package jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights; import jadex.bdi.model.IMElement; import jadex.bdi.model.impl.flyweights.MCapabilityFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IBDIExternalAccess; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IBDIInternalAccess; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IBeliefbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.ICapability; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IEventbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IExpressionbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IGoalbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPlanbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPropertybase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.BDIInterpreter; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.OAVBDIRuntimeModel; import jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener; import jadex.bridge.IComponentAdapter; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.bridge.IComponentListener; import jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess; import jadex.bridge.IModelInfo; import jadex.commons.IFuture; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.commons.concurrent.IResultListener; import jadex.commons.service.IServiceProvider; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Flyweight for a capability. */ public class CapabilityFlyweight extends ElementFlyweight implements ICapability, IBDIInternalAccess { //-------- attributes -------- /** The agent handle. */ protected Object agent; /** The agent adapter. */ protected IComponentAdapter adapter; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new capability flyweight. * @param state The state. * @param scope The scope handle. * @param agent The agent handle. * @param adapter The agent adapter. */ public CapabilityFlyweight(IOAVState state, Object scope) { super(state, scope, scope); this.agent = getInterpreter().getAgent(); this.adapter = getInterpreter().getAgentAdapter(); } //-------- methods concerning beliefs -------- /** * Get the scope. * @return The scope. */ public IBDIExternalAccess getExternalAccess() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new ExternalAccessFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IBDIExternalAccess)invoc.object; } else { return new ExternalAccessFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the parent (if any). * @return The parent. */ public IExternalAccess getParent() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = getInterpreter().getParent(); } }; return (IExternalAccess)invoc.object; } else { return getInterpreter().getParent(); } } /** * Get the belief base. * @return The belief base. */ public IBeliefbase getBeliefbase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = BeliefbaseFlyweight.getBeliefbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IBeliefbase)invoc.object; } else { return BeliefbaseFlyweight.getBeliefbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the goal base. * @return The goal base. */ public IGoalbase getGoalbase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = GoalbaseFlyweight.getGoalbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IGoalbase)invoc.object; } else { return GoalbaseFlyweight.getGoalbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the plan base. * @return The plan base. */ public IPlanbase getPlanbase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = PlanbaseFlyweight.getPlanbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IPlanbase)invoc.object; } else { return PlanbaseFlyweight.getPlanbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the event base. * @return The event base. */ public IEventbase getEventbase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = EventbaseFlyweight.getEventbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IEventbase)invoc.object; } else { return EventbaseFlyweight.getEventbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the expression base. * @return The expression base. */ public IExpressionbase getExpressionbase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = ExpressionbaseFlyweight.getExpressionbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IExpressionbase)invoc.object; } else { return ExpressionbaseFlyweight.getExpressionbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the property base. * @return The property base. */ public IPropertybase getPropertybase() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = PropertybaseFlyweight.getPropertybaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IPropertybase)invoc.object; } else { return PropertybaseFlyweight.getPropertybaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Register a subcapability. * @param subcap The subcapability. * / public void registerSubcapability(IMCapabilityReference subcap) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Deregister a subcapability. * @param subcap The subcapability. * / public void deregisterSubcapability(IMCapabilityReference subcap) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }*/ /** * Get the logger. * @return The logger. */ public Logger getLogger() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = BDIInterpreter.getInterpreter(getState()).getLogger(getScope()); } }; return (Logger)invoc.object; } else { return BDIInterpreter.getInterpreter(getState()).getLogger(getScope()); } } /** * Get the agent name. * @return The agent name. */ public String getAgentName() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { string = adapter.getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName(); } }; return invoc.string; } else { return adapter.getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName(); } } /** * Get the agent model. * @return The agent model. */ public IModelInfo getAgentModel() { return getInterpreter().getModel().getModelInfo(); } /** * Get the configuration name. * @return The configuration name. */ public String getConfigurationName() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Get the agent identifier. * @return The agent identifier. */ public IComponentIdentifier getComponentIdentifier() { // Todo: synchronization across components? if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = adapter.getComponentIdentifier(); } }; return (IComponentIdentifier)invoc.object; } else { return adapter.getComponentIdentifier(); } } /** * Get the platform specific agent object. * Allows to do platform specific things. * @return The agent object. */ public Object getPlatformComponent() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = adapter; } }; return invoc.object; } else { return adapter; } } /** * Get the agent platform * @return The agent platform. */ public IServiceProvider getServiceProvider() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = getInterpreter().getServiceProvider(); } }; return (IServiceProvider)invoc.object; } else { return getInterpreter().getServiceProvider(); } } /** * Get the current time. * The time unit depends on the currently running clock implementation. * For the default system clock, the time value adheres to the time * representation as used by {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}, i.e., * the value of milliseconds passed since 0:00 'o clock, January 1st, 1970, UTC. * For custom simulation clocks, arbitrary representations can be used. * @return The current time. */ public