package jadex.rules.test.rulesystem; import jadex.rules.parser.conditions.ClipsJadexLexer; import jadex.rules.parser.conditions.ClipsJadexParser; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IAction; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.ICondition; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IVariableAssignments; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.RuleSystem; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.Rulebase; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.RetePatternMatcherFunctionality; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rules.Rule; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import jadex.rules.state.javaimpl.OAVStateFactory; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; /** * Test if conditions on Java objects are working. */ public class JavaConditionTest extends TestCase { /** * Main for testing. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JavaConditionTest test = new JavaConditionTest(); test.setUp(); test.testPropertyChangeNoTrigger(); } //-------- attributes -------- /** The list of triggered blocks. */ protected List triggers; /** The rule system. */ protected RuleSystem system; //-------- test setup -------- /** * Test setup. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { String c = "?block = (jadex.rules.test.rulesystem.Block (clear true))"; ANTLRStringStream exp = new ANTLRStringStream(c); ClipsJadexLexer lexer = new ClipsJadexLexer(exp); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); ClipsJadexParser parser = new ClipsJadexParser(tokens); ICondition cond = parser.rhs(Blocks.blocksworld_type_model); // System.out.println(cond); this.triggers = new ArrayList(); IAction action = new IAction() { public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assigments) { Object res = assigments.getVariableValue("?block"); // System.out.println("TRIGGERED: block="+res); triggers.add(res); } }; Rule rule = new Rule("block_is_clear", cond, action); Rulebase rb = new Rulebase(); RetePatternMatcherFunctionality pm = new RetePatternMatcherFunctionality(rb); this.system = new RuleSystem(OAVStateFactory.createOAVState(Blocks.blocksworld_type_model), rb, pm); system.getRulebase().addRule(rule); system.init(); } //-------- test methods -------- /** * Test trigger after object addition. */ public void testAddTrigger() { IOAVState state = system.getState(); Object bc = state.createRootObject(Blocks.blockcontainer_type); Block b1 = new Block(, null); state.addAttributeValue(bc, Blocks.blockcontainer_has_blocks, b1); system.fireAllRules(); assertEquals(1, triggers.size()); assertEquals(b1, triggers.get(0)); } /** * Test deactivation of rule through property change. */ public void testPropertyChangeNoTrigger() { // Add two blocks -> should activate condition twice. IOAVState state = system.getState(); Object bc = state.createRootObject(Blocks.blockcontainer_type); Block b1 = new Block(, null); state.addAttributeValue(bc, Blocks.blockcontainer_has_blocks, b1); Block b2 = new Block(, null); state.addAttributeValue(bc, Blocks.blockcontainer_has_blocks, b2); state.notifyEventListeners(); // Stack one block on the other -> should deactivate one condition b2.stackOn(b1); system.fireAllRules(); assertEquals(1, triggers.size()); assertEquals(b2, triggers.get(0)); } }