package; import jadex.commons.SGUI; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.UIDefaults; /** * Base class for tool components. */ public abstract class ToolTab extends JPanel implements IComponentListListener, IMessageListListener { /** Icon paths */ private static final String COMANALYZER_IMAGES = "/jadex/tools/comanalyzer/images/"; private static final String COMMON_IMAGES = "/jadex/tools/common/images/"; /** The image icons. */ protected static UIDefaults icons = new UIDefaults(new Object[]{"start", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMMON_IMAGES + "start.png"), "stop", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMMON_IMAGES + "stop.png"), "arrow2l", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "arrow2l.png"), "arrow1l", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "arrow1l.png"), "slider", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "message_slider.png"), "arrow1r", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "arrow1r.png"), "arrow2r", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "arrow2r.png"), "hide_dummy", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "hide_dummy.png"), "show_dummy", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "show_dummy.png"), "hide_ignored", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "hide_ignored.png"), "show_ignored", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "show_ignored.png"), "hide_dead", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "hide_dead.png"), "show_dead", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "show_dead.png"), "show_zero", SGUI.makeIcon(TablePanel.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "show_zero.png"), "hide_zero", SGUI.makeIcon(TablePanel.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "hide_zero.png"), "delete_messagefilter", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "delete_messagefilter.png"), "delete_agentfilter", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "delete_agentfilter.png"), "refresh", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "refresh2.png"), "clear", SGUI.makeIcon(ToolTab.class, COMANALYZER_IMAGES + "clear_panel.png") }); // -------- attributes -------- /** The messagelist held by the tool. */ protected List messagelist; /** The agentlist held by the tool */ protected List componentlist; /** The plugin. */ protected ComanalyzerPlugin plugin; /** The name of this tool component. */ protected String name; /** The icon of this tool component. */ protected Icon icon; /** Flag indicating if tool is active. */ protected boolean active; /** The common toolbar actions. */ protected Action[] actions; /** * Create a new tool component. * @param pluginThe plugin. * @param name The name of the tool component. * @param icon The icon of the tool component. */ public ToolTab(ComanalyzerPlugin plugin, String name, Icon icon) { this.messagelist = new ArrayList(); this.componentlist = new ArrayList(); = name; this.icon = icon; this.plugin = plugin; } // -------- ToolTab methods -------- /** * Get the tool panel of this component. */ public ToolPanel getToolPanel() { return this.plugin.tpanel; } /** * Get the plugin of this component. */ public ComanalyzerPlugin getPlugin() { return this.plugin; } /** * @return The global paint map. */ public PaintMaps getPaintMaps() { return this.plugin.paintmaps; } /** * Get the name this component. */ public String getName() { return; } /** * Get the icon of this component. */ public Icon getIcon() { return this.icon; } /** * (De-)Activate the tool tab. */ public void setActive(boolean active) { = active; // Set action settings regardless of change, as setActive() is also // called initially. if(active) { STARTSTOP_ACTION.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Deactivate Tab"); STARTSTOP_ACTION.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icons.getIcon("stop")); } else { STARTSTOP_ACTION.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Activate Tab"); STARTSTOP_ACTION.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icons.getIcon("start")); } // enable the off-line controles accordingly REFRESH.setEnabled(!active); CLEAR.setEnabled(!active); FIRST_MESSAGE.setEnabled(!active); OPEN_SLIDER.setEnabled(!active); PREVIOUS_MESSAGE.setEnabled(!active); NEXT_MESSAGE.setEnabled(!active); LAST_MESSAGE.setEnabled(!active); // refresh tool tab if active if(active) refresh(); } /** * @return <code>true</code> if the tooltab is active. */ public boolean isActive() { return active; } // -------- ToolTab templates -------- /** * Receives the actual canvas of the tooltab. * @return The canvas for displaying the messages */ public abstract ToolCanvas getCanvas(); /** * Get the (menu/toolbar) actions of the tooltab. */ public Action[] getActions() { if(this.actions == null) { List actionlist = new ArrayList(); actionlist.add(STARTSTOP_ACTION); actionlist.add(null); actionlist.add(REFRESH); actionlist.add(CLEAR); actionlist.add(null); actionlist.add(FIRST_MESSAGE); actionlist.add(PREVIOUS_MESSAGE); actionlist.add(OPEN_SLIDER); actionlist.add(NEXT_MESSAGE); actionlist.add(LAST_MESSAGE); actionlist.add(null); actionlist.add(SHOW_DUMMY); actionlist.add(SHOW_IGNORED); actionlist.add(SHOW_DEAD); actionlist.add(SHOW_ZERO); actionlist.add(null); actionlist.add(DELETE_MESSAGE_FILTER); actionlist.add(DELETE_AGENT_FILTER); actions = (Action[])actionlist.toArray((new Action[actionlist.size()])); } return this.actions; } /** * Clear