/* * Created on Feb 3, 2012 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2012 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.speedmanager; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.category.Category; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.category.CategoryManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.TransferSpeedValidator; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.PEPeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.util.PeerUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.stats.transfer.LongTermStats; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.stats.transfer.LongTermStatsListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.stats.transfer.StatsFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BDecoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.BEncoder; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Base32; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DisplayFormatters; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HostNameToIPResolver; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.IndentWriter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SimpleTimer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimerEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimerEventPerformer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimerEventPeriodic; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadAttributeListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManagerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadPeerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannelListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.network.RateLimiter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.Peer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerManagerEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers.PeerManagerListener2; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.TorrentAttribute; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.BasicPluginViewModel; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.UtilitiesImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.LimitedRateGroup; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.Tag; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagFeature; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagFeatureRateLimit; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagPeer; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.TagType; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.Taggable; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.impl.TagBase; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.impl.TagTypeWithState; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.average.Average; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.average.AverageFactory; public class SpeedLimitHandler implements LongTermStatsListener { private static SpeedLimitHandler singleton; public static SpeedLimitHandler getSingleton( AzureusCore core ) { synchronized( SpeedLimitHandler.class ){ if ( singleton == null ){ singleton = new SpeedLimitHandler( core ); } return( singleton ); } } private AzureusCore core; private PluginInterface plugin_interface; private TorrentAttribute category_attribute; private LoggerChannel logger; private TimerEventPeriodic schedule_event; private List<ScheduleRule> current_rules = new ArrayList<ScheduleRule>(); private ScheduleRule active_rule; private Map<String,IPSet> current_ip_sets = new HashMap<String,IPSet>(); private Map<String,RateLimiter> ip_set_rate_limiters_up = new HashMap<String,RateLimiter>(); private Map<String,RateLimiter> ip_set_rate_limiters_down = new HashMap<String,RateLimiter>(); private TimerEventPeriodic ip_set_event; private boolean net_limit_listener_added; private Map<Integer,List<NetLimit>> net_limits = new HashMap<Integer,List<NetLimit>>(); private List<String> predefined_profile_names = new ArrayList<String>(); { predefined_profile_names.add( "pause_all" ); predefined_profile_names.add( "resume_all" ); } private boolean rule_pause_all_active; private boolean net_limit_pause_all_active; private final IPSetTagType ip_set_tag_type = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager().isEnabled()?new IPSetTagType():null; private SpeedLimitHandler( AzureusCore _core ) { core = _core; plugin_interface = core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface(); category_attribute = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY ); logger = plugin_interface.getLogger().getTimeStampedChannel( "Speed Limit Handler" ); UIManager ui_manager = plugin_interface.getUIManager(); final BasicPluginViewModel model = ui_manager.createBasicPluginViewModel( "Speed Limit Handler" ); model.getActivity().setVisible( false ); model.getProgress().setVisible( false ); logger.addListener( new LoggerChannelListener() { public void messageLogged( int type, String message ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( message+"\n"); } public void messageLogged( String str, Throwable error ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( error.toString()+"\n"); } }); loadPauseAllActive(); loadSchedule(); } private synchronized Map loadConfig() { return( BEncoder.cloneMap( COConfigurationManager.getMapParameter( "speed.limit.handler.state", new HashMap()))); } private synchronized void saveConfig( Map map ) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.state", map ); COConfigurationManager.save(); } private void loadPauseAllActive() { setRulePauseAllActive( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.pa_active", false )); setNetLimitPauseAllActive( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.nl_pa_active", false )); } private void setRulePauseAllActive( boolean active ) { GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); if ( active ){ if ( !rule_pause_all_active ){ logger.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Pausing all downloads due to pause_all rule" ); } gm.pauseDownloads(); rule_pause_all_active = true; }else{ if ( !net_limit_pause_all_active ){ if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.pa_capable", false )){ if ( rule_pause_all_active ){ logger.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Resuming all downloads as pause_all rule no longer applies" ); } gm.resumeDownloads( true ); } } rule_pause_all_active = false; } COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.pa_active", active ); } private void setNetLimitPauseAllActive( boolean active ) { GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); if ( active ){ if ( !net_limit_pause_all_active ){ logger.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Pausing all downloads as network limit exceeded" ); } gm.pauseDownloads(); net_limit_pause_all_active = true; }else{ if ( !rule_pause_all_active ){ if ( COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.pa_capable", false )){ if ( net_limit_pause_all_active ){ logger.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "Resuming all downloads as network limit no longer exceeded" ); } gm.resumeDownloads( true ); } } net_limit_pause_all_active = false; } COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.nl_pa_active", active ); } public List<String> reset() { if ( net_limit_pause_all_active ){ setNetLimitPauseAllActive( false ); } return( resetRules()); } private List<String> resetRules() { if ( rule_pause_all_active ){ setRulePauseAllActive( false ); } LimitDetails details = new LimitDetails(); details.loadForReset(); details.apply(); return( details.getString( true, false )); } public List<String> getCurrent() { LimitDetails details = new LimitDetails(); details.loadCurrent(); List<String> lines = details.getString( true, false ); lines.add( "" ); lines.add( "IP Sets" ); if ( current_ip_sets.size() == 0 ){ lines.add( " None" ); }else{ for( Map.Entry<String,IPSet> entry: current_ip_sets.entrySet()){ lines.add( " " + entry.getValue().getDetailString()); } } ScheduleRule rule = active_rule; lines.add( "" ); lines.add( "Scheduler" ); lines.add( " Rules defined: " + current_rules.size()); lines.add( " Active rule: " + (rule==null?"None":rule.getString())); lines.add( "" ); lines.add( "Network Totals" ); LongTermStats lt_stats = StatsFactory.getLongTermStats(); if ( lt_stats == null || !lt_stats.isEnabled()){ lines.add( " Not Available" ); }else{ lines.add( " Today:\t\t" + getString( lt_stats, LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_DAY, net_limits.get( LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_DAY ))); lines.add( " This week:\t" + getString( lt_stats, LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_WEEK, net_limits.get( LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_WEEK ))); lines.add( " This month:\t" + getString( lt_stats, LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_MONTH, net_limits.get( LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_MONTH ))); lines.add( "" ); lines.add( " Rate (3 minute average):\t\t" + getString( lt_stats.getCurrentRateBytesPerSecond(), null, true)); } return( lines ); } private String getString( LongTermStats lts, int type, List<NetLimit> net_limits ) { if ( net_limits == null ){ net_limits = new ArrayList<NetLimit>(); net_limits.add( null ); } String result = ""; for ( NetLimit net_limit: net_limits ){ long[] stats = getLongTermUsage( lts, type, net_limit ); long total_up = stats[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_UPLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_UPLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_UPLOAD]; long total_do = stats[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_DOWNLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_DOWNLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_DOWNLOAD]; String lim_str = ""; String profile = null; if ( net_limit != null ){ profile = net_limit.getProfile(); long[] limits = net_limit.getLimits(); long total_lim = limits[0]; long up_lim = limits[1]; long down_lim = limits[2]; if ( total_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += "Total=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_up+total_do)/total_lim) + "%"; } if ( up_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += (lim_str.length()==0?"":", ") + "Up=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( up_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_up)/up_lim) + "%"; } if ( down_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += (lim_str.length()==0?"":", ") + "Down=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( down_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_do)/down_lim) + "%"; } if ( lim_str.length() > 0 ){ lim_str = "\t[ Limits: " + lim_str + "]"; } } if ( net_limits.size() > 1 ){ result += "\r\n "; } result += (profile==null?"Overall":profile) + " - " + "Upload=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_up ) + ", Download=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_do ) + lim_str; } return( result ); } private long[] getLongTermUsage( LongTermStats lts, int type, NetLimit net_limit ) { if ( net_limit == null || net_limit.getProfile() == null ){ return( lts.getTotalUsageInPeriod( type )); } final String profile = net_limit.getProfile(); System.out.println( "getLongTermUsage:" + profile ); return( lts.getTotalUsageInPeriod( type, new LongTermStats.RecordAccepter() { public boolean acceptRecord( long timestamp) { ScheduleRule rule = getActiveRule( new Date( timestamp )); return( rule != null && rule.profile_name.equals( profile )); } })); } private String getString( long[] stats, long[] limits, boolean is_rate ) { long total_up = stats[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_UPLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_UPLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_UPLOAD]; long total_do = stats[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_DOWNLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_DOWNLOAD] + stats[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_DOWNLOAD]; String lim_str = ""; if ( limits != null ){ long total_lim = limits[0]; long up_lim = limits[1]; long down_lim = limits[2]; if ( total_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += "Total=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_up+total_do)/total_lim) + "%"; } if ( up_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += (lim_str.length()==0?"":", ") + "Up=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( up_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_up)/up_lim) + "%"; } if ( down_lim > 0 ){ lim_str += (lim_str.length()==0?"":", ") + "Down=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( down_lim ) + " " + (100*(total_do)/down_lim) + "%"; } if ( lim_str.length() > 0 ){ lim_str = "\t[ Limits: " + lim_str + "]"; } } if ( is_rate ){ return( "Upload=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec( total_up ) + ", Download=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec( total_do )); }else{ return( "Upload=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_up ) + ", Download=" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtc( total_do ) + lim_str ); } } public List<String> getProfileNames() { Map map = loadConfig(); List<String> profiles = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( name != null ){ profiles.add( name ); } } } return( profiles ); } public List<String> loadProfile( String name ) { Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ Map profile = (Map)m.get( "p" ); LimitDetails ld = new LimitDetails( profile ); ld.apply(); return( ld.getString( false, false )); } } } List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add( "Profile not found" ); return( result ); } private boolean profileExists( String name ) { Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ return( true ); } } } return( false ); } public List<String> getProfile( String name ) { return( getProfileSupport( name, false )); } public List<String> getProfileSupport( String name, boolean use_hashes ) { Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ Map profile = (Map)m.get( "p" ); LimitDetails ld = new LimitDetails( profile ); return( ld.getString( false, use_hashes )); } } } List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add( "Profile not found" ); return( result ); } public List<String> getProfilesForDownload( byte[] hash ) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ String hash_str = Base32.encode( hash ); for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null ){ Map profile = (Map)m.get( "p" ); LimitDetails ld = new LimitDetails( profile ); if ( ld.getLimitsForDownload( hash_str ) != null ){ result.add( p_name ); } } } } return( result ); } private void addRemoveDownloadsToProfile( String name, List<byte[]> hashes, boolean add ) { Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); List<String> hash_strs = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( byte[] hash: hashes ){ hash_strs.add( Base32.encode( hash )); } if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ Map profile = (Map)m.get( "p" ); LimitDetails ld = new LimitDetails( profile ); ld.addRemoveDownloads( hash_strs, add ); m.put( "p", ld.export()); saveConfig( map ); return; } } } } public void addDownloadsToProfile( String name, List<byte[]> hashes ) { addRemoveDownloadsToProfile( name, hashes, true ); } public void removeDownloadsFromProfile( String name, List<byte[]> hashes ) { addRemoveDownloadsToProfile( name, hashes, false ); } public void deleteProfile( String name ) { Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list != null ){ for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ list.remove( m ); saveConfig( map ); return; } } } } public List<String> saveProfile( String name ) { LimitDetails details = new LimitDetails(); details.loadCurrent(); Map map = loadConfig(); List<Map> list = (List<Map>)map.get( "profiles" ); if ( list == null ){ list = new ArrayList<Map>(); map.put( "profiles", list ); } for ( Map m: list ){ String p_name = importString( m, "n" ); if ( p_name != null && name.equals( p_name )){ list.remove( m ); break; } } Map m = new HashMap(); list.add( m ); m.put( "n", name ); m.put( "p", details.export()); saveConfig( map ); ScheduleRule rule; synchronized( this ){ rule = active_rule; } if ( rule != null && rule.profile_name.equals( name )){ details.apply(); } return( details.getString( false, false )); } private synchronized List<String> loadSchedule() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); List list = COConfigurationManager.getListParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.lines", new ArrayList()); List<String> schedule_lines = BDecoder.decodeStrings( BEncoder.cloneList(list) ); boolean enabled = true; List<ScheduleRule> rules = new ArrayList<ScheduleRule>(); Map<String,IPSet> ip_sets = new HashMap<String, IPSet>(); Map<Integer,List<NetLimit>> new_net_limits = new HashMap<Integer, List<NetLimit>>(); boolean checked_lts_enabled = false; boolean lts_enabled = false; for ( String line: schedule_lines ){ line = line.trim(); if ( line.length() == 0 || line.startsWith( "#" )){ continue; } String lc_line = line.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); if ( lc_line.startsWith( "enable" )){ String[] bits = lc_line.split( "=" ); boolean ok = false; if ( bits.length == 2 ){ String arg = bits[1]; if ( arg.equals( "yes" )){ enabled = true; ok = true; }else if ( arg.equals( "no" )){ enabled = false; ok = true; } } if ( !ok ){ result.add( "'" +line + "' is invalid: use enable=(yes|no)" ); } }else if ( lc_line.startsWith( "ip_set" )){ try{ // uppercase here as category names are case sensitive.. String[] args = line.substring(6).split( "," ); boolean inverse = false; int up_lim = -1; int down_lim = -1; List<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); IPSet set = null; for ( String arg: args ){ String[] bits = arg.split( "=" ); if ( bits.length != 2 ){ throw( new Exception( "Expected <key>=<value> for '" + arg + "'" )); }else{ String lhs = bits[0].trim(); String lc_lhs = lhs.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); String rhs = bits[1].trim(); String lc_rhs = rhs.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); if ( lc_lhs.equals( "inverse" )){ inverse = lc_rhs.equals( "yes" ); }else if ( lc_lhs.equals( "up" )){ up_lim = (int)parseRate( lc_rhs ); }else if ( lc_lhs.equals( "down" )){ down_lim = (int)parseRate( lc_rhs ); }else if ( lc_lhs.equals( "cat" )){ String[] cats = rhs.split( " " ); for ( String cat: cats ){ cat = cat.trim(); if ( cat.length() > 0 ){ if ( categories == null ){ categories = new ArrayList<String>(); } categories.add( cat ); } } }else{ String name = lhs; String def = rhs.replace(';', ' '); set = ip_sets.get( name ); if ( set == null ){ set = new IPSet( name ); ip_sets.put( name, set ); } bits = def.split( " " ); for ( String bit: bits ){ bit = bit.trim(); if ( bit.length() > 0 ){ IPSet other_set = ip_sets.get( bit ); if ( other_set != null && other_set != set ){ set.addSet( other_set ); }else{ if ( !set.addCIDRorCC( bit )){ result.add( "CIDR, CC or ip_set reference '" + bit + "' isn't valid" ); } } } } } } } if ( set == null ){ throw( new Exception()); } set.setParameters( inverse, up_lim, down_lim, categories ); }catch( Throwable e ){ result.add( "'" +line + "' is invalid: use ip_set <name>=<cidrs...