package; import jadex.base.fipa.SFipa; import jadex.bridge.Argument; import jadex.bridge.IArgument; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.bridge.IComponentStep; import jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess; import jadex.bridge.MessageType; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.commons.concurrent.DefaultResultListener; import jadex.micro.MicroAgent; import jadex.micro.MicroAgentMetaInfo; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Agent that pings another and waits for its replies. */ public class PingingAgent extends MicroAgent { //-------- attributes -------- /** The receiver. */ protected IComponentIdentifier receiver; /** The difference between sent messages and received replies. */ protected int dif; /** Hashset with conversation ids of sent messages. */ protected Set sent; //-------- methods -------- /** * Execute the body. */ public void executeBody() { receiver = (IComponentIdentifier)getArgument("receiver"); final int missed_max = ((Number)getArgument("missed_max")).intValue(); final long timeout = ((Number)getArgument("timeout")).longValue(); final Object content = getArgument("content"); sent = new HashSet(); final IComponentStep step = new IComponentStep() { public Object execute(IInternalAccess ia) { if(dif>missed_max) { getLogger().warning("Ping target does not respond: "+receiver); killAgent(); } else { String convid = SUtil.createUniqueId(getAgentName()); Map msg = new HashMap(); msg.put(SFipa.CONTENT, content); msg.put(SFipa.PERFORMATIVE, SFipa.QUERY_IF); msg.put(SFipa.CONVERSATION_ID, convid); msg.put(SFipa.RECEIVERS, new IComponentIdentifier[]{receiver}); // msg.put(SFipa.SENDER, getComponentIdentifier()); dif++; sent.add(convid); sendMessage(msg, SFipa.FIPA_MESSAGE_TYPE); waitFor(timeout, this); } return null; } }; if(receiver==null) { createComponentIdentifier("Ping").addResultListener( createResultListener(new DefaultResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { receiver = (IComponentIdentifier)result; scheduleStep(step); } })); } else { scheduleStep(step); } } /** * Called when a message arrives. */ public void messageArrived(Map msg, MessageType mt) { if(mt.equals(SFipa.FIPA_MESSAGE_TYPE)) { String convid = (String)msg.get(SFipa.CONVERSATION_ID); if(sent.remove(convid)) { dif = 0; // A received ping heals other outstanding pings. sent.clear(); } } } /** * Get the agent meta info. */ public static Object getMetaInfo() { return new MicroAgentMetaInfo("A simple agent that sends pings to another agent and waits for replies.", null, new IArgument[] { new Argument("receiver", "The component receiver of the ping target.", "IComponentIdentifier"), new Argument("missed_max", "Maximum number of allowed missed replies", "int", new Integer(3)), new Argument("timeout", "Timeout for reply", "long", new Long(1000)), new Argument("content", "Ping message content", "String", "ping"), }, null); } }