/* * Created on Jul 13, 2006 6:15:55 PM * Copyright (C) 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.main; import java.io.File; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.Locale; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.ConfigurationDefaults; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManagerEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogIDs; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.impl.TorrentOpenOptions; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInputReceiver; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInputReceiverListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInstance; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.toolbar.UIToolBarManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInitializer; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.FileDownloadWindow; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.SimpleTextEntryWindow; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Utils; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.minibar.AllTransfersBar; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.minibar.MiniBarManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.pluginsimpl.UISWTInstanceImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.pluginsimpl.UISWTViewCore; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.pluginsimpl.UISWTViewImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.shells.MessageBoxShell; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.shells.MessageSlideShell; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.update.FullUpdateWindow; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.views.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.views.clientstats.ClientStatsView; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.cnetwork.ContentNetwork; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.Tag; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.torrent.PlatformTorrentUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.common.table.TableView; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.common.updater.UIUpdater; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.common.viewtitleinfo.ViewTitleInfo; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.mdi.MdiEntry; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.mdi.MdiEntryOpenListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.mdi.MultipleDocumentInterface; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.selectedcontent.SelectedContentManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.skin.SkinConstants; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.Initializer; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsManagerSWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.mdi.BaseMdiEntry; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.mdi.MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.plugininstall.SimplePluginInstaller; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.search.SearchHandler; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.BrowserWindow; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.RemotePairingWindow; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.opentorrent.OpenTorrentOptionsWindow; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.opentorrent.OpenTorrentWindow; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.skin.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.skin.SWTSkinButtonUtility.ButtonListenerAdapter; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.uiupdater.UIUpdaterSWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.utils.ColorCache; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.views.skin.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.views.skin.SkinnedDialog.SkinnedDialogClosedListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.views.skin.sidebar.SideBar; import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.views.skin.sidebar.SideBarEntrySWT; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.ConstantsVuze; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.ContentNetworkUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.UrlFilter; /** * @author TuxPaper * @created Jul 13, 2006 * */ public class UIFunctionsImpl implements UIFunctionsSWT { private final static String MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS = "OpenTorrentWindow.mb.alreadyExists"; private final static String MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS_NAME = MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS + ".default.name"; private final static LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.GUI; private final com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.main.MainWindow mainWindow; /** * Stores the current <code>SWTSkin</code> so it can be used by {@link #createMenu(Shell)} */ private SWTSkin skin = null; protected boolean isTorrentMenuVisible; /** * @param window */ public UIFunctionsImpl( com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.shells.main.MainWindow window) { this.mainWindow = window; COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener( "show_torrents_menu", new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged(String parameterName) { isTorrentMenuVisible = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("show_torrents_menu"); } }); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#addPluginView(java.lang.String, org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.plugins.UISWTViewEventListener) public void addPluginView(final String viewID, final UISWTViewEventListener l) { try { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { PluginsMenuHelper.getInstance().addPluginView(viewID, l); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "addPluginView", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#bringToFront() public void bringToFront() { bringToFront(true); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#bringToFront(boolean) public void bringToFront(final boolean tryTricks) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { try { // this will force active and set !minimized after PW test mainWindow.setVisible(true, tryTricks); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "bringToFront", e)); } } }); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#closeDownloadBars() public void closeDownloadBars() { try { Utils.execSWTThreadLater(0, new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { MiniBarManager.getManager().closeAll(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "closeDownloadBars", e)); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#closePluginView(org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.pluginsimpl.UISWTViewCore) */ public void closePluginView(UISWTViewCore view) { try { MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi == null) { return; } String id; if (view instanceof UISWTViewImpl) { id = ((UISWTViewImpl)view).getViewID(); } else { id = view.getClass().getName(); int i = id.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0) { id = id.substring(i + 1); } } mdi.closeEntry(id); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "closePluginView", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#closePluginViews(java.lang.String) public void closePluginViews(String sViewID) { try { MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi == null) { return; } mdi.closeEntry(sViewID); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "closePluginViews", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#dispose(boolean, boolean) public boolean dispose(boolean for_restart, boolean close_already_in_progress) { try { return mainWindow.dispose(for_restart, close_already_in_progress); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Disposing MainWindow", e)); } return false; } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#getMainShell() public Shell getMainShell() { return mainWindow == null ? null : mainWindow.getShell(); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#getPluginViews() public UISWTView[] getPluginViews() { try { return new UISWTView[0]; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "getPluginViews", e)); } return new UISWTView[0]; } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#getSWTPluginInstanceImpl() public UISWTInstanceImpl getSWTPluginInstanceImpl() { try { return mainWindow.getUISWTInstanceImpl(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "getSWTPluginInstanceImpl", e)); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#openPluginView(org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.pluginsimpl.UISWTViewCore, java.lang.String) */ public void openPluginView(UISWTViewCore view, String name) { try { MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT mdi = getMDISWT(); if (mdi == null) { return; } if (mdi.createEntryFromView( MultipleDocumentInterface.SIDEBAR_HEADER_PLUGINS, view, name, null, true, true, true) != null) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "openPluginView", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#openPluginView(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.plugins.UISWTViewEventListener, java.lang.Object, boolean) public