package jadex.bdi.model.impl.flyweights; import jadex.bdi.model.IMCondition; import jadex.bdi.model.IMGoal; import jadex.bdi.model.IMInhibited; import jadex.bdi.model.OAVBDIMetaModel; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMECondition; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEGoal; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Flyweight for goal model. */ public class MGoalFlyweight extends MProcessableElementFlyweight implements IMGoal, IMEGoal { //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new element flyweight. */ public MGoalFlyweight(IOAVState state, Object scope, Object handle) { super(state, scope, handle); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the creation condition. * @return The creation condition. */ public IMCondition getCreationCondition() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_creationcondition); if(handle!=null) object = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); } }; return (IMCondition)invoc.object; } else { IMCondition ret = null; Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_creationcondition); if(handle!=null) ret = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); return ret; } } /** * Get the context condition. * @return The context condition. */ public IMCondition getContextCondition() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_contextcondition); if(handle!=null) object = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); } }; return (IMCondition)invoc.object; } else { IMCondition ret = null; Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_contextcondition); if(handle!=null) ret = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); return ret; } } /** * Get the drop condition. * @return The drop condition. */ public IMCondition getDropCondition() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_dropcondition); if(handle!=null) object = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); } }; return (IMCondition)invoc.object; } else { IMCondition ret = null; Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_dropcondition); if(handle!=null) ret = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); return ret; } } /** * Test if is retry. * @return True, if is retry. */ public boolean isRetry() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { bool = ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retry)).booleanValue(); } }; return invoc.bool; } else { return ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retry)).booleanValue(); } } /** * Get the retry delay. * @return The retry delay. */ public long getRetryDelay() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { longint = ((Long)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retrydelay)).longValue(); } }; return invoc.longint; } else { return ((Long)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retrydelay)).longValue(); } } /** * Test if is recur. * @return True, if is recur. */ public boolean isRecur() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { bool = ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recur)).booleanValue(); } }; return invoc.bool; } else { return ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recur)).booleanValue(); } } /** * Get the retry delay. * @return The retry delay. */ public long getRecurDelay() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { longint = ((Long)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurdelay)).longValue(); } }; return invoc.longint; } else { return ((Long)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurdelay)).longValue(); } } /** * Get the recur condition. * @return The recur condition. */ public IMCondition getRecurCondition() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurcondition); if(handle!=null) object = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); } }; return (IMCondition)invoc.object; } else { IMCondition ret = null; Object handle = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurcondition); if(handle!=null) ret = new MConditionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(), handle); return ret; } } /** * Get the exlcude mode. * @retur The exclude mode. */ public String getExcludeMode() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { string = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_exclude); } }; return invoc.string; } else { return (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_exclude); } } /** * Test if rebuild APL. * @retur True, if rebuild. */ public boolean isRebuild() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { bool = ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_rebuild)).booleanValue(); } }; return invoc.bool; } else { return ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_rebuild)).booleanValue(); } } /** * Test if goal should be unique. * @return True, if unique. */ public boolean isUnique() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { bool = ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_unique)).booleanValue(); } }; return invoc.bool; } else { return ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_unique)).booleanValue(); } } /** * Get excluded parameters. * @return The excluded parameters. */ public String[] getExcludedParameters() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection params = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_excludedparameter); object = params!=null ? params.toArray(new String[params.size()]) : SUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } }; return (String[])invoc.object; } else { Collection params = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_excludedparameter); return params!=null ? (String[])params.toArray(new String[params.size()]) : SUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } } /** * Get inhibited goals. * @retur The inhibited goals. */ public IMInhibited[] getInhibitedGoals() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection params = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_inhibits); IMInhibited[] ret = new IMInhibited[params==null? 0: params.size()]; if(params!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=params.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MInhibitedFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } object = ret; } }; return (IMInhibited[])invoc.object; } else { Collection params = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_inhibits); IMInhibited[] ret = new IMInhibited[params==null? 0: params.size()]; if(params!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=params.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MInhibitedFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } return ret; } } /** * Get the cardinality. * @retur The cardinality. */ public int getCardinality() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { integer = ((Integer)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_cardinality)).intValue(); } }; return invoc.integer; } else { return ((Integer)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_cardinality)).intValue(); } } /** * Create the creation condition. * @param expression The expression. * @param language The expression language (or null for default java-like language). * @return The creation condition. */ public IMECondition createCreationCondition(final String expression, final String language) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_creationcondition, mcond.getHandle()); object = mcond; } }; return (IMECondition)invoc.object; } else { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_creationcondition, mcond.getHandle()); return mcond; } } /** * Create the context condition. * @param expression The expression. * @param language The expression language (or null for default java-like language). * @return The context condition. */ public IMECondition createContextCondition(final String expression, final String language) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_contextcondition, mcond.getHandle()); object = mcond; } }; return (IMECondition)invoc.object; } else { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_contextcondition, mcond.getHandle()); return mcond; } } /** * Create the drop condition. * @param expression The expression. * @param language The expression language (or null for default java-like language). * @return The drop condition. */ public IMECondition createDropCondition(final String expression, final String language) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_dropcondition, mcond.getHandle()); object = mcond; } }; return (IMECondition)invoc.object; } else { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_dropcondition, mcond.getHandle()); return mcond; } } /** * Set the retry flag. * @param retry The retry flag. */ public void setRetry(final boolean retry) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retry, retry); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retry, retry); } } /** * Set the retry delay. * @param retry The retry delay. */ public void setRetryDelay(final long retrydelay) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retrydelay, retrydelay); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_retrydelay, retrydelay); } } /** * Set the recur flag. * @param recur The recur flag. */ public void setRecur(final boolean recur) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recur, recur); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recur, recur); } } /** * Set the recur delay. * @param recur The retry delay. */ public void setRecurDelay(final long recurdelay) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurdelay, recurdelay); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurdelay, recurdelay); } } /** * Create the recur condition. * @param expression The expression. * @param language The expression language (or null for default java-like language). * @return The recur condition. */ public IMECondition createRecurCondition(final String expression, final String language) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurcondition, mcond.getHandle()); object = mcond; } }; return (IMECondition)invoc.object; } else { MConditionFlyweight mcond = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createCondition(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_recurcondition, mcond.getHandle()); return mcond; } } /** * Set the exlcude mode. * @param excludemode The exclude mode. */ public void setExcludeMode(final String excludemode) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_exclude, excludemode); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_exclude, excludemode); } } /** * Set the rebuild APL flag. * @param rebuild Rebuild flag. */ public void setRebuild(final boolean rebuild) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_rebuild, rebuild); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_rebuild, rebuild); } } /** * Set the unique flag. * @param unique The unique flag. */ public void setUnique(final boolean unique) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_unique, unique); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_unique, unique); } } /** * Add a excluded parameter. * @param name The name of the excluded parameter. */ public void addExcludedParameter(final String name) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object param = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.parameterelement_has_parameters, name); if(param==null) throw new RuntimeException("Parameter not found: "+name); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_excludedparameter, name); } }; } else { Object param = getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.parameterelement_has_parameters, name); if(param==null) throw new RuntimeException("Parameter not found: "+name); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_excludedparameter, name); } } /** * Get inhibited goals. * @retur The inhibited goals. */ // public IMInhibitedElement getInhibitedGoals(); /** * Get the cardinality. * @retur The cardinality. */ public void setCardinality(final int card) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_cardinality, card); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_has_cardinality, card); } } }