/* * Created on Feb 6, 2009 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2009 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.impl; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerPiece; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrentFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AERunnable; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AESemaphore; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEThread2; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AsyncDispatcher; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DelayedEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.FileUtil; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.IndentWriter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ipc.IPCInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.DelayedTask; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInitializer; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.UtilitiesImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.devices.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.download.DiskManagerFileInfoURL; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.messenger.config.PlatformDevicesMessenger; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.average.Average; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.average.AverageFactory; public class TranscodeQueueImpl implements TranscodeQueue { private static final String CONFIG_FILE = "xcodejobs.config"; private static final Object KEY_XCODE_ERROR = new Object(); private TranscodeManagerImpl manager; private List<TranscodeJobImpl> queue = new ArrayList<TranscodeJobImpl>(); private AESemaphore queue_sem = new AESemaphore( "XcodeQ" ); private AEThread2 queue_thread; private volatile TranscodeJobImpl current_job; private AsyncDispatcher anaylsis_dispatcher = new AsyncDispatcher(); private CopyOnWriteList<TranscodeQueueListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteList<TranscodeQueueListener>(); private CopyOnWriteList<TranscodeQueueActionListener> action_listeners = new CopyOnWriteList<TranscodeQueueActionListener>(); private volatile boolean paused; private volatile int max_bytes_per_sec; private volatile boolean config_dirty; protected TranscodeQueueImpl( TranscodeManagerImpl _manager ) { manager = _manager; } protected void initialise() { loadConfig(); COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListeners( new String[]{ "xcode.queue.paused", "xcode.queue.maxbps", }, new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String name ) { paused = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "xcode.queue.paused", false ); max_bytes_per_sec = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "xcode.queue.maxbps", 0 ); } }); DelayedTask delayed_task = UtilitiesImpl.addDelayedTask( "TranscodeQueue:schedule", new Runnable() { public void run() { schedule(); } }); delayed_task.queue(); } protected boolean process( final TranscodeJobImpl job ) { TranscodePipe pipe = null; current_job = job; DeviceImpl device = job.getDevice(); device.setTranscoding( true ); try{ job.starts(); TranscodeProvider provider = job.getProfile().getProvider(); final TranscodeException[] error = { null }; TranscodeProfile profile = job.getProfile(); final TranscodeFileImpl transcode_file = job.getTranscodeFile(); TranscodeProviderAnalysis provider_analysis; boolean xcode_required; if ( provider == null ){ xcode_required = false; provider_analysis = null; }else{ provider_analysis = analyse( job ); xcode_required = provider_analysis.getBooleanProperty( TranscodeProviderAnalysis.PT_TRANSCODE_REQUIRED ); int tt_req; if ( job.isStream()){ // already advertised as a transcoded asset so no option not to // transcode (as name/format would change if decided not to transcode and then // this would confuse the clients) tt_req = TranscodeTarget.TRANSCODE_ALWAYS; }else{ tt_req = job.getTranscodeRequirement(); // audio hack for PSP audio if ( device instanceof TranscodeTarget ){ if ( provider_analysis.getLongProperty( TranscodeProviderAnalysis.PT_VIDEO_HEIGHT ) == 0 ){ if (((TranscodeTarget)device).isAudioCompatible( transcode_file )){ tt_req = TranscodeTarget.TRANSCODE_NEVER; } } } } if ( tt_req == TranscodeTarget.TRANSCODE_NEVER ){ xcode_required = false; }else if ( tt_req == TranscodeTarget.TRANSCODE_ALWAYS ){ xcode_required = true; provider_analysis.setBooleanProperty( TranscodeProviderAnalysis.PT_FORCE_TRANSCODE, true ); } } if ( xcode_required ){ final AESemaphore xcode_sem = new AESemaphore( "xcode:proc" ); final TranscodeProviderJob[] provider_job = { null }; TranscodeProviderAdapter xcode_adapter = new TranscodeProviderAdapter() { private boolean resolution_updated; private final int ETA_AVERAGE_SIZE = 10; private int last_eta; private int eta_samples; private Average eta_average = AverageFactory.MovingAverage(ETA_AVERAGE_SIZE); private int last_percent; private long initial_file_downloaded = job.getFile().getDownloaded(); private long file_size = job.getFile().getLength(); public void updateProgress( int percent, int eta_secs, int new_width, int new_height ) { last_eta = eta_secs; last_percent = percent; TranscodeProviderJob prov_job = provider_job[0]; if ( prov_job == null ){ return; } int job_state = job.getState(); if ( job_state == TranscodeJob.ST_CANCELLED || job_state == TranscodeJob.ST_REMOVED ){ prov_job.cancel(); }else if ( paused || job_state == TranscodeJob.ST_PAUSED ){ prov_job.pause(); }else{ if ( job_state == TranscodeJob.ST_RUNNING ){ prov_job.resume(); } job.updateProgress( percent, eta_secs ); prov_job.setMaxBytesPerSecond( max_bytes_per_sec ); if ( !resolution_updated ){ if ( new_width > 0 && new_height > 0 ){ transcode_file.setResolution( new_width, new_height ); resolution_updated = true; } } } } public void streamStats( long connect_rate, long write_speed ) { // problem on OSX with some files thrashing the indirect piped input // and eventually failing - try and spot this behaviour and revert // to direct input if needed if ( Constants.isOSX && job.getEnableAutoRetry() && job.canUseDirectInput() && job.getAutoRetryCount() == 0 ){ if ( connect_rate > 5 && last_percent < 100 ){ long eta = (long)eta_average.update(last_eta ); eta_samples++; if ( eta_samples >= ETA_AVERAGE_SIZE ){ long total_time = (eta*100 )/(100-last_percent); long total_write = total_time*write_speed; DiskManagerFileInfo file = job.getFile(); long length = file.getLength(); if ( length > 0 ){ double over_write = ((double)total_write)/length; if ( over_write > 5.0 ){ failed( new TranscodeException( "Overwrite limit exceeded, abandoning transcode" )); provider_job[0].cancel(); } } } }else{ eta_samples = 0; } } } public void failed( TranscodeException e ) { try{ if ( error[0] == null ){ error[0] = e; } if ( e.isRetryDisabled()){ job.setEnableAutoRetry( false ); } }finally{ xcode_sem.release(); } } public void complete() { try{ // sanity check: for incomplete files at the start of the process ensure that they have completed long current_downloaded = job.getFile().getDownloaded(); if ( file_size > 0 && initial_file_downloaded < file_size && current_downloaded < file_size ){ if ( error[0] == null ){ // actually this ain't so simple as we stream data prior to hash check completion (otherwise for // large piece sizes we could be waiting for 4MB to complete downloading before playback) // and getDownloaded() only returns the verified data size long contiguous_downloaded = 0; try{ DiskManagerFileInfo _file_info = job.getFile(); Download download = _file_info.getDownload(); org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo file_info = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( _file_info ); TOTorrentFile torrent_file = file_info.getTorrentFile(); TOTorrent torrent = torrent_file.getTorrent(); TOTorrentFile[] torrent_files = torrent.getFiles(); long byte_start = 0; for ( TOTorrentFile tf: torrent_files ){ if ( tf == torrent_file ){ break; } byte_start += tf.getLength(); } DiskManager dm = download.getDiskManager(); if ( dm == null ){ throw( new Exception( "Download stopped" )); } DiskManagerPiece[] pieces = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( dm ).getPieces(); long piece_size = torrent.getPieceLength(); int first_piece_index = (int)( byte_start / piece_size ); int first_piece_offset = (int)( byte_start % piece_size ); int last_piece_index = torrent_file.getLastPieceNumber(); DiskManagerPiece first_piece = pieces[first_piece_index]; if ( !first_piece.isDone()){ boolean[] blocks = first_piece.getWritten(); if ( blocks == null ){ if ( first_piece.isDone()){ contiguous_downloaded = first_piece.getLength() - first_piece_offset; } }else{ int piece_offset = 0; for (int j=0;j<blocks.length;j++){ if ( blocks[j] ){ int block_size = first_piece.getBlockSize( j ); piece_offset = piece_offset + block_size; if ( contiguous_downloaded == 0 ){ if ( piece_offset > first_piece_offset ){ contiguous_downloaded = piece_offset - first_piece_offset; } }else{ contiguous_downloaded += block_size; } }else{ break; } } } }else{ contiguous_downloaded = first_piece.getLength() - first_piece_offset; for (int