package jadex.bdi.runtime.impl; import jadex.bdi.model.OAVBDIMetaModel; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IBDIExternalAccess; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IBeliefbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.ICapability; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IElement; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IEventbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IExpression; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IExpressionbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IGoal; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IGoalbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IInternalEvent; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IMessageEvent; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IParameter; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IParameterSet; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPlan; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPlanbase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPropertybase; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IWaitqueue; import jadex.bdi.runtime.PlanFailureException; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.BeliefbaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.CapabilityFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.EventbaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.ExpressionNoModel; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.ExpressionbaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.ExternalAccessFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.GoalFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.GoalbaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.InternalEventFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.MessageEventFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.ParameterFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.ParameterSetFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.PlanFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.PlanbaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.PropertybaseFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.impl.flyweights.WaitqueueFlyweight; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.AgentRules; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.BDIInterpreter; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.GoalLifecycleRules; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.InternalEventRules; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.MessageEventRules; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.OAVBDIRuntimeModel; import jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.commons.IFuture; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.commons.collection.SCollection; import jadex.commons.concurrent.IResultListener; import jadex.commons.service.clock.IClockService; import jadex.javaparser.IExpressionParser; import jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression; import jadex.javaparser.javaccimpl.JavaCCExpressionParser; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The abstract plan is the abstract superclass * for standard plans and mobile plans. */ public abstract class AbstractPlan implements //, IPlan { //-------- attributes -------- /** The bdi interpreter. */ protected BDIInterpreter interpreter; /** The runtime plan element. */ private Object rplan; /** The runtime capability. */ private Object rcapa ; /** The state. */ private IOAVState state; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new plan. */ public AbstractPlan() { String myadr = ""+Thread.currentThread()+ "_"+Thread.currentThread().hashCode(); // System.out.println("init: "+planinit+" "+getClass().hashCode()); this.interpreter = (BDIInterpreter)((Object[])planinit.get(myadr))[0]; this.rplan = ((Object[])planinit.get(myadr))[1]; this.rcapa = ((Object[])planinit.get(myadr))[2]; this.state = interpreter.getState(); if(interpreter==null || rplan==null || rcapa==null) throw new RuntimeException("Plan could not be inited: "+myadr+" - "+interpreter+" "+rplan); } /** * Remove the external usage preventing * the state object from being garbage * collected. * / protected void finalize() throws Throwable { System.out.println("Finalized: "+this+" "+rplan); }*/ //-------- IPlan interface -------- /** * Get the lifecycle state of the plan (e.g. body or aborted). * @return The lifecycle state. */ public String getLifecycleState() { IPlan plan = PlanFlyweight.getPlanFlyweight(getState(), getRCapability(), getRPlan()); return plan.getLifecycleState(); } /** * Get the waitqueue. * @return The waitqueue. */ public IWaitqueue getWaitqueue() { return WaitqueueFlyweight.getWaitqueueFlyweight(getState(), getRCapability(), getRPlan()); } /** * Get the body. * @return The body. */ public Object getBody() { return this; } /** * Get the reason (i.e. initial event). * @return The reason. */ public IElement getReason() { IPlan plan = PlanFlyweight.getPlanFlyweight(getState(), getRCapability(), getRPlan()); return plan.getReason(); } /** * Get the plan element (i.e. an object implementing the IPlan interface * that may be accessed from outside the plan body as well). * @return The plan element. */ public IPlan getPlanElement() { return