void openPluginView(String sParentID, String sViewID, UISWTViewEventListener l, Object dataSource, boolean bSetFocus) { try { MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT mdi = getMDISWT(); if (mdi != null) { String sidebarParentID = null; if (UISWTInstance.VIEW_MYTORRENTS.equals(sParentID)) { sidebarParentID = SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_TRANSFERS; } else if (UISWTInstance.VIEW_MAIN.equals(sParentID)) { sidebarParentID = MultipleDocumentInterface.SIDEBAR_HEADER_PLUGINS; } else { System.err.println("Can't find parent " + sParentID + " for " + sViewID); } MdiEntry entry = mdi.createEntryFromEventListener(sidebarParentID, l, sViewID, true, dataSource, null); if (bSetFocus) { mdi.showEntryByID(sViewID); } else if (entry instanceof BaseMdiEntry) { // Some plugins (CVS Updater) want their view's composite initialized // on OpenPluginView, otherwise they won't do logic users expect // (like check for new snapshots). So, enforce loading entry. ((BaseMdiEntry) entry).build(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "openPluginView", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#refreshIconBar() public void refreshIconBar() { try { SkinView[] tbSkinViews = SkinViewManager.getMultiByClass(ToolBarView.class); if (tbSkinViews != null) { for (SkinView skinview : tbSkinViews) { if (skinview instanceof ToolBarView) { ToolBarView tb = (ToolBarView) skinview; if (tb.isVisible()) { tb.refreshCoreToolBarItems(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "refreshIconBar", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#refreshLanguage() public void refreshLanguage() { try { mainWindow.setSelectedLanguageItem(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "refreshLanguage", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#removePluginView(java.lang.String) public void removePluginView(String viewID) { try { PluginsMenuHelper.getInstance().removePluginViews(viewID); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "removePluginView", e)); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#setStatusText(java.lang.String) public void setStatusText(final String string) { Utils.execSWTThreadLater(0, new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { IMainStatusBar sb = getMainStatusBar(); if ( sb != null ){ sb.setStatusText(string); } } }); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#setStatusText(int, java.lang.String, com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIStatusTextClickListener) public void setStatusText(final int statustype, final String string, final UIStatusTextClickListener l) { Utils.execSWTThreadLater(0, new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { IMainStatusBar sb = getMainStatusBar(); if ( sb != null ){ sb.setStatusText(statustype, string, l); } } }); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#getMainStatusBar() public IMainStatusBar getMainStatusBar() { if (mainWindow == null) { return null; } return mainWindow.getMainStatusBar(); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#showConfig(java.lang.String) public boolean showConfig(String section) { try { boolean uiClassic = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui").equals("az2"); if (uiClassic || COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "Show Options In Side Bar" )) { openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_PLUGINS, ConfigView.class, null, section, true); } else { ConfigShell.getInstance().open(section); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "showConfig", e)); } return false; } public void openView(final int viewID, final Object data) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { _openView(viewID, data); } }); } private void _openView(int viewID, Object data) { switch (viewID) { case VIEW_CONSOLE: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_PLUGINS, LoggerView.class, null, data, true); break; case VIEW_ALLPEERS: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_TRANSFERS, PeersSuperView.class, "AllPeersView", data, true); break; case VIEW_PEERS_STATS: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_PLUGINS, ClientStatsView.class, null, data, true); break; case VIEW_CONFIG: showConfig((data instanceof String) ? (String) data : null); break; case VIEW_DM_DETAILS: { String id = SideBar.SIDEBAR_TORRENT_DETAILS_PREFIX; if (data instanceof DownloadManager) { DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) data; TOTorrent torrent = dm.getTorrent(); if (torrent != null) { try { id += torrent.getHashWrapper().toBase32String(); } catch (TOTorrentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi != null) { mdi.loadEntryByID(id, true, false, data); } } break; case VIEW_DM_MULTI_OPTIONS: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_TRANSFERS, TorrentOptionsView.class, null, data, true); break; case VIEW_MYSHARES: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_TRANSFERS, MySharesView.class, null, data, true); break; case VIEW_MYTORRENTS: { MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi != null) { mdi.showEntryByID(SideBar.SIDEBAR_SECTION_LIBRARY); } } break; case VIEW_MYTRACKER: openView(SideBar.SIDEBAR_HEADER_TRANSFERS, MyTrackerView.class, null, data, true); break; case VIEW_TAGS_OVERVIEW:{ MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if ( mdi != null ){ mdi.showEntryByID( MultipleDocumentInterface.SIDEBAR_SECTION_TAGS); } break; } case VIEW_TAG: { if ( data instanceof Tag ){ Tag tag = (Tag)data; String id = "Tag." + tag.getTagType().getTagType() + "." + tag.getTagID(); MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if ( mdi != null ){ mdi.loadEntryByID(id, true, false, data); } } break; } default: break; } } private void openView(final String parentID, final Class<? extends UISWTViewEventListener> cla, String id, final Object data, final boolean closeable) { final MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT mdi = UIFunctionsManagerSWT.getUIFunctionsSWT().getMDISWT(); if (mdi == null) { return; } if (id == null) { id = cla.getName(); int i = id.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0) { id = id.substring(i + 1); } } UISWTViewCore viewFromID = mdi.getCoreViewFromID(id); if (viewFromID != null) { viewFromID.triggerEvent(UISWTViewEvent.TYPE_DATASOURCE_CHANGED, data); mdi.showEntryByID(id); } final String _id = id; Utils.execSWTThreadLater(0, new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { if (mdi.showEntryByID(_id)) { return; } UISWTViewEventListener l = null; try { Constructor<?> constructor = cla.getConstructor(new Class[] { data.getClass() }); l = (UISWTViewEventListener) constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { data }); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (l == null) { l = cla.newInstance(); } mdi.createEntryFromEventListener(parentID, l, _id, closeable, data, null ); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); } mdi.showEntryByID(_id); } }); } public UISWTInstance getUISWTInstance() { UISWTInstanceImpl impl = mainWindow.getUISWTInstanceImpl(); if (impl == null) { Debug.out("No uiswtinstanceimpl"); } return impl; } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#viewURL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) public void viewURL(String url, String target, String sourceRef) { viewURL(url, target, 0, 0, true, false); } public boolean viewURL(final String url, final String target, final int w, final int h, final boolean allowResize, final boolean isModal) { mainWindow.getShell().getDisplay().syncExec(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { String realURL = url; ContentNetwork cn = ContentNetworkUtils.getContentNetworkFromTarget(target); if ( !realURL.startsWith( "http" ) && !realURL.startsWith("#")) { if ("_blank".equals(target)) { realURL = cn.getExternalSiteRelativeURL(realURL, false ); } else { realURL = cn.getSiteRelativeURL(realURL, false ); } } if (target == null) { if (UrlFilter.getInstance().urlCanRPC(realURL)) { realURL = cn.appendURLSuffix(realURL, false, true); } BrowserWindow window = new BrowserWindow( mainWindow.getShell(), realURL, w, h, allowResize, isModal); window.waitUntilClosed(); } else { showURL(realURL, target); } } }); return true; } public boolean viewURL(final String url, final String target, final double w, final double h, final boolean allowResize, final boolean isModal) { mainWindow.getShell().getDisplay().syncExec(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { String realURL = url; ContentNetwork cn = ContentNetworkUtils.getContentNetworkFromTarget(target); if ( !realURL.startsWith( "http" )){ if ("_blank".equals(target)) { realURL = cn.getExternalSiteRelativeURL(realURL, false ); } else { realURL = cn.getSiteRelativeURL(realURL, false ); } } if (target == null) { if (UrlFilter.getInstance().urlCanRPC(realURL)) { realURL = cn.appendURLSuffix(realURL, false, true); } BrowserWindow window = new BrowserWindow( mainWindow.getShell(), realURL, w, h, allowResize, isModal); window.waitUntilClosed(); } else { showURL(realURL, target); } } }); return true; } /** * @param url * @param target */ private void showURL(final String url, String