package com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.ltep; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.Message; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessageException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.MessagingUtil; public class LTHandshake implements LTMessage { private Map data_dict; private byte[] bencoded_data; private String bencoded_string; private String description; private byte version; private DirectByteBuffer[] buffer_array; public LTHandshake(Map data_dict, byte version) { this.data_dict = (data_dict == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : data_dict; this.version = version; } public Message deserialize(DirectByteBuffer data, byte version) throws MessageException { if (data == null) { throw new MessageException( "[" +getID() + "] decode error: data == null"); } if (data.remaining(DirectByteBuffer.SS_MSG ) < 1) { throw new MessageException( "[" +getID() + "] decode error: less than 1 byte in payload"); } // Try decoding the data now. Map res_data_dict = MessagingUtil.convertBencodedByteStreamToPayload(data, 1, getID()); LTHandshake result = new LTHandshake(res_data_dict, this.version); return result; } public DirectByteBuffer[] getData() { if (buffer_array == null) { buffer_array = new DirectByteBuffer[1]; DirectByteBuffer buffer = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer(DirectByteBuffer.AL_MSG_LT_HANDSHAKE, getBencodedData().length); buffer_array[0] = buffer; buffer.put(DirectByteBuffer.SS_MSG, getBencodedData()); buffer.flip(DirectByteBuffer.SS_MSG); } return buffer_array; } public void destroy() { this.data_dict = null; this.bencoded_data = null; this.description = null; if (buffer_array != null) { buffer_array[0].returnToPool(); } this.buffer_array = null; } public String getDescription() { if (description == null) { description = LTMessage.ID_LT_HANDSHAKE.toUpperCase() + ": " + this.getBencodedString(); } return description; } public String getBencodedString() { if (this.bencoded_string == null) { try { this.bencoded_string = new String(this.getBencodedData(), Constants.BYTE_ENCODING); } catch ( uee) { this.bencoded_string = ""; Debug.printStackTrace(uee); } } return this.bencoded_string; } public byte[] getBencodedData() { if (this.bencoded_data == null) { try {this.bencoded_data = BEncoder.encode(this.data_dict);} catch ( ioe) { this.bencoded_data = new byte[0]; Debug.printStackTrace(ioe); } } return this.bencoded_data; } public Map getDataMap() { return this.data_dict; } public String getClientName() { byte[] client_name = (byte[])data_dict.get("v"); if (client_name == null) {return null;} try {return new String(client_name, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);} catch ( ioe) {return null;} } public boolean isUploadOnly() { // been seeing a bunch of // java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to java.lang.Long // at com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.ltep.LTHandshake.isUploadOnly( Object ulOnly = data_dict.get("upload_only"); /* NO, this is totally wrong - the entry in the extensions dict indicates the support of an 'upload_only' extension message * * if ( ulOnly == null ){ // apparently it is actually supposed to be in the extensions dict... Map ext_dict = (Map)data_dict.get("m"); if ( ext_dict != null ){ ulOnly = ext_dict.get("upload_only"); } } */ if ( ulOnly == null ){ return( false ); }else if ( ulOnly instanceof Number ){ Number n_ulOnly = (Number)ulOnly; return n_ulOnly.longValue() > 0L; }else{ // seeing String value '0' here.... if ( ulOnly instanceof byte[] ){ String str_val = new String((byte[])ulOnly ); try{ int i = Integer.parseInt( str_val ); return( i > 0 ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } String debug; if ( ulOnly instanceof byte[] ){ byte[] bytes = (byte[])ulOnly; debug = new String(bytes) + "/"; for ( int i=0;i<bytes.length;i++){ debug += (i==0?"":",") + (((int)bytes[i]) & 0x00ff ); } }else{ debug = String.valueOf( ulOnly ); } Debug.out( "Invalid entry for 'upload_only' - " + debug + ", map=" + data_dict ); return( false ); } } public InetAddress getIPv6() { byte[] addr = (byte[])data_dict.get("ipv6"); if(addr != null && addr.length == 16) { try { return InetAddress.getByAddress(addr); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // should not happen e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public int getTCPListeningPort() { Long port = (Long)data_dict.get("p"); if(port == null) return 0; int val = port.intValue(); if(val <= 65535 && val > 0) return val; return 0; } public Boolean isCryptoRequested() { Long crypto = (Long)data_dict.get("e"); if(crypto == null) return null; return Boolean.valueOf(crypto.longValue() == 1); } public Map getExtensionMapping() { Map result = (Map)data_dict.get("m"); return (result == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : result; } public int getMetadataSize() { Long l = (Long)data_dict.get( "metadata_size" ); if ( l != null ){ return( l.intValue()); } return( 0 ); } public void addDefaultExtensionMappings( boolean enable_pex, boolean enable_md, boolean enable_uo ) { if ( enable_pex || enable_md || enable_uo ){ Map ext = (Map)data_dict.get("m"); if ( ext == null ){ ext = new HashMap(); data_dict.put( "m", ext ); } if ( enable_pex ){ ext.put( ID_UT_PEX, new Long( SUBID_UT_PEX )); } if ( enable_md ){ ext.put( ID_UT_METADATA, new Long( SUBID_UT_METADATA )); } if ( enable_uo ){ ext.put( ID_UT_UPLOAD_ONLY, new Long( SUBID_UT_UPLOAD_ONLY )); } } } public String getFeatureID() {return LTMessage.LT_FEATURE_ID;} public int getFeatureSubID() {return LTMessage.SUBID_LT_HANDSHAKE;} public String getID() {return LTHandshake.ID_LT_HANDSHAKE;} public byte[] getIDBytes() {return LTHandshake.ID_LT_HANDSHAKE_BYTES;} public int getType() {return Message.TYPE_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD;} public byte getVersion() {return this.version;} }