package jadex.micro.examples.heatbugs; import jadex.application.runtime.IApplicationExternalAccess; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jadex.bridge.IComponentStep; import jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess; import jadex.micro.MicroAgent; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * The heatbug agent. */ public class HeatbugAgent extends MicroAgent { //-------- attributes -------- /** The probability of a random move. */ protected double randomchance; /** The desired temperature. */ protected double ideal_temp; /** The current temperature. */ protected double mytemp; /** The current unhappiness. */ protected double unhappiness; //-------- methods -------- /** * Execute an agent step. */ public void executeBody() { IApplicationExternalAccess app = (IApplicationExternalAccess)getParent(); final Grid2D grid = (Grid2D)app.getSpace("mygc2dspace"); ISpaceObject avatar = grid.getAvatar(getComponentIdentifier()); // unhappiness = Math.abs(ideal_temp - temp); randomchance = ((Number)avatar.getProperty("random_move_chance")).doubleValue(); ideal_temp = ((Number)avatar.getProperty("ideal_temp")).doubleValue(); // System.out.println("ideal_temp: "+ideal_temp+" "+getArgument("ideal_temp")); IComponentStep com = new IComponentStep() { public Object execute(IInternalAccess ia) { ISpaceObject avatar = grid.getAvatar(getComponentIdentifier()); IVector2 mypos = (IVector2)avatar.getProperty(Space2D.PROPERTY_POSITION); ISpaceObject patch = (ISpaceObject)grid.getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(mypos, "patch").iterator().next(); mytemp = ((Number)patch.getProperty("heat")).doubleValue(); unhappiness = ((Number)avatar.getProperty("unhappiness")).doubleValue(); if(unhappiness>0) { Set tmp = grid.getNearObjects((IVector2)avatar.getProperty( Space2D.PROPERTY_POSITION), new Vector1Int(1), "patch"); tmp.remove(patch); ISpaceObject[] neighbors = (ISpaceObject[])tmp.toArray(new ISpaceObject[tmp.size()]); IVector2 target = null; if(Math.random()<randomchance) { // for(int tries=0; target==null && tries<10; tries++) // { int choice = (int)(Math.random()*neighbors.length); IVector2 choicepos = (IVector2)neighbors[choice].getProperty(Space2D.PROPERTY_POSITION); // if(grid.getSpaceObjectsByGridPosition(choicepos, "heatbug")==null) target = choicepos; // } } else { if(mytemp>ideal_temp) { ISpaceObject min = patch; double minheat = mytemp; for(int i=0; i<neighbors.length; i++) { double heat = ((Number)neighbors[i].getProperty("heat")).doubleValue(); if(heat<minheat) { min = neighbors[i]; minheat = heat; } } target = (IVector2)min.getProperty(Space2D.PROPERTY_POSITION); } else { ISpaceObject max = patch; double maxheat = mytemp; for(int i=0; i<neighbors.length; i++) { double heat = ((Number)neighbors[i].getProperty("heat")).doubleValue(); if(heat>maxheat) { max = neighbors[i]; maxheat = heat; } } target = (IVector2)max.getProperty(Space2D.PROPERTY_POSITION); } } // if(!target.equals(mypos)) { // System.out.println("res: "+avatar.getProperty(ISpaceObject.PROPERTY_OWNER)+" "+target); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(ISpaceAction.OBJECT_ID, avatar.getId()); params.put(MoveAction.PARAMETER_POSITION, target); grid.performSpaceAction("move", params, null); } } waitForTick(this); return null; } public String toString() { return "heatbug.body()"; } }; waitForTick(com); } //-------- static methods -------- /** * Get the meta information about the agent. * / public static Object getMetaInfo() { // todo: remove arguments, the values are directly taken // from the avatar. return new MicroAgentMetaInfo("A heat bug emits heat and " + "moves towards a point with ideal temperature.", new String[0], new IArgument[]{ new IArgument() { public Object getDefaultValue(String configname) { return new Double(0.5); } public String getDescription() { return "Ideal temperature."; } public String getName() { return "ideal_temp"; } public String getTypename() { return "double"; } public boolean validate(String input) { return true; } }, new IArgument() { public Object getDefaultValue(String configname) { return new Double(0.1); } public String getDescription() { return "Output heat."; } public String getName() { return "output_heat"; } public String getTypename() { return "double"; } public boolean validate(String input) { return true; } } }, null, null); }*/ }