/* * Created on Jul 29, 2004 * Created by Alon Rohter * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManagerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.http.HTTPNetworkManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.tcp.TCPNetworkManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.udp.UDPNetworkManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageStreamDecoder; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageStreamEncoder; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageStreamFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.FeatureAvailability; /** * */ public class NetworkManager { public static final int UNLIMITED_RATE = 1024 * 1024 * 100; //100 mbyte/s private static final NetworkManager instance = new NetworkManager(); private static int max_download_rate_bps; private static int external_max_download_rate_bps; private static int max_upload_rate_bps_normal; private static int max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only; private static int max_upload_rate_bps; private static boolean lan_rate_enabled; private static int max_lan_upload_rate_bps; private static int max_lan_download_rate_bps; private static boolean seeding_only_mode_allowed; private static boolean seeding_only_mode = false; public static boolean REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE; public static boolean INCOMING_HANDSHAKE_FALLBACK_ALLOWED; public static boolean OUTGOING_HANDSHAKE_FALLBACK_ALLOWED; public static boolean INCOMING_CRYPTO_ALLOWED; private static boolean USE_REQUEST_LIMITING; static { COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners( new String[]{ "network.transport.encrypted.require", "network.transport.encrypted.fallback.incoming", "network.transport.encrypted.fallback.outgoing", "network.transport.encrypted.allow.incoming", "LAN Speed Enabled", "Max Upload Speed KBs", "Max LAN Upload Speed KBs", "Max Upload Speed Seeding KBs", "enable.seedingonly.upload.rate", "Max Download Speed KBs", "Max LAN Download Speed KBs", "network.tcp.mtu.size", "network.udp.mtu.size", "Use Request Limiting"}, new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String ignore ) { REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.require"); INCOMING_HANDSHAKE_FALLBACK_ALLOWED = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.fallback.incoming"); OUTGOING_HANDSHAKE_FALLBACK_ALLOWED = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.fallback.outgoing"); INCOMING_CRYPTO_ALLOWED = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.allow.incoming"); USE_REQUEST_LIMITING = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Use Request Limiting"); max_upload_rate_bps_normal = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max Upload Speed KBs" ) * 1024; if( max_upload_rate_bps_normal < 1024 ) max_upload_rate_bps_normal = UNLIMITED_RATE; if( max_upload_rate_bps_normal > UNLIMITED_RATE ) max_upload_rate_bps_normal = UNLIMITED_RATE; max_lan_upload_rate_bps = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max LAN Upload Speed KBs" ) * 1024; if( max_lan_upload_rate_bps < 1024 ) max_lan_upload_rate_bps = UNLIMITED_RATE; if( max_lan_upload_rate_bps > UNLIMITED_RATE ) max_lan_upload_rate_bps = UNLIMITED_RATE; max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max Upload Speed Seeding KBs" ) * 1024; if( max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only < 1024 ) max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only = UNLIMITED_RATE; if( max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only > UNLIMITED_RATE ) max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only = UNLIMITED_RATE; seeding_only_mode_allowed = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "enable.seedingonly.upload.rate" ); external_max_download_rate_bps = max_download_rate_bps = (int)(COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max Download Speed KBs" ) * 1024); // leave 5KiB/s room for the request limiting if( max_download_rate_bps < 1024 || max_download_rate_bps > UNLIMITED_RATE) max_download_rate_bps = UNLIMITED_RATE; else if(USE_REQUEST_LIMITING && FeatureAvailability.isRequestLimitingEnabled()) max_download_rate_bps += Math.max(max_download_rate_bps * 0.1, 5*1024); lan_rate_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("LAN Speed Enabled"); max_lan_download_rate_bps = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max LAN Download Speed KBs" ) * 1024; if( max_lan_download_rate_bps < 1024 ) max_lan_download_rate_bps = UNLIMITED_RATE; if( max_lan_download_rate_bps > UNLIMITED_RATE ) max_lan_download_rate_bps = UNLIMITED_RATE; refreshRates(); } }); } private final List<WriteController> write_controllers; private final List<ReadController> read_controllers; { int num_read = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "network.control.read.processor.count" ); read_controllers = new