> [,inverse=[yes|no]] [,up=<limit>] [,down=<limit>] [,cat=<categories>]: " + e.getMessage()); } }else if ( lc_line.startsWith( "net_limit" )){ if ( !checked_lts_enabled ){ checked_lts_enabled = true; lts_enabled = StatsFactory.getLongTermStats().isEnabled(); if ( !lts_enabled ){ result.add( "Long-term stats are currently disabled, limits will NOT be applied" ); } } line = lc_line.substring(9).replace( ",", " " ); String[] args = line.split( " " ); int type = -1; String profile = null; long total_lim = 0; long up_lim = 0; long down_lim = 0; for ( String arg: args ){ arg = arg.trim(); if ( arg.length() == 0 ){ continue; } if ( type == -1 ){ int sep = arg.indexOf( ":" ); if ( sep != -1 ){ profile = arg.substring( sep+1 ).trim(); if ( !profileExists( profile )){ result.add( "net_limit profile '" + profile + "' not defined" ); break; } arg = arg.substring( 0, sep ); } if ( arg.equalsIgnoreCase( "daily" )){ type = LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_DAY; }else if ( arg.equalsIgnoreCase( "weekly" )){ type = LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_WEEK; }else if ( arg.equalsIgnoreCase( "monthly" )){ type = LongTermStats.PT_CURRENT_MONTH; }else{ result.add( "net_limit type of '" + arg + "' not recognised - use daily, weekly or monthly" ); break; } }else{ String[] bits = arg.split( "=" ); if ( bits.length != 2 ){ result.add( "'" + line + "': invalid net_limit specification" ); }else{ String lhs = bits[0]; String rhs = bits[1]; long lim = parseRate( rhs ); if ( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "total" )){ total_lim = lim; }else if ( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "up" )){ up_lim = lim; }else if ( lhs.equalsIgnoreCase( "down" )){ down_lim = lim; }else{ result.add( "'" + line + "': invalid net_limit specification" ); } } } } if ( type != -1 ){ List<NetLimit> limits = new_net_limits.get( type ); if ( limits == null ){ limits = new ArrayList<NetLimit>(); new_net_limits.put( type, limits ); } limits.add( new NetLimit( profile, total_lim, up_lim, down_lim )); } }else{ String[] _bits = line.split( " " ); List<String> bits = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( String b: _bits ){ b = b.trim(); if ( b.length() > 0 ){ bits.add( b ); } } List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if ( bits.size() == 6 ){ String freq_str = bits.get(0).toLowerCase( Locale.US ); byte freq = 0; if ( freq_str.equals( "daily" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_DAILY; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "weekdays" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_WEEKDAY; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "weekends" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_WEEKEND; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "mon" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_MON; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "tue" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_TUE; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "wed" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_WED; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "thu" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_THU; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "fri" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_FRI; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "sat" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_SAT; }else if ( freq_str.equals( "sun" )){ freq = ScheduleRule.FR_SUN; }else{ errors.add( "frequency '" + freq_str + "' is invalid" ); } String profile = bits.get(1); if ( !profileExists( profile ) && !predefined_profile_names.contains( profile.toLowerCase())){ errors.add( "profile '" + profile + "' not found" ); profile = null; } int from_mins = -1; if ( bits.get(2).equalsIgnoreCase( "from" )){ from_mins = getMins( bits.get(3)); } if ( from_mins == -1 ){ errors.add( "'from' is invalid" ); } int to_mins = -1; if ( bits.get(4).equalsIgnoreCase( "to" )){ to_mins = getMins( bits.get(5)); } if ( to_mins == -1 ){ errors.add( "'to' is invalid" ); } if ( errors.size() == 0 ){ rules.add( new ScheduleRule( freq, profile, from_mins, to_mins )); }else{ String err_str = ""; for ( String e: errors ){ err_str += (err_str.length()==0?"":", ") + e; } result.add( "'" + line + "' is invalid (" + err_str + ") - use <frequency> <profile> from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>" ); } }else{ result.add( "'" + line + "' is invalid: use <frequency> <profile> from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>" ); } } } // schedule fully loaded into local variables // handle overall changes in pause/resume features, in particular to disable them if // the schedule no longer controls them boolean schedule_has_net_limits = false; boolean schedule_has_pausing = false; if ( enabled ){ if ( new_net_limits.size() > 0 ){ schedule_has_net_limits = true; } for ( ScheduleRule rule: rules ){ String profile_name = rule.profile_name; if ( profile_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "pause_all" ) || profile_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "resume_all" )){ schedule_has_pausing = true; break; } } } if ( !schedule_has_pausing ){ setRulePauseAllActive( false ); } if ( !schedule_has_net_limits ){ setNetLimitPauseAllActive( false ); } // this marker is used to prevent unwanted 'resumeAll' operations being performed by the // scheduler when it is enabled but doesn't have any features that could warrant this. This // allows manual pause states to be respected. Of course we should probably differeniate between // manually paused downloads and those auto-paused to generally support this better, but // that would take a bit of effort to persistently remember this.... COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.pa_capable", enabled && ( schedule_has_pausing || schedule_has_net_limits )); if ( enabled ){ current_rules = rules; if ( schedule_event == null && ( rules.size() > 0 || net_limits.size() > 0 )){ schedule_event = SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "speed handler scheduler", 30*1000, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform( TimerEvent event) { checkSchedule(); } }); } if ( active_rule != null || rules.size() > 0 || net_limits.size() > 0 ){ checkSchedule(); } for( IPSet s: current_ip_sets.values()){ s.destroy(); } current_ip_sets = ip_sets; Map<IPSet,Integer> id_map = new HashMap<IPSet, Integer>(); int id_max = -1; for ( int i=0;i<2;i++ ){ for ( IPSet s: current_ip_sets.values()){ String name = s.getName(); try{ String config_key = "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + Base32.encode( name.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); if ( i == 0 ){ int existing = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( config_key, -1 ); if ( existing != -1 ){ id_map.put( s, existing ); id_max = Math.max( id_max, existing ); } }else{ Integer tag_id = id_map.get( s ); if ( tag_id == null ){ tag_id = ++id_max; COConfigurationManager.setParameter( config_key, tag_id ); } s.initialise( tag_id ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } checkIPSets(); if ( !lts_enabled ){ new_net_limits.clear(); } net_limits = new_net_limits; if ( net_limits.size() > 0 ){ if ( !net_limit_listener_added ){ net_limit_listener_added = true; StatsFactory.getLongTermStats().addListener( 1024*1024, this ); } updated( StatsFactory.getLongTermStats()); }else{ if ( net_limit_listener_added ){ net_limit_listener_added = false; StatsFactory.getLongTermStats().removeListener( this ); } } }else{ current_rules.clear(); if ( schedule_event != null ){ schedule_event.cancel(); schedule_event = null; } if ( active_rule != null ){ active_rule = null; resetRules(); } for( IPSet s: current_ip_sets.values()){ s.destroy(); } current_ip_sets.clear(); checkIPSets(); if ( net_limit_pause_all_active ){ setNetLimitPauseAllActive( false ); } net_limits.clear(); if ( net_limit_listener_added ){ net_limit_listener_added = false; StatsFactory.getLongTermStats().removeListener( this ); } } return( result ); } private long parseRate( String str ) { int pos = str.indexOf( "/" ); if ( pos != -1 ){ str = str.substring( 0, pos ).trim(); } String num = ""; long mult = 1; for ( int i=0;i<str.length();i++){ char c = str.charAt(i); if ( Character.isDigit( c ) || c == '.' ){ num += c; }else{ if ( c == 'k' ){ mult = 1024; }else if ( c == 'm' ){ mult = 1024*1024; }else if ( c == 'g' ){ mult = 1024*1024*1024L; } break; } } if ( num.contains( "." )){ return((long)( Float.parseFloat( num ) * mult )); }else{ return( Integer.parseInt( num ) * mult ); } } private int getMins( String str ) { try{ String[] bits = str.split( ":" ); if ( bits.length == 2 ){ return( Integer.parseInt(bits[0].trim())*60 + Integer.parseInt(bits[1].trim())); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } return( -1 ); } private DownloadManagerListener dml; private static Object ip_set_peer_key = new Object(); private synchronized void checkIPSets() { final org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager download_manager = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager(); Download[] downloads = download_manager.getDownloads(); for ( Download dm: downloads ){ PeerManager pm = dm.getPeerManager(); if ( pm != null ){ Peer[] peers = pm.getPeers(); for ( Peer peer: peers ){ RateLimiter[] lims = peer.getRateLimiters( false ); for ( RateLimiter l: lims ){ if ( ip_set_rate_limiters_down.containsValue( l )){ peer.removeRateLimiter( l , false ); } } lims = peer.getRateLimiters( true ); for ( RateLimiter l: lims ){ if ( ip_set_rate_limiters_up.containsValue( l )){ peer.removeRateLimiter( l , true ); } } } } } ip_set_rate_limiters_down.clear(); ip_set_rate_limiters_up.clear(); boolean has_cats = false; for ( IPSet set: current_ip_sets.values()){ ip_set_rate_limiters_down.put( set.getName(), set.getDownLimiter()); ip_set_rate_limiters_up.put( set.getName(), set.getUpLimiter()); if ( set.getCategories() != null ){ has_cats = true; } } if ( current_ip_sets.size() == 0 ){ if ( ip_set_event != null ){ ip_set_event.cancel(); ip_set_event = null; } if ( dml != null ){ download_manager.removeListener( dml ); dml = null; } }else{ if ( ip_set_event == null ){ ip_set_event = SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "speed handler ip set scheduler", 1000, new TimerEventPerformer() { private int tick_count; public void perform( TimerEvent event) { tick_count++; synchronized( current_ip_sets){ for ( IPSet set: current_ip_sets.values()){ set.updateStats( tick_count ); } /* if ( tick_count % 30 == 0 ){ String str = ""; for ( IPSet set: current_ip_sets.values()){ str += (str.length()==0?"":", ") + set.getString(); } logger.log( str ); } */ } } }); } if ( dml != null ){ download_manager.removeListener( dml ); } final boolean f_has_cats = has_cats; dml = new DownloadManagerListener() { final DownloadManagerListener this_dml = this; final DownloadAttributeListener attr_listener = new DownloadAttributeListener() { public void attributeEventOccurred( Download download, TorrentAttribute attribute, int event_type ) { if ( dml != this_dml ){ download.removeAttributeListener( this, category_attribute, DownloadAttributeListener.WRITTEN ); return; } checkIPSets(); } }; public void downloadAdded( final Download download ) { if ( dml != this_dml ){ download_manager.removeListener( this ); return; } if ( f_has_cats ){ download.addAttributeListener( attr_listener, category_attribute, DownloadAttributeListener.WRITTEN ); } download.addPeerListener( new DownloadPeerListener() { public void peerManagerAdded( final Download download, final PeerManager peer_manager ) { if ( dml != this_dml ){ download.removePeerListener( this ); return; } peer_manager.addListener( new PeerManagerListener2() { public void eventOccurred( PeerManagerEvent event ) { if ( dml != this_dml ){ peer_manager.removeListener( this ); return; } if ( event.getType() == PeerManagerEvent.ET_PEER_ADDED ){ peersAdded( download, new Peer[]{ event.getPeer() }); }else if ( event.getType() == PeerManagerEvent.ET_PEER_REMOVED ){ peerRemoved( download, event.getPeer()); } } }); Peer[] peers = peer_manager.getPeers(); peersAdded( download, peers ); } public void peerManagerRemoved( Download download, PeerManager peer_manager ) { } }); } public void downloadRemoved( Download download ) { } }; download_manager.addListener( dml, true ); } } private void peersAdded( Download download, Peer[] peers ) { IPSet[] sets; long[][][] set_ranges; Set[] set_ccs; boolean has_ccs = false; String category = null; synchronized( current_ip_sets ){ int len = current_ip_sets.size(); sets = new IPSet[len]; set_ranges = new long[len][][]; set_ccs = new Set[len]; int pos = 0; for ( IPSet set: current_ip_sets.values()){ sets[pos] = set; set_ranges[pos] = set.getRanges(); set_ccs[pos] = set.getCountryCodes(); if ( set_ccs[pos].size() > 0 ){ has_ccs = true; } pos++; if ( category == null && set.getCategories() != null ){ category = download.getAttribute( category_attribute ); } } } if ( sets.length == 0 ){ return; } for ( Peer peer: peers ){ long[] entry = (long[])peer.getUserData( ip_set_peer_key ); long l_address; if ( entry == null ){ l_address = 0; String ip = peer.getIp(); if ( !ip.contains( ":" )){ byte[] bytes = HostNameToIPResolver.hostAddressToBytes( ip ); if ( bytes != null ){ l_address = ((long)((bytes[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (bytes[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (bytes[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | bytes[3]&0x000000ff))&0xffffffffL; } } entry = new long[]{ l_address }; peer.setUserData( ip_set_peer_key, entry ); }else{ l_address = entry[0]; } String peer_cc = null; if ( has_ccs ){ String[] details = PeerUtils.getCountryDetails( peer ); if ( details != null && details.length > 0 ){ peer_cc = details[0]; } } Set<IPSet> added_to_sets = new HashSet<IPSet>(); if ( l_address != 0 ){ for ( int i=0;i<set_ranges.length;i++ ){ long[][] ranges = set_ranges[i]; if ( ranges.length == 0 ){ continue; } IPSet set = sets[i]; boolean is_inverse = set.isInverse(); List<String> set_cats = set.getCategories(); if ( set_cats == null || set_cats.contains( category )){ boolean hit = false; for ( long[] range: ranges ){ if ( l_address >= range[0] && l_address <= range[1] ){ hit = true; if ( !is_inverse ){ addLimiters( peer, set ); added_to_sets.add( set ); } break; } } if ( is_inverse && !hit ){ addLimiters( peer, set ); added_to_sets.add( set ); } } } } if ( peer_cc != null ){ for ( int i=0;i<set_ccs.length;i++ ){ IPSet set = sets[i]; if ( added_to_sets.contains( set )){ continue; } Set<String> ccs = set_ccs[i]; if ( ccs.size() == 0 ){ continue; } boolean not_inverse = !set.isInverse(); List<String> set_cats = set.getCategories(); if ( set_cats == null || set_cats.contains( category )){ boolean hit = ccs.contains( peer_cc ); if ( hit == not_inverse ){ addLimiters( peer, set ); } } } } } } private void peerRemoved( Download download, Peer peer ) { Collection<IPSet> sets; synchronized( current_ip_sets ){ if ( current_ip_sets.size() == 0 ){ return; } sets = current_ip_sets.values(); } for ( IPSet s: sets ){ s.removePeer( peer ); } } private void addLimiters( Peer peer, IPSet set ) { boolean matched = false; { RateLimiter l = set.getUpLimiter(); RateLimiter[] existing = peer.getRateLimiters( true ); boolean found = false; for ( RateLimiter e: existing ){ if ( e == l ){ found = true; break; } } if ( !found ){ peer.addRateLimiter( l, true ); matched = true; } } { RateLimiter l = set.getDownLimiter(); RateLimiter[] existing = peer.getRateLimiters( false ); boolean found = false; for ( RateLimiter e: existing ){ if ( e == l ){ found = true; break; } } if ( !found ){ peer.addRateLimiter( l, false ); matched = true; } } if ( matched ){ set.addPeer( peer ); } } private ScheduleRule getActiveRule( Date date ) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime( date ); int day_of_week = cal.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK ); int hour_of_day = cal.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY ); int min_of_hour = cal.get( Calendar.MINUTE ); int day = -1; switch( day_of_week ){ case Calendar.MONDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_MON; break; case Calendar.TUESDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_TUE; break; case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_WED; break; case Calendar.THURSDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_THU; break; case Calendar.FRIDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_FRI; break; case Calendar.SATURDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_SAT; break; case Calendar.SUNDAY: day = ScheduleRule.FR_SUN; break; } int min_of_day = hour_of_day * 60 + min_of_hour; ScheduleRule latest_match = null; for ( ScheduleRule main_rule: current_rules ){ List<ScheduleRule> sub_rules = main_rule.splitByDay(); for ( ScheduleRule rule: sub_rules ){ if (( rule.frequency & day ) == 0 ){ continue; } if ( rule.from_mins <= min_of_day && rule.to_mins >= min_of_day ){ latest_match = main_rule; } } } return( latest_match ); } private void checkSchedule() { GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); ScheduleRule current_rule; synchronized( this ){ current_rule = active_rule; ScheduleRule latest_match = getActiveRule( new Date()); if ( latest_match == null ){ active_rule = null; resetRules(); }else{ String profile_name = latest_match.profile_name; boolean is_rule_pause_all = false; if ( active_rule == null || !active_rule.sameAs( latest_match )){ String lc_profile_name = profile_name.toLowerCase(); if ( predefined_profile_names.contains( lc_profile_name)){ if ( lc_profile_name.equals( "pause_all" )){ active_rule = latest_match; is_rule_pause_all = true; setRulePauseAllActive( true ); }else if ( lc_profile_name.equals( "resume_all" )){ active_rule = latest_match; setRulePauseAllActive( false ); }else{ Debug.out( "Unknown pre-def name '" + profile_name + "'" ); } }else if ( profileExists( profile_name )){ active_rule = latest_match; loadProfile( profile_name ); }else{ active_rule = null; resetRules(); } }else{ is_rule_pause_all = rule_pause_all_active; // same rule as before } if ( rule_pause_all_active ){ if ( !is_rule_pause_all ){ setRulePauseAllActive( false ); }else{ if ( gm.canPauseDownloads()){ gm.pauseDownloads(); } } } } } if ( current_rule != active_rule && net_limits.size() > 0 ){ // net_limits can depend on the active rule, recalc updated( StatsFactory.getLongTermStats()); } if ( net_limit_pause_all_active ){ if ( gm.canPauseDownloads()){ gm.pauseDownloads(); } } } public List<String> getSchedule() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add( "# Enter rules on separate lines below this section." ); result.add( "# Rules are of the following types:" ); result.add( "# enable=(yes|no) - controls whether the entire schedule is enabled or not (default=enabled)" ); result.add( "# <frequency> <profile_name> from <time> to <time>" ); result.add( "# frequency: daily|weekdays|weekends|<day_of_week>" ); result.add( "# day_of_week: mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun" ); result.add( "# time: hh:mm - 24 hour clock; 00:00=midnight; local time" ); result.add( "# ip_set <ip_set_name> [<CIDR_specs...>|CC list|<prior_set_name>] [,inverse=[yes|no]] [,up=<limit>] [,down=<limit>] [cat=<cat names>]" ); result.add( "# net_limit (daily|weekly|monthly)[:<profile>] [total=<limit>] [up=<limit>] [down=<limit>]"); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# For example - assuming there are profiles called 'no_limits' and 'limited_upload' defined:" ); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# daily no_limits from 00:00 to 23:59" ); result.add( "# daily limited_upload from 06:00 to 22:00" ); result.add( "# daily pause_all from 08:00 to 17:00" ); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# net_limit monthly total=250G // flat montly limit" ); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# net_limit monthly:no_limits // no monthly limit when no_limits active" ); result.add( "# net_limit monthly:limited_upload total=100G // 100G a month limit when limited_upload active" ); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# ip_set external=" ); result.add( "# ip_set Europe=EU;AD;AL;AT;BA;BE;BG;BY;CH;CS;CZ;DE;DK;EE;ES;FI;FO;FR;FX;GB;GI;GR;HR;HU;IE;IS;IT;LI;LT;LU;LV;MC;MD;MK;MT;NL;NO;PL;PT;RO;SE;SI;SJ;SK;SM;UA;VA" ); result.add( "# ip_set Blorp=Europe;US" ); result.add( "#" ); result.add( "# When multiple rules apply the one further down the list of rules take precedence" ); result.add( "# Currently ip_set limits are not schedulable" ); result.add( "# Comment lines are prefixed with '#'" ); result.add( "# Pre-defined profiles: " + predefined_profile_names ); List<String> profiles = getProfileNames(); if ( profiles.size() == 0 ){ result.add( "# No user profiles currently defined." ); }else{ String str = ""; for( String s: profiles ){ str += (str.length()==0?"":", ") + s; } result.add( "# Current profiles details:" ); result.add( "# defined: " + str ); ScheduleRule current_rule; synchronized( this ){ current_rule = active_rule; } result.add( "# active: " + (current_rule==null?"none":current_rule.profile_name )); } result.add( "# ---- Do not edit this line or any text above! ----" ); List lines_list = COConfigurationManager.getListParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.lines", new ArrayList()); List<String> schedule_lines = BDecoder.decodeStrings(BEncoder.cloneList(lines_list) ); if ( schedule_lines.size() == 0 ){ schedule_lines.add( "" ); schedule_lines.add( "" ); }else{ for ( String l: schedule_lines ){ result.add( l.trim()); } } return( result ); } public List<String> setSchedule( List<String> lines ) { int trim_from = 0; for ( int i=0; i<lines.size(); i++ ){ String line = lines.get( i ); if ( line.startsWith( "# ---- Do not edit" )){ trim_from = i+1; } } if ( trim_from > 0 ){ lines = lines.subList( trim_from, lines.size()); } COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.lines", lines ); COConfigurationManager.save(); return( loadSchedule()); } private List<LimitedRateGroup> trim( LimitedRateGroup[] groups ) { List<LimitedRateGroup> result = new ArrayList<LimitedRateGroup>(); for ( LimitedRateGroup group: groups ){ if ( group instanceof UtilitiesImpl.PluginLimitedRateGroup ){ result.add( group ); } } return( result ); } public void updated( LongTermStats stats ) { boolean exceeded = false; for (Map.Entry<Integer,List<NetLimit>> entry: net_limits.entrySet()){ int type = entry.getKey(); for ( NetLimit limit: entry.getValue()){ String profile = limit.getProfile(); if ( profile != null && ( active_rule == null || !active_rule.profile_name.equals( profile ))){ continue; } long[] usage = getLongTermUsage( stats, type, limit ); long total_up = usage[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_UPLOAD] + usage[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_UPLOAD] + usage[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_UPLOAD]; long total_do = usage[LongTermStats.ST_PROTOCOL_DOWNLOAD] + usage[LongTermStats.ST_DATA_DOWNLOAD] + usage[LongTermStats.ST_DHT_DOWNLOAD]; long[] limits = limit.getLimits(); if ( limits[0] > 0 ){ exceeded = total_up + total_do >= limits[0]; } if ( limits[1] > 0 && !exceeded){ exceeded = total_up >= limits[1]; } if ( limits[2] > 0 && !exceeded){ exceeded = total_do >= limits[2]; } if ( exceeded ){ break; } } if ( exceeded ){ break; } } if ( net_limit_pause_all_active != exceeded ){ setNetLimitPauseAllActive( exceeded ); } } private String formatUp( int rate ) { return( "Up=" + format( rate )); } private String formatDown( int rate ) { return( "Down=" + format( rate )); } private String format( int rate ) { if ( rate < 0 ){ return( "Disabled" ); }else if ( rate == 0 ){ return( "Unlimited" ); }else{ return( DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec( rate )); } } private String formatUp( List<LimitedRateGroup> groups ) { return( "Up=" + format( groups )); } private String formatDown( List<LimitedRateGroup> groups ) { return( "Down=" + format( groups )); } private String format( List<LimitedRateGroup> groups ) { String str = ""; for ( LimitedRateGroup group: groups ){ str += (str.length()==0?"":", ") + group.getName() + ":" + format( group.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()); } return( str ); } private void exportBoolean( Map<String,Object> map, String key, boolean b ) { map.put( key, new Long(b?1:0)); } private boolean importBoolean( Map<String,Object> map, String key ) { Long l = (Long)map.get( key ); if ( l != null ){ return( l == 1 ); } return( false ); } private void exportInt( Map<String,Object> map, String key, int i ) { map.put( key, new Long( i )); } private int importInt( Map<String,Object> map, String key ) { Long l = (Long)map.get( key ); if ( l != null ){ return( l.intValue()); } return( 0 ); } private void exportString( Map<String,Object> map, String key, String s ) { try{ map.put( key, s.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } private String importString( Map<String,Object> map, String key ) { Object obj= map.get( key ); if ( obj instanceof String ){ return((String)obj); }else if ( obj instanceof byte[] ){ try{ return( new String((byte[])obj, "UTF-8" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } return( null ); } public void dump( IndentWriter iw ) { iw.println( "Profiles" ); iw.indent(); try{ List<String> profiles = getProfileNames(); for (String profile: profiles ){ iw.println( profile ); iw.indent(); try{ List<String> p_lines = getProfileSupport( profile, true ); for ( String line: p_lines ){ iw.println( line ); } }finally{ iw.exdent(); } } }finally{ iw.exdent(); } iw.println( "Schedule" ); iw.indent(); try{ List lines_list = COConfigurationManager.getListParameter( "speed.limit.handler.schedule.lines", new ArrayList()); List<String> schedule_lines = BDecoder.decodeStrings(BEncoder.cloneList(lines_list) ); for ( String line: schedule_lines ){ iw.println( line ); } }finally{ iw.exdent(); } } private class LimitDetails { private boolean auto_up_enabled; private boolean auto_up_seeding_enabled; private boolean seeding_limits_enabled; private int up_limit; private int up_seeding_limit; private int down_limit; private boolean lan_rates_enabled; private int lan_up_limit; private int lan_down_limit; private Map<String,int[]> download_limits = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); private Map<String,int[]> category_limits = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); private Map<String,int[]> tag_limits = new HashMap<String, int[]>(); private LimitDetails() { } private LimitDetails( Map<String,Object> map ) { auto_up_enabled = importBoolean( map, "aue" ); auto_up_seeding_enabled = importBoolean( map, "ause" ); seeding_limits_enabled = importBoolean( map, "sle" ); up_limit = importInt( map, "ul" ); up_seeding_limit = importInt( map, "usl" ); down_limit = importInt( map, "dl" ); if ( map.containsKey( "lre" )){ lan_rates_enabled = importBoolean( map, "lre" ); }else{ // migration from before LAN rates added lan_rates_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "LAN Speed Enabled" ); } lan_up_limit = importInt( map, "lul" ); lan_down_limit = importInt( map, "ldl" ); List<Map<String,Object>> d_list = (List<Map<String,Object>>)map.get( "dms" ); if ( d_list != null ){ for ( Map<String,Object> m: d_list ){ String k = importString( m, "k" ); if ( k != null ){ int ul = importInt( m, "u" ); int dl = importInt( m, "d" ); download_limits.put( k, new int[]{ ul, dl }); } } } List<Map<String,Object>> c_list = (List<Map<String,Object>>)map.get( "cts" ); if ( c_list != null ){ for ( Map<String,Object> m: c_list ){ String k = importString( m, "k" ); if ( k != null ){ int ul = importInt( m, "u" ); int dl = importInt( m, "d" ); category_limits.put( k, new int[]{ ul, dl }); } } } List<Map<String,Object>> t_list = (List<Map<String,Object>>)map.get( "tgs" ); if ( t_list != null ){ for ( Map<String,Object> m: t_list ){ String t = importString( m, "k" ); if ( t != null ){ int ul = importInt( m, "u" ); int dl = importInt( m, "d" ); tag_limits.put( t, new int[]{ ul, dl }); } } } } private Map<String,Object> export() { Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); exportBoolean( map, "aue", auto_up_enabled ); exportBoolean( map, "ause", auto_up_seeding_enabled ); exportBoolean( map, "sle", seeding_limits_enabled ); exportInt( map, "ul", up_limit ); exportInt( map, "usl", up_seeding_limit ); exportInt( map, "dl", down_limit ); exportBoolean( map, "lre", lan_rates_enabled ); exportInt( map, "lul", lan_up_limit ); exportInt( map, "ldl", lan_down_limit ); List<Map<String,Object>> d_list = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); map.put( "dms", d_list ); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: download_limits.entrySet()){ Map<String,Object> m = new