/* * Created on Feb 5, 2009 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2009 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.impl; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCException; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCInterface; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeProfile; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeProvider; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeProviderAdapter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeException; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeProviderAnalysis; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.TranscodeProviderJob; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.download.DiskManagerFileInfoURL; public class TranscodeProviderVuze implements TranscodeProvider { private static final String PROFILE_PREFIX = "vuzexcode:"; private TranscodeManagerImpl manager; private PluginInterface plugin_interface; private volatile TranscodeProfile[] profiles; private Map<String,TranscodeProfile[]> profile_classification_map = new HashMap<String, TranscodeProfile[]>(); protected TranscodeProviderVuze( TranscodeManagerImpl _manager, PluginInterface _plugin_interface ) { manager = _manager; update(_plugin_interface); } public int getID() { return( TP_VUZE ); } public PluginInterface getPluginInterface() { return( plugin_interface ); } protected void update( PluginInterface pi ) { plugin_interface = pi; try { plugin_interface.getIPC().invoke("addProfileListChangedListener", new Object[] { new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { resetProfiles(); } } }); } catch (IPCException e) { } resetProfiles(); } public String getName() { return( plugin_interface.getPluginName() + ": version=" + plugin_interface.getPluginVersion()); } private void resetProfiles() { synchronized( profile_classification_map ){ profile_classification_map.clear(); profiles = null; } } public TranscodeProfile[] getProfiles() { if ( profiles != null ){ return( profiles ); } try{ Map<String, Map<String,Object>> profiles_map = (Map<String,Map<String,Object>>)plugin_interface.getIPC().invoke( "getProfiles", new Object[]{} ); TranscodeProfile[] res = new TranscodeProfile[profiles_map.size()]; int index = 0; for ( Map.Entry<String, Map<String,Object>> entry : profiles_map.entrySet()){ res[ index++] = new TranscodeProfileImpl( manager, TP_VUZE, PROFILE_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } profiles = res; return( res ); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); return( new TranscodeProfile[0] ); } } public TranscodeProfile[] getProfiles( String classification_prefix ) { classification_prefix = classification_prefix.toLowerCase(); TranscodeProfile[] profs = getProfiles(); synchronized( profile_classification_map ){ TranscodeProfile[] res = profile_classification_map.get( classification_prefix ); if ( res != null ){ return( res ); } } List<TranscodeProfile> c_profiles = new ArrayList<TranscodeProfile>(); for ( TranscodeProfile p : profs ){ String c = p.getDeviceClassification(); if ( c == null ){ manager.log( "Device classification missing for " + p.getName()); }else{ if ( c.toLowerCase().startsWith( classification_prefix )){ c_profiles.add( p ); } } } TranscodeProfile[] res = c_profiles.toArray( new TranscodeProfile[ c_profiles.size()]); synchronized( profile_classification_map ){ if ( profs == profiles ){ profile_classification_map.put( classification_prefix, res ); } } return( res ); } public TranscodeProfile getProfile( String UID ) { TranscodeProfile[] profiles = getProfiles(); for ( TranscodeProfile profile: profiles ){ if ( profile.getUID().equals( UID )){ return( profile ); } } return( null ); } public TranscodeProfile addProfile( File file ) throws TranscodeException { try{ String uid = PROFILE_PREFIX + (String)plugin_interface.getIPC().invoke( "addProfile", new Object[]{ file } ); resetProfiles(); return( getProfile( uid )); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Failed to add profile", e )); } } public TranscodeProviderAnalysis analyse( final TranscodeProviderAdapter _adapter, DiskManagerFileInfo input, TranscodeProfile profile ) throws TranscodeException { try{ URL source_url = null; File source_file = null; long input_length = input.getLength(); if ( input_length > 0 && input_length == input.getDownloaded()){ File file = input.getFile(); if ( file.exists() && file.length() == input_length ){ source_file = file; } } TranscodePipe pipe = null; if ( source_file == null ){ if ( input instanceof DiskManagerFileInfoURL ){ source_url = ((DiskManagerFileInfoURL)input).getURL(); }else{ // race condition here on auto-transcodes due to downloadadded listeners - can add the xcode to queue // and schedule before added to upnpms - simple hack is to hang about a bit for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ ){ PluginInterface av_pi = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID( "azupnpav" ); if ( av_pi == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Media Server plugin not found" )); } IPCInterface av_ipc = av_pi.getIPC(); String url_str = (String)av_ipc.invoke( "getContentURL", new Object[]{ input }); if ( url_str != null && url_str.length() > 0 ){ source_url = new URL( url_str ); pipe = new TranscodePipeStreamSource( source_url.getHost(), source_url.getPort()); source_url = UrlUtils.setHost( source_url, "" ); source_url = UrlUtils.setPort( source_url, pipe.getPort()); } if ( source_url != null ){ break; }else{ try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch( Throwable e ){ break; } } } } } if ( source_file == null && source_url == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "File doesn't exist" )); } final TranscodePipe f_pipe = pipe; try{ final IPCInterface ipc = plugin_interface.getIPC(); final Object analysis_context; if ( source_url != null ){ analysis_context = ipc.invoke( "analyseContent", new Object[]{ source_url, profile.getName() }); }else{ analysis_context = ipc.invoke( "analyseContent", new Object[]{ source_file, profile.getName() }); } final Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final TranscodeProviderAnalysisImpl analysis = new TranscodeProviderAnalysisImpl() { public void cancel() { try{ ipc.invoke( "cancelAnalysis", new Object[]{ analysis_context }); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } public boolean foundVideoStream() { return( getLongProperty( PT_VIDEO_WIDTH ) > 0 ); } public boolean getBooleanProperty( int property ) { if ( property == PT_TRANSCODE_REQUIRED ){ return( getBooleanProperty( "xcode_required", true )); }else{ Debug.out( "Unknown property: " + property ); return( false ); } } public void setBooleanProperty( int property, boolean value ) { if ( property == PT_FORCE_TRANSCODE ){ result.put( "force_xcode", value ); }else{ Debug.out( "Unknown property: " + property ); } } public long getLongProperty( int property ) { if ( property == PT_DURATION_MILLIS ){ long duration = getLongProperty( "duration_millis", 0 ); long audio_duration = getLongProperty( "audio_duration_millis", 0 ); if ( duration <= 0 && audio_duration > 0 ){ duration = audio_duration; } if ( audio_duration > 0 && audio_duration < duration ){ duration = audio_duration; } return( duration ); }else if ( property == PT_VIDEO_WIDTH ){ return( getLongProperty( "video_width", 0 )); }else if ( property == PT_VIDEO_HEIGHT ){ return( getLongProperty( "video_height", 0 )); }else if ( property == PT_SOURCE_SIZE ){ return( getLongProperty( "source_size", 0 )); }else if ( property == PT_ESTIMATED_XCODE_SIZE ){ return( getLongProperty( "estimated_transcoded_size", 0 )); }else{ Debug.out( "Unknown property: " + property ); return( 0 ); } } protected boolean getBooleanProperty( String name, boolean def ) { Boolean b = (Boolean)result.get( name ); if ( b != null ){ return( b ); } return( def ); } protected long getLongProperty( String name, long def ) { Long l = (Long)result.get( name ); if ( l != null ){ return( l ); } return( def ); } public Map<String,Object> getResult() { return( result ); } }; new AEThread2( "analysisStatus", true ) { public void run() { try{ while( true ){ try{ Map status = (Map)ipc.invoke( "getAnalysisStatus", new Object[]{ analysis_context }); long state = (Long)status.get( "state" ); if ( state == 0 ){ // running Thread.sleep(50); }else if ( state == 1 ){ _adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "Analysis cancelled" )); break; }else if ( state == 2 ){ _adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "Analysis failed", (Throwable)status.get( "error" ))); break; }else{ result.putAll((Map<String,Object>)status.get( "result" )); _adapter.complete(); break; } }catch( Throwable e ){ _adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "Failed to get status", e )); break; } } }finally{ if ( f_pipe != null ){ f_pipe.destroy(); } } } }.start(); return( analysis ); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( pipe != null ){ pipe.destroy(); } throw( e ); } }catch( TranscodeException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "analysis failed", e )); } } public TranscodeProviderJob transcode( final TranscodeProviderAdapter _adapter, TranscodeProviderAnalysis analysis, boolean direct_input, DiskManagerFileInfo input, TranscodeProfile profile, URL output ) throws TranscodeException { try{ PluginInterface av_pi = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID( "azupnpav" ); if ( av_pi == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Media Server plugin not found" )); } final TranscodeProviderJob[] xcode_job = { null }; URL source_url = null; TranscodePipe pipe = null; if ( direct_input ){ if ( input instanceof DiskManagerFileInfoURL ){ ((DiskManagerFileInfoURL)input).download(); } if ( input.getDownloaded() == input.getLength()){ File file = input.getFile(); if ( file.exists() && file.length() == input.getLength()){ source_url = file.toURI().toURL(); } } if ( source_url == null ){ manager.log( "Failed to use direct input as source file doesn't exist/incomplete" ); } } if ( source_url == null ){ if ( input instanceof DiskManagerFileInfoURL ){ source_url = ((DiskManagerFileInfoURL)input).getURL(); }else{ IPCInterface av_ipc = av_pi.getIPC(); String url_str = (String)av_ipc.invoke( "getContentURL", new Object[]{ input }); if ( url_str == null || url_str.length() == 0 ){ // see if we can use the file directly File source_file = input.getFile(); if ( source_file.exists()){ pipe = new TranscodePipeFileSource( source_file, new TranscodePipe.errorListener() { public void error( Throwable e ) { _adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "File access error", e )); if ( xcode_job[0] != null ){ xcode_job[0].cancel(); } } }); source_url = new URL( "" + pipe.getPort() + "/" ); }else{ throw( new TranscodeException( "Source file doesn't exist" )); } }else{ source_url = new URL( url_str ); pipe = new TranscodePipeStreamSource( source_url.getHost(), source_url.getPort()); source_url = UrlUtils.setHost( source_url, "" ); source_url = UrlUtils.setPort( source_url, pipe.getPort()); } } } final TranscodePipe f_pipe = pipe; try{ final IPCInterface ipc = plugin_interface.getIPC(); final Object context; final TranscodeProviderAdapter adapter; if ( output.getProtocol().equals( "tcp" )){ adapter = _adapter; context = ipc.invoke( "transcodeToTCP", new Object[]{ ((TranscodeProviderAnalysisImpl)analysis).getResult(), source_url, profile.getName(), output.getPort() }); }else{ final File file = new File( output.toURI()); File parent_dir = file.getParentFile(); if ( parent_dir.exists()){ if ( !parent_dir.canWrite()){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Folder '" + parent_dir.getAbsolutePath() + "' isn't writable" )); } }else{ if ( !parent_dir.mkdirs()){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Failed to create folder '" + parent_dir.getAbsolutePath() + "'" )); } } adapter = new TranscodeProviderAdapter() { public void updateProgress( int percent, int eta_secs, int width, int height ) { _adapter.updateProgress( percent, eta_secs, width, height ); } public void streamStats( long connect_rate, long write_speed ) { _adapter.streamStats(connect_rate, write_speed); } public void failed( TranscodeException error ) { try{ file.delete(); }finally{ _adapter.failed( error ); } } public void complete() { _adapter.complete(); } }; context = ipc.invoke( "transcodeToFile", new Object[]{ ((TranscodeProviderAnalysisImpl)analysis).getResult(), source_url, profile.getName(), file }); } new AEThread2( "xcodeStatus", true ) { public void run() { try{ boolean in_progress = true; while( in_progress ){ in_progress = false; if ( f_pipe != null ){ adapter.streamStats( f_pipe.getConnectionRate(), f_pipe.getWriteSpeed()); } try{ Map status = (Map)ipc.invoke( "getTranscodeStatus", new Object[]{ context }); long state = (Long)status.get( "state" ); if ( state == 0 ){ int percent = (Integer)status.get( "percent" ); Integer i_eta = (Integer)status.get( "eta_secs" ); int eta = i_eta==null?-1:i_eta; Integer i_width = (Integer)status.get( "new_width" ); int width = i_width==null?0:i_width; Integer i_height = (Integer)status.get( "new_height" ); int height = i_height==null?0:i_height; adapter.updateProgress( percent, eta, width, height ); if ( percent == 100 ){ adapter.complete(); }else{ in_progress = true; Thread.sleep(1000); } }else if ( state == 1 ){ adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "Transcode cancelled" )); }else{ Boolean perm_fail = (Boolean)status.get( "error_is_perm" ); TranscodeException error = new TranscodeException( "Transcode failed", (Throwable)status.get( "error" )); if ( perm_fail != null && perm_fail ){ error.setDisableRetry( true ); } adapter.failed( error ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ adapter.failed( new TranscodeException( "Failed to get status", e )); } } }finally{ if ( f_pipe != null ){ f_pipe.destroy(); } } } }.start(); xcode_job[0] = new TranscodeProviderJob() { public void pause() { if ( f_pipe != null ){ f_pipe.pause(); } } public void resume() { if ( f_pipe != null ){ f_pipe.resume(); } } public void cancel() { try{ ipc.invoke( "cancelTranscode", new Object[]{ context }); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } public void setMaxBytesPerSecond( int max ) { if ( f_pipe != null ){ f_pipe.setMaxBytesPerSecond( max ); } } }; return( xcode_job[0] ); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( pipe != null ){ pipe.destroy(); } throw( e ); } }catch( TranscodeException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "transcode failed", e )); } } public File getAssetDirectory() { File file = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginUserFile( "assets" ); if ( !file.exists()){ file.mkdirs(); } return( file ); } protected void destroy() { // TODO } protected interface TranscodeProviderAnalysisImpl extends TranscodeProviderAnalysis { public Map<String,Object> getResult(); } }