package com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.utils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.ByteFormatter; public class ClientIdentifier { public static String identifyBTOnly(String peer_id_client, byte[] handshake_bytes) { // BitThief check. if (peer_id_client.equals("Mainline 4.4.0") && (handshake_bytes[7] & (byte)1) == 0) { return asDiscrepancy("BitThief*", peer_id_client, "fake_client"); } // We do care if something is claiming to be Azureus when it isn't. If // it's a recent version of Azureus, but doesn't support advanced messaging, we // know it's a fake. if (!peer_id_client.startsWith("Azureus ")) {return peer_id_client;} // Older versions of Azureus won't have support, so discount these first. String version = peer_id_client.substring(8); if (version.startsWith("1") || version.startsWith("2.0") || version.startsWith("2.1") || version.startsWith("2.2")) { return peer_id_client; } // Must be a fake. return asDiscrepancy(null, peer_id_client, "fake_client"); } public static String identifyAZMP(String peer_id_client_name, String az_msg_client_name, String az_msg_client_version, byte[] peer_id) { /** * Hack for BitTyrant - the handshake resembles this: * Client: AzureusBitTyrant * ClientVersion: * * Yuck - let's format it so it resembles something pleasant. */ if (az_msg_client_name.endsWith("BitTyrant")) { return "BitTyrant " + az_msg_client_version.replaceAll("BitTyrant", "") + " (Azureus Mod)"; } String msg_client_name = az_msg_client_name + " " + az_msg_client_version; /** * Do both names seem to match? */ if (msg_client_name.equals(peer_id_client_name)) {return msg_client_name;} /** * There may be some discrepancy - a different version number perhaps. * If the main client name still seems to be the same, then return the one * given to us in the AZ handshake. */ String peer_id_client = peer_id_client_name.split(" ", 2)[0]; String az_client_name = az_msg_client_name.split(" ", 2)[0]; if (peer_id_client.equals(az_client_name)) { /** * If both are Azureus, the version numbers shouldn't differ. This is what * we should have - 15 characters both the same (sometimes beta version * is included in the version number but not in the peer ID, but we can deal * with that. * "Azureus a.b.c.d" */ if (az_client_name.equals("Azureus") && peer_id_client.equals("Azureus")) { if (msg_client_name.length()<15 || peer_id_client_name.length() < 15 || !msg_client_name.substring(0, 15).equals(peer_id_client_name.substring(0, 15))) { return asDiscrepancy("Azureus (Hacked)", peer_id_client_name, msg_client_name, "fake_client", "AZMP", peer_id); } } return msg_client_name; } // Transmission and XTorrent. String res = checkForTransmissionBasedClients(msg_client_name, peer_id_client, peer_id_client_name, msg_client_name, peer_id, "AZMP"); if (res != null) {return res;} // There is an inconsistency. Let's try figuring out what we can. String client_displayed_name = null; boolean is_peer_id_azureus = peer_id_client_name.startsWith("Azureus "); boolean is_msg_client_azureus = az_msg_client_name.equals("Azureus"); boolean is_fake = false; boolean is_mismatch = true; boolean is_peer_id_unknown = peer_id_client_name.startsWith(MessageText.getString("PeerSocket.unknown")); if (is_peer_id_azureus) { // Shouldn't happen. if (is_msg_client_azureus) { throw new RuntimeException("logic error in getExtendedClientName - both clients are Azureus"); } else { // We've got a peer ID that says Azureus, but it doesn't say Azureus in the handshake. // It's definitely fake. is_fake = true; // It might be XTorrent - it does use AZ2504 in the peer ID and "Transmission 0.7-svn" // in the handshake. if (msg_client_name.equals("Transmission 0.7-svn")) {client_displayed_name = "XTorrent";} } } else { if (is_msg_client_azureus) {is_fake = true;} else if (is_peer_id_unknown) { // Our peer ID decoding can't decode it, but the client identifies itself anyway. // In that case, we won't say that it is a mismatch, and we'll just use the name // provided to us. client_displayed_name = msg_client_name; is_mismatch = false; // Log it though. BTPeerIDByteDecoder.logClientDiscrepancy(peer_id_client_name, msg_client_name, "unknown_client", "AZMP", peer_id); } else { // We've got a general mismatch, we don't know what client it is - in most cases. // Ares Galaxy sometimes uses the same peer ID as Arctic Torrent, so allow it to be // overridden. if (msg_client_name.startsWith("Ares") && peer_id_client.equals("ArcticTorrent")) { return msg_client_name; } } } String discrepancy_type; if (is_fake) {discrepancy_type = "fake_client";} else if (is_mismatch) {discrepancy_type = "mismatch_id";} else {discrepancy_type = null;} if (discrepancy_type != null) { return asDiscrepancy(null, peer_id_client_name, msg_client_name, discrepancy_type, "AZMP", peer_id); } return client_displayed_name; } public static String identifyLTEP(String peer_id_name, String handshake_name, byte[] peer_id) { if (handshake_name == null) {return peer_id_name;} /** * Official BitTorrent clients should still be shown as Mainline. * This is to be consistent with previous Azureus behaviour. */ String handshake_name_to_process = handshake_name; if (handshake_name.startsWith("BitTorrent ")) { handshake_name_to_process = handshake_name.replaceFirst("BitTorrent", "Mainline"); } if (peer_id_name.startsWith("\u00B5Torrent")) { // 1.6.0 misidentifies itself as 1.5 in the handshake. if (peer_id_name.equals("\u00B5Torrent 1.6.0")) { return peer_id_name; } // Older �Torrent versions will not always use the appropriate character for the // first letter, so compensate here. if (!handshake_name.startsWith("\u00B5Torrent") && handshake_name.startsWith("Torrent", 1)) { handshake_name_to_process = "\u00B5" + handshake_name.substring(1); } // Some versions indicate they are the beta version in the peer ID, but not in the // handshake - we prefer to keep the beta identifier. if (peer_id_name.endsWith("Beta") && peer_id_name.startsWith(handshake_name_to_process)) { return peer_id_name; } } // Some Mainline 4.x versions identify themselves as �Torrent - according to alus, // this was a bug, so just identify as Mainline. if (peer_id_name.startsWith("Mainline 4.") && handshake_name.startsWith("Torrent", 1)) { return peer_id_name; } // Azureus should never be using LTEP when connected to another Azureus client! if (peer_id_name.startsWith("Azureus") && handshake_name.startsWith("Azureus")) { return asDiscrepancy(null, peer_id_name, handshake_name, "fake_client", "LTEP", peer_id); } // We allow a client to have a different version number than the one decoded from // the peer ID. Some clients separate version and client name using a forward slash, // so we split on that as well. String client_type_peer = peer_id_name.split(" ", 2)[0]; String client_type_handshake = handshake_name_to_process.split(" ", 2)[0].split("/", 2)[0]; // Transmission and XTorrent. String res = checkForTransmissionBasedClients(handshake_name_to_process, client_type_peer, peer_id_name, handshake_name, peer_id, "LTEP"); if (res != null) {return res;} if (client_type_peer.toLowerCase().equals(client_type_handshake.toLowerCase())) {return handshake_name_to_process;} // Like we do with AZMP peers, allow the handshake to define the client even if we can't extract the // name from the peer ID, but log it so we can possibly identify it in future. if (peer_id_name.startsWith(MessageText.getString("PeerSocket.unknown"))) { BTPeerIDByteDecoder.logClientDiscrepancy(peer_id_name, handshake_name, "unknown_client", "LTEP", peer_id); return handshake_name_to_process; } /** * libtorrent is... unsurprisingly... a torrent library. Many clients use it, so cope with clients * which don't identify themselves through the peer ID, but *do* identify themselves through the * handshake. */ if (peer_id_name.startsWith("libtorrent (Rasterbar)")) { if (handshake_name_to_process.toLowerCase().indexOf("libtorrent") == -1) { handshake_name_to_process += " (" + peer_id_name + ")"; } return handshake_name_to_process; } /** * And some clients do things the other way round - they don't bother with the handshake name, * but do remember to change the peer ID name. */ if (client_type_handshake.startsWith("libtorrent")) { // Peer ID doesn't mention libtorrent (just the client name) and the handshake name doesn't // mention the client name (just "libtorrent"), then combine them together. if (client_type_peer.toLowerCase().indexOf("libtorrent") == -1 && client_type_handshake.toLowerCase().indexOf(client_type_peer.toLowerCase()) == -1) { return peer_id_name + " (" + handshake_name_to_process + ")"; } } // Can't determine what the client is. return asDiscrepancy(null, peer_id_name, handshake_name, "mismatch_id", "LTEP", peer_id); } private static String checkForTransmissionBasedClients(String handshake_name_to_process, String client_type_peer, String peer_id_name, String handshake_name, byte[] peer_id, String protocol) { // Bloody XTorrent. if (handshake_name_to_process.equals("Transmission 0.7-svn") && client_type_peer.equals("Azureus")) { return asDiscrepancy("XTorrent", peer_id_name, handshake_name, "fake_client", protocol, peer_id); } // Bloody XTorrent! if (handshake_name_to_process.startsWith("Transmission") && client_type_peer.startsWith("XTorrent")) { return asDiscrepancy(client_type_peer, handshake_name_to_process, "fake_client"); } // Transmission 0.96 still uses 0.95 in the LT handshake, so cope with that and just display // 0.96. if (peer_id_name.equals("Transmission 0.96") && handshake_name.equals("Transmission 0.95")) { return peer_id_name; } return null; } private static String asDiscrepancy(String client_name, String peer_id_name, String handshake_name, String discrepancy_type, String protocol_type, byte[] peer_id) { if (client_name == null) { BTPeerIDByteDecoder.logClientDiscrepancy(peer_id_name, handshake_name, discrepancy_type, protocol_type, peer_id); } // Use this form as it is shorter. if (peer_id_name.equals(handshake_name)) {return asDiscrepancy(client_name, peer_id_name, discrepancy_type);} return asDiscrepancy(client_name, peer_id_name + "\" / \"" + handshake_name, discrepancy_type); } private static String asDiscrepancy(String real_client, String dodgy_client, String discrepancy_type) { if (real_client == null) { real_client = MessageText.getString("PeerSocket.unknown"); } return real_client + " [" + MessageText.getString("PeerSocket." + discrepancy_type) + ": \"" + dodgy_client + "\"]"; } private static int test_count = 1; private static void assertDecode(String client_name, String peer_id, String handshake_name, String handshake_version, byte[] handshake_reserved, String type) throws Exception { byte[] byte_peer_id = BTPeerIDByteDecoder.peerIDStringToBytes(peer_id); String peer_id_client = BTPeerIDByteDecoder.decode(byte_peer_id); String decoded_client; if (type.equals("AZMP")) {decoded_client = identifyAZMP(peer_id_client, handshake_name, handshake_version, byte_peer_id);} else if (type.equals("LTEP")) {decoded_client = identifyLTEP(peer_id_client, handshake_name, byte_peer_id);} else if (type.equals("BT")) {decoded_client = identifyBTOnly(peer_id_client, handshake_reserved);} else {throw new RuntimeException("invalid extension type: " + type);} boolean passed = client_name.equals(decoded_client); System.out.println(" Test " + test_count++ + ": \"" + client_name + "\" - " + (passed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED")); if (!passed) { throw new Exception("\n" + "Decoded : " + decoded_client + "\n" + "Peer ID name : " + peer_id_client + "\n" + "Extended name: " + handshake_name + "\n"); //throw new Exception("Client name decoded - " + decoded_client); } } private static void assertDecodeAZMP(String client_name, String peer_id, String handshake_name, String handshake_version) throws Exception { assertDecode(client_name, peer_id, handshake_name, handshake_version, null, "AZMP"); } private static void assertDecodeLTEP(String client_name, String peer_id, String handshake_name) throws Exception { assertDecode(client_name, peer_id, handshake_name, null, null, "LTEP"); } private static void assertDecodeExtProtocol(String client_name, String peer_id, String handshake_name, String handshake_version) throws Exception { assertDecodeAZMP(client_name, peer_id, handshake_name, handshake_version); assertDecodeLTEP(client_name, peer_id, handshake_name + " " + handshake_version); } private static void assertDecodeBT(String client_name, String peer_id, String handshake_reserved) throws Exception { if (handshake_reserved == null) {handshake_reserved = "0000000000000000";} handshake_reserved = handshake_reserved.replaceAll("[ ]", ""); byte[] handshake_reserved_bytes = ByteFormatter.decodeString(handshake_reserved); if (handshake_reserved_bytes.length != 8) {throw new RuntimeException("invalid handshake reserved bytes");} assertDecode(client_name, peer_id, null, null, handshake_reserved_bytes, "BT"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.setProperty("transitory.startup", "1"); BTPeerIDByteDecoder.client_logging_allowed = false; System.out.println("Testing simple BT clients:"); assertDecodeBT("BitThief* [FAKE: \"Mainline 4.4.0\"]", "M4-4-0--9aa757efd5be", "0000000000000000"); assertDecodeBT("Mainline 4.4.0", "M4-4-0--9aa757efd5be", "0000000000000001"); assertDecodeBT("Unknown [FAKE: \"Azureus\"]", "-AZ3034-6wfG2wk6wWLc", "0000000000000000"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Testing AZMP clients:"); assertDecodeAZMP("Azureus", "-AZ3042-6ozMq5q6Q3NX", "Azureus", ""); assertDecodeAZMP("Azureus", "-AZ3043-6ozMq5q6Q3NX", "Azureus", ""); assertDecodeAZMP("BitTyrant (Azureus Mod)", "AZ2500BTeyuzyabAfo6U", "AzureusBitTyrant", ""); //assertDecodeAZMP("", "-BS5820-oy4La2MWGEFj", "Bearshare Premium P2P", ""); //assertDecodeAZMP("", "-AR6360-6oZyyMWoOOBe", "Imesh Turbo", ""); assertDecodeAZMP("Azureus (Hacked) [FAKE: \"Azureus\" / \"Azureus\"]", "2D415A32 3430322D 2E414794 2C57D644 4989CA58", "Azureus", ""); //assertDecodeAZMP("", "-AG2083-s1hiF8vGAAg0", "Ares", ""); //assertDecodeAZMP("", "-AG3003-lEl2Mm4NEO4n", "Ares Destiny", ""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Testing LTEP clients:"); assertDecodeLTEP("\u00B5Torrent 1.7.6", "2D555431 3736302D B39EC7AD F6B94610 AA4ACD4A", "\u00B5Torrent 1.7.6"); assertDecodeLTEP("\u00B5Torrent 1.6.1", "2D5554313631302DEA818D43F5E5EC3D67BF8D67", "\uFDFFTorrent 1.6.1"); assertDecodeLTEP("Unknown [FAKE: \"Azureus\"]", "-AZ3042-6ozMq5q6Q3NX", "Azureus"); assertDecodeLTEP("Mainline 6.0", "4D362D30 2D302D2D 8B92860D 05055DF5 B01C2D94", "BitTorrent 6.0"); //assertDecodeLTEP("libTorrent 0.11.9", "2D6C7430 4239302D 11F3EB39 5D44EEFD CEA07E79", "libTorrent 0.11.9"); assertDecodeLTEP("\u00B5Torrent 1.8.0 Beta", "2D555431 3830422D E69C9942 D1A5A6C2 0BE2E4BD", "\u00B5Torrent 1.8"); assertDecodeLTEP("Miro (libtorrent/", "-MR1100-00HS~T7*65rm", "libtorrent/"); assertDecodeLTEP("linkage/0.1.4 libtorrent/", "-LK0140-ATIV~nbEQAMr", "linkage/0.1.4 libtorrent/"); assertDecodeLTEP("KTorrent 2.2.2", "-KT2210-347143496631", "KTorrent 2.2.2"); //assertDecodeLTEP("", "B5546F72 72656E74 2F333037 36202020 20202020", "\uFDFFTorrent/"); assertDecodeLTEP("Transmission 0.96", "-TR0960-6ep6svaa61r4", "Transmission 0.95"); assertDecodeLTEP("Opera 9.50", "O100634008270e29150a", "Opera 9.50"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Testing common clients:"); //assertDecodeExtProtocol("", "-XX1150-dv220cotgj4d", "Transmission", "0.72Z"); assertDecodeExtProtocol("XTorrent [FAKE: \"Azureus\" / \"Transmission 0.7-svn\"]", "-AZ2504-192gwethivju", "Transmission", "0.7-svn"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Done."); } }