ArrayList<ReadController>(num_read); for (int i=0;i<num_read;i++){ read_controllers.add( new ReadController()); } int num_write = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "network.control.write.processor.count" ); write_controllers = new ArrayList<WriteController>(num_write); for (int i=0;i<num_write;i++){ write_controllers.add( new WriteController()); } } private final TransferProcessor upload_processor = new TransferProcessor( TransferProcessor.TYPE_UPLOAD, new LimitedRateGroup() { public String getName() { return( "global_up" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return max_upload_rate_bps; } public void updateBytesUsed( int used ) { } }, write_controllers.size() > 1 ); private final TransferProcessor download_processor = new TransferProcessor( TransferProcessor.TYPE_DOWNLOAD, new LimitedRateGroup() { public String getName() { return( "global_down" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return max_download_rate_bps; } public void updateBytesUsed( int used ) { } }, read_controllers.size() > 1 ); private final TransferProcessor lan_upload_processor = new TransferProcessor( TransferProcessor.TYPE_UPLOAD, new LimitedRateGroup() { public String getName() { return( "global_lan_up" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return max_lan_upload_rate_bps; } public void updateBytesUsed( int used ) { } }, write_controllers.size() > 1 ); private final TransferProcessor lan_download_processor = new TransferProcessor( TransferProcessor.TYPE_DOWNLOAD, new LimitedRateGroup() { public String getName() { return( "global_lan_down" ); } public int getRateLimitBytesPerSecond() { return max_lan_download_rate_bps; } public void updateBytesUsed( int used ) { } }, read_controllers.size() > 1 ); public static boolean isLANRateEnabled() { return( lan_rate_enabled ); } private NetworkManager() { } public static int getMinMssSize() { return Math.min( TCPNetworkManager.getTcpMssSize(), UDPNetworkManager.getUdpMssSize()); } private static void refreshRates() { if( isSeedingOnlyUploadRate() ) { max_upload_rate_bps = max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only; } else { max_upload_rate_bps = max_upload_rate_bps_normal; } if( max_upload_rate_bps < 1024 ) { Debug.out( "max_upload_rate_bps < 1024=" +max_upload_rate_bps); } //ensure that mss isn't greater than up/down rate limits int min_rate = Math.min( max_upload_rate_bps, Math.min( max_download_rate_bps, Math.min( max_lan_upload_rate_bps, max_lan_download_rate_bps ))); TCPNetworkManager.refreshRates( min_rate ); UDPNetworkManager.refreshRates( min_rate ); } public static boolean isSeedingOnlyUploadRate() { return seeding_only_mode_allowed && seeding_only_mode; } public static int getMaxUploadRateBPSNormal() { if( max_upload_rate_bps_normal == UNLIMITED_RATE ) return 0; return max_upload_rate_bps_normal; } public static int getMaxUploadRateBPSSeedingOnly() { if( max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only == UNLIMITED_RATE ) return 0; return max_upload_rate_bps_seeding_only; } /** * This method is for display purposes only, the internal rate limiting is 10% higher than returned by this method! */ public static int getMaxDownloadRateBPS() { if( max_download_rate_bps == UNLIMITED_RATE ) return 0; return external_max_download_rate_bps; } public static final int CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_NONE = 0; public static final int CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED = 1; public static final int CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_NOT_REQUIRED = 2; public static boolean getCryptoRequired( int override_level ) { if ( override_level == CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_NONE ){ return( REQUIRE_CRYPTO_HANDSHAKE ); }else if ( override_level == CRYPTO_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED ){ return( true ); }else{ return( false ); } } public void initialize(AzureusCore core) { HTTPNetworkManager.getSingleton(); core.getGlobalManager().addListener( new GlobalManagerListener() { public void downloadManagerAdded( DownloadManager dm ){} public void downloadManagerRemoved( DownloadManager dm ){} public void destroyInitiated(){} public void destroyed(){} public void seedingStatusChanged( boolean seeding_only, boolean b ) { seeding_only_mode = seeding_only; refreshRates(); } }); } /** * Get the singleton instance of the network manager. * @return the network manager */ public static NetworkManager getSingleton() { return instance; } /** * Create a new unconnected remote network connection (for outbound-initiated connections). * @param remote_address to connect to * @param encoder default message stream encoder to use for the outgoing queue * @param decoder default message stream decoder to use for the incoming queue * @return a new connection */ public NetworkConnection createConnection( ConnectionEndpoint target, MessageStreamEncoder encoder, MessageStreamDecoder decoder, boolean connect_with_crypto, boolean allow_fallback, byte[][] shared_secrets ) { return NetworkConnectionFactory.create( target, encoder, decoder, connect_with_crypto, allow_fallback, shared_secrets ); } /** * Request the acceptance and routing of new incoming connections that match the given initial byte sequence. * @param matcher initial byte sequence used for routing * @param listener for handling new inbound connections * @param factory to use for creating default stream encoder/decoders */ public void requestIncomingConnectionRouting( ByteMatcher matcher, final RoutingListener listener, final MessageStreamFactory factory ) { IncomingConnectionManager.getSingleton().registerMatchBytes( matcher, new IncomingConnectionManager.MatchListener() { public boolean autoCryptoFallback() { return( listener.autoCryptoFallback()); } public void connectionMatched( Transport transport, Object routing_data ) { listener.connectionRouted( NetworkConnectionFactory.create( transport, factory.createEncoder(), factory.createDecoder() ), routing_data ); } }); } public NetworkConnection bindTransport( Transport transport, MessageStreamEncoder encoder, MessageStreamDecoder decoder ) { return( NetworkConnectionFactory.create( transport, encoder, decoder )); } /** * Cancel a request for inbound connection routing. * @param matcher byte sequence originally used to register */ public void cancelIncomingConnectionRouting( ByteMatcher matcher ) { IncomingConnectionManager.getSingleton().deregisterMatchBytes( matcher ); } /** * Add an upload entity for write processing. * @param entity to add */ public void addWriteEntity( RateControlledEntity entity, int partition_id ) { if ( write_controllers.size() == 1 || partition_id < 0 ){ write_controllers.get(0).addWriteEntity(entity); }else{ WriteController controller = write_controllers.get((partition_id%(write_controllers.size()-1))+1 ); controller.addWriteEntity( entity ); } } /** * Remove an upload entity from write processing. * @param entity to remove */ public void removeWriteEntity( RateControlledEntity entity ) { if ( write_controllers.size() == 1 ){ write_controllers.get(0).removeWriteEntity( entity ); }else{ for (WriteController write_controller: write_controllers ){ write_controller.removeWriteEntity( entity ); } } } /** * Add a download entity for read processing. * @param entity to add */ public void addReadEntity( RateControlledEntity entity, int partition_id ) { if ( read_controllers.size() == 1 || partition_id < 0 ){ read_controllers.get(0).addReadEntity(entity); }else{ ReadController controller = read_controllers.get((partition_id%(read_controllers.size()-1))+1 ); controller.addReadEntity( entity ); } } /** * Remove a download entity from read processing. * @param entity to remove */ public void removeReadEntity( RateControlledEntity entity ) { if ( read_controllers.size() == 1 ){ read_controllers.get(0).removeReadEntity( entity ); }else{ for (ReadController read_controller: read_controllers ){ read_controller.removeReadEntity( entity ); } } } public Set<NetworkConnectionBase> getConnections() { Set<NetworkConnectionBase> result = new HashSet<NetworkConnectionBase>(); result.addAll( lan_upload_processor.getConnections()); result.addAll( lan_download_processor.getConnections()); result.addAll( upload_processor.getConnections()); result.addAll( download_processor.getConnections()); return( result ); } /** * Register peer connection for network upload and download handling. * NOTE: The given max rate limits are ignored until the connection is upgraded. * NOTE: The given max rate limits are ignored for LANLocal connections. * @param peer_connection to register for network transfer processing * @param upload_group upload rate limit group * @param download_group download rate limit group */ public void startTransferProcessing( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection ) { if( peer_connection.isLANLocal() && lan_rate_enabled ) { lan_upload_processor.registerPeerConnection( peer_connection, true ); lan_download_processor.registerPeerConnection( peer_connection, false ); } else { upload_processor.registerPeerConnection( peer_connection, true ); download_processor.registerPeerConnection( peer_connection, false ); } } /** * Cancel network upload and download handling for the given connection. * @param peer_connection to cancel */ public void stopTransferProcessing( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection ) { if( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )) { lan_upload_processor.deregisterPeerConnection( peer_connection ); lan_download_processor.deregisterPeerConnection( peer_connection ); } else { upload_processor.deregisterPeerConnection( peer_connection ); download_processor.deregisterPeerConnection( peer_connection ); } } /** * Upgrade the given connection to high-speed network transfer handling. * @param peer_connection to upgrade */ public void upgradeTransferProcessing( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection, int partition_id ) { if( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )) { lan_upload_processor.upgradePeerConnection( peer_connection, partition_id ); lan_download_processor.upgradePeerConnection( peer_connection, partition_id ); } else { upload_processor.upgradePeerConnection( peer_connection, partition_id ); download_processor.upgradePeerConnection( peer_connection, partition_id ); } } /** * Downgrade the given connection back to a normal-speed network transfer handling. * @param peer_connection to downgrade */ public void downgradeTransferProcessing( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection ) { if( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )) { lan_upload_processor.downgradePeerConnection( peer_connection ); lan_download_processor.downgradePeerConnection( peer_connection ); } else { upload_processor.downgradePeerConnection( peer_connection ); download_processor.downgradePeerConnection( peer_connection ); } } public TransferProcessor getUploadProcessor() { return( upload_processor ); } public void addRateLimiter( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection, LimitedRateGroup group, boolean upload ) { if ( upload ){ if ( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ lan_upload_processor.addRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); }else{ upload_processor.addRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); } }else{ if ( lan_download_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ lan_download_processor.addRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); }else{ download_processor.addRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); } } } public void removeRateLimiter( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection, LimitedRateGroup group, boolean upload ) { if ( upload ){ if ( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ lan_upload_processor.removeRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); }else{ upload_processor.removeRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); } }else{ if ( lan_download_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ lan_download_processor.removeRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); }else{ download_processor.removeRateLimiter( peer_connection, group ); } } } public RateHandler getRateHandler( boolean upload, boolean lan ) { if ( upload ){ if ( lan ){ return( lan_upload_processor.getRateHandler()); }else{ return( upload_processor.getRateHandler()); } }else{ if ( lan ){ return( lan_download_processor.getRateHandler()); }else{ return( download_processor.getRateHandler()); } } } public RateHandler getRateHandler( NetworkConnectionBase peer_connection, boolean upload ) { if ( upload ){ if ( lan_upload_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ return( lan_upload_processor.getRateHandler( peer_connection )); }else{ return( upload_processor.getRateHandler( peer_connection )); } }else{ if ( lan_download_processor.isRegistered( peer_connection )){ return( lan_download_processor.getRateHandler( peer_connection )); }else{ return( download_processor.getRateHandler( peer_connection )); } } } /** * Byte stream match filter for routing. */ public interface ByteMatcher { /** * Number of bytes of buffer at or beyond which the "match" method will be called to test for a match * @return */ public int matchThisSizeOrBigger(); /** * Get the max number of bytes this matcher requires. If it fails with this (or more) bytes then * the connection will be dropped * @return size in bytes */ public int maxSize(); /** * Get the minimum number of bytes required to determine if this matcher applies * @return */ public int minSize(); /** * Check byte stream for match. * @param address the originator of the connection * @param to_compare * @return return "routing data" in case of a match, null otherwise */ public Object matches( TransportHelper transport, ByteBuffer to_compare, int port ); /** * Check for a minimum match * @param to_compare * @return return "routing data" in case of a match, null otherwise */ public Object minMatches( TransportHelper transport, ByteBuffer to_compare, int port ); public byte[][] getSharedSecrets(); public int getSpecificPort(); } /** * Listener for routing events. */ public interface RoutingListener { /** * Currently if message crypto is on and default fallback for incoming not * enabled then we would bounce incoming messages from non-crypto transports * For example, NAT check * This method allows auto-fallback for such transports * @return */ public boolean autoCryptoFallback(); /** * The given incoming connection has been accepted. * @param connection accepted */ public void connectionRouted( NetworkConnection connection, Object routing_data ); } }