package; import; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection; import org.jfree.chart.event.PlotChangeEvent; import org.jfree.chart.labels.CategoryItemLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.labels.CategoryToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.DefaultDrawingSupplier; import org.jfree.chart.plot.DrawingSupplier; import org.jfree.chart.plot.MultiplePiePlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotState; import org.jfree.chart.urls.CategoryURLGenerator; import; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.jfree.util.TableOrder; /** * Subclass that implements the use of the paint maps for providing the * predefined shared colors for all tooltabs by overriding serveral methods. In * addition the use of label generators was introduced, cause the superclass * dont support that facility. */ public class ChartMultiplePiePlot extends MultiplePiePlot { // -------- attributes -------- /** The base item label generator. */ private CategoryItemLabelGenerator baseItemLabelGenerator; /** The base tool tip generator. */ private CategoryToolTipGenerator baseToolTipGenerator; /** The base item label generator. */ private CategoryURLGenerator baseItemURLGenerator; /** The legend item label generator. */ private CategoryItemLabelGenerator legendItemLabelGenerator; /** JFreeChart Sandard DrawingSupplier (Not used) */ protected DrawingSupplier drawingSupplier; /** Supplies stored paint maps for the other distributions (e.g. performativ) */ protected PaintMaps paintMaps; /** The type of distribution currently used */ protected int paintMode; /** Stored paintMaps for sections. */ protected Map sectionPaints; // -------- constructors -------- /** * Creates a new plot with no data. */ public ChartMultiplePiePlot(PaintMaps paintMaps) { this(null, paintMaps); } /** * Creates a new plot with a given dataset and paint maps. * * @param dataset The dataset. * @param paintMaps The paint maps.. */ public ChartMultiplePiePlot(CategoryDataset dataset, PaintMaps paintMaps) { super(dataset); this.paintMaps = paintMaps; this.sectionPaints = new HashMap(); this.drawingSupplier = new DefaultDrawingSupplier(); this.baseItemLabelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(); this.legendItemLabelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(); // important: listen to change events from dataset dataset.addChangeListener(this); } // -------- ChartMultiplePiePlot methods -------- /** * Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a * printer). * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param area the area within which the plot should be drawn. * @param anchor the anchor point (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param parentState the state from the parent plot, if there is one. * @param info collects info about the drawing. */ public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info) { // adjust the drawing area for the plot insets (if any)... RectangleInsets insets = getInsets(); insets.trim(area); drawBackground(g2, area); drawOutline(g2, area); // check that there is some data to display... if(DatasetUtilities.isEmptyOrNull(getDataset())) { drawNoDataMessage(g2, area); return; } int pieCount = 0; if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) { pieCount = getDataset().getRowCount(); } else { pieCount = getDataset().getColumnCount(); } // the columns variable is always >= rows int displayCols = (int)Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(pieCount)); int displayRows = (int)Math.ceil((double)pieCount / (double)displayCols); // swap rows and columns to match plotArea shape if(displayCols > displayRows && area.getWidth() < area.getHeight()) { int temp = displayCols; displayCols = displayRows; displayRows = temp; } prefetchSectionPaints(); int x = (int)area.getX(); int y = (int)area.getY(); int width = ((int)area.getWidth()) / displayCols; int height = ((int)area.getHeight()) / displayRows; int row = 0; int column = 0; int diff = (displayRows * displayCols) - pieCount; int xoffset = 0; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); for(int pieIndex = 0; pieIndex < pieCount; pieIndex++) { rect.setBounds(x + xoffset + (width * column), y + (height * row), width, height); String title = null; if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) { title = getDataset().getRowKey(pieIndex).toString(); } else { title = getDataset().getColumnKey(pieIndex).toString(); } getPieChart().setTitle(title); PieDataset piedataset = null; PieDataset dd = new CategoryToPieDataset(getDataset(), getDataExtractOrder(), pieIndex); if(getLimit() > 0.0) { piedataset = DatasetUtilities.createConsolidatedPieDataset(dd, getAggregatedItemsKey(), getLimit()); } else { piedataset = dd; } PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot)getPieChart().getPlot(); piePlot.setDataset(piedataset); piePlot.setPieIndex(pieIndex); // update the section colors to match the global colors... for(int i = 0; i < piedataset.getItemCount(); i++) { Comparable key = piedataset.getKey(i); Paint p; if(key.equals(getAggregatedItemsKey())) { p = getAggregatedItemsPaint(); } else { p = (Paint)this.sectionPaints.get(key); } piePlot.setSectionPaint(key, p); } ChartRenderingInfo subinfo = null; if(info != null) { subinfo = new ChartRenderingInfo(); } getPieChart().draw(g2, rect, subinfo); if(info != null) { info.getOwner().getEntityCollection().addAll(subinfo.getEntityCollection()); info.addSubplotInfo(subinfo.getPlotInfo()); } ++column; if(column == displayCols) { column = 0; ++row; if(row == displayRows - 1 && diff != 0) { xoffset = (diff * width) / 