PlanFlyweight.getPlanFlyweight(getState(), getRCapability(), getRPlan()); } /** * Get the element type (i.e. the name declared in the ADF). * @return The element type. */ public String getType() { IPlan plan = PlanFlyweight.getPlanFlyweight(getState(), getRCapability(), getRPlan()); return plan.getType(); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Let a plan fail. */ public void fail() { throw new PlanFailureException(); } /** * Let a plan fail. * @param cause The cause. */ public void fail(Throwable cause) { throw new PlanFailureException(null, cause); } /** * Let a plan fail. * @param message The message. * @param cause The cause. */ public void fail(String message, Throwable cause) { throw new PlanFailureException(message, cause); } /** * Get the scope. * @return The scope. */ public ICapability getScope() { return new CapabilityFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the dispatched element, i.e. the element that caused * the current plan step being executed. * @return The dispatched element. */ public IElement getDispatchedElement() { Object elem = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_dispatchedelement); return getFlyweight(elem); } /** * Get flyweight for an element. * @param elem The element. * @return The flyweight. */ protected IElement getFlyweight(Object elem) { IElement ret = null; if(elem!=null) { // todo: wrong scope ret = SFlyweightFunctionality.getFlyweight(state, rcapa, elem); } return ret; } /** * Get the logger. * @return The logger. */ public Logger getLogger() { return BDIInterpreter.getInterpreter(state).getLogger(rcapa); } /** * Start an atomic transaction. * All possible side-effects (i.e. triggered conditions) * of internal changes (e.g. belief changes) * will be delayed and evaluated after endAtomic() has been called. * @see #endAtomic() */ public void startAtomic() { interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); interpreter.startAtomic(); } /** * End an atomic transaction. * Side-effects (i.e. triggered conditions) * of all internal changes (e.g. belief changes) * performed after the last call to startAtomic() * will now be evaluated and performed. * @see #startAtomic() */ public void endAtomic() { interpreter.endAtomic(); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); } /** * Dispatch a new subgoal. * @param subgoal The new subgoal. * @return The eventfilter for identifying the result event. * Note: plan step is interrupted after call. * / public IFilter dispatchSubgoal(IGoal subgoal) { rplan.getScope().getAgent().startMonitorConsequences(); try { IRGoal original = (IRGoal)((GoalWrapper)subgoal).unwrap(); // unwrap!!! return rplan.getScope().getGoalbase().dispatchSubgoal(rplan.getRootGoal(), original); } catch(GoalFailureException gfe) { gfe.setGoal(subgoal); throw gfe; } finally { // Interrupts the plan step, if necessary. rplan.getScope().getAgent().endMonitorConsequences(); } }*/ /** * Dispatch a new subgoal. * @param subgoal The new subgoal. * @return The eventfilter for identifying the result event. * Note: plan step is interrupted after call. */ public void dispatchSubgoal(IGoal subgoal) { Object rgoal = ((GoalFlyweight)subgoal).getHandle(); Object scope = ((GoalFlyweight)subgoal).getScope(); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); GoalLifecycleRules.adoptGoal(state, scope, rgoal); state.addAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_subgoals, rgoal); state.setAttributeValue(rgoal, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.goal_has_parentplan, rplan); // Protect goal, if necessary. Object planstate = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_lifecyclestate); Object reason = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_reason); boolean protectgoal = OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_PASSED.equals(planstate) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_FAILED.equals(planstate) || OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_ABORTED.equals(planstate); if(!protectgoal && reason!=null && state.getType(reason).isSubtype(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.goal_type)) { protectgoal = ((Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(reason, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.goal_has_protected)).booleanValue(); } if(protectgoal) { state.setAttributeValue(rgoal, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.goal_has_protected, Boolean.TRUE); } interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); } /** * Get the name. * @return The name of the plan. * / public String getName() { Object mplan = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); String mname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(mplan, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); return mname+"_"+rplan; }*/ /** * todo: remove * Get the plans root goal. * @return The goal. * / public IProcessGoal getRootGoal() { if(rootgoal==null) rootgoal = new ProcessGoalWrapper(rplan.getRootGoal()); return rootgoal; }*/ /** * Add some code to the agent's agenda, * that will be executed on the agent's thread. * This method can safely be called from any thread * (e.g. AWT event handlers). * todo: remove * / public void invokeLater(Runnable code) { rplan.getScope().getAgent().invokeLater(code); }*/ /** * Add some code to the agent's agenda, * and wait until it has been executed on the agent's thread. * This method can safely be called from any thread * (e.g. AWT event handlers). * todo: remove * / public void invokeAndWait(Runnable code) { rplan.getScope().getAgent().invokeAndWait(code); }*/ /** * Get the string representation. * @return The string representation. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(SReflect.getInnerClassName(this.getClass())); // buf.append("(name="); // buf.append(getName()); // buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } /** * Get the agent name. * @return The agent name. */ public String getComponentName() { return getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName(); } /** * Get the agent identifier. * @return The agent identifier. */ public IComponentIdentifier getComponentIdentifier() { return interpreter.getAgentAdapter().getComponentIdentifier(); } /** * Check if the corresponding plan was aborted because the * proprietary goal succeeded during the plan was running. * @return True, if the goal was aborted on success of the proprietary goal. * / public boolean isAbortedOnSuccess() { return getRootGoal().isAbortedOnSuccess(); }*/ /** * Get the uncatched exception that occurred in the body (if any). * Method should only be called when in failed() method. * @return The exception. */ public Exception getException() { return (Exception)getState().getAttributeValue(getRPlan(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_exception); } /** * Kill this agent. */ public void killAgent() { // capability.killAgent(); // Problem: duplicate functionality here and in capability flyweight :-( // state.setAttributeValue(ragent, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.agent_has_state, // OAVBDIRuntimeModel.AGENTLIFECYCLESTATE_TERMINATING); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); getInterpreter().killAgent(); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); } //-------- capability shortcut methods -------- /** * Get the belief base. * @return The belief base. */ public IBeliefbase getBeliefbase() { return BeliefbaseFlyweight.getBeliefbaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the goal base. * @return The goal base. */ public IGoalbase getGoalbase() { return GoalbaseFlyweight.getGoalbaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the plan base. * @return The plan base. */ public IPlanbase getPlanbase() { return PlanbaseFlyweight.getPlanbaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the event base. * @return The event base. */ public IEventbase getEventbase() { return EventbaseFlyweight.getEventbaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the expression base. * @return The expression base. */ public IExpressionbase getExpressionbase() { return ExpressionbaseFlyweight.getExpressionbaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the property base. * @return The property base. */ public IPropertybase getPropertybase() { return PropertybaseFlyweight.getPropertybaseFlyweight(state, rcapa); } /** * Get the clock. * @return The clock. */ public IClockService getClock() { return (IClockService)interpreter.getClockService(); } /** * Get the current time. * The time unit depends on the currently running clock implementation. * For the default system clock, the time value adheres to the time * representation as used by {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}, i.e., * the value of milliseconds passed since 0:00 'o clock, January 1st, 1970, UTC. * For custom simulation clocks, arbitrary representations can be used. * @return The current time. */ public long getTime() { return getClock().getTime(); } //-------- goalbase shortcut methods -------- /** * Dispatch a new top-level goal. * @param goal The new goal. * Note: plan step is interrupted after call. */ public void dispatchTopLevelGoal(IGoal goal) { Object rgoal = ((GoalFlyweight)goal).getHandle(); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); GoalLifecycleRules.adoptGoal(state, rcapa, rgoal); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); } /** * Create a goal from a template goal. * To be processed, the goal has to be dispatched as subgoal * or adopted as top-level goal. * @param type The template goal name as specified in the ADF. * @return The created goal. */ public IGoal createGoal(String type) { // return GoalbaseFlyweight.createGoal(type, rcapa, state); return (IGoal)SFlyweightFunctionality.createGoal(state, rcapa, type); } //-------- eventbase shortcut methods -------- /** * Send a message after some delay. * @param me The message event. * @return The filter to wait for an answer. * / public void sendMessage(IMessageEvent me) { Object revent = ((MessageEventFlyweight)me).getHandle(); state.setAttributeValue(revent, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.messageevent_has_sendfuture, new Future()); Object rcapa = ((MessageEventFlyweight)me).getScope(); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); MessageEventRules.sendMessage(state, rcapa, revent); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); }*/ /** * Send a message after some delay. * @param me The message event. * @return The filter to wait for an answer. */ public IFuture sendMessage(IMessageEvent me) { Object revent = ((MessageEventFlyweight)me).getHandle(); Object rcapa = ((MessageEventFlyweight)me).getScope(); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); IFuture ret = MessageEventRules.sendMessage(state, rcapa, revent); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); return ret; } /** * Dispatch an internal event. * @param event The event. * Note: plan step is interrupted after call. */ public void dispatchInternalEvent(IInternalEvent event) { Object revent = ((InternalEventFlyweight)event).getHandle(); Object rcapa = ((InternalEventFlyweight)event).getScope(); interpreter.startMonitorConsequences(); InternalEventRules.adoptInternalEvent(state, rcapa, revent); interpreter.endMonitorConsequences(); } /** * Create a new message event. * @return The new message event. */ public IMessageEvent createMessageEvent(String type) { // return EventbaseFlyweight.createMessageEvent(state, rcapa, type); return (IMessageEvent)SFlyweightFunctionality.createMessageEvent(state, rcapa, type); } /** * Create a new intenal event. * @return The new intenal event. */ public IInternalEvent createInternalEvent(String type) { // return EventbaseFlyweight.createInternalEvent(state, rcapa, type); return (IInternalEvent)SFlyweightFunctionality.createInternalEvent(state, rcapa, type); } // /** // * Create a new intenal event. // * @return The new intenal event. // * @deprecated Convenience method for easy conversion to new explicit internal events. // * Will be removed in later releases. // * / // public IInternalEvent createInternalEvent(String type, Object content) // { // return capability.getEventbase().createInternalEvent(type, content); // }*/ //-------- gui methods -------- /** * Get the scope. * @return The scope. */ public IBDIExternalAccess getExternalAccess() { return new ExternalAccessFlyweight(state, rcapa); } //-------- expressionbase shortcut methods -------- // Hack!!! Not really shortcuts, because expressions/conditions are remembered for cleanup. // /** // * Get a query created from a predefined expression. // * @param name The name of an expression defined in the ADF. // * @return The query object. // * @deprecated Use @link{#getExpression(String)} instead. // * / // public IExpression getQuery(String name) // { // return getExpression(name); // }*/ /** * Get an instance of a predefined expression. * @param name The name of an expression defined in the ADF. * @return The expression instance. */ public IExpression getExpression(String name) { Object[] scope = AgentRules.resolveCapability(name, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_type, getRCapability(), getState()); // return ExpressionbaseFlyweight.createExpression(getState(), scope[1], (String)scope[0]); return (IExpression)SFlyweightFunctionality.createExpression(state, scope[1], (String)scope[0]); } /** * Get a condition predefined in the ADF. * Note that a new condition instance is returned each time this method is called. * @param name The name of a condition defined in the ADF. * @return The condition object. * / public ICondition getCondition(String name) { return capability.getExpressionbase().getCondition(name); }*/ /** * Create a precompiled query. * @param query The query string. * @return The precompiled query. * @deprecated Use @link{#createExpression(String)} instead. * / public IExpression createQuery(String query) { return createExpression(query); }*/ /** * Create a precompiled expression. * @param expression The expression string. * @return The precompiled expression. */ public IExpression createExpression(String expression) { return createExpression(expression, null, null); } /** * Create a precompiled expression. * @param expression The expression string. * @return The precompiled expression. */ public IExpression createExpression(String expression, String[] paramnames, Class[] paramtypes) { // Hack!!! Should be configurable. IExpressionParser exp_parser = new JavaCCExpressionParser(); Object mcapa = state.getAttributeValue(rcapa, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); String[] imports = OAVBDIMetaModel.getImports(state, mcapa); Map params = null; if(paramnames!=null) { params = new HashMap(); for(int i=0; i<paramnames.length; i++) { params.put(paramnames[i], state.getTypeModel().getJavaType(paramtypes[i])); } } IParsedExpression pex = exp_parser.parseExpression(expression, imports, params, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); return new ExpressionNoModel(state, rcapa, pex); } /** * Create a condition, that is triggered whenever the expression * value changes to true. * @param expression The condition expression. * @return The condition. * / public ICondition createCondition(String expression) { return createCondition(expression, ICondition.TRIGGER_CHANGES_TO_TRUE, null, null); }*/ /** * Create a condition. * @param expression The condition expression. * @param trigger The condition trigger. * @return The condition. * / public ICondition createCondition(String expression, String trigger, String[] paramnames, Class[] paramtypes) { return capability.getExpressionbase().createCondition(expression, trigger, paramnames, paramtypes); }*/ //-------- parameter handling -------- /** * Get all parameters. * @return All parameters. */ public IParameter[] getParameters() { IParameter[] ret; Collection params = getState().getAttributeValues(getRPlan(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.parameterelement_has_parameters); if(params!