package jadex.rules.test.rulesystem; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A table in the blocks-world. * In contrast to a block, a table may have multiple blocks on top. */ public class Table extends Block { //-------- attributes -------- /** The name of the table. */ protected String name; /** The blocks located on top of the table. */ protected List blocks; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new table. */ public Table() { this("Table", new Color(64, 32, 32)); } /** * Create a new table. * @param name The name of the table. * @param color The color of the table. */ public Table(String name, Color color) { super(-1, color, null); = name; this.blocks = new ArrayList(); } //-------- methods -------- /** * The table is always clear. */ public boolean isClear() { return true; } /** * Create a string representation of this block. */ public String toString() { return name; } /** * Get all blocks on the table. * Also returns blocks which are located on other blocks on the table. */ public Block[] getAllBlocks() { List ret = new ArrayList(blocks); for(int i=0; i<ret.size(); i++) { Block b = (Block)ret.get(i); if(b.upper!=null) ret.add(b.upper); } return (Block[])ret.toArray(new Block[ret.size()]); } /** * Get the stacks on the table. */ public Block[][] getStacks() { Block[][] stacks = new Block[blocks.size()][]; for(int i=0; i<stacks.length; i++) { List ret = new ArrayList(); Block b = (Block)blocks.get(i); while(b!=null) { ret.add(b); b = b.upper; } stacks[i] = (Block[])ret.toArray(new Block[ret.size()]); } return stacks; } /** * clear all blocks from the table. */ public void clear() { Block[] all = getAllBlocks(); for(int i=all.length-1; i>=0; i--) all[i].stackOn(null); } /** * Check if two configurations are equal. */ public boolean configurationEquals(Table table) { boolean ret = false; if(blocks.size()==table.blocks.size()) { // Iterate through base blocks. ret = true; for(Iterator i=blocks.iterator(); ret && i.hasNext(); ) { Block block = (Block); int index = table.blocks.indexOf(block); if(index!=-1) { // Traverse and compare corresponding stacks. Block block2 = (Block)table.blocks.get(index); while((block!=null || block2!=null) && (ret=SUtil.equals(block, block2))) { block = block.upper; block2 = block2.upper; } } else { ret = false; } } } return ret; } /** * Add a block to this block. */ protected void addBlock(Block block) { blocks.add(block); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("blocks", null, block); } /** * Remove a block from this block. */ protected void removeBlock(Block block) { blocks.remove(block); this.pcs.firePropertyChange("blocks", block, null); } /** * Get the blocks. * @return The blocks. */ public List getBlocks() { return blocks; } }