the view when refreshing. */ public void clear() { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { componentlist.clear(); messagelist.clear(); getCanvas().clear(); getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } /** * Refresh the tooltabs presentation. Clear internal agent and messagelists * and add all the agents and messages from plugin */ public void refresh() { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { // TODO: update changed and add only new messages getCanvas().clear(); componentlist.clear(); componentlist.addAll(SUtil.arrayToList(getPlugin().getAgents())); for(Iterator iterator = componentlist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Component agent = (Component); if(agent.isVisible()) { getCanvas().updateComponent(agent, false); } } messagelist.clear(); messagelist.addAll(SUtil.arrayToList(getPlugin().getMessages())); for(Iterator iter = messagelist.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Message message = (Message); if(message.isVisible()) { getCanvas().updateMessage(message, false); } } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } //-------- IMessageListListener interface-------- /** * Update the view as new messages have been recorded. */ public void messagesAdded(final Message[] messages) { // System.out.println("Messages added: "+SUtil.arrayToString(messages)); if(!isActive()) return; // awt invoker is called from refreshtask. for(int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { messagelist.add(messages[i]); getCanvas().updateMessage(messages[i], false); } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); } /** * Update the view as messages have been changed due to filter operations. */ public void messagesChanged(final Message[] messages) { // System.out.println("Messages changed: " + SUtil.arrayToString(messages)); // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { for(int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if(messagelist.contains(messages[i])) { getCanvas().updateMessage(messages[i], true); } } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } /** * Update the view as messages have been removed. */ public void messagesRemoved(final Message[] messages) { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { for(int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { messagelist.remove(messages[i]); getCanvas().removeMessage(messages[i]); } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } //-------- IAgentListListener interface-------- /** * Update the view as for agents have been added. */ public void componentsAdded(final Component[] agents) { if(!isActive()) return; // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { for(int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) { componentlist.add(agents[i]); getCanvas().updateComponent(agents[i], false); } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } /** * Update the view as for agents have changed due to filter operaions. */ public void componentsChanged(final Component[] agents) { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { for(int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) { if(componentlist.contains(agents[i])) { getCanvas().updateComponent(agents[i], true); } } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } /** * Update the view as for agents have been removed. */ public void componentsRemoved(final Component[] agents) { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() // { // public void run() // { for(int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) { componentlist.remove(agents[i]); getCanvas().removeComponent(agents[i]); } getCanvas().repaintCanvas(); // } // }); } //-------- helper methods -------- /** * Refresh the toolbar of each tooltab to account for global filter states */ protected void refreshToolBar() { boolean show_dummy = true; boolean show_ignored = true; boolean show_dead = true; boolean show_zero = true; ComponentFilter[] afs = plugin.getAgentFilter(); for(int i = 0; i < afs.length; i++) { if(afs[i].containsValue(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_DUMMY)) { show_dummy = false; } if(afs[i].containsValue(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_IGNORED)) { show_ignored = false; } if(afs[i].containsValue(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_DEAD)) { show_dead = false; } if(afs[i].containsValue(Component.MESSAGE_VISIBLE, new Integer(Component.NO_MESSAGES))) { show_zero = false; } } SHOW_DUMMY.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, show_dummy ? "Hide dummy agent." : "Show dummy agent."); SHOW_DUMMY.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, show_dummy ? icons.getIcon("hide_dummy") : icons.getIcon("show_dummy")); SHOW_IGNORED.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, show_ignored ? "Hide ignored agents." : "Show ignored agents."); SHOW_IGNORED.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, show_ignored ? icons.getIcon("hide_ignored") : icons.getIcon("show_ignored")); SHOW_DEAD.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, show_dead ? "Hide dead agents." : "Show dead agents."); SHOW_DEAD.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, show_dead ? icons.getIcon("hide_dead") : icons.getIcon("show_dead")); SHOW_ZERO.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, show_zero ? "Hide agents without messages." : "Show agents without messages."); SHOW_ZERO.