=null) { ret = new IParameter[params.size()]; int i=0; for(Iterator it=params.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { Object param =; String name = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(param, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); ret[i] = ParameterFlyweight.getParameterFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), param, name, getRPlan()); } } else { ret = new IParameter[0]; } return ret; } /** * Get all parameter sets. * @return All parameter sets. */ public IParameterSet[] getParameterSets() { IParameterSet[] ret; Collection paramsets = getState().getAttributeValues(getRPlan(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.parameterelement_has_parametersets); if(paramsets!=null) { ret = new IParameterSet[paramsets.size()]; int i=0; for(Iterator it=paramsets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { Object paramset =; String name = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(paramset, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); ret[i] = ParameterSetFlyweight.getParameterSetFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), paramset, name, getRPlan()); } } else { ret = new IParameterSet[0]; } return ret; } /** * Get a parameter. * @param name The name. * @return The parameter. */ public IParameter getParameter(String name) { return ParameterFlyweight.getParameterFlyweight(state, rcapa, null, name, rplan); } /** * Get a parameter. * @param name The name. * @return The parameter set. */ public IParameterSet getParameterSet(String name) { return ParameterSetFlyweight.getParameterSetFlyweight(state, rcapa, null, name, rplan); } /** * Has the element a parameter element. * @param name The name. * @return True, if it has the parameter. */ public boolean hasParameter(String name) { boolean ret = state.containsKey(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.parameterelement_has_parameters, name); if(!ret) { Object mplan = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); ret = state.containsKey(mplan, OAVBDIMetaModel.parameterelement_has_parameters, name); } return ret; } /** * Has the element a parameter set element. * @param name The name. * @return True, if it has the parameter set. */ public boolean hasParameterSet(String name) { boolean ret = state.containsKey(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.parameterelement_has_parametersets, name); if(!ret) { Object mplan = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); ret = state.containsKey(mplan, OAVBDIMetaModel.parameterelement_has_parametersets, name); } return ret; } //-------- internal methods -------- /** * This method is called after the plan has been terminated. * It can be overriden to perform any custom cleanup code * but this implementation should be called also, because * it performs cleanup concerning expressions and conditions. * / // Replaced by passed(), failed(), aborted(). protected void cleanup() { // Cleanup expressions / conditions. /*for(int i=0; i<expressions.size(); i++) { // Resolve references to cleanup original expression. IRElement exp = (IRElement)expressions.get(i); while(exp instanceof RElementReference) exp = ((RElementReference)exp).getReferencedElement(); exp.cleanup(); }* / }*/ /** * Get the state. * @return The state. */ public IOAVState getState() { return state; } /** * Get the state. * @return The state. */ // todo: make package access public BDIInterpreter getInterpreter() { return interpreter; } /** * Get the plan instance info. * @return The plan instance info. */ // todo: make package access protected Object getRPlan() { return rplan; } /** * Get the capability. * @return The capability. */ protected Object getRCapability() { return rcapa; } /** * Get the capability. * @return The capability. * / protected CapabilityWrapper getCapability() { return capability; }*/ /** * Create component identifier. * @param name The name. * @param local True for local name. * @param addresses The addresses. * @return The new component identifier. */ public IComponentIdentifier createComponentIdentifier(String name) { return createComponentIdentifier(name, true, null); } /** * Create component identifier. * @param name The name. * @param local True for local name. * @param addresses The addresses. * @return The new component identifier. */ public IComponentIdentifier createComponentIdentifier(String name, boolean local) { return createComponentIdentifier(name, local, null); } /** * Create component identifier. * @param name The name. * @param local True for local name. * @param addresses The addresses. * @return The new component identifier. */ public IComponentIdentifier createComponentIdentifier(String name, boolean local, String[] addresses) { return interpreter.getCMS().createComponentIdentifier(name, local, addresses); } /** * Create a component result listener. */ public IResultListener createResultListener(IResultListener listener) { return new ComponentResultListener(listener, interpreter.getAgentAdapter()); } //-------- static part ------- /** The hashtable containing plan init values (hack???). */ // Needed for passing the rplan to the abstract plan instance. // Must be thread safe as more than one agent could use the table // at the same time. public static Map planinit = SCollection.createHashtable(); }