package com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.rss; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.UrlUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.StaticUtilities; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.rss.RSSChannel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.rss.RSSFeed; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.rss.RSSItem; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.Engine; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.Result; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.ResultListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.SearchException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.SearchParameter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.EngineImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.MetaSearchImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.FieldMapping; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.WebEngine; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.WebResult; public class RSSEngine extends WebEngine { private Pattern seed_leecher_pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)\\s+(seed|leecher)s", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static EngineImpl importFromBEncodedMap( MetaSearchImpl meta_search, Map map ) throws IOException { return( new RSSEngine( meta_search, map )); } public static Engine importFromJSONString( MetaSearchImpl meta_search, long id, long last_updated, float rank_bias, String name, JSONObject map ) throws IOException { return( new RSSEngine( meta_search, id, last_updated, rank_bias, name, map )); } // explicit constructor public RSSEngine( MetaSearchImpl meta_search, long id, long last_updated, float rank_bias, String name, String searchURLFormat, boolean needs_auth, String auth_method, String login_url, String[] required_cookies ) { super( meta_search, Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_RSS, id, last_updated, rank_bias, name, searchURLFormat, "GMT", false, "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", new FieldMapping[0], needs_auth, auth_method, login_url, required_cookies ); } protected RSSEngine( MetaSearchImpl meta_search, Map map ) throws IOException { super( meta_search, map ); } // json protected RSSEngine( MetaSearchImpl meta_search, long id, long last_updated, float rank_bias, String name, JSONObject map ) throws IOException { super( meta_search, Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_REGEX, id, last_updated, rank_bias, name, map ); } public Map exportToBencodedMap() throws IOException { return( exportToBencodedMap( false )); } public Map exportToBencodedMap( boolean generic ) throws IOException { Map res = new HashMap(); super.exportToBencodedMap( res, generic ); return( res ); } public boolean supportsField( int field_id ) { // don't know about optional fields (such as direct download - be optimistic) switch( field_id ){ case FIELD_NAME: case FIELD_DATE: case FIELD_CATEGORY: case FIELD_COMMENTS: case FIELD_CDPLINK: case FIELD_TORRENTLINK: case FIELD_DOWNLOADBTNLINK: { return( true ); } } return( false ); } public int getAutoDownloadSupported() { // unknown until a successful feed download has occurred so that we know the // status of the feed tag return((int)getLocalLong( LD_AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED, AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED_UNKNOWN )); } protected Result[] searchSupport( SearchParameter[] searchParameters, Map searchContext, int desired_max_matches, int absolute_max_matches, String headers, ResultListener listener) throws SearchException { debugStart(); boolean only_if_mod = !searchContext.containsKey( Engine.SC_FORCE_FULL ); pageDetails page_details = super.getWebPageContent( searchParameters, searchContext, headers, only_if_mod ); String page = page_details.getContent(); if ( listener != null ){ listener.contentReceived( this, page ); } if ( page == null || page.length() == 0 ){ return( new Result[0]); } try { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( page.getBytes("UTF-8")); RSSFeed rssFeed = StaticUtilities.getRSSFeed( bais ); RSSChannel[] channels = rssFeed.getChannels(); List results = new ArrayList(); for ( int i=0; i<channels.length; i++ ){ RSSChannel channel = channels[i]; SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] channel_kids = channel.getNode().getChildren(); int auto_dl_state = AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED_YES; for ( int j=0; j<channel_kids.length; j++ ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode child = channel_kids[j]; String lc_full_child_name = child.getFullName().toLowerCase(); if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:auto_dl_enabled" )){ if ( !child.