i=first_piece_index+1;i<=last_piece_index;i++){ DiskManagerPiece piece = pieces[i]; if ( piece.isDone()){ contiguous_downloaded += piece.getLength(); }else{ boolean[] blocks = piece.getWritten(); if ( blocks == null ){ if ( piece.isDone()){ contiguous_downloaded += piece.getLength(); }else{ break; } }else{ for (int j=0;j<blocks.length;j++){ if ( blocks[j] ){ contiguous_downloaded += piece.getBlockSize( j ); }else{ break; } } } break; } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ // Debug.out( e ); } if ( contiguous_downloaded < file_size ){ // things might have improved, check again current_downloaded = job.getFile().getDownloaded(); if ( current_downloaded < file_size ){ Debug.out( "Premature transcode termination: init=" + initial_file_downloaded + ", curr=" + current_downloaded + ", len=" + file_size ); error[0] = new TranscodeException( "Transcode terminated prematurely" ); } } } } }finally{ xcode_sem.release(); } } }; boolean direct_input = job.useDirectInput(); if ( job.isStream()){ /* provider_job[0] = provider.transcode( adapter, job.getFile(), profile, new File( "C:\\temp\\arse").toURI().toURL()); */ pipe = new TranscodePipeStreamSource2( new TranscodePipeStreamSource2.streamListener() { public void gotStream( InputStream is ) { job.setStream( is ); } }); provider_job[0] = provider.transcode( xcode_adapter, provider_analysis, direct_input, job.getFile(), profile, new URL( "tcp://" + pipe.getPort())); }else{ File output_file = transcode_file.getCacheFile(); provider_job[0] = provider.transcode( xcode_adapter, provider_analysis, direct_input, job.getFile(), profile, output_file.toURI().toURL()); } provider_job[0].setMaxBytesPerSecond( max_bytes_per_sec ); TranscodeQueueListener listener = new TranscodeQueueListener() { public void jobAdded( TranscodeJob job ) { } public void jobChanged( TranscodeJob changed_job ) { if ( changed_job == job ){ int state = job.getState(); if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_PAUSED ){ provider_job[0].pause(); }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_RUNNING ){ provider_job[0].resume(); }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_CANCELLED || state == TranscodeJob.ST_STOPPED ){ provider_job[0].cancel(); } } } public void jobRemoved( TranscodeJob removed_job ) { if ( removed_job == job ){ provider_job[0].cancel(); } } }; try{ addListener( listener ); xcode_sem.reserve(); }finally{ removeListener( listener ); } if ( error[0] != null ){ throw( error[0] ); } }else{ // no transcode required... DiskManagerFileInfo source = job.getFile(); transcode_file.setTranscodeRequired( false ); if ( job.isStream()){ PluginInterface av_pi = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID( "azupnpav" ); if ( av_pi == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Media Server plugin not found" )); } IPCInterface av_ipc = av_pi.getIPC(); String url_str = (String)av_ipc.invoke( "getContentURL", new Object[]{ source }); if ( url_str == null || url_str.length() == 0 ){ // see if we can use the file directly File source_file = source.getFile(); if ( source_file.exists()){ job.setStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( source_file ))); }else{ throw( new TranscodeException( "No UPnPAV URL and file doesn't exist" )); } }else{ URL source_url = new URL( url_str ); job.setStream( source_url.openConnection().getInputStream()); } }else{ boolean url_input_source = source instanceof DiskManagerFileInfoURL; if ( device.getAlwaysCacheFiles() || url_input_source ){ PluginInterface av_pi = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID( "azupnpav" ); if ( av_pi == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Media Server plugin not found" )); } IPCInterface av_ipc = av_pi.getIPC(); String url_str = (String)av_ipc.invoke( "getContentURL", new Object[]{ source }); InputStream is; long length; if ( url_str == null || url_str.length() == 0 ){ // see if we can use the file directly if ( url_input_source ){ ((DiskManagerFileInfoURL)source).download(); } File source_file = source.getFile(); if ( source_file.exists()){ is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( source_file )); length = source_file.length(); }else{ throw( new TranscodeException( "No UPnPAV URL and file doesn't exist" )); } }else{ URL source_url = new URL( url_str ); URLConnection connection = source_url.openConnection(); is = source_url.openConnection().getInputStream(); String s = connection.getHeaderField( "content-length" ); if ( s != null ){ length = Long.parseLong( s ); }else{ length = -1; } } OutputStream os = null; final