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, show_zero ? icons.getIcon("hide_zero") : icons.getIcon("show_zero")); } /** * Changes a filter for a given parameter name and value by switching If the * combination is already contained by the filter it is removed, otherwise * it is added. */ protected void changeAgentFilter(String name, Object value) { boolean add_filter = true; List filters = new ArrayList(); ComponentFilter[] afs = plugin.getAgentFilter(); for(int i = 0; i < afs.length; i++) { if(afs[i].containsValue(name, value)) { add_filter = false; } else { filters.add(afs[i]); } } if(add_filter) { ComponentFilter filter = new ComponentFilter(); filter.addValue(name, value); filters.add(filter); } plugin.setAgentFilter((ComponentFilter[])filters.toArray(new ComponentFilter[filters.size()])); refreshToolBar(); plugin.applyAgentFilter(); } // -------- global actions -------- /** Activate / deactivate tooltab */ protected final AbstractAction STARTSTOP_ACTION = new AbstractAction("Activate Tab", icons.getIcon("start")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setActive(!active); } }; /** Refresh the internal messages list and update the view */ protected final AbstractAction REFRESH = new AbstractAction("Refresh", icons.getIcon("refresh")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { refresh(); } }; /** Clears the canvas */ protected final AbstractAction CLEAR = new AbstractAction("Clear", icons.getIcon("clear")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clear(); } }; /** Move to first message */ protected final AbstractAction FIRST_MESSAGE = new AbstractAction("Move to first message", icons.getIcon("arrow2l")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // first remove all messages messagesRemoved(plugin.getMessages()); // add all the agents componentlist.addAll(SUtil.arrayToList(plugin.getAgents())); componentsChanged(plugin.getAgents()); for(int i = 0; i < plugin.getMessageList().size(); i++) { Message message = plugin.getMessage(i); messagelist.add(message); // add dont work when tool not active messagesChanged(new Message[]{message}); if(message.getEndpoints() != null) { break; } } } }; /** Move to previous message */ protected final AbstractAction PREVIOUS_MESSAGE = new AbstractAction("Move to previous message", icons.getIcon("arrow1l")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for(int i = messagelist.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Message message = (Message)messagelist.get(i); messagesRemoved(new Message[]{message}); if(message.getEndpoints() != null) { break; } } } }; /** Open message slide */ protected final AbstractAction OPEN_SLIDER = new AbstractAction("Open Message Slider", icons.getIcon("slider")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JButton jb = (JButton)e.getSource(); JPopupMenu popup = new MessageSliderMenu("Message Slider", ToolTab.this);, (int)(jb.getWidth() - popup.getPreferredSize().getWidth()) / 2, (int)-popup.getPreferredSize().getHeight()); } }; /** Move to next message */ protected final AbstractAction NEXT_MESSAGE = new AbstractAction("Move to next message", icons.getIcon("arrow1r")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(componentlist.size() == 0) { componentlist.addAll(plugin.getAgentList().getList()); componentsChanged(plugin.getAgents()); } for(int i = messagelist.size() + 1; i < plugin.getMessageList().size(); i++) { Message message = plugin.getMessage(i); messagelist.add(message); // add dont work when tool not active messagesChanged(new Message[]{message}); if(message.getEndpoints() != null) { break; } } } }; /** Move to last messsage */ protected final AbstractAction LAST_MESSAGE = new AbstractAction("Move to last message", icons.getIcon("arrow2r")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { refresh(); } }; /** Show/hide dummy agent */ protected final AbstractAction SHOW_DUMMY = new AbstractAction("Hide dummy agent.", icons.getIcon("hide_dummy")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { changeAgentFilter(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_DUMMY); } }; /** Show/hide ignored agents */ protected final AbstractAction SHOW_IGNORED = new AbstractAction("Hide ignored agents.", icons.getIcon("hide_ignored")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { changeAgentFilter(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_IGNORED); } }; /** Show/hide dead agents */ protected final AbstractAction SHOW_DEAD = new AbstractAction("Hide dead agents.", icons.getIcon("hide_dead")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { changeAgentFilter(Component.STATE, Component.STATE_DEAD); } }; /** Show/hide agents with no messages */ protected final AbstractAction SHOW_ZERO = new AbstractAction("Hide agents without messages", icons.getIcon("hide_zero")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { changeAgentFilter(Component.MESSAGE_VISIBLE, new Integer(Component.NO_MESSAGES)); } }; /** Delete message filter */ protected final AbstractAction DELETE_MESSAGE_FILTER = new AbstractAction("Delete message filter", icons.getIcon("delete_messagefilter")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { plugin.removeMessageFilter(); plugin.applyMessageFilter(); } }; /** Delete individual agentfilter */ protected final AbstractAction DELETE_AGENT_FILTER = new AbstractAction("Delete agent filter", icons.getIcon("delete_agentfilter")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { plugin.removeAgentFilter(); plugin.applyAgentFilter(); } }; }