package jadex.commons; /** * A tuple is a list of entities. * The entities of a tuple may be null. * The equals and hashCode methods are overridden, * such that two tuples are equal and have the same hashcode, * if they contain the same entities. * Therefore tuples can be used for multipart keys in hashtables. * * @see java.util.Hashtable * @see Object#hashCode() * @see Object#equals(Object) */ public class Tuple implements Cloneable, { //-------- attributes -------- /** The entities of the tuple. */ protected Object[] entities; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Convenience constructor for binary tuples. * @param entity1 The first object in the tuple. * @param entity2 The second object in the tuple. */ public Tuple(Object entity1, Object entity2) { this(new Object[]{entity1, entity2}); } /** * Convenience constructor for binary tuples. * @param entity1 The first object in the tuple. * @param entity2 The second object in the tuple. * @param entity3 The third object in the tuple. */ public Tuple(Object entity1, Object entity2, Object entity3) { this(new Object[]{entity1, entity2, entity3}); } /** * Create a new tuple. * @param entities The objects in the tuple. */ public Tuple(Object[] entities) { this.entities = entities; } //-------- Accessors -------- /** * Get an entity. * @param n The entities position. * @return The entity. */ public Object getEntity(int n) { return entities[n]; } /** * Get entities * @return The entities. */ public Object[] getEntities() { return entities; } /** * Get an entity. * @param n The entities position. * @return The entity. */ public Object get(int n) { return entities[n]; } /** * Get the size. * @return The size. */ public int size() { return entities.length; } //-------- Object overridings -------- /** * Compute the hashcode of the tuple. */ public int hashCode() { int hash = entities.length; for(int i=0; i<entities.length; i++) { if(entities[i]!=null) { hash = hash ^ (entities[i].hashCode()<<i); } } return hash; } /** * Test two tuples for equality. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o instanceof Tuple) { Tuple tuple = (Tuple)o; if(tuple.entities.length==entities.length) { boolean equals = true; for(int i=0; i<entities.length; i++) { equals = equals && SUtil.equals(entities[i], tuple.entities[i]); } return equals; } } return false; } /** * Convert this tuple to a string representation. * @return A string representation of this tuple. */ public String toString() { return "Tuple"+SUtil.arrayToString(entities); } //-------- Cloneable interface -------- /** * Clone this tuple. * @return A shallow copy of this tuple. */ public Object clone() { return new Tuple((Object[])entities.clone()); } }