long getTime() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { longint = getInterpreter().getClockService().getTime(); } }; return invoc.longint; } else { return getInterpreter().getClockService().getTime(); } } /** * Get the classloader. * @return The classloader. */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = getState().getTypeModel().getClassLoader(); } }; return (ClassLoader)invoc.object; } else { return getState().getTypeModel().getClassLoader(); } } /** * Kill the agent. */ public IFuture killAgent() { IFuture ret = null; if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object cs = getState().getAttributeValue(agent, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.agent_has_state); if(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_INITING0.equals(cs) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_INITING1.equals(cs) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_ALIVE.equals(cs)) { object = getInterpreter().killAgent(); } } }; ret = (IFuture)invoc.object; } else { Object cs = getState().getAttributeValue(agent, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.agent_has_state); if(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_INITING0.equals(cs) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_INITING1.equals(cs) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_ALIVE.equals(cs)) { // System.out.println("set to terminating"); getInterpreter().startMonitorConsequences(); ret = getInterpreter().killAgent(); getInterpreter().endMonitorConsequences(); } } return ret; } /** * Add an component listener * @param listener The listener. */ public void addComponentListener(IComponentListener listener) { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation(listener) { public void run() { addEventListener(arg, agent); } }; } else { addEventListener(listener, agent); } } /** * Add an agent listener * @param listener The listener. */ public void removeComponentListener(IComponentListener listener) { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation(listener) { public void run() { removeEventListener(arg, agent, false); } }; } else { removeEventListener(listener, agent, false); } } /** * Get the adapter agent. * @return The adapter agent. */ public IComponentAdapter getAgentAdapter() { return adapter; } /** * Create a result listener that is executed on the * component thread. */ public IResultListener createResultListener(IResultListener listener) { return new ComponentResultListener(listener, adapter); } // /** // * Get the application context. // * @return The application context (or null). // */ // public IApplicationContext getApplicationContext() // { // if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) // { // AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() // { // public void run() // { // IContextService cs = (IContextService)adapter.getServiceContainer().getService(IContextService.class); // if(cs!=null) // { // IContext[] tmp = cs.getContexts(getComponentIdentifier(), IApplicationContext.class); // if(tmp!=null && tmp.length==1) // object = tmp[0]; // } // } // }; // return (IApplicationContext)invoc.object; // } // else // { // IApplicationContext ret = null; // IContextService cs = (IContextService)adapter.getServiceContainer().getService(IContextService.class); // if(cs!=null) // { // IContext[] tmp = cs.getContexts(getComponentIdentifier(), IApplicationContext.class); // if(tmp!=null && tmp.length==1) // ret = (IApplicationContext)tmp[0]; // } // return ret; // } // } //-------- element methods -------- /** * Get the model element. * @return The model element. */ public IMElement getModelElement() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object mscope = getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); object = new MCapabilityFlyweight(getState(), mscope); } }; return (IMElement)invoc.object; } else { Object mscope = getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); return new MCapabilityFlyweight(getState(), mscope); } } /** * Get the children (if any). * @return The children. */ public IFuture getChildren() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = getInterpreter().getAgentAdapter().getChildrenAccesses(); } }; return (IFuture)invoc.object; } else { return getInterpreter().getAgentAdapter().getChildrenAccesses(); } } /** * Get the model of the component. * @return The model. */ public IModelInfo getModel() { // todo: return fitting capability model info. if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = getInterpreter().getModel().getModelInfo(); } }; return (IModelInfo)invoc.object; } else { return getInterpreter().getModel().getModelInfo(); } } /** * Kill the component. */ public IFuture killComponent() { return killAgent(); } /** * Get subcapability names. * @return The future with array of subcapability names. */ public String[] getSubcapabilityNames() { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { String[] res = SUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; Collection coll = getState().getAttributeValues(getHandle(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_subcapabilities); if(coll!=null) { res = new String[coll.size()]; int i=0; for(Iterator it=coll.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { Object cref =; String name = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(cref, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capabilityreference_has_name); res[i] = name; } } this.sarray = res; } }; return invoc.sarray; } else { String[] res = SUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; Collection coll = getState().getAttributeValues(getHandle(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_subcapabilities); if(coll!=null) { res = new String[coll.size()]; int i=0; for(Iterator it=coll.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { Object cref =; String name = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(cref, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capabilityreference_has_name); res[i] = name; } } return res; } } /** * Get external access of subcapability. * @param name The capability name. * @return The future with external access. */ public ICapability getSubcapability(final String name) { if(getInterpreter().isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(name, "."); Object handle = getHandle(); while(stok.hasMoreTokens()) { String subcapname = stok.nextToken(); Object subcapref = getState().getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_subcapabilities, subcapname); if(subcapref==null) { throw new RuntimeException("Capability not found: "+subcapname); } handle = getState().getAttributeValue(subcapref, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capabilityreference_has_capability); } this.object = new CapabilityFlyweight(getState(), handle); } }; return (ICapability)invoc.object; } else { StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(name, "."); Object handle = getHandle(); while(stok.hasMoreTokens()) { String subcapname = stok.nextToken(); Object subcapref = getState().getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_subcapabilities, subcapname); if(subcapref==null) { throw new RuntimeException("Capability not found: "+subcapname); } handle = getState().getAttributeValue(subcapref, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capabilityreference_has_capability); } return new CapabilityFlyweight(getState(), handle); } } }