2; } } } } /** * For each key in the dataset, check the <code>sectionPaints</code> cache * to see if a paint is associated with that key and, if not, fetch one from * the paint maps. These colors are cached so that the legend and all the * subplots use consistent colors. */ private void prefetchSectionPaints() { // pre-fetch the colors for each key...this is because the subplots // may not display every key, but we need the coloring to be // consistent... // PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot)getPieChart().getPlot(); if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) { // column keys provide potential keys for individual pies for(int c = 0; c < getDataset().getColumnCount(); c++) { Comparable key = getDataset().getColumnKey(c); Paint p = null; // piePlot.getSectionPaint(key); if(p == null) { p = (Paint)lookupSectionPaint(key); if(p == null) { p = getDrawingSupplier().getNextPaint(); } } this.sectionPaints.put(key, p); } } else { // row keys provide potential keys for individual pies for(int r = 0; r < getDataset().getRowCount(); r++) { Comparable key = getDataset().getRowKey(r); Paint p = null; // piePlot.getSectionPaint(key); if(p == null) { p = (Paint)lookupSectionPaint(key); if(p == null) { p = getDrawingSupplier().getNextPaint(); } } this.sectionPaints.put(key, p); } } } /** * Returns a collection of legend items for the pie chart. The text for the * labels is generated by the provided label generators * * @return The legend items. */ public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems() { LegendItemCollection result = new LegendItemCollection(); if(getDataset() != null) { List keys = null; prefetchSectionPaints(); if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) { keys = getDataset().getColumnKeys(); } else if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_COLUMN) { keys = getDataset().getRowKeys(); } if(keys != null) { int section = 0; Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { Comparable key = (Comparable); String label = null; // Use legend label generator !!! if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_COLUMN) { int row = getDataset().getRowIndex(key); label = getLegendItemLabelGenerator().generateRowLabel(getDataset(), row); } else if(getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) { int column = getDataset().getColumnIndex(key); label = getLegendItemLabelGenerator().generateColumnLabel(getDataset(), column); } if(label != null) { String description = label; Paint paint = (Paint)sectionPaints.get(key); LegendItem item = new LegendItem(label, description, null, null, Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE, paint, Plot.DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE, paint); item.setDataset(getDataset()); result.add(item); } section++; } } if(getLimit() > 0.0) { result.add(new LegendItem(getAggregatedItemsKey().toString(), getAggregatedItemsKey().toString(), null, null, Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE, getAggregatedItemsPaint(), Plot.DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE, getAggregatedItemsPaint())); } } return result; } /** * Returns the paint for the specified key from the paint maps. * * @param key The key. * * @return The paint. */ protected Paint lookupSectionPaint(Comparable key) { // return the paint defined for the specified key // dont use black as default for unknown values return paintMaps.getPaint(key, paintMode, Color.LIGHT_GRAY); } // -------- setter and getter -------- /** * @return The pieplot from the piechart. */ public PiePlot getPiePlot() { return (PiePlot)getPieChart().getPlot(); } /** * @return The paint mode. */ public int getPaintMode() { return paintMode; } /** * @param paintMode The paint mode to set. */ public void setPaintMode(int paintMode) { this.paintMode = paintMode; // clear paintMaps and use a new "reset" drawing supplier this.sectionPaints.clear(); this.drawingSupplier = new DefaultDrawingSupplier(); } /** * @return The BaseItemLabelGenerator. */ public CategoryItemLabelGenerator getBaseItemLabelGenerator() { return baseItemLabelGenerator; } /** * @param baseItemLabelGenerator The BaseItemLabelGenerator to set. */ public void setBaseItemLabelGenerator(CategoryItemLabelGenerator baseItemLabelGenerator) { this.baseItemLabelGenerator = baseItemLabelGenerator; notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); } /** * @return The BaseItemURLGenerator. */ public CategoryURLGenerator getBaseItemURLGenerator() { return baseItemURLGenerator; } /** * @param baseItemURLGenerator The BaseItemURLGenerator to set. */ public void setBaseItemURLGenerator(CategoryURLGenerator baseItemURLGenerator) { this.baseItemURLGenerator = baseItemURLGenerator; notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); } /** * @return The BaseToolTipGenerator. */ public CategoryToolTipGenerator getBaseToolTipGenerator() { return baseToolTipGenerator; } /** * @param baseToolTipGenerator The BaseToolTipGenerator to set. */ public void setBaseToolTipGenerator(CategoryToolTipGenerator baseToolTipGenerator) { this.baseToolTipGenerator = baseToolTipGenerator; notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); } /** * @return The LegendItemLabelGenerator. */ public CategoryItemLabelGenerator getLegendItemLabelGenerator() { return legendItemLabelGenerator; } /** * @param legendItemLabelGenerator The LegendItemLabelGenerator to set. */ public void setLegendItemLabelGenerator(CategoryItemLabelGenerator legendItemLabelGenerator) { this.legendItemLabelGenerator = legendItemLabelGenerator; notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); } }