package com.aelitis.azureus.util; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.UrlUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; /** * Note: There's a similarly defined map processing utility class called * {@link MapUtils}. Since there are differences in implementation, both * have been kept until someone goes through each callee and check if it * can be switched to use just one of them. */ public final class ImportExportUtils { public final static void exportString( Map map, String key, String value ) throws IOException { if ( value != null ){ map.put( key, value.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); } } public final static void exportJSONString( Map map, String key, String value ) throws IOException { if ( value != null ){ map.put( key, value ); } } public final static String importString( Map map, String key, String def ) throws IOException { String res = importString( map, key ); if ( res == null ){ res = def; } return( res ); } public final static String importString( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { if ( map == null ){ return( null ); } Object obj = map.get( key ); if ( obj instanceof String ){ return((String)obj); }else if ( obj instanceof byte[]){ return( new String((byte[])obj, "UTF-8" )); } return( null ); } public final static long importLong( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { return( importLong( map, key, 0 )); } public final static long importLong( Map map, String key, long def ) throws IOException { if ( map == null ){ return( def ); } Object obj = map.get( key ); if ( obj instanceof Long){ return(((Long)obj).longValue()); }else if ( obj instanceof String ){ return( Long.parseLong((String)obj)); } return( def ); } public final static void exportLong( Map map, String key, long value ) { map.put( key, value ); } public final static void exportInt( Map map, String key, int value ) { map.put( key, new Long( value )); } public final static int importInt( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { return((int)importLong( map, key, 0 )); } public final static int importInt( Map map, String key, int def ) throws IOException { return((int)importLong( map, key, def )); } public final static void exportFloat( Map map, String key, float value ) throws IOException { exportString( map, key, String.valueOf( value )); } public final static float importFloat( Map map, String key, float def ) throws IOException { String str = importString( map, key ); if ( str == null ){ return( def ); } return( Float.parseFloat( str )); } public final static void exportBoolean( Map map, String key, boolean value ) throws IOException { map.put( key, new Long( value?1:0 )); } public final static boolean importBoolean( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { return( importBoolean( map, key, false )); } public final static boolean importBoolean( Map map, String key, boolean def ) throws IOException { if ( map == null ){ return( def ); } Object obj = map.get( key ); if ( obj instanceof Long){ return(((Long)obj).longValue() == 1 ); }else if ( obj instanceof Boolean ){ return(((Boolean)obj).booleanValue()); } return( def ); } public final static void exportJSONBoolean( Map map, String key, boolean value ) throws IOException { map.put( key, new Boolean( value )); } public static final String importURL( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { String url = importString( map, key ); if ( url != null ){ url = url.trim(); if ( url.length() == 0 ){ url = null; }else{ url = URLDecoder.decode( url, "UTF-8" ); } } return( url ); } public final static void exportURL( Map map, String key, String value ) throws IOException { exportString( map, key, value ); } public final static void exportJSONURL( Map map, String key, String value ) throws IOException { exportJSONString( map, key, UrlUtils.encode( value )); } public static final String[] importStringArray( Map map, String key ) throws IOException { List list = (List)map.get( key ); if ( list == null ){ return( new String[0] ); } String[] res = new String[list.size()]; for (int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ Object obj = list.get(i); if ( obj instanceof String ){ res[i] = (String)obj; }else if ( obj instanceof byte[] ){ res[i] = new String((byte[])obj, "UTF-8" ); } } return( res ); } public static final void exportStringArray( Map map, String key, String[] data ) throws IOException { List l = new ArrayList(data.length); map.put( key, l ); for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++){ l.add( data[i].getBytes( "UTF-8" )); } } public static final void exportJSONStringArray( Map map, String key, String[] data ) throws IOException { List l = new JSONArray(data.length); map.put( key, l ); for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++){ l.add( data[i] ); } } public static final void exportIntArray( Map map, String key, int[] values ) { if ( values == null ){ return; } int num = values.length; byte[] bytes = new byte[num*4]; int pos = 0; for (int i=0;i<num;i++){ int v = values[i]; bytes[pos++] = (byte)(v >>> 24); bytes[pos++] = (byte)(v >>> 16); bytes[pos++] = (byte)(v >>> 8); bytes[pos++] = (byte)(v); } map.put( key, bytes ); } public static final int[] importIntArray( Map map, String key ) { byte[] bytes = (byte[])map.get( key ); if ( bytes == null ){ return( null ); } int[] values = new int[bytes.length/4]; int pos = 0; for (int i=0;i<values.length;i++){ values[i] = ((bytes[pos++]&0xff) << 24) + ((bytes[pos++]&0xff) << 16) + ((bytes[pos++]&0xff) << 8) + ((bytes[pos++]&0xff)); } return( values ); } }