package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.progress; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.MainStatusBar; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList; /** * A manager that aggregates and forward progress information for long running operations * <p> This is a non-intrusive implementation, such that, it does not directly manage any of the process; it simply receives and forwards information</p> * <p> The primary user of this class is the {@link MainStatusBar} where it is used to display progress information</p> * @author knguyen * */ public class ProgressReportingManager implements IProgressReportConstants { private static ProgressReportingManager INSTANCE = null; /** * A custom stack to keep track of <code>ProgressReporter</code> */ private ProgressReporterStack progressReporters = new ProgressReporterStack(); /** * Keeps count of all <code>ProgressReporter</code> created since this session started; * is used as unique ID and hashCode for each instance of <code>ProgressReporter</code> * */ private int reporterCounter = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public static final int COUNT_ALL = 0; public static final int COUNT_ACTIVE = 1; public static final int COUNT_ERROR = 2; /** * A <code>CopyOnWriteList</code> of <code>IProgressReportingListener</code> */ private CopyOnWriteList listeners = new CopyOnWriteList(); /** * Convenience variable tied to the parameter "auto_remove_inactive_items" */ private boolean isAutoRemove = false; /** * Private constructor */ private ProgressReportingManager() { /* * Set up isAutoRemove flag */ isAutoRemove = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("auto_remove_inactive_items"); COConfigurationManager.addParameterListener("auto_remove_inactive_items", new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged(String parameterName) { isAutoRemove = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("auto_remove_inactive_items"); } }); } public static final synchronized ProgressReportingManager getInstance() { if (null == INSTANCE) { INSTANCE = new ProgressReportingManager(); } return INSTANCE; } public IProgressReporter addReporter() { return( new ProgressReporter( this )); } public IProgressReporter addReporter( String name ) { return( new ProgressReporter( this, name )); } /** * Returns the number of reporters that have sent any event to this manager and have not been removed * <ul> * <li><code>COUNT_ERROR</code> - count all reporters in error state</li> * <li><code>COUNT_ACTIVE</code> - count all reporters that are still active</li> * <li><code>COUNT_ALL</code> - count all reporters</li> * </ul> * @param whatToCount one of the above constants; will default to <code>COUNT_ALL</code> if the parameter is unrecognized * @return */ public int getReporterCount(int whatToCount) { if (whatToCount == COUNT_ERROR) { return progressReporters.getErrorCount(); } if (whatToCount == COUNT_ACTIVE) { return progressReporters.getActiveCount(); } return progressReporters.size(); } /** * A convenience method for quickly determining whether more than one reporter is still active. * This method can be much quicker than calling {@link #getReporterCount()} and inspecting the returned value * if the number of reporters is high since we may not have to go through the entire list before getting the result * * @return <code>true</code> if there are at least 2 active reporters; <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean hasMultipleActive() { return progressReporters.hasMultipleActive(); } /** * Returns the next active reporter * @return the next reporter that is still active; <code>null</code> if none are active or no reporters are found */ public IProgressReporter getNextActiveReporter() { return progressReporters.getNextActiveReporter(); } /** * Returns the current reporter, in other word, the last reporter to have reported anything * @return the last reporter; <code>null</code> if none are found */ public IProgressReporter getCurrentReporter() { return progressReporters.peek(); } /** * Returns a modifiable list of <code>ProgressReporter</code>s; manipulating this list has no * effect on the internal list of reporters maintained by this manager * * @param onlyActive <code>true</code> to filter the list to only include those reporters that are still active * @return a sorted List of <code>ProgressReporter</code> where the oldest reporter would be at position 0 */ public List getReporters(boolean onlyActive) { List reporters = progressReporters.getReporters(onlyActive); Collections.sort(reporters); return reporters; } /** * * Returns a modifiable array of <code>ProgressReporter</code>s; manipulating this array has no * effect on the internal list of reporters maintained by this manager * @param onlyActive <code>true</code> to filter the array to only include those reporters that are still active * @return a sorted array of <code>ProgressReporter</code> where the oldest reporter would be at position 0 */ public IProgressReporter[] getReportersArray(boolean onlyActive) { List rpList = progressReporters.getReporters(onlyActive); IProgressReporter[] array = (IProgressReporter[]) rpList.toArray(new IProgressReporter[rpList.size()]); Arrays.sort(array); return array; } /** * Removes the given <code>ProgressReporter</code> from this manager. This has the effect that * any subsequent event reported by the same reporter will not be captured nor forwarded by this manager * @param reporter * @return */ public boolean remove(IProgressReporter reporter) { boolean value = progressReporters.remove(reporter); notifyListeners(MANAGER_EVENT_REMOVED, reporter); return value; } /** * * @param listener */ public void addListener(IProgressReportingListener listener) { if (null != listener && false == listeners.contains(listener)) { listeners.add(listener); } } /** * * @param listener */ public void removeListener(IProgressReportingListener listener) { if (null != listener && true == listeners.contains(listener)) { listeners.remove(listener); } } /** * Notifies listeners that the given <code>ProgressReporter</code> has been modified * @param eventType * @param reporter */ private void notifyListeners(int eventType, IProgressReporter reporter) { for (Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IProgressReportingListener listener = (IProgressReportingListener); if (null != listener) { try { listener.reporting(eventType, reporter); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } } } } /** * Push this reporter on top of the stack, and notifies any listeners that a state change has occurred * @param reporter */ protected void notifyManager(IProgressReporter reporter) { /* * Update the history stack and notify listeners */ IProgressReport pReport = reporter.getProgressReport(); if ((true == isAutoRemove && false == pReport.isActive()) || true == pReport.isDisposed()) { progressReporters.remove(reporter); notifyListeners(MANAGER_EVENT_REMOVED, reporter); } else if (true == progressReporters.contains(reporter)) { progressReporters.push(reporter); notifyListeners(MANAGER_EVENT_UPDATED, reporter); } else { progressReporters.push(reporter); notifyListeners(MANAGER_EVENT_ADDED, reporter); } } /** * Returns the next available ID that can be assigned to a {@link ProgressReporter} * @return int the next available ID */ protected synchronized final int getNextAvailableID() { /* * This is a simple brute forced way to generate unique ID's which can also be use as a unique hashcode * without having to directly track all previously created/disposed ProgressReporters * * This is synchronized to ensure that the incrementing of reporterCounter is consistent * so that each ProgressReporter is guaranteed to have a unique ID (which is also used as its hashCode) * * WARNING: This method is mainly intended to be used by the constructors of ProgressReporter and should not be called * from anywhere else (unless you really know what you're doing); unintended repeated call to this method can exhaust * the limit of the integer. This counter starts from Integer.MIN_VALUE */ return reporterCounter++; } }