target) { if ("_blank".equalsIgnoreCase(target)) { Utils.launch(url); return; } if (target.startsWith("tab-")) { target = target.substring(4); } MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (MultipleDocumentInterface.SIDEBAR_SECTION_PLUS.equals(target)) { SBC_PlusFTUX.setSourceRef(url.substring(1)); mdi.showEntryByID(target); return; } // Note; We don't setSourceRef on ContentNetwork here like we do // everywhere else because the source ref should already be set // by the caller if (mdi == null || !mdi.showEntryByID(target)) { Utils.launch(url); return; } MdiEntry entry = mdi.getEntry(target); entry.addListener(new MdiEntryOpenListener() { public void mdiEntryOpen(MdiEntry entry) { entry.removeListener(this); mainWindow.setVisible( true, true ); if (!(entry instanceof SideBarEntrySWT)) { return; } SideBarEntrySWT entrySWT = (SideBarEntrySWT) entry; SWTSkinObjectBrowser soBrowser = SWTSkinUtils.findBrowserSO(entrySWT.getSkinObject()); if (soBrowser != null) { //((SWTSkinObjectBrowser) skinObject).getBrowser().setVisible(false); if (url == null || url.length() == 0) { soBrowser.restart(); } else { String fullURL = url; if (UrlFilter.getInstance().urlCanRPC(url)) { // 4010 Tux: This shouldn't be.. either determine ContentNetwork from // url or target, or do something.. fullURL = ConstantsVuze.getDefaultContentNetwork().appendURLSuffix( url, false, true); } soBrowser.setURL(fullURL); } } } }); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#promptUser(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, int) public void promptUser(String title, String text, String[] buttons, int defaultOption, String rememberID, String rememberText, boolean rememberByDefault, int autoCloseInMS, UserPrompterResultListener l) { MessageBoxShell.open(getMainShell(), title, text, buttons, defaultOption, rememberID, rememberText, rememberByDefault, autoCloseInMS, l); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#getUserPrompter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], int) public UIFunctionsUserPrompter getUserPrompter(String title, String text, String[] buttons, int defaultOption) { MessageBoxShell mb = new MessageBoxShell(title, text, buttons, defaultOption); return mb; } public boolean isGlobalTransferBarShown() { if (!AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreRunning()) { return false; } return AllTransfersBar.getManager().isOpen( AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getGlobalManager()); } public void showGlobalTransferBar() { AllTransfersBar.open(getMainShell()); } public void closeGlobalTransferBar() { AllTransfersBar.closeAllTransfersBar(); } public void refreshTorrentMenu() { if (!isTorrentMenuVisible) { return; } try { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { final MenuItem torrentItem = MenuFactory.findMenuItem( mainWindow.getMainMenu().getMenu(IMenuConstants.MENU_ID_MENU_BAR), MenuFactory.MENU_ID_TORRENT, false); if (null != torrentItem) { DownloadManager[] dms = SelectedContentManager.getDMSFromSelectedContent(); final DownloadManager[] dm_final = dms; final boolean detailed_view_final = false; if (null == dm_final) { torrentItem.setEnabled(false); } else { TableView<?> tv = SelectedContentManager.getCurrentlySelectedTableView(); torrentItem.getMenu().setData("TableView", tv); torrentItem.getMenu().setData("downloads", dm_final); torrentItem.getMenu().setData("is_detailed_view", Boolean.valueOf(detailed_view_final)); torrentItem.setEnabled(true); } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "refreshTorrentMenu", e)); } } public IMainMenu createMainMenu(Shell shell) { IMainMenu menu; boolean uiClassic = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui").equals("az2"); if (uiClassic) { menu = new org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.MainMenu(shell); } else { menu = new MainMenu(skin, shell); } return menu; } public SWTSkin getSkin() { return skin; } public void setSkin(SWTSkin skin) { this.skin = skin; } public IMainWindow getMainWindow() { return mainWindow; } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.UIFunctions#getUIUpdater() public UIUpdater getUIUpdater() { return UIUpdaterSWT.getInstance(); } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#closeAllDetails() public void closeAllDetails() { MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi == null) { return; } MdiEntry[] sideBarEntries = mdi.getEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < sideBarEntries.length; i++) { MdiEntry entry = sideBarEntries[i]; String id = entry.getId(); if (id != null && id.startsWith("DMDetails_")) { mdi.closeEntry(id); } } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#hasDetailViews() public boolean hasDetailViews() { MultipleDocumentInterface mdi = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions().getMDI(); if (mdi == null) { return false; } MdiEntry[] sideBarEntries = mdi.getEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < sideBarEntries.length; i++) { MdiEntry entry = sideBarEntries[i]; String id = entry.getId(); if (id != null && id.startsWith("DMDetails_")) { return true; } } return false; } public void performAction( int action_id, Object args, final actionListener listener ) { if ( action_id == ACTION_FULL_UPDATE ){ FullUpdateWindow.handleUpdate((String)args, listener ); }else if ( action_id == ACTION_UPDATE_RESTART_REQUEST ){ String MSG_PREFIX = "UpdateMonitor.messagebox."; String title = MessageText.getString(MSG_PREFIX + "restart.title" ); String text = MessageText.getString(MSG_PREFIX + "restart.text" ); bringToFront(); boolean no_timeout = args instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)args).booleanValue(); int timeout = 180000; if ( no_timeout || !PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getPluginManager().isSilentRestartEnabled()){ timeout = -1; } MessageBoxShell messageBoxShell = new MessageBoxShell(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("UpdateWindow.restart"), MessageText.getString("UpdateWindow.restartLater") }, 0); messageBoxShell.setAutoCloseInMS(timeout); messageBoxShell.setParent(getMainShell()); messageBoxShell.setOneInstanceOf(MSG_PREFIX); messageBoxShell.open( new UserPrompterResultListener() { public void prompterClosed(int result) { listener.actionComplete(result == 0); } }); }else{ Debug.out( "Unknown action " + action_id ); } } // @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#showCoreWaitDlg() public Shell showCoreWaitDlg() { final SkinnedDialog closeDialog = new SkinnedDialog( "skin3_dlg_coreloading", "coreloading.body", SWT.TITLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); closeDialog.setTitle(MessageText.getString("dlg.corewait.title")); SWTSkin skin = closeDialog.getSkin(); SWTSkinObjectButton soButton = (SWTSkinObjectButton) skin.getSkinObject("close"); final SWTSkinObjectText soWaitTask = (SWTSkinObjectText) skin.getSkinObject("task"); final SWTSkinObject soWaitProgress = skin.getSkinObject("progress"); if (soWaitProgress != null) { soWaitProgress.getControl().addPaintListener(new PaintListener() { public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { Control c = (Control) e.widget; Point size = c.getSize(); e.gc.setBackground(ColorCache.getColor(e.display, "#23a7df")); Object data = soWaitProgress.getData("progress"); if (data instanceof Long) { int waitProgress = ((Long) data).intValue(); int breakX = size.x * waitProgress / 100; e.gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, breakX, size.y); e.gc.setBackground(ColorCache.getColor(e.display, "#cccccc")); e.gc.fillRectangle(breakX, 0, size.x - breakX, size.y); } } }); } if (!AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreRunning()) { final Initializer initializer = Initializer.getLastInitializer(); if (initializer != null) { initializer.addListener(new InitializerListener() { public void reportPercent(final int percent) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { if (soWaitProgress != null && !soWaitProgress.isDisposed()) { soWaitProgress.setData("progress", new Long(percent)); soWaitProgress.getControl().redraw(); soWaitProgress.getControl().update(); } } }); if (percent > 100) { initializer.removeListener(this); } } public void reportCurrentTask(String currentTask) { if (soWaitTask != null && !soWaitTask.isDisposed()) { soWaitTask.setText(currentTask); } } }); } } if (soButton != null) { soButton.addSelectionListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() { public void pressed(SWTSkinButtonUtility buttonUtility, SWTSkinObject skinObject, int stateMask) { closeDialog.close(); } }); } closeDialog.addCloseListener(new SkinnedDialogClosedListener() { public void skinDialogClosed(SkinnedDialog dialog) { } }); closeDialog.open(); return closeDialog.getShell(); } /** * @param searchText */ //TODO : Tux Move to utils? Could you also add a "mode" or something that would be added to the url // eg: &subscribe_mode=true public void doSearch(final String sSearchText) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { doSearch(sSearchText, false); } }); } public void doSearch( String sSearchText, boolean toSubscribe) { if (sSearchText.length() == 0) { return; } if ( checkForSpecialSearchTerm( sSearchText )){ return; } SearchHandler.handleSearch( sSearchText, toSubscribe ); } private static boolean checkForSpecialSearchTerm( String str ) { str = str.trim(); String hit = UrlUtils.parseTextForURL( str, true, true ); if ( hit == null ){ try{ File f = new File( str ); if ( f.isFile()){ String name = f.getName().toLowerCase(); if ( name.endsWith( ".torrent" ) || name.endsWith( ".vuze" )){ UIFunctionsSWT uif = UIFunctionsManagerSWT.getUIFunctionsSWT(); if ( uif != null ){ uif.openTorrentOpenOptions( null, null, new String[] { f.getAbsolutePath() }, false, false); return( true ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ } return( false ); } UIFunctionsSWT uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManagerSWT.getUIFunctionsSWT(); new FileDownloadWindow( uiFunctions.getMainShell(), str, null, null, true ); return( true ); } public void promptForSearch() { SimpleTextEntryWindow entryWindow = new SimpleTextEntryWindow("Button.search", "search.dialog.text"); entryWindow.prompt(new UIInputReceiverListener() { public void UIInputReceiverClosed(UIInputReceiver receiver) { if (receiver.hasSubmittedInput()) { doSearch(receiver.getSubmittedInput()); } } }); } public MultipleDocumentInterface getMDI() { return (MultipleDocumentInterface) SkinViewManager.getByViewID(SkinConstants.VIEWID_MDI); } public MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT getMDISWT() { return (MultipleDocumentInterfaceSWT) SkinViewManager.getByViewID(SkinConstants.VIEWID_MDI); } /** * * @param keyPrefix * @param details may not get displayed * @param textParams */ public void showErrorMessage(final String keyPrefix, final String details, final String[] textParams) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { Shell mainShell = getMainShell(); if (mainShell.getDisplay().getActiveShell() != null || mainShell.isFocusControl()) { new MessageSlideShell(Display.getCurrent(), SWT.ICON_ERROR, keyPrefix, details, textParams, -1); } else { MessageBoxShell mb = new MessageBoxShell(SWT.OK, keyPrefix, textParams); mb.open(null); } } }); } public void forceNotify(final int iconID, final String title, final String text, final String details, final Object[] relatedObjects, final int timeoutSecs) { Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { int swtIconID = SWT.ICON_INFORMATION; switch (iconID) { case STATUSICON_WARNING: swtIconID = SWT.ICON_WARNING; break; case STATUSICON_ERROR: swtIconID = SWT.ICON_ERROR; break; } new MessageSlideShell(SWTThread.getInstance().getDisplay(), swtIconID, title, text, details, relatedObjects, timeoutSecs); } }); } public void installPlugin( String plugin_id, String resource_prefix, actionListener listener ) { new SimplePluginInstaller( plugin_id, resource_prefix, listener ); } public UIToolBarManager getToolBarManager() { Object tb = SkinViewManager.getByClass(ToolBarView.class); if (tb instanceof UIToolBarManager) { return (UIToolBarManager) tb; } return null; } public void runOnUIThread( final int ui_type, final Runnable runnable ) { if ( ui_type == UIInstance.UIT_SWT ){ Utils.execSWTThread( runnable ); }else{ runnable.run(); } } public boolean isProgramInstalled( String extension, String name ) { if ( !extension.startsWith( "." )){ extension = "." + extension; } Program program = Program.findProgram( extension ); return( program == null ? false:(program.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).indexOf( name.toLowerCase(Locale.US)) != -1)); } public void openRemotePairingWindow() { RemotePairingWindow.open(); } public void playOrStreamDataSource( Object ds, String referal, boolean launch_already_checked, boolean complete_only ) { TorrentListViewsUtils.playOrStreamDataSource( ds, referal, launch_already_checked, complete_only ); } public void setHideAll( boolean hidden ) { mainWindow.setHideAll( hidden ); } public boolean addTorrentWithOptions(boolean force, final TorrentOpenOptions torrentOptions) { if (AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreRunning()) { GlobalManager gm = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getGlobalManager(); // Check if torrent already exists in gm, and add if not DownloadManager existingDownload = gm.getDownloadManager(torrentOptions.getTorrent()); if (existingDownload != null) { final String fExistingName = existingDownload.getDisplayName(); final DownloadManager fExistingDownload = existingDownload; fExistingDownload.fireGlobalManagerEvent(GlobalManagerEvent.ET_REQUEST_ATTENTION); Utils.execSWTThread(new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { boolean can_merge = TorrentUtils.canMergeAnnounceURLs( torrentOptions.getTorrent(), fExistingDownload.getTorrent()); long