/* * Created on 16-Sep-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.net.upnp.impl.services; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.UPnPAction; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.UPnPActionArgument; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.UPnPActionInvocation; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.UPnPException; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.UPnPService; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.services.UPnPOfflineDownloader; public class UPnPSSOfflineDownloaderImpl implements UPnPOfflineDownloader { private UPnPServiceImpl service; protected UPnPSSOfflineDownloaderImpl( UPnPServiceImpl _service ) { service = _service; } public UPnPService getGenericService() { return( service ); } public long getFreeSpace( String client_id ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "GetFreeSpace" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "GetFreeSpace not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewFreeSpace")){ return( Long.parseLong( arg.getValue())); } } throw( new UPnPException( "result not found" )); } } public void activate( String client_id ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "Activate" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "Activate not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ return; } } throw( new UPnPException( "status not found" )); } } public String[] setDownloads( String client_id, String hash_list ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "SetDownloads" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "SetDownloads not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHashList", hash_list ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); String result = null; String status = null; for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewSetDownloadsResultList")){ result = arg.getValue(); }else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ status = arg.getValue(); } } if ( result != null && status != null ){ return( new String[]{ result, status }); } throw( new UPnPException( "result or status not found" )); } } public String addDownload( String client_id, String hash, String torrent ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "AddDownload" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "AddDownload not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHash", hash ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentData", torrent ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ return( arg.getValue()); } } throw( new UPnPException( "result not found" )); } } public String addDownloadChunked( String client_id, String hash, String chunk, int offset, int total_size ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "AddDownloadChunked" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "AddDownloadChunked not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHash", hash ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentData", chunk ); inv.addArgument( "NewChunkOffset", String.valueOf( offset )); inv.addArgument( "NewTotalLength", String.valueOf( total_size )); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ return( arg.getValue()); } } throw( new UPnPException( "result not found" )); } } public String[] updateDownload( String client_id, String hash, String required_map ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "UpdateDownload" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "UpdateDownload not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHash", hash ); inv.addArgument( "NewPieceRequiredMap", required_map ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); String have = null; String status = null; for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewPieceHaveMap")){ have = arg.getValue(); }else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ status = arg.getValue(); } } if ( have != null && status != null ){ return( new String[]{ have, status }); } throw( new UPnPException( "have or status not found" )); } } public String removeDownload( String client_id, String hash ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "RemoveDownload" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "RemoveDownload not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHash", hash ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); String status = null; for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ status = arg.getValue(); } } if ( status != null ){ return( status ); } throw( new UPnPException( "status not found" )); } } public String[] startDownload( String client_id, String hash ) throws UPnPException { UPnPAction act = service.getAction( "StartDownload" ); if ( act == null ){ throw( new UPnPException( "StartDownload not supported" )); }else{ UPnPActionInvocation inv = act.getInvocation(); inv.addArgument( "NewClientID", client_id ); inv.addArgument( "NewTorrentHash", hash ); UPnPActionArgument[] args = inv.invoke(); String status = null; String data_port = null; for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ UPnPActionArgument arg = args[i]; String name = arg.getName(); if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewStatus")){ status = arg.getValue(); }else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase("NewDataPort")){ data_port = arg.getValue(); } } if ( status != null && data_port != null ){ return( new String[]{ data_port, status }); } throw( new UPnPException( "status or data port not found" )); } } }