package jadex.bdi.testcases.misc; import jadex.base.test.TestReport; import jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.EmailAccount; import jadex.bdi.planlib.messaging.IMAccount; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IGoal; import jadex.bdi.runtime.Plan; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Test the messaging capability. */ public class MessagingTestPlan extends Plan { /** * The plan body. */ public void body() { testXMPP(); // testICQ(); testEMail(); } /** * Test sending of email. */ protected void testEMail() { String mailhost = null; String mailport = null; String mailuser = null; String mailpass = null; String mailsender = null; String mailreceivers = null; File file = new File("./"); boolean haveprops; Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new FileInputStream(file)); mailhost = props.getProperty("mailhost"); mailport = props.getProperty("mailport"); mailuser = props.getProperty("mailuser"); mailpass = props.getProperty("mailpass"); mailsender = props.getProperty("mailsender"); mailreceivers = props.getProperty("mailreceivers"); haveprops = true; } catch(Exception e) { haveprops = false; } TestReport tr1 = new TestReport("#1", "Test sending email."); if(haveprops) { try { EmailAccount eacc = new EmailAccount(mailhost, new Integer(mailport), mailuser, mailpass, mailsender, false); IGoal sendem = createGoal("send_email"); sendem.getParameter("account").setValue(eacc); sendem.getParameter("subject").setValue("winning notification"); sendem.getParameter("content").setValue("you have won, because a jadex agent has sent you its greetings ;-)"); StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(mailreceivers, ","); while(stok.hasMoreTokens()) sendem.getParameterSet("receivers").addValue(stok.nextToken().trim()); dispatchSubgoalAndWait(sendem); tr1.setSucceeded(true); } catch(Exception e) { tr1.setReason("Exception occurred: "+e); } } else { try { props.setProperty("mailhost", "<address of mail host>"); props.setProperty("mailport", "<port of mail host, e.g. 25>"); props.setProperty("mailuser", "<user name of mail account>"); props.setProperty("mailpass", "<password for user>"); props.setProperty("mailsender", "<email address of mail account>"); props.setProperty("mailreceivers", "<comma-separated list of email addresses to send to>"); FileOutputStream(file), "Account settings used by jadex.bdi.testcases.MessagingTestPlan.\n#Please edit if you want to make the test case work."); tr1.setReason("No accountsettings found. Please edit "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch(Exception e) { tr1.setReason("Error accessing settings: "+e+". Please create "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } } getBeliefbase().getBeliefSet("testcap.reports").addFact(tr1); } /** * Test sending an ICQ message. */ protected void testICQ() { String icqnumber = null; String icqpass = null; String icqreceivers = null; File file = new File("./"); boolean haveprops; Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new FileInputStream(file)); icqnumber = props.getProperty("icqnumber"); icqpass = props.getProperty("icqpass"); icqreceivers = props.getProperty("icqreceivers"); haveprops = true; } catch(Exception e) { haveprops = false; } TestReport tr2 = new TestReport("#2", "Test sending instant message."); if(haveprops) { try { IMAccount iacc = new IMAccount(icqnumber, icqpass); IGoal sendim = createGoal("send_icq"); sendim.getParameter("account").setValue(iacc); sendim.getParameter("content").setValue("hi from a jadex agent"); StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(icqreceivers, ","); while(stok.hasMoreTokens()) sendim.getParameterSet("receivers").addValue(stok.nextToken().trim()); dispatchSubgoalAndWait(sendim); tr2.setSucceeded(true); } catch(Exception e) { tr2.setReason("Exception occurred: "+e); } } else { try { props.setProperty("icqnumber", "<icq account number>"); props.setProperty("icqpass", "<password for icq account>"); props.setProperty("icqreceivers", "<comma-separated list of icq numbers to send to>"); FileOutputStream(file), "Account settings used by jadex.bdi.testcases.MessagingTestPlan.\n#Please edit if you want to make the test case work."); tr2.setReason("No accountsettings found. Please edit "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch(Exception e) { tr2.setReason("Error accessing settings: "+e+". Please create "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } } getBeliefbase().getBeliefSet("testcap.reports").addFact(tr2); } /** * Test sending an jabber message. */ protected void testXMPP() { String xmppnumber = null; String xmpppass = null; String xmppreceivers = null; File file = new File("./"); boolean haveprops; Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new FileInputStream(file)); xmppnumber = props.getProperty("xmppnumber"); xmpppass = props.getProperty("xmpppass"); xmppreceivers = props.getProperty("xmppreceivers"); haveprops = true; } catch(Exception e) { haveprops = false; } TestReport tr2 = new TestReport("#2", "Test sending instant message."); if(haveprops) { try { IMAccount iacc = new IMAccount(xmppnumber, xmpppass); IGoal sendim = createGoal("send_xmpp"); sendim.getParameter("account").setValue(iacc); sendim.getParameter("content").setValue("hi from a jadex agent"); StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(xmppreceivers, ","); while(stok.hasMoreTokens()) sendim.getParameterSet("receivers").addValue(stok.nextToken().trim()); dispatchSubgoalAndWait(sendim); tr2.setSucceeded(true); } catch(Exception e) { tr2.setReason("Exception occurred: "+e); } } else { try { props.setProperty("xmppnumber", "<xmpp account number>"); props.setProperty("xmpppass", "<password for xmpp account>"); props.setProperty("xmppreceivers", "<comma-separated list of xmpp numbers to send to>"); FileOutputStream(file), "Account settings used by jadex.bdi.testcases.MessagingTestPlan.\n#Please edit if you want to make the test case work."); tr2.setReason("No accountsettings found. Please edit "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch(Exception e) { tr2.setReason("Error accessing settings: "+e+". Please create "+file.getAbsolutePath()); } } getBeliefbase().getBeliefSet("testcap.reports").addFact(tr2); } }