boolean[] cancel_copy = { false }; TranscodeQueueListener copy_listener = new TranscodeQueueListener() { public void jobAdded( TranscodeJob job ) { } public void jobChanged( TranscodeJob changed_job ) { if ( changed_job == job ){ int state = job.getState(); if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_PAUSED ){ }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_RUNNING ){ }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_CANCELLED || state == TranscodeJob.ST_STOPPED ){ cancel_copy[0] = true; } } } public void jobRemoved( TranscodeJob removed_job ) { if ( removed_job == job ){ cancel_copy[0] = true; } } }; try{ addListener( copy_listener ); os = new FileOutputStream( transcode_file.getCacheFile()); long total_copied = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[128*1024]; while( true ){ if ( cancel_copy[0] ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Copy cancelled" )); } int len = is.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } os.write( buffer, 0, len ); total_copied += len; if ( length > 0 ){ job.updateProgress((int)( total_copied*100/length ), -1 ); } total_copied += len; } }finally{ try{ is.close(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } try{ if ( os != null ){ os.close(); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } removeListener( copy_listener ); } } } } job.complete(); return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ job.failed( e ); e.printStackTrace(); if ( !job.isStream() && job.getEnableAutoRetry() && job.getAutoRetryCount() == 0 && job.canUseDirectInput() && !job.useDirectInput()){ log( "Auto-retrying transcode with direct input" ); job.setUseDirectInput(); job.setAutoRetry( true ); queue_sem.release(); } return( false ); }finally{ if ( pipe != null ){ pipe.destroy(); } device.setTranscoding( false ); current_job = null; } } protected void schedule() { synchronized( this ){ if ( queue.size() > 0 && queue_thread == null ){ queue_thread = new AEThread2( "XcodeQ", true ) { public void run() { try{ while( true ){ checkJobStatus(); boolean got = queue_sem.reserve( 30*1000 ); TranscodeJobImpl job = null; synchronized( TranscodeQueueImpl.this ){ if ( !got ){ if ( queue.size() == 0 ){ queue_thread = null; return; } } for ( TranscodeJobImpl j: queue ){ int state = j.getState(); // pick up any existing paused ones (remember, paused=running but with transcode paused if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_FAILED && j.isAutoRetry()){ j.setAutoRetry( false ); j.reset(); job = j; break; }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_PAUSED ){ // remember paused here is paused after an azureus // restart as 'process' blocks on pause job = j; }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_QUEUED ){ if ( job == null && j.getDownloadETA() == 0 ){ job = j; } } } } checkJobStatus(); if ( job != null ){ if ( process( job )){ try{ remove( job, true ); }catch( TranscodeActionVetoException e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } } }finally{ checkJobStatus(); } } }; queue_thread.start(); } } } protected void updateStatus( int tick_count ) { int queue_size; synchronized( this ){ queue_size = queue.size(); } if ( queue_size > 0 ){ TranscodeJobImpl[] jobs = getJobs(); for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: jobs ){ job.updateStatus(); } } } protected void checkJobStatus() { Set<DeviceImpl> devices = new HashSet<DeviceImpl>( Arrays.asList(manager.getManager().getDevices())); synchronized( this ){ for ( TranscodeJobImpl j: queue ){ if ( j.getState() == TranscodeJob.ST_FAILED ){ DeviceImpl device = j.getDevice(); device.setError( KEY_XCODE_ERROR, MessageText.getString( "device.error.xcodefail" )); devices.remove( device ); } } } for ( DeviceImpl device: devices ){ device.setError( KEY_XCODE_ERROR, null ); } } public TranscodeJobImpl add( TranscodeTarget target, TranscodeProfile profile, DiskManagerFileInfo file, boolean add_stopped ) throws TranscodeException { return( add( target, profile, file, add_stopped, false, TranscodeTarget.TRANSCODE_UNKNOWN )); } public TranscodeJobImpl add( TranscodeTarget target, TranscodeProfile profile, DiskManagerFileInfo file, int transcode_requirement, boolean add_stopped ) throws TranscodeException { return( add( target, profile, file, add_stopped, false, transcode_requirement )); } public TranscodeJobImpl add( TranscodeTarget target, TranscodeProfile profile, DiskManagerFileInfo file, boolean add_stopped, boolean stream, int transcode_requirement ) throws TranscodeException { TranscodeFileImpl existing_tf = ((DeviceImpl)target.getDevice()).lookupFile( profile, file ); if ( existing_tf != null ){ List<TranscodeJobImpl> to_remove = new ArrayList<TranscodeJobImpl>(); synchronized( this ){ for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: queue ){ if ( job.getTarget() == target && job.getTranscodeFile().equals( existing_tf )){ to_remove.add( job ); } } } for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: to_remove ){ job.removeForce(); } if ( !stream ){ existing_tf.delete( true ); } } TranscodeJobImpl job = new TranscodeJobImpl( this, target, profile, file, add_stopped, transcode_requirement, stream ); try{ synchronized( this ){ queue.add( job ); queue_sem.release(); configDirty(); } for ( TranscodeQueueListener listener: listeners ){ try{ listener.jobAdded( job ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } }finally{ schedule(); } return( job ); } protected void remove( TranscodeJobImpl job, boolean force ) throws TranscodeActionVetoException { synchronized( this ){ if ( !queue.contains( job )){ return; } } if ( !force ){ for ( TranscodeQueueActionListener l: action_listeners ){ try{ l.jobWillBeActioned( job, TranscodeQueueActionListener.ACT_REMOVE ); }catch( TranscodeActionVetoException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e); } } } synchronized( this ){ if ( !queue.remove( job )){ return; } } configDirty(); job.destroy(); for ( TranscodeQueueListener listener: listeners ){ try{ listener.jobRemoved( job ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } checkJobStatus(); schedule(); } protected void jobChanged( TranscodeJob job, boolean schedule, boolean persistable ) { for ( TranscodeQueueListener listener: listeners ){ try{ listener.jobChanged( job ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } if ( persistable ){ configDirty(); } if ( schedule ){ queue_sem.release(); schedule(); } } protected int getIndex( TranscodeJobImpl job ) { synchronized( this ){ return( queue.indexOf(job)+1); } } public TranscodeJobImpl[] getJobs() { synchronized( this ){ return( queue.toArray( new TranscodeJobImpl[queue.size()])); } } public int getJobCount() { synchronized( this ){ return( queue.size()); } } public TranscodeJob getCurrentJob() { return( current_job ); } public boolean isTranscoding() { return( current_job != null ); } protected TranscodeJobImpl getJob( TranscodeFile for_file ) { synchronized( this ){ for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: queue ){ if ( job.getTranscodeFile().equals( for_file )){ return( job ); } } } return( null ); } public void moveUp( TranscodeJobImpl job ) { TranscodeJob[] updated; synchronized( this ){ int index = queue.indexOf( job ); if ( index <= 0 || queue.size() == 1 ){ return; } queue.remove( job ); queue.add( index-1, job ); updated = getJobs(); } for ( TranscodeJob j: updated ){ jobChanged( j, false, true ); } } public void moveDown( TranscodeJobImpl job ) { TranscodeJob[] updated; synchronized( this ){ int index = queue.indexOf( job ); if ( index < 0 || index == queue.size() - 1 ){ return; } queue.remove( job ); queue.add( index+1, job ); updated = getJobs(); } for ( TranscodeJob j: updated ){ jobChanged( j, false, true ); } } public void pause() { if ( !paused ){ if ( paused ){ COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "xcode.paused", true ); } } } public boolean isPaused() { return( paused ); } public void resume() { if ( paused ){ COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "xcode.queue.paused", false ); } } public long getMaxBytesPerSecond() { return( max_bytes_per_sec ); } public void setMaxBytesPerSecond( long max ) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "xcode.queue.maxbps", max ); } protected TranscodeTarget lookupTarget( String target_id ) throws TranscodeException { return( manager.lookupTarget( target_id )); } protected TranscodeProfile lookupProfile( String profile_id ) throws TranscodeException { TranscodeProfile profile = manager.getProfileFromUID( profile_id ); if ( profile == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Transcode profile with id '" + profile_id + "' not found" )); } return( profile ); } protected DiskManagerFileInfo lookupFile( byte[] hash, int index ) throws TranscodeException { return( manager.lookupFile( hash, index )); } protected void analyse( final TranscodeJobImpl job, final TranscodeAnalysisListener listener ) throws TranscodeException { anaylsis_dispatcher.dispatch( new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { try{ TranscodeProviderAnalysis analysis = analyse( job ); listener.analysisComplete( job, analysis ); }catch( TranscodeException e ){ listener.analysisFailed( job, e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ listener.analysisFailed( job, new TranscodeException( "Analysis failed", e )); } } }); } protected TranscodeProviderAnalysis analyse( final TranscodeJobImpl job ) throws TranscodeException { TranscodeProvider provider = job.getProfile().getProvider(); if ( provider == null ){ throw( new TranscodeException( "Transcode provider not available" )); } final TranscodeException[] error = { null }; TranscodeProfile profile = job.getProfile(); final AESemaphore analysis_sem = new AESemaphore( "analysis:proc" ); final boolean was_stopped = job.getState() == TranscodeJob.ST_STOPPED; TranscodeProviderAdapter analysis_adapter = new TranscodeProviderAdapter() { public void updateProgress( int percent, int eta_secs, int width, int height ) { } public void streamStats( long connect_rate, long write_speed ) { } public void failed( TranscodeException e ) { error[0] = e; analysis_sem.release(); } public void complete() { analysis_sem.release(); } }; final TranscodeProviderAnalysis provider_analysis = provider.analyse( analysis_adapter, job.getFile(), profile ); TranscodeQueueListener analysis_q_listener = new TranscodeQueueListener() { public void jobAdded( TranscodeJob job ) { } public void jobChanged( TranscodeJob changed_job ) { if ( changed_job == job ){ int state = job.getState(); if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_CANCELLED ){ provider_analysis.cancel(); }else if ( state == TranscodeJob.ST_STOPPED ){ // only treat this as a failure if the job was initially // running and has been explicitly stopped if ( !was_stopped ){ provider_analysis.cancel(); } } } } public void jobRemoved( TranscodeJob removed_job ) { if ( removed_job == job ){ provider_analysis.cancel(); } } }; try{ addListener( analysis_q_listener ); analysis_sem.reserve(); }finally{ removeListener( analysis_q_listener ); } if ( error[0] != null ){ throw( error[0] ); } TranscodeFileImpl transcode_file = job.getTranscodeFile(); transcode_file.update( provider_analysis ); return( provider_analysis ); } protected void configDirty() { synchronized( this ){ if ( config_dirty ){ return; } config_dirty = true; new DelayedEvent( "TranscodeQueue:save", 5000, new AERunnable() { public void runSupport() { synchronized( TranscodeQueueImpl.this ){ if ( !config_dirty ){ return; } saveConfig(); } } }); } } protected void loadConfig() { if ( !FileUtil.resilientConfigFileExists( CONFIG_FILE )){ return; } log( "Loading configuration" ); try{ synchronized( this ){ Map map = FileUtil.readResilientConfigFile( CONFIG_FILE ); List<Map<String,Object>> l_jobs = (List<Map<String,Object>>)map.get( "jobs" ); if ( l_jobs != null ){ for ( Map<String,Object> m: l_jobs ){ try{ TranscodeJobImpl job = new TranscodeJobImpl( this, m ); queue.add(job ); queue_sem.release(); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to restore job: " + m, e ); } } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Configuration load failed", e ); } } protected void saveConfig() { synchronized( this ){ config_dirty = false; if ( queue.size() == 0 ){ FileUtil.deleteResilientConfigFile( CONFIG_FILE ); }else{ Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); List<Map<String,Object>> l_jobs = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); map.put( "jobs", l_jobs ); for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: queue ){ if ( job.isStream()){ continue; } try{ l_jobs.add( job.toMap()); }catch( Throwable e ){ log( "Failed to save job", e ); } } FileUtil.writeResilientConfigFile( CONFIG_FILE, map ); } } } protected void close() { if ( config_dirty ){ saveConfig(); } } public void addListener( TranscodeQueueListener listener ) { if (!listeners.contains(listener)) { listeners.add( listener ); } } public void removeListener( TranscodeQueueListener listener ) { listeners.remove( listener ); } public void addActionListener( TranscodeQueueActionListener listener ) { action_listeners.add( listener ); } public void removeActionListener( TranscodeQueueActionListener listener ) { action_listeners.remove( listener ); } protected void log( String str ) { manager.log( "Queue: " + str ); } protected void log( String str, Throwable e ) { manager.log( "Queue: " + str, e ); } public void generate( IndentWriter writer ) { writer.println( "Transcode Queue: paused=" + paused + ",max_bps=" + max_bytes_per_sec ); try{ writer.indent(); TranscodeJobImpl[] jobs = getJobs(); for ( TranscodeJobImpl job: jobs ){ job.generate( writer ); } }finally{ writer.exdent(); } } }