existed_for = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - fExistingDownload.getCreationTime(); Shell mainShell = UIFunctionsManagerSWT.getUIFunctionsSWT().getMainShell(); if ((Display.getDefault().getActiveShell() == null || !mainShell.isVisible() || mainShell.getMinimized()) && (!can_merge)) { // seems we're getting some double additions (linux user reported but could be a general issue) so // don't warn if the matching download has been added recently if ( existed_for > 15*1000 ){ new MessageSlideShell(Display.getCurrent(), SWT.ICON_INFORMATION, MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS, null, new String[] { ":" + torrentOptions.sOriginatingLocation, fExistingName, MessageText.getString(MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS_NAME), }, new Object[] { fExistingDownload }, -1); } } else { if (can_merge) { String text = MessageText.getString(MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS + ".text", new String[] { ":" + torrentOptions.sOriginatingLocation, fExistingName, MessageText.getString(MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS_NAME), }); text += "\n\n" + MessageText.getString("openTorrentWindow.mb.alreadyExists.merge"); MessageBoxShell mb = new MessageBoxShell(SWT.YES | SWT.NO, MessageText.getString(MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS + ".title"), text); mb.open(new UserPrompterResultListener() { public void prompterClosed(int result) { if (result == SWT.YES) { TorrentUtils.mergeAnnounceURLs( torrentOptions.getTorrent(), fExistingDownload.getTorrent()); } } }); } else { if ( existed_for > 15*1000 ){ MessageBoxShell mb = new MessageBoxShell(SWT.OK, MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS, new String[] { ":" + torrentOptions.sOriginatingLocation, fExistingName, MessageText.getString(MSG_ALREADY_EXISTS_NAME), }); mb.open(null); } } } } }); if (torrentOptions.bDeleteFileOnCancel) { File torrentFile = new File(torrentOptions.sFileName); torrentFile.delete(); } return true; } } if ( !force ){ TOTorrent torrent = torrentOptions.getTorrent(); boolean is_featured = torrent != null && PlatformTorrentUtils.isFeaturedContent( torrent ); String showAgainMode = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter(ConfigurationDefaults.CFG_TORRENTADD_OPENOPTIONS); if ( is_featured || ( showAgainMode != null && ((showAgainMode.equals(ConfigurationDefaults.CFG_TORRENTADD_OPENOPTIONS_NEVER)) || (showAgainMode.equals(ConfigurationDefaults.CFG_TORRENTADD_OPENOPTIONS_MANY) && torrentOptions.getFiles() != null && torrentOptions.getFiles().length == 1)))){ // we're about to silently add the download - ensure that it is going to be saved somewhere vaguely sensible // as the current save location is simply taken from the 'default download' config which can be blank (for example) boolean looks_good = false; String save_loc = torrentOptions.getParentDir().trim(); if ( save_loc.length() == 0 ){ // blank :( }else if ( save_loc.startsWith( "." )){ // relative to who knows where }else{ File f = new File( save_loc ); if ( !f.exists()){ f.mkdirs(); } if ( f.isDirectory() && FileUtil.canWriteToDirectory( f )){ if ( !f.equals(AETemporaryFileHandler.getTempDirectory())){ looks_good = true; } } } if ( looks_good ){ return TorrentOpener.addTorrent(torrentOptions); }else{ torrentOptions.setParentDir( "" ); MessageBoxShell mb = new MessageBoxShell( SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_ERROR, "OpenTorrentWindow.mb.invaliddefsave", new String[]{ save_loc }); mb.open( new UserPrompterResultListener() { public void prompterClosed( int result) { OpenTorrentOptionsWindow.addTorrent( torrentOptions ); } }); return( true ); } } } OpenTorrentOptionsWindow.addTorrent( torrentOptions ); return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#openTorrentOpenOptions(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) */ public void openTorrentOpenOptions(Shell shell, String sPathOfFilesToOpen, String[] sFilesToOpen, boolean defaultToStopped, boolean forceOpen) { TorrentOpenOptions torrentOptions = new TorrentOpenOptions(); if (defaultToStopped) { torrentOptions.iStartID = TorrentOpenOptions.STARTMODE_STOPPED; } if (sFilesToOpen == null) { new OpenTorrentWindow(shell); } else { // with no listener, Downloader will open options window if user configured TorrentOpener.openTorrentsFromStrings(torrentOptions, shell, sPathOfFilesToOpen, sFilesToOpen, null, null, forceOpen); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.UIFunctionsSWT#openTorrentWindow() */ public void openTorrentWindow() { new OpenTorrentWindow(Utils.findAnyShell()); } }