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )){ auto_dl_state = AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED_NO; } } } setLocalLong( LD_AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED, auto_dl_state ); RSSItem[] items = channel.getItems(); for ( int j=0 ; j<items.length; j++ ){ RSSItem item = items[j]; WebResult result = new WebResult(this,getRootPage(),getBasePage(),getDateParser(),""); result.setPublishedDate(item.getPublicationDate()); result.setNameFromHTML(item.getTitle()); URL cdp_link = item.getLink(); boolean cdp_set = false; if ( cdp_link != null ){ String link_url = cdp_link.toExternalForm(); if ( link_url.toLowerCase().startsWith( "http" )){ result.setCDPLink( link_url ); cdp_set = true; } } String uid = item.getUID(); if ( uid != null ){ result.setUID( uid ); // some feeds don't use the link field correctly, fallback to trying the guid for cdp // as probably better than nothing if ( !cdp_set ){ try{ String test_url = new URL( uid ).toExternalForm(); if ( test_url.toLowerCase().startsWith( "http" )){ result.setCDPLink( test_url ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } boolean got_seeds_peers = false; SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode node = item.getNode(); if ( node != null ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] children = node.getChildren(); boolean vuze_feed = false; for ( int k=0; k<children.length; k++ ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode child = children[k]; String lc_full_child_name = child.getFullName().toLowerCase(); if ( lc_full_child_name.startsWith( "vuze:" )){ vuze_feed = true; break; } } for ( int k=0; k<children.length; k++ ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode child = children[k]; String lc_child_name = child.getName().toLowerCase(); String lc_full_child_name = child.getFullName().toLowerCase(); String value = child.getValue(); if (lc_child_name.equals( "enclosure" )){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute typeAtt = child.getAttribute("type"); if( typeAtt != null && typeAtt.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase( "application/x-bittorrent")) { SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute urlAtt = child.getAttribute("url"); if( urlAtt != null ){ result.setTorrentLink(urlAtt.getValue()); } SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute lengthAtt = child.getAttribute("length"); if (lengthAtt != null){ result.setSizeFromHTML(lengthAtt.getValue()); } } }else if(lc_child_name.equals( "category" )) { result.setCategoryFromHTML( value ); }else if(lc_child_name.equals( "comments" )){ result.setCommentsFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_child_name.equals( "link" ) || lc_child_name.equals( "guid" )) { String lc_value = value.toLowerCase(); try{ URL url = new URL(value); if ( lc_value.endsWith( ".torrent" ) || lc_value.startsWith( "magnet:" ) || lc_value.startsWith( "bc:" ) || lc_value.startsWith( "bctp:" ) || lc_value.startsWith( "dht:" )){ result.setTorrentLink(value); }else if ( lc_child_name.equals( "link" ) && !vuze_feed ){ long test = getLocalLong( LD_LINK_IS_TORRENT, 0 ); if ( test == 1 ){ result.setTorrentLink( value ); }else if ( test == 0 || SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - test > 60*1000 ){ if ( linkIsToTorrent( url )){ result.setTorrentLink(value); setLocalLong( LD_LINK_IS_TORRENT, 1 ); }else{ setLocalLong( LD_LINK_IS_TORRENT, SystemTime.getCurrentTime()); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ // see if this is an atom feed // <link rel="alternate" type="application/x-bittorrent" href="http://asdasd/ SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute typeAtt = child.getAttribute( "type" ); if ( typeAtt != null && typeAtt.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("application/x-bittorrent")) { SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute hrefAtt = child.getAttribute( "href" ); if ( hrefAtt != null ){ String href = hrefAtt.getValue().trim(); try{ result.setTorrentLink( new URL( href ).toExternalForm() ); }catch( Throwable f ){ } } } } }else if ( lc_child_name.equals( "content" ) && rssFeed.isAtomFeed()){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute srcAtt = child.getAttribute( "src" ); String src = srcAtt==null?null:srcAtt.getValue(); if ( src != null ){ boolean is_dl_link = false; SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute typeAtt = child.getAttribute( "type" ); if ( typeAtt != null && typeAtt.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("application/x-bittorrent")) { is_dl_link = true; } if ( !is_dl_link ){ is_dl_link = src.toLowerCase().indexOf( ".torrent" ) != -1; } if ( is_dl_link ){ try{ new URL( src ); result.setTorrentLink( src ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:size" )){ result.setSizeFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:seeds" )){ got_seeds_peers = true; result.setNbSeedsFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:superseeds" )){ got_seeds_peers = true; result.setNbSuperSeedsFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:peers" )){ got_seeds_peers = true; result.setNbPeersFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:rank" )){ result.setRankFromHTML( value ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:contenttype" )){ String type = value.toLowerCase(); if ( type.startsWith( "video" )){ type = Engine.CT_VIDEO; }else if ( type.startsWith( "audio" )){ type = Engine.CT_AUDIO; }else if ( type.startsWith( "games" )){ type = Engine.CT_GAME; } result.setContentType( type ); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:downloadurl" )){ result.setTorrentLink( value); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:playurl" )){ result.setPlayLink( value); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:drmkey" )){ result.setDrmKey( value); }else if ( lc_full_child_name.equals( "vuze:assethash" )){ result.setHash( value); } } } if ( !got_seeds_peers ){ try{ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode desc_node = node.getChild( "description" ); if ( desc_node != null ){ String desc = desc_node.getValue().trim(); // see if we can pull from description Matcher m = seed_leecher_pat.matcher( desc ); while( m.find()){ String num =; String type =; if ( type.toLowerCase().charAt(0) == 's' ){ result.setNbSeedsFromHTML( num ); }else{ result.setNbPeersFromHTML( num ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } // override existing values with explicit <torrent> entry if present try{ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode torrent_node = node.getChild( "torrent" ); if ( torrent_node != null ){ if ( result.getSize() <= 0 ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode n = torrent_node.getChild( "contentLength" ); if ( n != null ){ try{ long l = Long.parseLong( n.getValue().trim()); result.setSizeFromHTML( l + " B" ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } String dlink = result.getDownloadLink(); if ( dlink == null || dlink.length() == 0 ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode n = torrent_node.getChild( "magnetURI" ); if ( n != null ){ dlink = n.getValue().trim(); result.setTorrentLink( dlink ); } } String hash = result.getHash(); if ( hash == null || hash.length() == 0 ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode n = torrent_node.getChild( "infoHash" ); if ( n != null ){ String h = n.getValue().trim(); result.setHash( h ); if ( dlink == null || dlink.length() == 0 ){ String uri = UrlUtils.normaliseMagnetURI( h ); if ( uri != null ){ result.setTorrentLink( uri ); } } } } SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode trackers_node = torrent_node.getChild( "trackers" ); if ( trackers_node != null && !got_seeds_peers ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] groups = trackers_node.getChildren(); int max_total = -1; int best_seeds = 0; int best_leechers = 0; for ( SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode group: groups ){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] g_kids = group.getChildren(); for ( SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode t: g_kids ){ if ( t.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "tracker" )){ SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute a_seeds = t.getAttribute( "seeds" ); SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute a_leechers = t.getAttribute( "peers" ); int seeds = a_seeds==null?-1:Integer.parseInt( a_seeds.getValue().trim()); int leechers = a_leechers==null?-1:Integer.parseInt( a_leechers.getValue().trim()); int total = seeds + leechers; if ( total > max_total ){ max_total = total; best_seeds = seeds; best_leechers = leechers; } } } } if ( max_total >= 0 ){ result.setNbSeedsFromHTML( String.valueOf( Math.max( 0, best_seeds ))); result.setNbPeersFromHTML( String.valueOf( Math.max( 0, best_leechers ))); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } // if we still have no download link see if the magnet is in the title String dlink = result.getDownloadLink(); if ( dlink == null || dlink.length() == 0 ){ String name = result.getName(); if ( name != null ){ String magnet = UrlUtils.parseTextForMagnets( name ); if ( magnet != null ){ result.setTorrentLink( magnet ); } } } dlink = result.getDownloadLink(); if ( dlink == null || dlink.length() == 0 ){ // last ditch effort, sometimes the download link is the <link> so stuff it in and hope (could test download once I guess and then // record the outcome if it is a torrent but, meh) result.setTorrentLink( result.getCDPLink()); } results.add(result); if ( absolute_max_matches >= 0 && results.size() == absolute_max_matches ){ break; } } } Result[] res = (Result[]) results.toArray(new Result[results.size()]); debugLog( "success: found " + res.length + " results" ); return( res ); }catch ( Throwable e ){ debugLog( "failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessageAndStack( e )); if ( e instanceof SearchException ){ throw((SearchException)e ); } throw( new SearchException( "RSS matching failed", e )); } } protected boolean linkIsToTorrent( URL url ) { try{ HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod( "HEAD" ); con.setConnectTimeout( 10*1000 ); con.setReadTimeout( 10*1000 ); String content_type = con.getContentType(); log( "Testing link " + url + " to see if torrent link -> content type=" + content_type ); if ( content_type.equalsIgnoreCase( "application/x-bittorrent" )){ return( true ); } return( false ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } } }