package jadex.commons; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * A filter checks if an object matches * the given subfilters. */ public class ComposedFilter implements IFilter, Serializable { //-------- constants -------- /** The AND operator. */ public static final int AND = 1; /** The OR operator. */ public static final int OR = 2; /** The NOT operator. */ public static final int NOT = 3; //-------- attributes --------- /** The filters */ protected IFilter[] filters; /** The operator. */ protected int operator; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a composed filter. * @param filters The filters. * @param operator The operator. */ public ComposedFilter(IFilter[] filters) { } /** * Create a composed filter. * @param filters The filters. * @param operator The operator. */ public ComposedFilter(IFilter[] filters, int operator) { this.filters = filters; this.operator = operator; } //-------- methods -------- /** * Match an object against the filter. * @param object The object. * @return True, if the filter matches. * @throws Exception */ public boolean filter(Object object) { boolean ret = false; if(operator==AND) { ret = true; for(int i=0; i<filters.length && ret; i++) { ret = ret && filters[i].filter(object); } } else if(operator==OR) { // When exception occurs: remember. RuntimeException exception = null; for(int i=0; i<filters.length && !ret; i++) { try { ret = ret || filters[i].filter(object); } catch(RuntimeException e) { exception = exception!=null ? exception : e; } } // Throw remembered exception (if any), when filter doesn't match. if(!ret && exception!=null) throw exception; } else if(operator==NOT) { ret = !filters[0].filter(object); } return ret; } /** * Get the filters. * @return the filters. */ public IFilter[] getFilters() { return filters; } /** * Set the filters. * @param filters The filters to set. */ public void setFilters(IFilter[] filters) { this.filters = filters; } /** * Add a filter. * @param filter The filter. */ public void addFilter(IFilter filter) { IFilter[] copy = new IFilter[filters==null? 1: filters.length+1]; if(filters!=null) System.arraycopy(filter, 0, copy, 0, filters.length); copy[copy.length-1] = filter; this.filters = copy; } /** * Get the operator. * @return the operator. */ public int getOperator() { return operator; } /** * Set the operator. * @param operator The operator to set. */ public void setOperator(int operator) { this.operator = operator; } /** * Get the hashcode. */ public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(filters); result = prime * result + operator; return result; } /** * Test if an object is equal to this. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean ret = false; if(obj instanceof ComposedFilter) { ComposedFilter other = (ComposedFilter)obj; ret = Arrays.equals(filters, other.filters) && operator == other.operator; } return ret; } /** * Create a string representation of the operator. * @return A string representing the operator. */ public static String operatorToString(int operator) { switch(operator) { case AND: return "AND"; case OR: return "OR"; case NOT: return "NOT"; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown operator: "+operator); } } /** * Create a string representation of this filter. * @return A string representing this filter. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(SReflect.getInnerClassName(this.getClass())); sb.append("(operator="); sb.append(operatorToString(operator)); sb.append(", filters="); sb.append(SUtil.arrayToString(filters)); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } }