Perform eat/move tasks. TaskInfo[] tasks = (TaskInfo[])tasklist.toArray(new TaskInfo[tasklist.size()]); for(int i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) { Object[] params = (Object[])tasks[i].getAction(); if(params[0].equals("eat")) { if(!acted.contains(params[1])) { tasks[i].setResult(new Boolean(eat((Creature)params[1], (WorldObject)params[2]))); acted.add(params[1]); } else { tasks[i].setResult(new Boolean(false)); } } } for(int i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) { Object[] params = (Object[])tasks[i].getAction(); if(params[0].equals("move")) { if(!acted.contains(params[1])) { tasks[i].setResult(new Boolean(move((Creature)params[1], (String)params[2]))); acted.add(params[1]); } else { tasks[i].setResult(new Boolean(false)); } } } // Place new food. if(age%foodrate==0) { Location loc = getEmptyLocation(); Location test= getEmptyLocation(); // Make sure there will be some empty location left. if(!loc.equals(test)) { addFood(new Food(loc)); } } tasklist.clear(); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("taskSize", tasks.length, tasklist.size()); // Save highscore. long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(saveinterval>=0 && savetime+saveinterval<=time) { saveHighscore(); savetime = time; } age++; } /** * Get the world age. * @return The age of the world. */ public int getWorldAge() { return age; } /** * Get the foodrate. * @return The foodrate. */ public int getFoodrate() { return foodrate; } /** * Set the foodrate. * @param foodrate The foodrate. */ public void setFoodrate(int foodrate) { this.foodrate = foodrate; } /** * Perform a move. * @param me The creature. * @param dir The direction. */ public boolean move(Creature me, String dir) { boolean ret = true; me = getCreature(me); me.setLeaseticks(DEFAULT_LEASE_TICKS); Location newloc = createLocation(me.getLocation(), dir); Collection col = world.getCollection(newloc); if(col!=null && col.size()==1 && col.iterator().next() instanceof Obstacle) { ret = false; } else { // Move creature. try { world.remove(me.getLocation(), me); me.setLocation(newloc); world.put(me.getLocation(), me); } catch(Exception e) { //System.out.println("!!! "+me); System.out.println(world+" "+me); e.printStackTrace(); } } //block(); todo: make blocking for local case return ret; } /** * Get the creatures. * @return The creatures. */ public Creature[] getCreatures() { return (Creature[])creatures.values().toArray(new Creature[creatures.size()]); } /** * Get the obstacles. * @return The obstacles. */ public Obstacle[] getObstacles() { return (Obstacle[])obstacles.toArray(new Obstacle[obstacles.size()]); } /** * Get the obstacles. * @return The obstacles. */ public Food[] getFood() { return (Food[])food.toArray(new Food[food.size()]); } /** * Get all objects in the world (obstacles, food, and creature). */ public WorldObject[] getAllObjects() { // Add obstacles and food to return set. ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); ret.addAll(obstacles); ret.addAll(food); // Add creatures. ret.addAll(creatures.values()); // Convert to array and return. return (WorldObject[])ret.toArray(new WorldObject[ret.size()]); } /** * Create a location. * @param loc The location. * @param dir The direction. * @return The new location. */ protected Location createLocation(Location loc, String dir) { int x = loc.getX(); int y = loc.getY(); if(RequestMove.DIRECTION_UP.equals(dir)) { y = (sizey+y-1)%sizey; } else if(RequestMove.DIRECTION_DOWN.equals(dir)) { y = (y+1)%sizey; } else if(RequestMove.DIRECTION_LEFT.equals(dir)) { x = (sizex+x-1)%sizex; } else if(RequestMove.DIRECTION_RIGHT.equals(dir)) { x = (x+1)%sizex; } return new Location(x, y); } /** * Get an empty location. * @return The location. */ protected Location getEmptyLocation() { Location ret = null; while(ret==null) { ret = new Location(rand.nextInt(sizex), rand.nextInt(sizey)); if(world.containsKey(ret)) { ret = null; } } return ret; } /** * Return the size of the task list. * @return The task size. */ public int getTaskSize() { return tasklist.size(); } /** * Get the internal representation of a creature. * If the creature is unknown it gets added to the environment. * @param creature The creature. * @return The creature as known in the environment. */ protected Creature getCreature(Creature creature) { Creature ret = (Creature)creatures.get(creature); if(ret==null) { ret = addCreature(creature); } return ret; } /** * Get objects near a position. * @param loc The location. * @param range The range. */ protected WorldObject[] getNearObjects(Location loc, int range) { Collection ret = new ArrayList(); int x = loc.getX(); int y = loc.getY(); for(int i=x-range; i<=x+range; i++) { for(int j=y-range; j<=y+range; j++) { Collection tmp = world.getCollection(new Location((i+sizex)%sizex, (j+sizey)%sizey)); if(tmp!=null) ret.addAll(tmp); } } return (WorldObject[])ret.toArray(new WorldObject[ret.size()]); } /** * Get the current highscore. * @return The 10 best creatures. */ public Creature[] getHighscore() { try { Collections.sort(highscore, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((Creature)o2).getPoints() - ((Creature)o1).getPoints(); } }); List copy = highscore.subList(0, Math.min(highscore.size(), 10)); return (Creature[])copy.toArray(new Creature[copy.size()]); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return new Creature[0]; } } /** * Save the highscore to a file. */ public void saveHighscore() { OutputStreamWriter os = null; try { String outputFile = "highscore.dmp"; // write as serialized object //ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile)); //os.writeObject(getHighscore()); //os.close(); // write as xml file os = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), "UTF-8"); os.write(JavaWriter.objectToXML(getHighscore(),this.getClass().getClassLoader())); os.close(); // System.out.println("Saved highscore."); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error writing hunterprey highscore 'highscore.dmp'."); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(os!=null) { try { os.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } } } } /** * Set the highscore save interval (-1 for autosave off). */ public void setSaveInterval(long saveinterval) { this.saveinterval = saveinterval; } /** * Get the highscore save interval (-1 for autosave off). */ public long getSaveInterval() { return this.saveinterval; } //-------- property methods -------- /** * Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. * The listener is registered for all properties. * @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added. */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. * This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered * for all properties. * @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed. */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } }