package org.minicastle.jce.provider; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.KeyAgreementSpi; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.ShortBufferException; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.minicastle.crypto.BasicAgreement; import org.minicastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.minicastle.crypto.agreement.ECDHBasicAgreement; //import org.minicastle.crypto.agreement.ECDHCBasicAgreement; import org.minicastle.jce.interfaces.ECPrivateKey; import org.minicastle.jce.interfaces.ECPublicKey; /** * Diffie-Hellman key agreement using elliptic curve keys, ala IEEE P1363 * both the simple one, and the simple one with cofactors are supported. */ public class JCEECDHKeyAgreement extends KeyAgreementSpi { private BigInteger result; private CipherParameters privKey; private BasicAgreement agreement; protected JCEECDHKeyAgreement( BasicAgreement agreement) { this.agreement = agreement; } public Key doPhase( Key key, boolean lastPhase ) throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException { return( engineDoPhase( key, lastPhase )); } protected Key engineDoPhase( Key key, boolean lastPhase) throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException { if (privKey == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("EC Diffie-Hellman not initialised."); } if (!lastPhase) { throw new IllegalStateException("EC Diffie-Hellman can only be between two parties."); } if (!(key instanceof ECPublicKey)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("EC Key Agreement doPhase requires ECPublicKey"); } CipherParameters pubKey = ECUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter((PublicKey)key); result = agreement.calculateAgreement(pubKey); return null; } public byte[] generateSecret() throws IllegalStateException { return( engineGenerateSecret()); } protected byte[] engineGenerateSecret() throws IllegalStateException { return result.toByteArray(); } protected int engineGenerateSecret( byte[] sharedSecret, int offset) throws IllegalStateException, ShortBufferException { byte[] secret = result.toByteArray(); if (sharedSecret.length - offset < secret.length) { throw new ShortBufferException("ECKeyAgreement - buffer too short"); } System.arraycopy(secret, 0, sharedSecret, offset, secret.length); return secret.length; } protected SecretKey engineGenerateSecret( String algorithm) { return new SecretKeySpec(result.toByteArray(), algorithm); } public void init( Key key ) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { engineInit( key, null ); } protected void engineInit( Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (!(key instanceof ECPrivateKey)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("ECKeyAgreement requires ECPrivateKey for initialisation"); } privKey = ECUtil.generatePrivateKeyParameter((PrivateKey)key); agreement.init(privKey); } protected void engineInit( Key key, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException { if (!(key instanceof ECPrivateKey)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("ECKeyAgreement requires ECPrivateKey"); } privKey = ECUtil.generatePrivateKeyParameter((PrivateKey)key); agreement.init(privKey); } public static class DH extends JCEECDHKeyAgreement { public DH() { super(new ECDHBasicAgreement()); } } /* public static class DHC extends JCEECDHKeyAgreement { public DHC() { super(new ECDHCBasicAgreement()); } } */ }