HashMap<String,Object>(); d_list.add( m ); exportString( m, "k", entry.getKey()); exportInt( m, "u", entry.getValue()[0]); exportInt( m, "d", entry.getValue()[1]); } List<Map<String,Object>> c_list = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); map.put( "cts", c_list ); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: category_limits.entrySet()){ Map<String,Object> m = new HashMap<String,Object>(); c_list.add( m ); exportString( m, "k", entry.getKey()); exportInt( m, "u", entry.getValue()[0]); exportInt( m, "d", entry.getValue()[1]); } List<Map<String,Object>> t_list = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); map.put( "tgs", t_list ); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: tag_limits.entrySet()){ Map<String,Object> m = new HashMap<String,Object>(); t_list.add( m ); exportString( m, "k", entry.getKey()); exportInt( m, "u", entry.getValue()[0]); exportInt( m, "d", entry.getValue()[1]); } return( map ); } private void loadForReset() { // just maintain the auto upload setting over a reset auto_up_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); } private void loadCurrent() { auto_up_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); auto_up_seeding_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_SEEDING_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); seeding_limits_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_SEEDING_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY ); up_limit = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_CONFIGKEY ); up_seeding_limit = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_SEEDING_CONFIGKEY ); down_limit = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.DOWNLOAD_CONFIGKEY ); lan_rates_enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "LAN Speed Enabled" ); lan_up_limit = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max LAN Upload Speed KBs" ); lan_down_limit = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "Max LAN Download Speed KBs" ); download_limits.clear(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); List<DownloadManager> downloads = gm.getDownloadManagers(); for ( DownloadManager download: downloads ){ TOTorrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); byte[] hash = null; if ( torrent!= null ){ try{ hash = torrent.getHash(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } if ( hash != null ){ int download_up_limit = download.getStats().getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(); int download_down_limit = download.getStats().getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(); if ( download_up_limit > 0 || download_down_limit > 0 ){ download_limits.put( Base32.encode( hash ), new int[]{ download_up_limit, download_down_limit }); } } } Category[] categories = CategoryManager.getCategories(); category_limits.clear(); for ( Category category: categories ){ int cat_up_limit = category.getUploadSpeed(); int cat_down_limit = category.getDownloadSpeed(); if ( cat_up_limit > 0 || cat_down_limit > 0 ){ category_limits.put( category.getName(), new int[]{ cat_up_limit, cat_down_limit }); } } List<TagType> tag_types = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager().getTagTypes(); tag_limits.clear(); for ( TagType tag_type: tag_types ){ if ( tag_type.getTagType() == TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY ){ continue; } if ( tag_type.hasTagTypeFeature( TagFeature.TF_RATE_LIMIT )){ List<Tag> tags = tag_type.getTags(); for ( Tag tag: tags ){ TagFeatureRateLimit rl = (TagFeatureRateLimit)tag; int tag_up_limit = rl.getTagUploadLimit(); int tag_down_limit = rl.getTagDownloadLimit(); if ( tag_up_limit > 0 || tag_down_limit > 0 ){ tag_limits.put( tag_type.getTagType() + "." + tag.getTagID(), new int[]{ tag_up_limit, tag_down_limit }); } } } } } private int[] getLimitsForDownload( String hash ) { return( download_limits.get( hash )); } private void addRemoveDownloads( List<String> hashes, boolean add ) { GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); for ( String hash: hashes ){ if ( add ){ DownloadManager download = gm.getDownloadManager( new HashWrapper( Base32.decode( hash ))); if ( download != null ){ int download_up_limit = download.getStats().getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(); int download_down_limit = download.getStats().getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(); if ( download_up_limit > 0 || download_down_limit > 0 ){ download_limits.put(hash, new int[]{ download_up_limit, download_down_limit }); } } }else{ download_limits.remove( hash ); } } } private void apply() { // don't manage this properly because the speedmanager has a 'memory' of // the last upload limit in force before it became active and we're // not persisting this... rare use case methinks anyway COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY, auto_up_enabled ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.AUTO_UPLOAD_SEEDING_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY, auto_up_seeding_enabled ); if ( !( auto_up_enabled || auto_up_seeding_enabled )){ COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_CONFIGKEY, up_limit ); } COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_SEEDING_ENABLED_CONFIGKEY, seeding_limits_enabled ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.UPLOAD_SEEDING_CONFIGKEY, up_seeding_limit ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.DOWNLOAD_CONFIGKEY, down_limit ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "LAN Speed Enabled", lan_rates_enabled ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "Max LAN Upload Speed KBs", lan_up_limit ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "Max LAN Download Speed KBs", lan_down_limit ); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); Set<DownloadManager> all_managers = new HashSet<DownloadManager>( gm.getDownloadManagers()); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: download_limits.entrySet()){ byte[] hash = Base32.decode( entry.getKey()); DownloadManager dm = gm.getDownloadManager( new HashWrapper( hash )); if ( dm != null ){ int[] limits = entry.getValue(); dm.getStats().setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( limits[0] ); dm.getStats().setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( limits[1] ); all_managers.remove( dm ); } } for ( DownloadManager dm: all_managers ){ dm.getStats().setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( 0 ); dm.getStats().setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( 0 ); } //cats Set<Category> all_categories = new HashSet<Category>( Arrays.asList(CategoryManager.getCategories())); Map<String, Category> cat_map = new HashMap<String, Category>(); for ( Category c: all_categories ){ cat_map.put( c.getName(), c ); } for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: category_limits.entrySet()){ String cat_name = entry.getKey(); Category category = cat_map.get( cat_name ); if ( category != null ){ int[] limits = entry.getValue(); category.setUploadSpeed( limits[0] ); category.setDownloadSpeed( limits[1] ); all_categories.remove( category ); } } for ( Category category: all_categories ){ category.setUploadSpeed( 0 ); category.setDownloadSpeed( 0 ); } // tags TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); List<TagType> all_tts = tm.getTagTypes(); Set<Tag> all_rl_tags = new HashSet<Tag>(); for ( TagType tt: all_tts ){ if ( tt.getTagType() == TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY ){ continue; } if ( tt.hasTagTypeFeature( TagFeature.TF_RATE_LIMIT )){ all_rl_tags.addAll( tt.getTags()); } } for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: tag_limits.entrySet()){ String tag_key = entry.getKey(); String[] bits = tag_key.split( "\\." ); try{ int tag_type = Integer.parseInt( bits[0] ); int tag_id = Integer.parseInt( bits[1] ); TagType tt = tm.getTagType( tag_type ); if ( tt == null || !tt.hasTagTypeFeature( TagFeature.TF_RATE_LIMIT )){ continue; } Tag tag = tt.getTag( tag_id ); if ( tag == null ){ continue; } TagFeatureRateLimit rl = (TagFeatureRateLimit)tag; int[] limits = entry.getValue(); rl.setTagUploadLimit( limits[0] ); rl.setTagDownloadLimit( limits[1] ); all_rl_tags.remove( tag ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } for ( Tag tag: all_rl_tags ){ try{ TagFeatureRateLimit rl = (TagFeatureRateLimit)tag; rl.setTagUploadLimit( 0 ); rl.setTagDownloadLimit( 0 ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } private List<String> getString( boolean is_current, boolean use_hashes ) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add( "Global Limits" ); if ( auto_up_enabled ){ result.add( " Auto upload limit enabled" ); }else if ( auto_up_seeding_enabled ){ result.add( " Auto upload seeding limit enabled" ); }else{ result.add( " " + formatUp( up_limit*1024 )); if ( seeding_limits_enabled ){ result.add( " Seeding only limit enabled" ); result.add( " Seeding only: " + format( up_seeding_limit*1024 )); } } result.add( " " + formatDown( down_limit*1024 )); if ( lan_rates_enabled ){ result.add( "" ); result.add( " LAN limits enabled" ); result.add( " " + formatUp( lan_up_limit*1024 )); result.add( " " + formatDown( lan_down_limit*1024 )); } result.add( "" ); result.add( "Download Limits" ); int total_download_limits = 0; int total_download_limits_up = 0; int total_download_limits_up_disabled = 0; int total_download_limits_down = 0; int total_download_limits_down_disabled = 0; GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: download_limits.entrySet()){ String hash_str = entry.getKey(); byte[] hash = Base32.decode( hash_str ); DownloadManager dm = gm.getDownloadManager( new HashWrapper( hash )); if ( dm != null ){ int[] limits = entry.getValue(); total_download_limits++; int up = limits[0]; int down = limits[1]; if ( up < 0 ){ total_download_limits_up_disabled++; }else{ total_download_limits_up += up; } if ( down < 0 ){ total_download_limits_down_disabled++; }else{ total_download_limits_down += down; } result.add( " " + (use_hashes?hash_str.substring(0,16):dm.getDisplayName()) + ": " + formatUp( up ) + ", " + formatDown( down )); } } if ( total_download_limits == 0 ){ result.add( " None" ); }else{ result.add( " ----" ); result.add( " Total=" + total_download_limits + " - Compounded limits: " + formatUp( total_download_limits_up ) + (total_download_limits_up_disabled==0?"":( " [" + total_download_limits_up_disabled + " disabled]" )) + ", " + formatDown( total_download_limits_down ) + (total_download_limits_down_disabled==0?"":( " [" + total_download_limits_down_disabled + " disabled]" ))); } Category[] categories = CategoryManager.getCategories(); Map<String, Category> cat_map = new HashMap<String, Category>(); for ( Category c: categories ){ cat_map.put( c.getName(), c ); } result.add( "" ); result.add( "Category Limits" ); int total_cat_limits = 0; int total_cat_limits_up = 0; int total_cat_limits_down = 0; for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: category_limits.entrySet()){ String cat_name = entry.getKey(); Category category = cat_map.get( cat_name ); if ( category != null ){ if ( category.getType() == Category.TYPE_UNCATEGORIZED ){ cat_name = "Uncategorised"; } int[] limits = entry.getValue(); total_cat_limits++; int up = limits[0]; int down = limits[1]; total_cat_limits_up += up; total_cat_limits_down += down; result.add( " " + cat_name + ": " + formatUp( up ) + ", " + formatDown( down )); } } if ( total_cat_limits == 0 ){ result.add( " None" ); }else{ result.add( " ----" ); result.add( " Total=" + total_cat_limits + " - Compounded limits: " + formatUp( total_cat_limits_up ) + ", " + formatDown( total_cat_limits_down )); } result.add( "" ); result.add( "Tag Limits" ); int total_tag_limits = 0; int total_tag_limits_up = 0; int total_tag_limits_down = 0; TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); for ( Map.Entry<String,int[]> entry: tag_limits.entrySet()){ String tag_key = entry.getKey(); String[] bits = tag_key.split( "\\." ); try{ int tag_type = Integer.parseInt( bits[0] ); int tag_id = Integer.parseInt( bits[1] ); TagType tt = tm.getTagType( tag_type ); if ( tt == null || !tt.hasTagTypeFeature( TagFeature.TF_RATE_LIMIT )){ continue; } Tag tag = tt.getTag( tag_id ); if ( tag == null ){ continue; } String tag_name = tt.getTagTypeName( true ) + " - " + tag.getTagName( true ); int[] limits = entry.getValue(); total_tag_limits++; int up = limits[0]; int down = limits[1]; total_tag_limits_up += up; total_tag_limits_down += down; result.add( " " + tag_name + ": " + formatUp( up ) + ", " + formatDown( down )); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } if ( total_tag_limits == 0 ){ result.add( " None" ); }else{ result.add( " ----" ); result.add( " Total=" + total_tag_limits + " - Compounded limits: " + formatUp( total_tag_limits_up ) + ", " + formatDown( total_tag_limits_down )); } if ( is_current ){ Map<LimitedRateGroup,List<Object>> plugin_limiters = new HashMap<LimitedRateGroup, List<Object>>(); List<DownloadManager> dms = gm.getDownloadManagers(); for ( DownloadManager dm: dms ){ for ( boolean upload: new Boolean[]{ true, false }){ List<LimitedRateGroup> limiters = trim( dm.getRateLimiters( upload )); for ( LimitedRateGroup g: limiters ){ List<Object> entries = plugin_limiters.get( g ); if ( entries == null ){ entries = new ArrayList<Object>(); plugin_limiters.put( g, entries ); entries.add( upload ); entries.add( new int[]{ 0 }); } entries.add( dm ); } } PEPeerManager pm = dm.getPeerManager(); if ( pm != null ){ List<PEPeer> peers = pm.getPeers(); for ( PEPeer peer: peers ){ for ( boolean upload: new Boolean[]{ true, false }){ List<LimitedRateGroup> limiters = trim( peer.getRateLimiters( upload )); for ( LimitedRateGroup g: limiters ){ List<Object> entries = plugin_limiters.get( g ); if ( entries == null ){ entries = new ArrayList<Object>(); plugin_limiters.put( g, entries ); entries.add( upload ); entries.add( new int[]{ 1 }); }else{ ((int[])entries.get(1))[0]++; } } } } } } result.add( "" ); result.add( "Plugin Limits" ); if ( plugin_limiters.size() == 0 ){ result.add( " None" ); }else{ List<String> plugin_lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( Map.Entry<LimitedRateGroup,List<Object>> entry: plugin_limiters.entrySet()){ LimitedRateGroup group = entry.getKey(); List<Object> list = entry.getValue(); boolean is_upload = (Boolean)list.get(0); int peers = ((int[])list.get(1))[0]; String line = " " + group.getName() + ": " + (is_upload?formatUp( group.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()):formatDown( group.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond())); if ( peers > 0 ){ line += ", peers=" + peers; } if ( list.size() > 2 ){ line += ", downloads=" + (list.size()-2); } plugin_lines.add( line ); } Collections.sort( plugin_lines ); result.addAll( plugin_lines ); } } return( result ); } } private class ScheduleRule { private static final byte FR_MON = 0x01; private static final byte FR_TUE = 0x02; private static final byte FR_WED = 0x04; private static final byte FR_THU = 0x08; private static final byte FR_FRI = 0x10; private static final byte FR_SAT = 0x20; private static final byte FR_SUN = 0x40; private static final byte FR_OVERFLOW = (byte)0x80; private static final byte FR_WEEKDAY = ( FR_MON | FR_TUE | FR_WED | FR_THU | FR_FRI ); private static final byte FR_WEEKEND = ( FR_SAT | FR_SUN ); private static final byte FR_DAILY = ( FR_WEEKDAY | FR_WEEKEND ); private String profile_name; private byte frequency; private int from_mins; private int to_mins; private ScheduleRule( byte _freq, String _profile, int _from, int _to ) { frequency = _freq; profile_name = _profile; from_mins = _from; to_mins = _to; } private List<ScheduleRule> splitByDay() { List<ScheduleRule> result = new ArrayList<ScheduleRule>(); if ( to_mins > from_mins ){ result.add( this ); }else{ // handle rules that wrap across days. e.g. 23:00 to 00:00 byte next_frequency = (byte)(frequency << 1 ); if ((next_frequency & FR_OVERFLOW ) != 0 ){ next_frequency &= ~FR_OVERFLOW; next_frequency |= FR_MON; } ScheduleRule rule1 = new ScheduleRule( frequency, profile_name, from_mins, 23*60+59 ); ScheduleRule rule2 = new ScheduleRule( next_frequency, profile_name, 0, to_mins ); result.add( rule1 ); result.add( rule2 ); } return( result ); } private boolean sameAs( ScheduleRule other ) { if ( other == null ){ return( false ); } return( frequency == other.frequency && profile_name.equals( other.profile_name ) && from_mins == other.from_mins && to_mins == other.to_mins ); } public String getString() { String freq_str = ""; if ( frequency == FR_DAILY ){ freq_str = "daily"; }else if ( frequency == FR_WEEKDAY ){ freq_str = "weekdays"; }else if ( frequency == FR_WEEKEND ){ freq_str = "weekends"; }else if ( frequency == FR_MON ){ freq_str = "mon"; }else if ( frequency == FR_TUE ){ freq_str = "tue"; }else if ( frequency == FR_WED ){ freq_str = "wed"; }else if ( frequency == FR_THU ){ freq_str = "thu"; }else if ( frequency == FR_FRI ){ freq_str = "fri"; }else if ( frequency == FR_SAT ){ freq_str = "sat"; }else if ( frequency == FR_SUN ){ freq_str = "sun"; } return( "profile=" + profile_name + ", frequency=" + freq_str + ", from=" + getTime( from_mins ) + ", to=" + getTime( to_mins )); } private String getTime( int mins ) { String str = getTimeBit( mins/60 ) + ":" + getTimeBit( mins % 60 ); return( str ); } private String getTimeBit( int num ) { String str = String.valueOf( num ); if ( str.length() < 2 ){ str = "0" + str; } return( str ); } } private static class NetLimit { private String profile; private long[] limits; private NetLimit( String _profile, long _total_lim, long _up_lim, long _down_lim ) { profile = _profile; limits = new long[]{ _total_lim, _up_lim, _down_lim }; } private String getProfile() { return( profile ); } private long[] getLimits() { return( limits ); } } private class IPSetTagType extends TagTypeWithState { private final int[] color_default = { 132, 16, 57 }; private IPSetTagType() { super( TagType.TT_PEER_IPSET, TagPeer.FEATURES, "tag.type.ipset" ); addTagType(); } @Override public int[] getColorDefault() { return( color_default ); } } private class IPSet { private final String name; private long[][] ranges = new long[0][]; private Set<String> country_codes = new HashSet<String>(); private boolean inverse; private List<String> categories; private boolean has_explicit_up_lim; private boolean has_explicit_down_lim; private long last_send_total = -1; private long last_recv_total = -1; //private Average send_rate = Average.getInstance(1000, 10); //average over 10s, update every 1000ms //private Average receive_rate = Average.getInstance(1000, 10); //average over 10s, update every 1000ms private Average send_rate = AverageFactory.MovingImmediateAverage( 10 ); private Average receive_rate = AverageFactory.MovingImmediateAverage( 10 ); private RateLimiter up_limiter; private RateLimiter down_limiter; private TagPeerImpl tag_impl; private IPSet( String _name ) { name = _name; up_limiter = plugin_interface.getConnectionManager().createRateLimiter( "ips-" + name, 0 ); down_limiter = plugin_interface.getConnectionManager().createRateLimiter( "ips-" + name, 0 ); } private void initialise( int tag_id ) { if ( ip_set_tag_type != null ){ tag_impl = new TagPeerImpl( tag_id ); } if ( !has_explicit_up_lim ){ up_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + tag_id + ".up", 0 )); } if ( !has_explicit_down_lim ){ down_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + tag_id + ".down", 0 )); } } private void setParameters( boolean _inverse, int _up_lim, int _down_lim, List<String> _cats ) { inverse = _inverse; has_explicit_up_lim = _up_lim >= 0; if ( !has_explicit_up_lim ){ _up_lim = 0; } has_explicit_down_lim = _down_lim >= 0; if ( !has_explicit_down_lim ){ _down_lim = 0; } up_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( _up_lim ); down_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( _down_lim ); categories = _cats.size()==0?null:_cats; } private boolean addCIDRorCC( String cidr_or_cc ) { if ( Character.isDigit( cidr_or_cc.charAt( 0 ))){ String cidr = cidr_or_cc; int pos = cidr.indexOf( '/' ); if ( pos == -1 ){ return( false ); } String address = cidr.substring( 0, pos ); // no ipv6 atm if ( address.contains( ":" )){ return( false ); } try{ byte[] start_bytes = HostNameToIPResolver.syncResolve( address ).getAddress(); int cidr_mask = Integer.parseInt( cidr.substring( pos+1 )); int rev_mask = 0; for (int i=0;i<32-cidr_mask;i++){ rev_mask = ( rev_mask << 1 ) | 1; } start_bytes[0] &= ~(rev_mask>>24); start_bytes[1] &= ~(rev_mask>>16); start_bytes[2] &= ~(rev_mask>>8); start_bytes[3] &= ~(rev_mask); byte[] end_bytes = start_bytes.clone(); end_bytes[0] |= (rev_mask>>24)&0xff; end_bytes[1] |= (rev_mask>>16)&0xff; end_bytes[2] |= (rev_mask>>8)&0xff; end_bytes[3] |= (rev_mask)&0xff; long l_start = ((long)((start_bytes[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (start_bytes[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (start_bytes[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | start_bytes[3]&0x000000ff))&0xffffffffL; long l_end = ((long)((end_bytes[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (end_bytes[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (end_bytes[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | end_bytes[3]&0x000000ff))&0xffffffffL; //System.out.println( cidr + " -> " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( start_bytes ) + " - " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( end_bytes ) + ": " + ((l_end-l_start+1))); int len = ranges.length; long[][] new_ranges = new long[len+1][]; for (int i=0;i<len;i++){ new_ranges[i] = ranges[i]; } new_ranges[len] = new long[]{ l_start, l_end }; ranges = new_ranges; return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ return( false ); } }else{ String cc = cidr_or_cc; if ( cc.length() != 2 ){ return( false ); } country_codes.add( cc.toUpperCase( Locale.US )); return( true ); } } private void addSet( IPSet other ) { long[][] new_ranges = new long[ ranges.length + other.ranges.length ][]; System.arraycopy( ranges, 0, new_ranges, 0, ranges.length ); System.arraycopy( other.ranges, 0, new_ranges, ranges.length, other.ranges.length ); ranges = new_ranges; country_codes.addAll( other.country_codes ); } private String getName() { return( name ); } private long[][] getRanges() { return( ranges ); } private Set<String> getCountryCodes() { return( country_codes ); } private RateLimiter getUpLimiter() { return( up_limiter ); } private RateLimiter getDownLimiter() { return( down_limiter ); } private List<String> getCategories() { return( categories ); } private void updateStats( int tick_count ) { long send_total = up_limiter.getRateLimitTotalByteCount(); long recv_total = down_limiter.getRateLimitTotalByteCount(); if ( last_send_total != -1 ){ long send_diff = send_total - last_send_total; long recv_diff = recv_total - last_recv_total; send_rate.update( send_diff ); receive_rate.update( recv_diff ); } last_send_total = send_total; last_recv_total = recv_total; TagPeerImpl tag = tag_impl; if ( tag != null ){ tag.update(tick_count ); } } private boolean isInverse() { return( inverse ); } private void addPeer( Peer peer ) { TagPeerImpl tag = tag_impl; if ( tag != null ){ tag.add( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( peer )); } } private void removePeer( Peer peer ) { TagPeerImpl tag = tag_impl; if ( tag != null ){ tag.remove( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( peer )); } } private void destroy() { if ( tag_impl != null ){ tag_impl.removeTag(); tag_impl = null; } } private String getAddressString() { long address_count = 0; for ( long[] range: ranges ){ address_count += range[1] - range[0] + 1; } return( String.valueOf( address_count )); } private String getDetailString() { return( name + ": Up=" + format(up_limiter.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()) + " (" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec((long)send_rate.getAverage()) + ")" + ", Down=" + format( down_limiter.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()) + " (" + DisplayFormatters.formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec((long)receive_rate.getAverage()) + ")" + ", Addresses=" + getAddressString() + ", Inverse=" + inverse + ", Categories=" + categories ); } private class TagPeerImpl extends TagBase implements TagPeer { private Object UPLOAD_PRIORITY_ADDED_KEY = new Object(); private int upload_priority; private Set<PEPeer> added_peers = new HashSet<PEPeer>(); private Set<PEPeer> pending_peers = new HashSet<PEPeer>(); private TagPeerImpl( int tag_id ) { super( ip_set_tag_type, tag_id, name ); addTag(); upload_priority = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + getTagID() + ".uppri", 0 ); } public int getTaggableTypes() { return( Taggable.TT_PEER ); } private void update( int tick_count ) { List<PEPeer> to_remove = null; List<PEPeer> to_add = null; synchronized( this ){ if ( tick_count % 5 == 0 ){ Iterator<PEPeer> it = added_peers.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ PEPeer peer = it.next(); if ( peer.getPeerState() == PEPeer.DISCONNECTED ){ it.remove(); if ( to_remove == null ){ to_remove = new ArrayList<PEPeer>(); } to_remove.add( peer ); } } } Iterator<PEPeer> it = pending_peers.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext()){ PEPeer peer = it.next(); int state = peer.getPeerState(); if ( state == PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){ it.remove(); added_peers.add( peer ); if ( to_add == null ){ to_add = new ArrayList<PEPeer>(); } to_add.add( peer ); }else if ( state == PEPeer.DISCONNECTED ){ it.remove(); // no need to untag as never added } } } if ( to_add != null ){ for ( PEPeer peer: to_add ){ addTaggable( peer ); } } if ( to_remove != null ){ for ( PEPeer peer: to_remove ){ removeTaggable( peer ); } } } private void add( PEPeer peer ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( peer.getPeerState() == PEPeer.TRANSFERING ){ if ( added_peers.contains( peer )){ return; } pending_peers.remove( peer ); added_peers.add( peer ); }else{ pending_peers.add( peer ); return; } } addTaggable( peer ); } private void remove( PEPeer peer ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( pending_peers.remove( peer )){ return; } if ( !added_peers.remove( peer )){ return; } } removeTaggable( peer ); } public void addTaggable( Taggable t ) { if ( upload_priority > 0 ){ ((PEPeer)t).updateAutoUploadPriority( UPLOAD_PRIORITY_ADDED_KEY, true ); } super.addTaggable( t ); } public void removeTaggable( Taggable t ) { if ( upload_priority > 0 ){ ((PEPeer)t).updateAutoUploadPriority( UPLOAD_PRIORITY_ADDED_KEY, false ); } super.removeTaggable( t ); } public int getTaggedCount() { synchronized( this ){ return( added_peers.size()); } } public List<PEPeer> getTaggedPeers() { synchronized( this ){ return( new ArrayList<PEPeer>( added_peers )); } } public Set<Taggable> getTagged() { synchronized( this ){ return( new HashSet<Taggable>( added_peers )); } } public boolean hasTaggable( Taggable t ) { synchronized( this ){ return( added_peers.contains( t )); } } public boolean supportsTagRates() { return( true ); } public boolean supportsTagUploadLimit() { return( !has_explicit_up_lim ); } public boolean supportsTagDownloadLimit() { return( !has_explicit_down_lim ); } public int getTagUploadLimit() { return( up_limiter.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()); } public void setTagUploadLimit( int bps ) { if ( supportsTagUploadLimit()){ up_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( bps ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + getTagID() + ".up", bps ); } } public int getTagCurrentUploadRate() { return( (int)send_rate.getAverage()); } public int getTagDownloadLimit() { return( down_limiter.getRateLimitBytesPerSecond()); } public void setTagDownloadLimit( int bps ) { if ( supportsTagDownloadLimit()){ down_limiter.setRateLimitBytesPerSecond( bps ); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + getTagID() + ".down", bps ); } } public int getTagCurrentDownloadRate() { return( (int)receive_rate.getAverage()); } public boolean getCanBePublicDefault() { return( false ); } public int getTagUploadPriority() { return( upload_priority ); } public void setTagUploadPriority( int priority ) { if ( priority < 0 ){ priority = 0; } if ( priority == upload_priority ){ return; } int old_up = upload_priority; upload_priority = priority; COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "speed.limit.handler.ipset_n." + getTagID() + ".uppri", priority ); if ( old_up == 0 || priority == 0 ){ List<PEPeer> peers = getTaggedPeers(); for ( PEPeer peer: peers ){ peer.updateAutoUploadPriority( UPLOAD_PRIORITY_ADDED_KEY, priority>0 ); } } } public void removeTag() { if ( upload_priority > 0 ){ List<PEPeer> peers = getTaggedPeers(); for ( PEPeer peer: peers ){ peer.updateAutoUploadPriority( UPLOAD_PRIORITY_ADDED_KEY, false ); } } super.removeTag(); } } } }